World Economic Forum – A UN Illusion Within The Tale: The Tortoise & The Hare

People on both sides of the aisle can agree that most of our systems were in failure or collapse well before Biden or Trump.   Education had become an ideological nightmare.   Doctors had no idea how to ‘cure’ anything and instead fell under the heavy hand of Big Pharma. Global debt was insurmountable the interest was accumulating and dumped onto the ‘principle’.   Politicians were easily bought and sold.   Corporations became political advocating for causes instead of simply selling their wares. Greed and Gluttony were far more pervasive than ANY sociological or ideological parlay. Orgies, chaos, child trafficking, and ALL without remorse.

It had to end. The question was then, ‘how?’.

Two opposing forces, good and bad, sought the answer to the question.   And somewhere in the mayhem we lost sight that there was ‘a good’.   And instead have only focused on the evil that has lent itself to self glorification.   I am not referencing good as in Pastors and Cardinals and Priests. Too many of them have also been engorged by the evil.  I reference those who actively and openly acknowledge the indictment of evil.

A quote on my Facebook page caught my eye:   “The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest her or his patients in the care of the human frame, in a proper diet, and in the cause of prevention of disease.” -Thomas A. Edison

We watched as hospitals and doctors across the globe caved to the CoVid data analgesic. Releasing false, faked, propaganda.   We listened to the Faucism of Herr Mengele while doctors gleefully nodded like bauble dolls in agreement. The unfolding of facts proved beyond doubt that they were all lying purposefully, knowingly.   And suddenly, doctor and hospital deceptions and the political and intentional death walk they provoked could be compared to our public education and liberalized teachers.

No one trusts either any longer – and that trust is likely to never occur again.

The ‘how’ seems to be unfolding thru a dual interpretation.   For Example:   By showing the true ‘colors’ of public education, more and more parents are opting out.   Homeschooling.   They understand that the system is too broken to heal and simply needs to die. A shift.

Healthcare.   The opioid crisis is considered the bastard child of Big Pharma – but doctors and hospitals had to contribute pushing the drugs like lollipops!   Making them complicit in the chaos.   Doctors peddle Pharma instead of cures. Complicit.   Doctors engage in political agenda’s instead of medicine.   Complicit.  And hospitals are crashing and burning as they peddle politics instead of health.

Enter The Economist prediction that healthcare will be completely recreated thru AI and tele-health. Many doctors and nurses will find their jobs obsolete.   People are moving to the ancient remedies.   The ones that actually cure without a litany of side effects!  And all the doctors that complied with the Pandemic narrative will be on the street jobless.

Corporations added to the chaos by clambering aboard the bandwagon.   Bed Bath & Beyond is now closing hundreds of unprofitable stores.   In 2020, United Airlines revenue plunged over 64%.  And given their mandates, they are unlikely to see a positive return this year.

The retail world is going virtual. And vacant malls and buildings will abound.   The Agenda 2030 is being realized before our eyes – or is it???    Although their goals have been somewhat restated recently to align with The Economist, their mentor, they have altered their website to include this caveat:

“The world is not on track to meet the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), but digital technology can help. From artificial intelligence for climate resilience to data collaboration for food security, … targets can be directly supported by advanced technologies.   …It is an alliance of businesses, governments, organizations, and experts dedicated to maximizing the impact of digital technology on the UN Sustainable Development Goals.”

What they are stating is that Artificial Intelligence will govern every industry. 

OneMap Project is a WEF brainfreeze.   It is something like an Angies List, on a global basis providing, open data architecture for agriculture… at the level of the hectare”.   Hectare – as in Africa.

In fact, all 17 of the requisite goals enumerated by WEF occur in Africa. Including a somewhat rewritten one which states “Reduce inequality within and ‘among’ countries”.   I don’t remember seeing ‘among’ before.  Does that mean Africans make $65,000 per year, or Americans make $1 per day?   The UN definition of poverty?

What is interesting is that many of the UN WEF stated goals haven’t been addressed for 6 years.  Other goals they acknowledge as having regressed since the adoption in 2015.   Still other goals show a ‘steady downward trend’ toward its accomplishment.   As though the goals are not really a goal at all.   But instead the downward spiral is the goal for further depopulation.   And the Agenda is Fake – Propaganda – a distraction…

Events and symposiums and reports seem to be the main function of Agenda 2030.   In order to keep the concept alive while it doesn’t – really   – exist. Much like the Clinton Foundation…

After a lovely vacation/summit in the Caribbean last October, the next party/summit will be held in Lisbon simultaneously coinciding with the month of ‘festival’!   So go the Goals.

So where is all the Agenda 2030 money going?   Likely the same place Agenda 2015 went – funzies for all. We are fighting, fearing, fretting something that does NOT exist.

The existential threat was created just like the pandemic.   To distract us … While taking out Public education, corrupted doctors and pharma, and weeding the political front of rhino’s and communists is the analogy of the Tortoise & The Hare.  The UN is the Hare, and the Good Guys are the Tortoise.

Evil thrives on Fear.   We used to know and understand this.  But then the Media intervened…