The Royal Society Colonized The US in 1660


  • Slaves were required to toil 60-70 hours every week.
  • Their children were home school educated
  • Punishment for revolts was cruel and inhumane
  • Their Masters lived a plush lifestyle
  • Freedom was restricted – available to only the select few
  • The quality of food was bare minimum
  • Housing units were small and cramped
  • Enslaved men and women created their own cultural means of living to provide unity
  • Slaves were divided into levels of hierarchy in labor
  • Sometimes the Masters took the children away from the slaves
  • Slaves were not allowed to defend themselves against violence
  • Leaving the Master’s property without permission was prohibited
  • Militias were created to enforce slave laws
  • Sometimes slaves feigned illness to get out of working
  • They were taught specific tasks like cooking, cleaning, carpentry, ranching, branding, etc…
  • They were required to perform all their own personal maintenance
  • As slaves, they had no rights within the confines of their plantation

LIFE was Brutal!

Except what I am describing above is the ‘evolution’ of slavery. Today, a slave is called an employee.

The terminology of slave and slavery have simply been rebranded with the assistance of propaganda, illusion, and heady marketing campaigns.   Workers today are effectively subjected to much the same conditions as slaves of the 1800’s, albeit in an advanced industrialized society.   The quality of life has somewhat adapted and elevated, but the suppression of labour is no different.   And the disparity of wealth is purposeful.

We don’t realize this shift because of the mass hypnosis employed by various ‘intelligensia agencies’ have told us slavery ended.


In the 1600’s, letters were sent to friends and relatives in England and abroad encouraging them to come to America where ‘labourers’ could earn much more, sometimes 3 times more. Of course, the reasoning was the fact that in order to sustain and grow the wealth among the Aristocrats, the colonies needed more people to create an evolutionary revolution of labor.

Initially, Laborers in the 1600’s were given the same constraints as slaves including lack of property ownership.   Governing colonies were reticent, they didn’t want to share wealth, they wanted to create more for themselves in a repressed society. The concept of allocating property to the commoners became a bitter battle.

It was called “Prosperity Legislation’.

In addition, if a man had a particular trade as a craftsman, the colonies would not allow him to change his trade or become a farmer. Because Farmers were the lifeblood.   They were also the Masters. The Masters who came from England and built a New America.

At the end of the Civil War, the Sharecropping solution was developed.   Former slaves were allowed tracts of land to farm as tenants – for the Master Plantation owner.   Much like the Okies during the Dustbowl of the 1930’s.   Slave Labor – just redefined.

Today a Master is a Boss, a plantation is a corporation or manufacturing facility, and a minimum wage is supposed to afford you the means to buy what was given to slaves for free – poor housing, poor nutritional food – and bills.

Of course there are some advances today vs historical slavery. Today we fill out an application for the privilege of being a peasant laborer.   “Yes, sir.”    A Salary means no overtime for the 60-80 hour work-week.   We have to navigate multiple bus routes, traffic jams and train delays – and if we are late we are docked pay!   Like a slave. “Sorry sir, it won’t happen again”.

People line up at the grocery store to buy Wonder bread, corn flakes, potato chips and sodas – poor quality – but affordable nutrition.   The Plantation Corporate Bosses are dining on caviar, lobster, and Angus beef, because ‘value’ was predetermined centuries ago by the Royal families.

Nothing has changed it has just been rebranded.

It is an interesting chronicle that our Founding Fathers were all Democrat plantation owners of great wealth and British Aristocracy. They established the plenary system of wealth and poverty while carefully rebranding kings as presidents – and slaves as labourers.

The New America was a way to appease the Crown in establishing yet another colony.   A colony created under an illusion of freedom. A colony beholden to the Crown for eternity.   A colony that answers to The Royal Society. A Society coincidentally founded in 1660 and today overlorded by King Charles.

The Royal Society was Founded by Robert Boyle – a Rosicrucian. The pre-cursor to the Free Masons and The Knights Templar. In Western culture – the Rosicrucian movement adopted the philosophy of esotericism. By the nineteenth century, esoteric thought evolved into the mystic occult of wicca and satanism. A secular culture of magic, gnosis, the principle that all religions must merge, formal initiations and enchantment was adopted.

It would seem to closely align with the ideologies of the World Economic Forum, Epstein, Gates, and Soros as they consider themselves ‘enlightened’ and of a ‘higher knowledge’ than the commoners. They have attributed to themselves ‘second sight’ and the ability to foretell the future.

According to a recent Royal Society Report, their priorities in the short term will include data, climate change, net zero and energy, genome editing (altering DNA with Cripsr technology), and biodiversity. Overall, the Royal Society’s aim is to assure that global governments recognize that Science is The Master.   In 2018, Elon Musk became a Fellow.

National Archives Partnership Alliance with Wikimedia Foundation – sponsored by Obama, SOROS and Clinton

A letter from the National Archives ‘acting director’ Debra Steidel Wall dated from May 2022 is making the rounds.   The letter details how Steidel has determined that documents retrieved from Trump in January were forthwith being turned over to the FBI. The letter is dated 10 days after the actual Director, David Ferriero, quit. He was originally appointed by Obama in 2009. A rather bold move for an “Acting Director” newly minted just 10 days prior. Fierriero was simultaneously appointed as the head of the newly created National Declassification Center.

NARA has some interesting alliances.  

Upon appointment in 2009, Ferriero established a ‘relationship’ with Wikipedia and the Wikimedia Foundation.   In that relationship, Ferriero hired an in resident Wikipedia editor to work for NARA.

One of the Board Trustees of Wikimedia Foundation is McKinsey and Company.   One of their Independent contractors is Minassian Media whose founder is a full time executive at the Clinton Foundation.   The chair of the board, Nataliia Tymkiv, is the financial director for a Ukrainian media nonprofit.

Endowment funding for Wikimedia includes the Tides Foundation, Amazon, Google, Facebook and George Soros. All of which explains their involvement in the US National Archives via former Director, Ferriero.   Reveals that Obama/Clinton are behind the Mar a Lago raid. And likely reveals they have ALL had access to and been privy to every National Security Document since its inception!

The Tides Foundation website declares:   Tides: A Force for Social Good!    Tides is a philanthropic partner and nonprofit accelerator dedicated to building a world of shared prosperity and social justice.

Tide’s Board has affiliations with Obama, Janet Reno, Microsoft, HP, UNICEF, China, Harvard, etc…

Concern that a former sitting President would have access to classified documents in his possession seems rather mundane when in reality we see that the National Archives is run by Soros, Obama and Clinton with unfettered alliance-access by Amazon, Google, Facebook and Microsoft.   Google is also in charge of digitizing Obama’s 33 million documents including classified records, which has yet to be completed… but poses a significant national security risk!  The statement that NARA has read thru all 33 million Obama records to determine classification is absurdity at BEST!

The initial collaboration between Wikimedia and NARA was a covert operation that helped to destabilize national security while gaining ‘open’ access to literally every mechanism within our government. Other Partnerships include: UK Royal Society, WHO, and Prince William.

It would thus now make sense that Obama’s $65 million advance for his Library and digitalization has gone nowhere but his bank account.   Although Obama hedges why his documents have NOT been digitized – the process could be completed internally with the purchase of IBM equipment and finalized within a month.   It has been six YEARS!

The fact that NARA is clearly another puppet organization of the Soros-Obama-Clinton Transparency in Government organization cherry picking documents with NO Oversight – selling documents to outside sources could be a motive!   Attacking Trump in this FBI Operation simply furthers the evidence that the FBI is also an agency of Obama and Clinton via Soros.

NARA is run so profoundly bad that a Freedom of Information Request can literally take YEARS!   Requests for classified documents can take decades. WHY?   Because they are searching through 11 billion + records. But also because certain documents are ‘off-limits’ per the tech and corporate leaders who now run NARA.

In 2009, Obama created the “Open Government Plan”. The Plan specifically targeted such agencies as Homeland Security, DoD, NARA, and the FOIA   Over the course of his tenure he updated the Plan 4 times, the last was stated to be effective from 2016 thru 2018.   The assumption for the 2018 time stamp was based on Hillary winning the election.   Her failure put the Open Government initiative into a tailspin.

The plan states:   “that the strongest foundation for human progress lies in open economies, open societies, and in open governments.” 

The last entry for the Open Government Plan was September 2016 which was released by NARA.

While the Open Government Plan was attributed to Obama, it was the brainchild of the United Nations – Open Government Partnership.   Its founders included: Indonesia, Norway, Mexico, Brazil, The Philippines, South Africa – the US and UK. Its donors include: Open Society Foundation, Omidyar, Ford Foundation, Hewlett Foundation and “UK Government’.

The Partnership goals include civil society engagement in government accountability. However, to simplify this engagement, the Partnership created a Civil Society Engagement Team to represent – civil society!

The Fall Of The American Western Empire

When Biden makes his dementia child known to the powers of the world, they don’t just mock him, but they mock our entire government from Congress to the Pentagon to a Federal Reserve that is powerless and incompetent.   The door to the candy store is wide open, there is no one minding the store, and all the candy is ‘FREE’!   If anything, these powers are busily divvying up America to the highest bidders.

China wants land and agriculture.   Done.   The Middle East wants water.   Done.   Africa wants money.   Done.   Tony Blair has declared SUCCESS in the crumbling of western global dominance.  “Western politics is in turmoil – more partisan, ugly, unproductive; and fueled by social media.”  

And the Western Empire has Fallen!

Historically, when a global power has been destroyed, they are crippled, their land taken, their governments quashed, their law and Constitution shred.   The Ottoman Empire.   The Roman Empire.   The British Empire.   Germania.   Since recorded time – Empires Rise and they Fall.

The Fall of America was a coercion of internal implosion – manipulated – coordinated – and decided.

Were ALL previous Falls also purposeful?

The Ottoman Empire reigned for over 600 years.   During this time the peak of its power brought prosperity, as well as the highest development of its governmental, social, and economic systems.  It’s defeat after WWI meant partitioning, demolition of its government, and the emergence of smaller less powerful statehoods.

The supposed cause of WWI was of little real merit – the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary by young revolutionary Bosnians.   However, like Zelenskyy, Ferdinand was a distraction, a decoy.   Ordinary people gave the incident little thought or care, but The Royals of Britain, Germany and France used the execution as fodder to erupt into an all out world war.  The mobilization of Imperial Russia was used as further impetus and the ‘racist nationalism’ that was inherent in every allied vs belligerent country was used to foment enemies and allies.

The People were incited to hate each other by The Royals.  The Royals instigated the war.  People that previously harbored little animosity were radicalized into abject Hatred.

Who were these Royals?    At the outbreak of the First World War the monarchies of Britain, Germany and Russia were all held by the descendants of Queen Victoria.

FRANCE:  French statesman Raymond Poincaré served as president during WWI having achieved an authoritarian government wherein ALL opponents were executed.  He was anti-German and pro-Russia.

Imperial Russia:  Was ruled by King Nicholas II who was later assassinated with his wife and five daughters by the Bolsheviks.  The Bolsheviks were essentially of Jewish/German heritage and supported by Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany, a descendant of Queen Victoria.  Nicholas’ wife was the Russian descendant of Queen Victoria.  Thus, Russia’s descendancy was annihilated.

As WWI wore down, Russia became the defacto target of Germany.  When the Bolsheviks took control, Russia’s economy and global status was annihilated.   The Empire Fell.  Thus by the end of WWI both the Ottoman and Russian Empires no longer existed.  With Russia subjected to authoritarian dictatorship, mass executions, starvation, poverty, and a period of Dark Ages, the Ottoman Empire simply vanished.

The Middle East after WWI was partitioned by Britain and the UK and colonized.  Losses were staggering, entire societies decimated, land ravaged, and the social, economic, and psychological impacts were devastating.   Misery was profound.

The same country and Royals that destroyed Empires for the last 100+ years are busily re-instigating another upheaval.   The target is always the same – the Empire.   The result is always the same – profound war and an economy and society devolved into primitive conditions.   Klaus Schwab of Ashkenazi descent would be the chosen Trigger Terrorist.

Queen Victoria’s current living descendants include:  Queen Elizabeth, Prince Phillip, King Harold V of Norway, King Felipe VI of Spain, King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden, Queen Margareth II of Denmark, King Phillippe of Belgium.  All but two were descended on both their mother and father’s sides.  

However, there are numerous additional descendants who occupy various elitist roles in banking, shipping and oil.

The Spanish Empire rose via Monarchial colonization in the late 15th century encompassing most of America, a vast portion of South America, parts of Europe and a hovel in Africa.  The Spanish American war was the catalyst to its ultimate Fall.

The monarchies that ruled every Empire until WWII are still quite viable and likely perceive of a possible joint effort in a colonized global effort that we call the New World Order.   The Royal Society and Chatham House would represent their Headquarters.

In order to achieve this NWO effort, classes of society must be dissolved to a point in comparison to that of previous ruling parties, ie the elite and the peasants.  Middle Class disrupts this power control and its elimination is a necessary transition process.   But achieving this vast Gamet is far different when facing 8 billion people verses 550 million in 1500 – oddly the same level of population the Georgia Guidestones claimed was the optimal perpetual balance.

The largest Empire was the British which encompassed roughly 35% of the globe.   There has never been a ‘global Empire’.   With the loss of Russia, the current trend has shifted dramatically and a globalization One World is likely NOT possible.   While North America, Canada, Australia and Europe would seemingly have fallen as an Empire, they represent a relatively small portion of the globe.

Having lost the BRICS which recently announced the addition of Egypt, Turkey and Saudi Arabia, the power vacuum of the Royals is considerably diluted.   Putin announced the BRICS to be the New World Order – comprised of sovereign nations which embrace capitalist vs authoritarian Monarchial Rule.

The evolution of the Internet was not perceived by the globalists.   The Power of Information has put thousands of holes in the dyke.  While the west may not be salvaged given the extent of internal spores of evil, the global BRICS may very well become the New Empire.

Elon Musk: UAW & Teamsters Rule White House. But Prince Charles = Global Monarch

the White House pulling the Brandon strings.   The two most influential unions are the Teamsters and the United Auto Workers.   The UAW not only covers auto workers but has expanded to incorporate ‘agriculture and aerospace’ as well.  Oddly, both of their president’s were newly elected in 2021;   Sean O’Brien = Teamsters president and Ray Curry = UAW.   The previous UAW president was sentenced to nearly 2 years in jail in 2021 for embezzlement.

As a part of their internal Constitution adopted in 2018, one preamble states:   The UAW must play an active role at all levels of government to protect the lives and rights of its members and their families. We must work constantly on the political and legislative problems facing the whole society”.

The Teamster Union has been in failed negotiations with US Foods for a year without resolve.   The union thought a walkout of drivers might push the envelope.   Instead, US Foods President, Pietro Santiano, came up with a more innovative means of hiring their own drivers via internal training and promotions and – immigrants.  Immigrants can obtain visas for short term or long term work.   Currently immigrants represent roughly 20% of all US truck drivers.   The vast majority come from Mexico, India, Cuba and Guatemala, although Ukraine and Poland are also represented.

Since taking office ‘union friendly’ Brandon has stacked the deck:  Biden appointed former union official Marty Walsh as Labor secretary, stacked the National Labor Relations Board with union alums, and has issued a spate of union-friendly executive orders.

Due to corruption and fraud, union membership was in a steady decline over the last decade.  However, under Biden membership is booming.   Federal workers are eligible for unionization.   Tech giants have lost the battle against unions.   Google and Amazon have partially unionized since the Brandon White House coup.  Power has again been installed~!

And most recently, unions began to descend on Tesla.   Musk has politely declined.

The Uni Workers Union is sponsored by the World Economic Forum and is an international coalition.   The motto is “ensuring more democratic workplaces lead to more democratic societies.”    In this the far left liberals are in agreement… for now.   The claim is ‘equity of wealth’.   Of course this ‘equality’ does NOT translate to Bezos, Musk, Zuckerberg, or any of the elite who have surpassed the menial $50 billion mark of net worth equality!   And would seem more tuned toward a common unionized wage for all peasant workers.

The fact that unions are synonymous with organized crime, aka the mafia, seems to evade the Brandon regime.   And given the Brandon Family Corrupt monetary alliances with Ukraine and China, the mafia likely holds Brandon by the proverbial ‘balls’.

While former president Hoffa and O’Brien had a power play falling out O’Brien harnessed the power of the UPS to back his appointment.   The same UPS that assisted the democrats in the Trump coup wherein ballots were irregularly dated, falsified, and de-harvested for impropriety.   In other words, O’Brien was a Cabal Player in the creation of a Brandon election victory walk down dementia lane.

“The general public is not aware of the degree to which unions control the Democratic Party. One does not need to speculate on this point,” Musk told the interviewers.

The speculation that Obama is the puppet Master is short sided.   A Roundtable Committee is likely behind the elected puppet politicians – with the Queen positioned at the Head.   Throwing out extreme positions knowing they will be met with hysteria only gives them more glory in their vision of chaos.   And that feed of energy now stands to be snuffed should the Trump republicans take control.

But while the mental institution crazies are busily garnering a necessary distraction the UN is gaining Power.   Obama is part of the distraction committee, he hasn’t the wisdom or intellect to pull off any other ‘chore’.   Hillary waddles between both extremes, working the UN while coming to the rescue of failed distractors on occasion.

Michael Bloomberg is hosting the Qatar Economic Forum.   Elon Musk is virtually speaking at the Qatar Economic Forum.  And Prince Charles arrived – picked up a suitcase with $3 million in cash – and left!    Much like the Mafia taking their 10%.  The Queen – the Royal Society – are the Heads of State of the Mafia.  Prince Charles recently traveled to Romania purportedly to meet Ukraine refugees, and to Ottawa – payments are DUE!  

Prince Charles is a member of the WEF, a proponent for the Great RESET, sustainability, planned cities, and has stated that a global military style Marshall Plan is necessary in order to achieve these goals.   Suddenly, NATO has declared they are boosting their military from 30,000 soldiers to over 300,000…

While Charles’ stated goals of returning earth to its natural state are shared by Elon Musk the difference lies in the means of achievement. 

Prince Charles was raised and trained by his grand Uncle, Louis Mountbatten, a unique arrangement that was supported by Charles’ parents.   Mountbatten was accused of being a pedophile.   His driver claims that young boys aged 8-12 were frequently transported to locations for ‘entertainment’.  Residents of the Kincora boys home alleged that they were trafficked by Mountbatten.   And some who found themselves privy to this knowledge have been suicided…    Diana?   The Queen is preparing for her death.  Prince Charles would thus take over the entirety of the global monarchy.   Many feel he is unworthy…

The internet has proven the bane of these elites.  Unraveling and revealing information that previously could easily be thwarted as false conspiracies.    But what is certain is that blackmail is the driver.   And the fate of this Cult going forward is on unstable ground under the coming leadership of Prince Charles.  Does he have the necessary edge to take over such a massive role?

Bill Gates – Global Pandemic Preparedness Tour

Bill Gates is on an international apology tour and telling the world at large that he is really, really sorry for all the pain, death and destruction he has caused….   NOT!   He is on a tour, but it is to promote more vaccines, more death, and that he’s in deep regret fro meeting with Jeffrey Epstein 37 times – although it was just business.   Sitting slouched in his chair, looking quite dowdy and old, Gates is doing what Gates does best – Marketing.  

Promoting China-like lockdowns for the next Pandemic, Gates voices his grave concern that someone like Musk could make disinformation even worse!   Dastardly!   Why is he parlaying a global lockdown mandate?

In March CEPI held a Summit regarding Global Pandemic Preparedness.   The end result was to acknowledge that vaccines must be on the market within 100 days and trials will not be conducted given that the manufacturer is the best source of efficacy rating.   Safety will not be considered since it is irrelevant.   Bye-bye FDA authorization or approval.

The initiative can’t move forward unless players give Bill Gates, aka CEPI, the $3.5 billion necessary to ‘reimagine global regulatory systems’.   As a ‘down payment’ of allegiance!    World Health Organization, Tedros, was present at the Summit and thanked everyone for making him the global Tzar of Pandemic totalitarian rule.   King Tedros will decide what every country must do to ensure that insanity and death prevails.

The means of distribution on a global level requires that vaccine factories be created across various continental/country landscapes.   These factories will continue to manufacture their polio and HIV vaccines but can spin on a dime and switch to a release of a Pandemic vaccine once WHO gives the high-five!

Of course, the 100 day mark is the long side. With competing Big Pharma manufacturers vying to be first, pushing out a vaccine in 10 days given the inside scoop of what viral agent Gates wants to use for the Pandemic is paramount.   Bribes will be rampant in order to get the first media Exhortation!   Moderna and Johnson & Johnson were at the Summit as were reps from GAVI, the Wellcome Trust, the UK Government Chief Scientific Advisor, and Oxford University.   It is worth mentioning, Sir Patrick Vallance, the chief scientific advisor?   He comes from GlaxoSmithKline.

Vallance is a member of the UK’s Royal Society.   A stodgy, self promoting, hollywoodish membership that allows the sitting president to determine if torturing an animal during Big Pharma experiments is justified despite the cruelty!   Cruelty To Animals Act 1876.

The Royal Society came about via an organization of ‘natural philosophers’ who wanted to share their thoughts, beliefs and experiments.   Something painters likened during the beginnings of the impressionists.   The Royal Society evolved into an adjunct of Big Pharma during the Rockefeller indoctrination.   And painters – well they filed after the childish and inane blobs of paint on canvas such as Philip Guston.

Given the CEPI Summit’s purpose was to crown WHO as King Pandemic Enforcer, Gates began a global media tour to attempt to modify his reputation as Darth Vadar.   It isn’t working.   Government pawns of the Cabal bow and scrape, but they have lost the populace – and that is their downfall.

The Soros agenda was to insert worthless brain dead sock-puppets into all positions of government control whether senators, governors, DA’s, or city council leaders.   The Cabalists thought this was enough to secure their overlord.   It was this lizard brain thought process that revealed their weakness – and unveils the fact that they are not normal.   IN fact, Doug Casey refers to them as ‘sociopaths’ – whose traits include:   Illegal acts, conning others, aggressiveness, disregard & violation of the rights of others, repeated lying, reckless disregard for safety, physical fights and assaults, and conning…   This would apply to literally every member of the US Congress.

Casey states that when good people become encapsulated within this psychosis – they escape – they leave to preserve their own sanity.   Leaving only the sociopaths left to rule. Congress.

Lastly, it should bear reveal that at the CEPI Summit, the focus of their ‘global vax factories’ focus inordinately on Africa.    You see, in the CoVid Vax scenario, Africa was one of the least vaccinated – and this presents a problem for future depopulation attempts.   Kenya is of particular interest given they have caved to the GAVI/Who ordinance and Gates claims they WANT more vaccines created and marketed to their people to mediate scarce supplies.

2025 is the proposed year for the next major Pandemic.   Eliciting that we have exactly 3 years to destroy this Agenda and eradicate the Vax Mandate, we are given a space of time.   It is – most definitely possible!   Knowledge is of paramount importance.   Knowledge is garnered via Social Media.   Which is why the furtherance of attacks against Musk and Twitter which has the power to upend everything they hold true to hail Satan.