The Reality of Mythology – C. S. Lewis

What if mythology as it is presented is actually based on factual narratives?   Who decided that these narratives were all false?   Mythology has played a part in every culture, every civilization, since time began.  It was the passing of knowledge from generation to generation so that history would not be lost.  

According to C. S. Lewis, “What flows into you from the myth is not truth but reality.   …every myth becomes the father of innumerable truths on the abstract level. Myth is the mountain whence all the different streams arise which become truths down here in the valley”.

Each culture’s myths were an inherent religion.  They sought to answer the same questions we ask today; What is our purpose?   Where did we come from?   Every culture or tribe created their answer based on the ‘myths’ or narratives that had been told before them.  Today, ‘historians and scientists’ attempt to recreate each of these narratives with theory that they build and presuppose as Fact.   But it isn’t fact and it isn’t reality – it is theoretical guessing.

Mesopotamia consisted of two groups, Akkadians and Sumerians.  Evidence attributing a religion to them dates from 3500 BC.  It is thought they invented writing, early mathematics, astrology, law, agriculture, and the calendar.  In 2335, these two groups were synthesized under one ruler, Sargon of Akkad of the Akkadian Empire.   He was a warrior-conqueror whose populace were required to pay him a Tribute or tithe in exchange for safety.

The Mesopotamian father god was Enlil.

It was this same time frame wherein the Minoan civilization of Crete appeared.   Perhaps fleeing the Akkadian Empire given they could be subjugated and controlled had they remained.   Minoans were peacemakers with an exceptionally advanced society.

Many theorists claim that the Minoan Society was the first to create Greek mythology.  While debate ensues over whether Minoan’s worshipped a queen or goddess or they simply revered women, is inconclusive.  The society flourished in trade, riches, and wealth.  Their agriculture was advanced, their society had two forms of writing, one was a monetary tablet for trade – the other has yet to be deciphered.   They prospered for 1500 years before being slaughtered by the warrior Mycenaeans.

Despite living on an island in the Mediterranean, their art depicted bulls and lions within stadiums much like the Roman Games.  Participants included both men and women.    They were quite an interesting study!

Roman mythology is said to have originated from the Greek.  The first King of Rome was born of mythology – Romulus during the 8th century BC.   His mother, Rhea Silvia was a ‘vestal virgin’ raped by Mars, god of war.  There is no other historical reference to Romes formation other than through this mythological reference.   And thus the entire Roman Empire originated via mythology.

Giving rise to the queries – was mythology reality?  And why would every global society want to quash it?

Plato embraced mythology in his philosophies.   C. S. Lewis stated that Christianity too – was born of myth given it came from ‘narratives’.   And became reality.   Would this then not support the reality that all myth is/was reality/truth?

The word myth is derived from the Greek, Mythos:  1.  A story or set of stories relevant to or having a significant truth or meaning for a particular culture, religion, society, or other group.  2.   Utterance, speech, narrative.

Roman Emperor, Constantine, issued the edict of Milan in 313 AD wherein Christianity became the official religion of the Roman Empire.   The Roman Empire conquests included Greece.   By the 8th or 9th century, Greek mythology, or paganism as it was renamed, was scrapped in favor of the Popes and Christianity.   The origin of the word pagan is derived from the ancient Latin paganus which simply meant a villager or rustic.  The word became synthesized by Jews, Christians and Muslims to mean ‘heathen’ sometime in the 4th century.  And this is its usage today.  It was deemed to be anyone who did not follow Abrahamic truths.   Mythology was thus deemed a false reality and history was essentially rewritten to recreate cultural religions as fictional tales.

Even the narratives and poems of Homer have been pillaged.   Homer is said to have been the son of a river and a nymph, who wrote epic poems.  But he also wrote narratives that depict in detail the Trojan War – which is today considered ‘mythology’, and Thebaid, a poem that tells the story of two brothers at war over their rule of Thebes a city in Egypt along the Nile.  Thebes was an ancient city that existed during the Middle Kingdom at the same time frame as Minoa.  Thebes or Amun included the Luxor Temple honoring Ramses II and the Karnak complex the largest religious complex in the world at one and a half miles long.

Historians sought to disclaim the narratives for fear that their reality would negate Christianity. A sort of censorship.   Or even a conspiracy.  Diluting power.   A universal Pope.  But in quashing ancient mythology historians needed to recreate a falsified narrative of history within a bottle.  It is why time frames never coincide, and why it became necessary to link History with Science so as to give it greater  power and control in mass hypnosis when it contradicted itself.

And so, the propaganda campaign invoked by popes and kings became, those who believe in mythology are fools and idiots…    Similar to the Rockefeller Institutes 1913 campaign to create vaxes and Big Pharma ~  Those who believe in holistic medicine and cures are fools supporting quackery ~


Enlil was was a Mesopotamian god of wind, earth, air and storms/water.  Enlil is the derivative of Elohim – the Jewish God

Yahweh originated in pagan myth as well, and became synonymous with Enlil.