Migrant Birthright?

Trump wants to overturn the automatic, unconditional birthright status that the US has offered to illegal immigrants in the past.  And of course the media is all a frenzied because, well, that’s what the media does any more – they get angry. 

So, a bit of common denominator sense:

Countries that have no such unconditional status include: China, Japan, Europe, Africa (with one exception), Middle East, Russia, Australia, New Zealand, Pakistan, India, Columbia, Malaysia, Chile, Peru, and Greenland.   In other words – most of the world, with the exception of Canada and the US.


Maybe because they are ‘nationalist’ and believe that citizenship is not an entitlement, but something earned because of your desire to work and support your newly adopted country.  Maybe because they believe that the hard earned benefits that working citizens reap should not be shared with those who hate the country and have no desire to work or support its laws.  Or maybe it’s because the country has no desire to support passels of illegal children who don’t even attempt to gain rightful immigration status.

It is always odd when Human Rights are applied in a fashion that is hypocritical at best, and destructive at worst.  In fact Europe and Australia have some of the most stringent laws in place regarding gaining citizenship.  No one complains.

So Deutsche Weil took it upon itself to chastise Trump’s stance on unconditional birthright status by highlighting ‘all the other countries’ which mimic the US, including:  Honduras, Ecquador, Guatemala, Venezuela, Brazil, Mexico and Canada.  In other words, all of North America and partial countries within South America adhere to similar unconditional status.    Germany’s law states that the birthright of children of illegal aliens is only granted when the unlawful aliens apply for naturalization.

Why is the wolf lecturing the Eagle?  Because it furthers an agenda of polarizing a viewpoint without explaining or analyzing the data and facts.

The 14thAmendment to our Constitution references naturalization and legal immigrants who have a permanent residence in the US and are thus subject to US jurisdiction.  An illegal by definition of being illegal is not subject to our jurisdiction – which is why we ‘deport them’ instead of putting them in jail for their crimes!

As Germany tries to tout the benefits of immigration they site ‘a study’ which indicates that “migrants from within the EU have contributed to Germany’s economic growth”.  A.   the migrants they reference are European, and B.  they claim that all the migrants in this study emigrated when they were young, highly trained, well educated and looking for jobs, and C. their contribution to GDP growth was estimated at .2% per year.

We can imagine if these were well educated, highly skilled laborers, and the entire estimated contribution was .2% – what does an uneducated, unskilled migrant contribute? COST.

The study was relatively small covering a period from 2011 thru 2014.

Skilled craftsmen make up 1/8 of all of Germany’s jobs, and there is currently a tremendous shortage of workers, and a 40% drop in those wanting to train, hence Germany’s Merkel thought to fill the void with immigrants from Eritrea, Somalia, Syria, Afghanistan, and Sudan.   Bring in millions and hope they can learn German and a skilled trade without bombing, looting and raping, was the plan.   Except that training takes 3 – 3 ½ years, and completion of an exam – in German.

So now, if you need a plumber, the wait time is roughly 3 months…

Part of the problem when trying to assess the percentage of immigrants who have found employment, is that statistics provided by Germany include EU migrants who are highly skilled.  So the statistic is relatively worthless.

Making the matter more complicated is the fact that a part of the Syria brokering deal was that all refugees be returned to their country.  Thus the pool is reduced.

So Germany instituted a plan to train those who already had command of the language and threw over $300 million toward helping refugees obtain jobs with a projected 100,000 employed.  Merkel recently nixed the project after less than 25,000 gained employment.

How many refugees are in Germany?

No one really knows because they aren’t calculated until they are processed and the backlog for processing can be years.  In addition, migrants that are illegal aren’t tallied.  A fair guestimate would be about 2.5 million, with Germany hailing the success rate of 25,000 employed – 1%.

And the cost?

By 2020, the annual cost is projected to be over $20 billion, which is most likely rather low.  Maybe if they spent that money encouraging Germans to procreate again they wouldn’t have to give away Germany just as Sweden has given away it’s country, Norway has given away its country…

Birthright means someone who ‘wants’ to be in this country, who would defend this country, who values the freedoms this country provides, and someone who does not leach off benefits.  If someone is born in this country to illegal parents, they can attempt to gain naturalization – if they wanted to.

But like everything else, the caravan is supposed to take our attention away from the voter fraud that is hailed by the democrats who liberally give illegals identities so they can vote illegally and usher in more Democrats who have no intention of giving them status or jobs unless they need someone to take care of their children… but even then, they prefer nanny’s from Sweden…

If there was a door to door solicitation for money to pay for all the illegals in the US, for managing the caravans, for replacing facilities that they burn down and destroy, how much would the Democrats raise?  What if instead of raking in donations for Hillary – or her Party of Progressives – the entire funds were given back to the US government to pay for the illegal immigrants that the Liberals defend?

In essence it would reduce our taxes – a tax rebate in the making!  Clinton alone raised $1.2 billion…