Merry Christ Day

I was brought up to believe that the Bolsheviks that invaded Russia were merely ‘peasants’ who were subjugated and enslaved under an imperialist rule. That they were whole and good people, people of loyalty and ethic who simply needed to be freed.

I was brought up to believe that Science was the real religion of Truth, that religion was a book, written by mortal man that had no basis in Truth.

I was brought up to believe that everything Science was an absolute fact without question, without theory, it was an absolute.

I was brought up to believe that I was a perpetrator of hate and intolerance and that I should be ashamed and bear my penance.

I was brought up to believe that Santa Claus was the meaning of Christmas and that reindeer and chimneys and presents under the tree were some sort of an entitlement based on your goodness as defined by your parents.

I didn’t learn these things from my home or my parents, I learned these things from School and from Hollywood. Hollywood had become a sort of education institute wherein their version of history became fact.  They inundated us with their version of truth, so as to disguise reality.  And Education followed. Science was touted as an absolute truism despite the absolute fact that in reality – it was predominantly – theory.  My generation was probably the most perversely indoctrinated because they needed us to pass this fake news to our children.   And I – believed!

Doctors tell us we must infuse a botulism of vaccines into our infants because the side effects, which include death, are better than the diseases, which don’t include death. And I believed –

I am reading the commentary of a relative who is currently reading the Handmaid’s Tale and she incorrectly states that it is a foreboding of the perils of Christianity – and of course, Trump. Despite the fact that the author and Director adamantly proclaim that is not the point at all.  In fact, the author is a devout Christian who is fearful of the ‘fake Christians who would create A New World – much like, Soros.  And still – she believes.

We read the hate filled speeches of Hollywood elites who proclaim to understand the world outside of their very make-believe – stage world that has no basis in reality – and yet – they believe!

We read media propaganda that makes proclamations based on conjecture, possibility, maybe, crystal ball visions, and claims that these visions are ‘fact’ – because they want the masses to – believe.

And yet within all that rhetoric, the same Media chastises us because – we have ‘belief’.   Because belief is a negative when applied to religion and faith, and that same belief is a positive when applied toward Science and the Media. How can that be?

In the Obama era, the terms ‘he’ and ‘she’ were forbidden, they were extracted as gender discrimination. I don’t know the Latin words for all the new genders outside of he and she, and I doubt the Liberals do either.   I imagine, some don’t exist. But within their dictum, free speech means – free according to their boundaries.   According to Obama, the phrase ‘Islamic Terrorism’, was forbidden speech. But Obama didn’t just ban this one phrase, he banned numerous others under the guise of racism… and the Media lapped it up – and they – Believed!

Families have been divided. Friendships ejected. And CEO’s fired, for having the freedom to have their own opinion and belief. Not because of Trump. But because of the agenda perpetrated on us for the last decade by the regime – Obama and decades before him under the tenets of both parties. It is so sad when we watch those we know being sucked into the vacuum, unable to discern the lies and manipulation. It evades IQ, education, or wealth.

As my friend Trutherator recently interjected, the way to know a true wolfe from a sheep is their vine. That means that there are Liberals whose vine begets good sheep, and Conservatives whose vine begets evil wolves. And the reverse, of course.  But it is a true depiction of how to make discernment.  Look to their vine.

That being said, when I ‘believed’ in Science, when I ‘believed’ in the Media version of the Bolsheviks, when I believed ‘what was fed me’, that did not make me evil, it made me a victim. And when I realized this fact, I was so incredibly incensed at the fraud that was perpetrated it made me strive all the more to find what is really – The Truth.  How dare they deceive me with half truths and drivel and complete lies!

I don’t rule out Science as having value – I do rule out Science as believing they are God. And that is the pendulum swing that Science would have the world – believe.  That is the power grid.

Even more importantly, Christmas didn’t exist before this fell of Christianity. There was ‘nothingness’, which is the forestay of the Atheist and Agnostic – Belief System. A worship of – nothingness. A belief in Santa and reindeer, red coats and sleighs. And somehow, these nothingnesses don’t understand that Christmas is Christ Day and their hijack is a form of terrorism.  Let them have their nothingness – and let us have the freedom of speech to have our Christ Day.

And so, on this Christ Day, I wish you all a Merry Merry Christmas, and Good Tidings to All…

Grace be with you –

CHRISTMAS – is a Christian Holiday

Christmas is about one thing and one thing only – the birth of Christ.

Prince Charles – It is not about Islam or Muhammed or minority religions, or minority people, or Allah. It is not about Satanic rituals, or screaming and shouting in stores and malls, it is not about hate filled rhetoric, hypocrisy or blame…

It is about the birth of Jesus Christ.

Santa Claus was derived from Saint Nicholas, a fourth century Christian who was revered for his charity and gift giving.   He was a real person, did not fly around in a sleigh, and did not have elves as his helpers.   Nonetheless, even the fantasy Santa of today was rooted in Christian history.

St Nick was Greek, and in 325 was asked by Constantine to appear at the First Council of Nicaea where as a Bishop he signed the Nicene Creed.

The first decorated Christmas tree can be traced to Germany and Livonia where the Brotherhood of Blackheads were said to decorate a tree with fruits and candies for the children. The Brotherhood was a military group of people who rose up to defend Christians that were being persecuted and exterminated by indigenous Estonians during the St. George’s Night Uprising.

The tree was said to be symbolic of the Trinity pointing toward the Heavens.

While there are pagan rituals with respect to evergreen branches being the sustenance of life because they remain green all year round, the evergreen tree was specifically erected as a Christian symbol holding gifts for the children.

These origins have mutated over the centuries to represent different ideas and customs, but that does not change their beginning,, their root or their Christian core.

The Jewish celebration of Hanukkah also has its roots in ancient history coming from the Alexandrian canon which was a part of the Old Testatment Bible of the Catholic and Orthodox Churches.  It symbolically represents the rededication of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem.

Kwanzaa is a week long celebration represented only in the US and created in 1967 by Maulana Karenga. Karenga, whose real name was Ronald McKinley Everett, was an American black man born in Pennsylvania who became involved in the Black Power movement and black nationalism. His organization fought against the Black Panthers, which resulted in numerous deaths and assassinations. In 1971 he was sentenced to prison for torturing two women which included; putting a smoldering iron in their mouth, being beaten with electrical cords, forcing detergent into their mouths through running hoses, squeezing one woman’s foot in a vise, and being beaten with a baton.

While Christians do not attempt to recreate Muslim holidays or Jewish holidays, or Karenga holidays, it is equally as important to not diminish our own.