The Zionist Triangle = America, Britain, Israel

The purpose for the resettlements in Palestine by the Zionists was to define an Israel wherein European assimilation was no longer the criteria.   Eastern European Zionists were vilified for their secularism within predominantly orthodox countries throughout the 19th century.   Theodor Herzl of the World Zionist Organization proposed Palestine instead of Argentina for the establishment of a nationalist colonization of Israel as a statehood for secular Ashkenazi without the burden of religion.

WHY?   Because the adoption of Marxist communism had been their stipulated revolution since the advent of Jewish Enlightenment which became Jewish Nationalism as of 1881 replacing Deism with ‘rationality’.  

Argentina and Canada were chosen for settlements by Baron de Hirsch a wealthy Jewish banker who wanted large swathes of agriculture land to come under Zionist rule.  Every philanthropic charity for which the Zionists donated was to benefit only secular jews in education, co-operative factories, and banks within a socialist/communist framework.

The settlement camps established in these countries maintained a lower caste level for those who emigrated – to support the Zionist elite.  Kibbutz, or commune, settlers are considered ‘tenant farmers’.   They don’t own the land, it was owned by Edmond Rothschild and later by the World Zionist Organization.   The tenant farmers pay a monthly tithe to the secular powers.

There was a time when each member of an Israeli kibbutz ate in a common dining room, raised their children collectively, shared property and got paid the same monthly stipend.  Today, the Kibbutz labor is performed by Palestinian labourers at a significant discount to the Ashkenazi seculars who run the communes.

Thus the class system of low, middle and upper was solidified by the same people looking to destroy the middle class in the Western hemisphere.   WHY?  Simply because the Middle Class became the majority rule  and needed to be quashed into the peasant rule of poverty who are much more pliable to control.

This socialist/communist diaspora of Ashkenazi’s emigrated to the US between 1880 and 1914-   beginning the process of infiltrating the American government so as to transform it into an Ashkenazi secular state.  A colony of Israel.

It became the blueprint for Company Towns – which are now seemingly the precursor to 15 Minute cities which advocate worker bees on call 24/7.

The Ashkenazi population numbered over 1.5 million by the beginning of the 20th century in America.  They were instrumental in developing and implementing the socialist FDR New Deal.  The goal was to create an America based on Zionist rule wherein assimilation was toward their tenet of socialist/labour constructs or Unions.  Unions were created by the Zionists to solidify the Kibbutz commune mentality of stipend pay structures.   Workers feel they are represented when in fact they are communized – while led to believe their worth is fairly represented.


One of FDR’s prominent creations was the Agriculture Adjustment Act of 1935 which gave farmers and ranchers subsidies to not produce – so as to raise prices for the now dominant Jewish Farmers who had become the owners of tenant farms.  Today over $30 billion is allocated for Farm Subsidies – much of it going to industrialized farms owned and/or operated by Jewish billionaires.

In addition, The Farm Act of 2018 projected a total allocated cost of $428 billion over five years ($85.6 billion per year) beginning in 2019.  The original Farm Act was written by Henry Wallace of FDR’s cabinet – he was accused of being a communist.

By the 1920’s individual Jewish farmers dominated New York and New Jersey via credit financing established by Herzl which created Jewish only banking and credit facilities to support Jewish only farms and ranches.    Free board and tuition was provided to Jews by agricultural schools established by Hirsch in Pennsylvania and NY.  Thus the Jewish farmers were granted greater purchasing power – pushing out other ethnicities.

“Herzl proposed a practical program for collecting funds from Jews around the world by a company to be owned by stockholders, which would work toward the practical realization of this goal. (This organization, when it was eventually formed, was called the Zionist Organization.) He saw the future state as a model social state, basing his ideas on the European model of the time, of a modern enlightened society. It would be neutral and peace-seeking, and of a secular nature.”

Farm Act Mandatory funding. “Programs authorized with mandatory funding are provided funds as needed (or to a statutory level) through the Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) and are not subject to annual appropriations decisions by Congress. Spending is not constrained by annual limits.” 

The Commodity Credit Corporation was also created by FDR as a government corporation under Delaware Charter.  Its first Chairman of the Board was Henry Morgantheau Jr., of German Jewish descent.  The Governor was William Myers, descendant of a distinguished 19th century Jewish family, who served on the Rockefeller Foundation.

This Banking Credit construct had been used in the Israeli settlements imposed by Edmond Rothschild.   A socialist/communist maxim.

The New Deal was authored by FDR friend, Fannie Perkins, herself an avowed communist.  The entirety of The New Deal was based on the secular Ashkenazi colonization of Israel in the late 19th century – early 20th century under secular socialist/communist ideologies formed within the Bolshevik diaspora.

Today, the wealthiest farmer in the US is Stewart Resnick, a Jewish man raised in New Jersey, one the two original agriculture dominants created by Hirsch.   Resnick’s family immigrated from Ukraine.

And as we have come to learn the vast majority of all companies throughout entertainment, media, agriculture, labour, housing, across all government and intelligence institutions – are under the thumb of the Jewish Ashkenazi’s communist agenda.

They are NOT victims – they are Controllers.   Including Control over the Propaganda.  From.  Israel.

The British are connected within the triangle or pyramid of rule across the West – UK, Israel & US.  They operate as One.  When discussing Jews, it is important to acknowledge that the Ashkenazi’s are not Jewish by ancestry, having traced their heritage to Khazars, a warring  tribe of Turkic Mongolians who converted to Judaism so as to allow them banking authority.

MONEY and CONTROL have always been the objective.  Much as was identified in The Protocols of The Elders of Zion.

When applying anti-Semitism – that would not include the Ashkenazi’s given their ancestry is NOT Semite.   Semites include the Arabs and Christians and religious tribes of Judaea.   Therefore, the new hate/censorship mantra has added ‘anti-Zionism’ as discriminatory hate speech.   ALL while persecuting Christians, Muslims and religious Jewish sects.  WHY?   Because the Semites are believers in God.   The Zionists are believers in Self.

And Hate Speech is only Hate when it targets those of no religion.

6 thoughts on “The Zionist Triangle = America, Britain, Israel

  1. Jewish worship of avoda zarah defined through assimilation and intermarriage with Goyim, who never accepted the revelation of the Torah at Sinai – the Prime First Cause which defines the k’vanna of the Torah curse known as the Amalek antisemitism. Which plagues Jews in all generations.

    Xtian & Muslim revisionist history/’Evil Eye’- I believe theology – sucks. Today, as it has for 2000+ years. God is not a Man, anymore than Muhammad a T’NaCH prophet. Justice does not depend upon what persons personally believe concerning speculation attempts to define the Gods. Just that simple. Throw your new-testament or koran revisionist history upon the dung heaps of false history.

    Xtian religious revisionist history as meritorious, as tits on a boar hog. The Genocide slander of Israel made by post-Apartheid South Africa, compares to the Xtian ‘Blood Libels, and follow-up Pogroms’, committed every Easter – throughout the Middle Ages of European criminal barbarism.

    The absolute and complete ignorance of Goyim living in faraway distant countries, coupled with their arrogant presumed superiority of Israeli politics – a bad joke. Why? Their disgraceful sophomoric biblical translations unto foreign languages, falsely assumes that translations possess the power to define key terms, from one language to the next.

    Alas, covenant does not define brit. The koran abomination never once refers to the “Brit Faith”. Their bible & koran idols, fail to discern the difference between translating words from language to language. To comprehending the prophetic mussar rebukes. The defining “k’vanna” which all tohor time-oriented commandment most fundamentally require.

    Scratch a Goy and expose the Satan barbarian that possesses their Souls; never in their entire lives has a single Goy ever contemplated the concept of Torah time-oriented commandments. Amazing! Because all other Torah commandments qualify as toldoth/off-spring\ of these Most Holy of Holies Av/Father Torah commandments.

    How could Goyim theology so horribly fail? How could the best alien Goyim minds, in Ages past to present fall?! In their inability to grasp the essential primacy of tohor time-oriented commandments which define not only the Book of בראשית but the Siddur as well?

    Answer: Flawed from the first word of the Torah; their translations of “tefillah to prayer”, totally fails to grasp that בראשית holds within its 6 letters: ברית אש, ראש בית, ב’ ראשית. These forever “outsiders” deny the existence of the פרדס Oral Torah revelation at Horev!

    Post WWII Shoah European guilt, expressed through the rebuke made against false prophets to their eternal condemnation as CURSED: “By their fruits you shall know them.”

    Their Evil Eye/I believe theology speculations of the Gods, abhors the Primacy – the pursuit of justice between Man & Man, as the definition of Torah faith. Their replacement theology: “I am saved”, belief in false Universal God(s), an utter total abomination; like unto the Oct 7th Abomination War.

    Muhammad falsely presumed that JeZeus qualifies, comparable to his bloated Ego-self, as a T’NaCH prophet. His pie in the sky koran avoda-zarah did not know how the T’NaCH defines the word “Prophet”.

    The avoda-zarah name: Allah, it profanes the 1st Sinai commandment. Therefore (A concealed sworn Torah oath implied by this legal language of Torah common law.), Allah just another “Sin of the Golden Calf”, abomination of avoda zarah – the k’vanna of the 2nd Sinai Commandment.

  2. Orthodox Judaism FAQ • Answers to frequently asked questions on Judaism

    Why do Jews not believe in JeZeus even after all he did; and he said if you don’t believe in me you’ll go to Hell for eternity. Did Jesus lie? Is Gehinnom eternal? Do Jews not believe what he says? Why for 2000+ years have the Jewish people abhorred and decried belief in JeZeus as a false messiah avoda zarah?

    New Testament theology = revisionist history. However T’nach does not teach history, despite historical/conservative Judaism narishkeit. The T’NaCH defines prophesy as a tohor persons who commands mussar.

    Witchcraft, by stark contrast, a tumah false prophet predicts the future. Hence the New Testament (Roman counterfeit) declares that JeZeus fulfilled the words of the prophets. Proof that the New Testament promotes false prophet theologies. False prophet theologies defined as a predetermined creed/dogma which dictates what and how people should believe in God as an act of faith.

    The Torah defines the tohor concept of faith as: Justice, Justice pursue. Based upon the cruel corrupt and oppressive Courts of king Par’o who withheld straw to Israelite slaves and who ordered the overseers to beat without mercy Israelites for their failure to meet the quota of bricks imposed upon these Israelite slaves. Based upon the conditions where Par’o supplied the Hebrews with the straw they required to make bricks their quota of bricks.

    Yitro commanded a strong mussar to Moshe when he saw Moshe all alone judge the disputes between the people. Justice defined as the power of common law courtrooms to make fair restitution of damages inflicted upon Jews by other Jews.

    Muhammad pulled the exact same rabbit out of his tumah magic-hat. The Koran rhetoric repeats prophet, prophet, prophet Ad infinitum, yet never defines – from the Torah – the term prophet. The Gospels did the exact same tumah Abracadabra, with the ((to quote Baba Kama: “Mountain hanging by a hair”)), the Pie in the Sky term of: Love.

    T’NaCH prophets command mussar. Why? Because mussar applies straight across the board to all generations of bnai brit Israel. A bnai brit Israel grows the תוכחה\mussar rebuke within our hearts.

    We grow and nurture this mussar within us. And these “tohor spirits” (based upon the revelation of the שם השם לשמה) they live within our hearts. They cause bnai brit Israel to dedicate defined tohor middot (‘ה’ ה’ אל רחום וחנון וכו, also known as the Oral Torah revelation at Horev) in all our future social interactions with our family, neighbours & people.

    Hence the spirituality known as: the baali t’shuva. Mesechta Sanhedrin of the Talmud learns the mitzva of Moshiach tied to the mitzva of baali t’shuva. Based upon Moshe and the burning bush confrontation. Wherein Moshe vocally opposed to go down unto Egypt to bring Israel out from judicial oppression slavery. Yet Moshe, as a baali t’shuva descended unto Egypt and brought Israel unto freedom. Moshe serves as the Torah model for the mitzva of Moshiach. Moshe did not build a Catholic assimilated Cathedral as did king Shlomo. King Shlomo worshipped avoda zarah.

    Moshe struggled to build the small sanhedrin Federal courts on the far side of the Jordan river. When king David, based upon the mussar commanded by the prophet Natan, commanded his son Shlomo to build the Beit HaMikdash, he had no such k’vanna for king Shlomo to assimilate and copy the customs manners and ways of the Goyim, who reject the revelation of the Torah at Sinai, and who build Cathedral Temples throughout the annuls of Human History. The k’vanna of the Moshiach to build the Beis HaMikdash learns from Moshe Rabbeinu who established the small Sanhedrin Federal Courtrooms in 3 of the Cities of Refuge on the other side of the Jordan river.

    The mitzva of Moshiach constitutes as a tohor time oriented commandment; applicable to all generations of the Jewish people, just like tefillah stands in the stead of korbanot. All tohor time oriented commandments, applicable to all the Jewish people. All tohor time oriented commandments stand upon the foundation\יסוד of “fear of Heaven”.

    This foundation of pursuit of judicial justice requires that a baali t’shuva dedicates a tohor middah. Which tohor middah does the mitzva of Moshiach require as its holy defining dedication to שם השם לשמה? The middah dedication to restore the lateral Sanhedrin Federal common law courts across the Torah Constitutional Republic.

    Mesechta קידושין teaches that tohor time oriented commandments as applicable to women qualifies as a רשות option. If women choose to place tefillen or read from a Sefer Torah these tohor time oriented commandments come within the רשות of their Will. The NaCH kabbalah בנין אב precedent for this Talmudic ruling, the story of D’vora & Barack fighting together to defeat the Army of Sisera.

    The oath sworn alliance, known as “brit”, (like as found in בראשית\ברית אש, ראש בית, ב’ ראשית), this key Torah term means “alliance” and also “Republic”. The 12 Tribes forged this oath brit alliance which established the First Commonwealth of the Torah Constitutional Republic of the 12 Tribes. Based upon the Torah precedent, (known in Hebrew as בנין אב) upon Moshe anointing Aaron and his House as Moshiach.

    Aaron dedicates korbanot. A korban sacrifice does not at all represent a barbeque unto Heaven. To dedicate a korban requires swearing a Torah oath. Just as to cut a brit לשם השם לשמה requires swearing a Torah oath. Just as the Shemone Esrei standing tefillah requires the k’vanna to swear a Torah oath through the dedication of one or more defined tohor middot.

    The mitzva of Moshiach, a mitzva applicable to all generations of Israel. Just as tefillah and the mitzva of shabbat applicable to all generations of Israel.

    The revisionist history of Xtian avoda zarah lacks the wisdom to discern between T’NaCH/Talmudic common law from Roman statute law. This tumah avoda zarah has witnessed oppression and cruelty that far surpasses the evil ways of Par’o and the Egyptians. This false prophet false messiah based religion proves the Gospel declaration of: “By their fruits you shall know them.”

    The church stands guilty of the Shoah blood of Caine: Inquisition, 3 Century ghetto war crimes, annual blood libel slanders etc etc etc.

  3. Jewish farmers? That’s a new one. I thought Gentiles were supposed to do this work while the Jew “sits at the table”.

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