Hollywood’s Sexual Predators

It has long become an accepted part and parcel of the world of Hollywood that morality, ethics, and integrity are non-existent. While it is nothing new, the perversity has flourished quite brazenly. Errol Flynn and his entourage were known sexual predators. Then the mafia came in with Frank Sinatra. It’s easy to spot today, all we need do is look at the unraveling of Brittany Spears or Miley Cyrus to know that their behavior is reactive to the darkness that others spurred.

But I fear, that the darkness, the pedophilia, is far worse than we can imagine. It is thought that these stars have been subjected to such perversity that they can never come forward lest the entire cadre of insects are unleashed from Pandora’s Box. It is a form of blackmail. And it has been cited in nearly every large sexual scandal in history

The Franklin Sandal of the 1980’s that implicated the Bush’s was later determined to be simply lies by wayward children. The UK sexual scandal that is still unraveling from the 1980’s involving the Savile ring 37 years later and nothing. It implicates Hollywood, Entertainers, Sports Figures, Politicians, and just about every person within the elite of uber wealth. But no one goes to jail.

As one pundit suggested, it isn’t about money, it is about Power. But it is also about boredom, the boredom of normalcy and boundaries.

Hollywooders make their living ‘pretending’, and in this reality of perversity, they pretend it is okay.  Jennifer Lawrence recently made an impassioned speech in response to the Harvey Weinstein scandal to an audience of feminists about how she was treated like meat having to pose naked for a producer and told to lose weight. However, she failed to add that she voluntarily went on to pose nude for Playboy. And that was okay?  She has no boundaries and doesn’t see the hypocrisy.

I have witnessed people who used to be close fall into this spiral of boundary boredom. Ultimately, it has the power to eat the very soul of a person. I had a friend in high school who decided to get into modeling and later described playing Russian Roulette at parties…

The suicide rate of porn actresses, of Actor’s children, of Actors in general far exceeds any national average. They aren’t victims of war, but they are victims of sexual perversity. And yet, no one is punished. Ever. Roman Polanski is banished from the US but actors and actresses continue to laud his ‘genius’. And so they protect and enable the behavior, the non-consequence of perverse deeds.

In the world outside of Hollywood, the hypocrisy is the fact that a woman only needs to point a finger and ‘j’accuse’ and the man is immediately arrested and put in jail. It is probably the only crime wherein the man is guilty until proven innocent – except – in Hollywood.

Bill Clinton’s escapades with Epstein. Epstein flew in planeloads of girls and boys for pleasure slaves. This is ‘their normal life’. There are no boundaries. It has become a free-for-all wherein victims don’t want to say anything because the victims will be the ones punished.   That is how the Franklin scandal was resolved. And it is the blackmail used to hush scores of women and men still today.

Too often men and women don’t realize or simply don’t care that the ‘simple pornography’ they witness may involve a child, 14, 15… Its reality is Hollywood. It’s like watching a war ‘movie’, it isn’t really real, so therefore no one is really hurt. At least that’s the argument. Even therapists are aboard the ‘little porn’ concept, “What harm does it do…?”

Oddly, the same therapist might make the statement that marijuana leads to hard drugs, while negating the effects of porn claiming that a little porn is healthy. Logic is upside down and topsy-turvy and when a therapist approves, it is a green light to anything goes.

Mental deception. If a physician prescribes a person opiates ongoing for 2-3 years, then it is okay because it was approved by – a physician, and he’s not a dealer. I’ve heard that justification for all kinds of drugs including speed and watched people I know implode.

Hollywood has become it’s own country. They have their own set of rules, morality and ethics. They have their own laws, and police and justice. Meaning – they have – none. And out system allowed this to evolve from the muck and mire of the proverbial Swamp.   Because, in ‘reality’,

Hollywood is a part of The Swamp. They feed it. They support it. And they feel entitled to it. There is no remorse or guilt or shame, there is only arrogant justification. How can there be anything else if there are no boundaries and no consequence?