CLIMATE CHANGE: The Science of Distraction as the Chess Game Resumes

Magnetic North is moving. It always moves.   But how it is moving now has created a bit of a Hub among Scientists who desperately try to persuade the public at large they know why.   In fact, they have no clue why, or the consequences, except to say that Polar North reverses all the time. In fact, they know this because the last reversal was exactly 780,000 years ago – per their ‘observation’.   And – reversals happen every 400,000 years. Except – for the last time – which never happened.  AH!   How Very Clueless Scientific.

SCIENCE!   Isn’t it fantastic!   They know nothing, observe nothing, and evidence nothing, but they can tell you with absolute certainty what happened hundreds of thousands, millions and billions of years ago… but can’t tell you with certainty what happened 100 years ago.

What happens when the magnetic north moves towards reversal?

According to science – they don’t know.   Speculation would however come to play – that this is not a good thing for the evolution of humans.   In fact some believe it is the impetus for the end of human, animal and plant civilization.   But then, scientists humble themselves by asserting that they weren’t alive 800,000 years ago, and so, you know, everything is a – you know – theory.   Hang Head.

Simultaneously, as the magnetic north is speeding along at the rate of now 30-40 miles per year toward Russia’s Siberia, the “South Atlantic Anomaly” would seem to be growing exponentially devouring entire continents.    Yet somehow cows and cars are the problem…


The SAA by definition is considered the point on earth where the magnetic field is at its ‘weakest point’. This field encompasses nearly 8 million square miles.   It stretches across most of South America into the Atlantic Ocean – touching the borders of Africa, and Australia.   It IS HUGE.

Satellites, aircraft, boats that pass within this Anomaly report having all technological systems CRASH.   The unusual levels of radiation are off the charts.   Brazil has some of the highest incidences of cancer.  The effects of this vast plague are wholly unknown.

So what happens when the earths magnetic field weakens?  

Earth’s climate is manufactured by magnetic fields.   The correlation is a bond by definition, a source.

The electromagnetic theory of climate is in direct opposition to the newly obsessed carbon dioxide theory. While carbon theory is based on industrial revolutions, electromagnetic theory is based on the beginning of planet Earth. In fact, a vast number of “Scientists” believe that the base of historical evidence of all of earth is electromagnetic fields – from climate to evolution to ice ages – to heat stimulation.   Earth is an electromagnet.  Thus any change – changes Earth.

As the magnetic north moves, so does climate.

Jet streams, solar flare activity, tides, moon, storms, and hurricanes are connected to electromagnetic impulses.   Those impulses are being altered, not by man’s aerosol can, but by natural changes that are precipitated from deep within the Earth’s core! And these changes are advancing at a precipitous rate as the South Atlantic Anomaly grows and the magnetic north moves ever eastward and south!

The South Atlantic Anomaly is irradiated. It puts out so much radiation that when a satellite or aircraft comes near their technological equipment virtually explodes – crashes.   Radiation.   As in – off the charts!

This radiation has been shown to create holes in the ozone layers protecting earth from complete irradiation.   As these holes continue to magnify, it reveals that this ‘Anomaly’ has the potential to destroy Earth.   Via, climate.

So while the idiots would have us believe that we are the cause of ‘climate change’ they also know that the true reality, the truth, the scientific evidence dictates that the South Atlantic Anomaly has spurred the magnetic north within globs of molten pits beneath Africa to separate and spin out of control.

IN other words, while distracting us with baseless claims that we are causing climate change, the TRUTH is that our planet is disintegrating on itself as a result of a combination of natural causal factors, and – past military exercises.


In the 1950’s the military nuclear testing in the Oceans helped to create what Stephen Hawking’s would call the black hole that ate Earth.   As in, our supreme self appointed elitist government appointees have mucked it up so badly – Earth is – on – the – brink – of a catastrophe.


The guys that idiotically created this annihilation – want us to believe they can save a few…

John Kerry’s attitude has sat with me since he slovenly announced that, “We’ve only got 9 years!”   All while pursing his lips, scowling, and storming off to his private jet eclipsing the carbon footprint of perhaps 1,000 to 10,000 normal private citizens. Obviously, the true climate change debacle had nothing to do with carbon – and everything to do with – something else.

The Anomaly.   Magnet North. Electromagnetism.   Solar Spurs.   Maybe the UFO’s are here to tell us we better fix this or we don’t exist!   Who the heck knows…   Supposedly many, given the theys have been researching and exploring UFO’s for about 75 years. At Least.   “Including My Dad”.

That’s a heck of a long time to hold a secret.   Much less one of this magnitude.   Everyone is anxious.   I imagine most want detail, they already believe in aliens and ships, just give us ‘specifics’ now.   Be Honest – And Let Us Process at Each Our Pace.

On a Positive Note.   Seems to me, logically, if there was any ill-will it would have long ago been instituted and done. Fini!   Which makes it look more like they want us to save ourselves to prove we are self sustainable and not a burden.

On the other hand, if the psy-ops was so devious as to utilize decades to slowly perverse us, I suppose that’s a possibility too.

Ahhh, I digress and pro-gress…

In The End… Seems to Me that: 1.   They can purge the military of the best and brightest!   They’ll just go Militia.   When an army soldier screams after firing his gun, you know, they got what they wanted.   2.   They can purge our Brilliant Men In Blue!   They can court them, fire them and force them into enslavement, but in the end, the ones who fall away – are the CORE of the New Militia.   And they are trained, trained, and trained!   It’s a knife fight against an AK.

These guys think they are curbing or killing are our core hero’s and nationalists!   And so – they are  instead uniting US!   And – That – Will – Be – Their – Downfall!!!!!

Technically, they know they lost this battle, this generation, and so their efforts have already diverted to the original tactic – manipulate the YOUTH.    CoVid gave them a view – they needed the anti-persons to be eliminated by at least 80%.  And it not only didn’t happen, it didn’t come close.     And so, while we may have a reprieve of sorts, it is only a time regrouping until the next generation of perverse communists ARISE!

Wind Turbines & ElectroMagnetic Radiation: No Place To Hide

Despite a mixed account of the cause of the electric grid failure in Texas that resulted in an exchange of barbs between Bill Gates and Governor Abbot, wind power and solar power remain controversial as any long term alternative energy source.

The fact remains that the wind turbines did freeze and fail.   The fact remains that the solar panels went black as they were covered with snow.   Whether these failures could have been mitigated is NOT the fault of the governor – but is wholly the fault of the for-profit companies providing the turbines and the Council that contracts with these companies – ERCOT.

Deflecting that fault reveals a much larger picture.

ERCOT is a non-profit committee formed to oversee and manage the flow of electricity in Texas which is provided by a number of for-profit sources.   ERCOT and its board are entrenched in moving Texas toward more wind and solar projects and thus initiate contracts and investments to this end.   The CEO, Bill Magness and the Chair of the Board, Sally Talberg, have extensive relationships with companies selling wind turbines and solar panels.

IN ERCOT’s 2019 report, the analysis of deficiency in wind during peak summer months was considered a primary event of concern for 2021.   In particular along the east and southern portions of Texas.   The report found that transmission transformers of solar and wind to these regions was creating instability and congestion. In fact, the primary discussion of most of ERCOTs studies regarding supply and demand revolved around risks of wind and solar disparities.

According to ERCOTs latest report December 2020, the retirement of all fossil fuel usage is anticipated to occur by 2030. In addition, load factors for the replacement of all gas powered vehicles is considered.   Wind and solar are the primary assessed means within what they reference as a “Renewable Mandate”.

In other words, without Governor Abbot’s knowledge or the citizens of Texas, ERCOT is adopting the UN World Economic Forum 2030 Agenda wherein Corporatism will reign and governments will be defunct and nonessential.

It wasn’t that many years ago that the idea of a, ‘Corporate run America’, was envisioned by the liberals and democrats as an evil takeover.   Yet somewhere along the way, this agenda was embraced by both democrat and republican politicians, thus forming a uniparty system.   A conspiracy theory concept – became a reality.

Of the top ten wind projects envisioned for 2020, 4 were in Texas commissioned by ERCOT.   There are eleven offshore wind farm projects in various stages of completion by for-profit companies: Dominion, Orsted, Avangrid, Eversource, Con Ed, Equinor, Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners, National Grid, and US Wind. Orsted is involved in 5 of those projects.

Founded in 2019, Orsted is a Danish conglomeration of First Wind, D.E. Shaw & Co., and Ospraie Management. Ospraie Management is a NY Hedge Fund investor group partnering with Soros Fund Management and General Atlantic.

General Atlantic was founded by Charles Feeney who joined the Bill Gates Giving Pledge. Bill Ford is the current CEO and Chair of Atlantic. He also serves on the board of BlackRock, National Committee on US-China Relations, McKinsey Advisory Council, and – Endeavor.   Endeavor CEO Linda Rottenberg co-chairs the World Economic Forum.

WHEW!   Agenda 2030. Follow The Money.  

Wind and Solar are hedge fund owned and operated industries promoted within the WEF 2030 Agenda.  This is the $55 trillion industry espoused by Kerry in his doomsday for all unless he get’s his portion of that $55 trillion…

Wind Turbines life cycle is roughly 20 years although components fail far earlier and require replacement as part of the annual/daily maintenance requirement.   Load factors also play a part in determining the overall lifespan of a turbine.   At the end of its life, the turbine is cut into three pieces and – buried.   The current cost of each commercial turbine is $3-$4 million installed.   Decommissioning is an additional cost. As of 2019, it was estimated that decommissioning would cost roughly $530,000 per turbine.   These costs are ultimately born by the consumers while the profits are hedged for the elite.

While offshore turbines have gained providence, they come with their own set of issues:   destroying bird habitat, destroying fishing industries, interruption with Navy requisites, and the sheer added cost of infrastructure.   A proposed solution would be to create ‘floating’ turbines’ in deep water. The obstacles entail extensive radioactive transmission lines, transformers, maintenance operations, maritime disruption and security.   In addition, because turbines emit electromagnetic energy, they can potentially disrupt electromagnetic signals in telecommunication, radar and navigation.

While the effects of EMF on humans is definable with fertility and cancer as prime issues, the impact on marine mammals such as whales and dolphins is considered a significant reason for inadvertent ‘beaching’.   It has also been found to be one of the main culprits in our dying population of bees; altering their character, changing their behavior, and impacting reproduction.

It isn’t just wind turbines; cell phones, cell towers, power lines and wireless all expose vast amounts of EMR into our environmental field. This radiation effect is not deflected by our earth’s atmosphere or ozone.   Thus it is absorbed by people, animals, oceans and plants.   In small amounts the damage to DNA is relative, in large amounts it can be deadly.

As such, are the technological innovations which cause a plethora of artificial electromagnetic radiation increases adding to or even wholly responsible for the ‘global warming’ theory?   Will this poisoning be more deadly than a Pandemic?   While killing off human populations, the tenuous balance of our eco-system will also fail creating an even faster spiral.   This is what going GREEN entails.   It is the alteration of our planet, our DNA, and all life forms herein.

It isn’t a liberal vs conservative issue.   It is an AGENDA. 

And there is No Place To Hide.