Cabal, Ukraine, Russia, Truthisms Unraveled – And All The Kings Horses…

With the Globe distracted by a war against Ukraine Nazi’s and corruption, California farmers were just told by the Federal US Bureau of Reclamation that there is NO water for crops.   The US Bureau system covers dams, reservoirs and canals. The state water system upped their December allocation from zero to 15% in January. California’s fruits, nuts, and vegetables will die. Farmers will go broke.   Imports cover a half of fresh fruit and a third of fresh vegetables. The top sources include Mexico, Chile, Peru, Canada, and Guatemala. Importing more may or may not be on the Brandon table.

SO how will this affect US prices and inflation?   NOT well.

December was the wettest in San Francisco’s history.   January has topped records as well.   Extreme drought has been reduced from 80% to 30%.  Remember La Nina?   The annual flux that was always sited as the cause of weather changes?   Apparently – the Global Warming detractors no longer recognize this anomoly.

“California begins the new year in much better shape for escaping its drought thanks to a massive October atmospheric river and wet December that delivered more rain and snow so far than the state saw in all of its last paltry precipitation season.”

But California’s government continues to do what it does best in capturing rainfall – Nothing.

The import/export business of food in the US is rather daunting, a web of irrationality.   As the world’s largest exporter of beef, the US imports beef from Canada, Uruguay, New Zealand and Australia.   Why?

The US trade imbalance is not simply a China affair – 2/3 of 30 countries trade account with the US is negative – we import more than we export.   The net effect of all trade remains a negative. While the largest tanking of US trade balance occurred between 1990 and 2004 tanking from -0- to -$700billion, the Brandon administration is set to create an even greater schism as we now stand at -$860 billion and growing.

While I have divided the Cabal into two distinct entities; The Industrialists and The Bankers, Jon Rappaport delves a bit further.   Rappaport identifies eleven clans within the Cabal, representing the Biblical eleven tribes as:   Military, Medical, Intelligence, Money, Religion, Education, Energy, Media, Corporate, Government, and Tech mind control.

The concept of the eleven tribes of Israel vs twelve came about in 1 Kings 11.:   “the Lord tells Solomon that he will take away from him 10 tribes, and only keep 1 tribe as only those people didn’t worshipped other gods.”

The Agenda of each of these tribes is to swallow all competition so that each tribe is a singular entity. For example; Pope Francis merged Catholicism with Islam.   NATO represents a globular military.   BIS, Bank for International Settlements, will ultimately gobble the Federal Reserve Banks.   Saudi Aramco is the worlds largest energy company by market value and the third largest company in the world!  They most definitely have a seat at the top of the pyramid!

Apple is number 1 and Microsoft is number 2 in raw market value across the entire global market.   That would obviously give them an edge certainly in the pyramid.

While Rappaport believes these tribes rule as a committee of equals, I differ on this concept.   Someone has to be King.   Someone has to be chair and vice chair or nothing gets done.   Someone always has to be – King.   Even in the roundtable of the knights – there was the Head – King Arthur.

So who is the King of the Cabal’s round table?

Likely an old comrade of the Cabal whose age and existence are tenable.   NOT Soros since his lineage does not provide the required heritage.   But the most volatile aspect of the Cabal’s continuance is finding someone with youth who has the will of a brick wall, the fortitude of a hypersonic missile, and the evil pronouncement of Satan – all packaged within a persona that portrays the opposite.   NOT an easy fit.

The economic plague that is imposed by the Cabal most heavily within the US and Europe fit the directive of Klaus Schwab who declared that North America and the EU whites must be the first subject targets of depopulation.

TO answer a question posed to me by a friend – the means of depopulation is a trickle down concept.   The EU and US population over the age of 65 have no productive value and were the prime targets of the JAB.   Africa didn’t take the vax bait, and have thus become a thorn in the agenda.   Russia’s vax was not based on the gene reorganization MRna, and they too became a – thorn.

IF we are to understand and protect ourselves from this agenda – it is most appropriate to acknowledge that the reverse of their Chicken Little Screams is likely more connected to Truth.   IF they want to bomb Russia – that would mean Russia is a threat because they are on ‘our side’.   IF they want to medicate and opiate – that would indicate that medicine is not on our side.   If they want to denounce oil independence – that would be an indicator they are NOT on our side.

This unveiling of the wolves was the bane of Trump’s presidency.   So many wolves don a mask of the sheep.   And thus it becomes a quite difficult board game.   Over the last two years this board game has exposed itself more flagrantly – aka, Cheney, Rubio, Flake, Pence, Romney, Swalwell, – and Cruz, among hundreds more.

In the end, the wolves reveal themselves – sometimes openly and aggressively – and other times inadvertently – which would be the case for Cruz.   Pay Attention.

Ukraine was a hub for sex and slave trafficking, a hub for money laundering, a hub for illicit deals.   They became the defacto Epstein Island.  A neo-Nazi regime!

Russia is doing the world a grand favor.  

And while the Elite Media decry the heinous consequence of War – Hillary’s Libya response, “What difference does it make!”   Comes to mind.   There were no Hillary sanctions, no protests against Hillary, no ‘thug Hillary declarations’   – in fact the entire 23 wars the US and EU participated in or orchestrated since 2000  are deemed – a yawn.  No International Condemnation…

In this the Ukraine shitake – the ‘Bully’ is and was NATO – Germany – US – UK and France.   Of the 23 wars in the middle east since 2000 – the US and UK were dominant aggressors and there is not only no condemnation – but the media would appear to have – amnesia!   Hundreds of thousands died and millions have been subject to adverse injuries.   And no – absolutely no – compassion.

WHY Is THIS Acceptable?

And yet – Ukraine, the new Epstein Island, a corrupted country dealing in child sex trafficking, fraud, and money laundering – is now the US drama child that western nations must ‘protect’?    Why?   Because these same Western Nations are complicit in these heinous activities.   And don’t want their proclivities to be – exposed.  

And as I speak, Ukraine embassies are busily burning ALL documents that might expose these actions.  A Hillarygate  once again.

2 thoughts on “Cabal, Ukraine, Russia, Truthisms Unraveled – And All The Kings Horses…

  1. People are being willingly duped like sheep to the slaughter. After watching the complete Oliver Stone documentary on Ukraine, I fully expect a global holocaust. May God have mercy on us who see and understand what’s REALLY going on!+!+!+

  2. your right again!! nobody wants war but the idiots in washington and their barking dogs,MSM.we have zero business in Ukrainia,NATO violated the 1990’s agreement,we need to get out now and let Russia and Ukrainia sort it out,i’m sure the Russians will find out who was behind all this nonsense,they’re not as forgiving against traitors as we are!!

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