UN Built on Communist Ideology to Usher in Monarchial Rule

AFTER 11 years of bombardment on Syria by the uninvited US, UK, Germany, France, Australia and Canadian forces…   the UN has declared:   “We can not fail the Syrian People”.   What-the HECK?   The UN picture shows two women in full head to toe black hijabs.   But Syrian women don’t wear the full hijab they are not Sunni!   They typically wear bright head scarves – the full black garb is typical of Sunni women not Shiite.   So the fake picture blaring across the UN’s opening page is in fact – propaganda!

The UN is now concerned about the ‘economic crisis’ created by western nations in Syria which aligned themselves with ancillary groups associated with ISIL and al Qaeda, including el Nusra.   I imagine that is rather a slap in the face for Syrians given the UN aided and abetted the western bombing.

UN:   Peace, Dignity and Equality on a Healthy Planet.   Of course those words don’t apply to any nation and haven’t since the UN’s inception in 1945.   Like the Federal Reserve, NATO, etc…, their usefulness is vacantly benign – a barren wasteland.   Yet their pockets are quite full.  

According to the last public financial statement for the UN, 2020, 50% of Revenue was allocated to salaries, 10% to Contractual Labor, and 10% to actual ‘grants’.   Their assets stand at $40 billion with $31.6, or 80% allocated to ‘employee benefit liabilities’.  

This might explain why they have achieved – nothing.

Over 21% of their income comes from the US government, and the second largest benefactor at 11.7% is from China.   82.5% of their total Grants went to one organization; International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.

The IUCN Director General, Bruno Oberle, played a key role in the establishment of the Green Climate Fund.  Key partners include France and the Global Environment Facility – GEF.   Key Patrons include: Prince Albert of Monaco, Queen Noor of Jordan, Prince Phillip of Sweden, Lumming Al, President of Wuhan Science & Technology, and among others, Dona Bertarelli and Yann Guichard who co-chair the WEF, Friend of Ocean Action created by Ghislaine Maxwell!   WEF was formed by Prince Charles.  

British Royalty and its consorts would seem to desire a return to monarchial rule. A form of communism. Using ISIL, Nazi’s, Antifa, al Qaeda, and their affiliates as their military militia – they have marauded throughout the globe for hundreds of years seeking the absolute destruction of the one colony that defied their Order – America.  The idea was that if America fell, the global holdouts would simply cave.  But that didn’t happen.

It is truly a sad day when one confronts the fact that taxpayers across the globe have been raped of their earnings, their work lives, and their dignity by organizations that claimed to be our ‘Protectors’.   Betrayal is in the top three of most corrupt, nefarious, qualities of mankind.

With its very source Cain & Abel.

Despite Soros announcing that the Clinton, Obama, Biden colony we call Ukraine, must be saved from the deviates China and Russian, US republican hawks continue to defend the appropriation/theft of more taxpayer dollars to fund this colony.     All while millions of children and women die needlessly in the US from lack of proper nutrition and from medical mania malpractice.

China was onboard the band wagon of these monarchies due to a shared goal – the annihilation of America – the evil giant.   They collaborated and schemed for this final necessary coup so as to reap the wealth of the land and its resources.   China was led to believe they were in the top tier of the pyramid. Useful.   Guinea Pig.   But XI was deluded into thinking China would ever be on the elite level within the Monarchial Rule.  For a time, Putin was deluded as well.

But that was never the Royal agenda.   Utilizing their pawns of destruction, including Soros, these powerful, elite sought to recreate and expand the Empire they lost.   At their behest, Soros recently demanded the immediate ‘removal’ of both Xi and Putin from office.   Akin to a pre-conceived coup – or assassination.   And still – citizens follow blindly.  Conservatives rallying behind Ukraine in alliance with Soros, Clinton, Biden et al.

Without ownership of China and Russia, the imperial dynasty would not prevail on a Global Throne.   I am reminded of Hillary prancing about in Cambridge wearing her regal robe and crown as she was named Chancellor!   This was her dream moment.  Ultimately, World Chancellor is Hillary’s goal.   Not US President.   And it appears, this title is used as a carrot by the Royalties to beguile her as their sheeple.

You see, the Monarchial Empire never really fell – it simply was relegated to shadows so as to conflate the facts, and reorganize the structure.  

Whether Hillary too is actually a pawn of the Monarchies is yet to be determined – but it would be quite interesting should she find that her status is in truth ‘peasant’.    

Somehow revealing this bizarre Shakespearean Plot has been transcribed to mean Truth is pro-Russia or pro-China when in fact Truth is simply Truth.   One individual on my FB pages announced that should the US declare War on Russia as a result of the Ukraine colony, anyone who speaks out in favor of Russia would be a traitor and subject to treason, expulsion, and Gitmo.   Obviously, this person has no idea what Treason is defined to be.   In fact, if his definition were correct, in the US, millions of anti-Vietnam protestors would be confined to Gitmo today.

Of course, what this puppet’s definition does support is –  Communist law.

The first Director General of the UN elected/appointed by member states was Trygve Halvdan Lie who is described by the UN as a member of Norway’s Socialist Party.   But the Socialist Party didn’t convene until 1975.   Its predecessor was the Norwegian Communist Party whose ideology was Marxism/Leninism.

Thus, in essence, the foundation of the UN was built by Germany, France, UK, and US on a Communist platform.   Given this was the ideology that the western nations had decided to support and model their economies after.    So it could be no wonder why that ideology is the basis of the Great RESET that will ultimately be led under the monarchial covenant of Rule.