Reversing Charitable Tax Status

Censorship by Google and Facebook is now common.  August 2023 RFK Jr. sued Google for censoring his content.  2018, Google launched a censored search engine in China.   YouTube censors right leaning videos.  2010 Google stated that it had received orders to censure content from the ‘authorities’ including; Canada, US, Thailand, Spain, and Germany.  Interestingly, the Washington Post and New York Times, as CIA draft liberal media spinners, also claim Google is illegally censoring.  

Google claims that it provides “Transparency Reports” to show exactly who they censor and why.   Oddly the last update was June 2022.

The First Amendment – Freedom of Speech Law refers to government censorship.   Clearly, both Twitter and Google have been subjected to government censorship.   Yet, government courts continually reject the claim and any lawsuits.

A little known outlet, Ad Fontes Media, formed in Colorado in 2019 has released a media bias chart.  The chart claims to rank media outlets based on left lean, right lean and middle.  In addition, it provides a ranking for reliability and value.  It was created by Vanessa Otero, a registered Democrat.

While claiming to work with all sides of the media spectrum, Ad Fontes Partners include META & Newsela among others.   Newsela Partners include WAPO, NYT, AP, The Economist, Soros, Al Jazeera, and Bloomberg – among others.   All middle ground highly unbiased according to Ad Fontes – including our beloved CNN!     The results were tabulated by their partner Comscore via an online survey.  Comscore founders, Magid Abraham & Giani Fulgoni, are both World Economic Forum Pioneers.

Incredibly UNBIASED…

These are the censors – the media bias analysts and ‘watchdogs looking forward to the government council which will determine what news is allowed.   Technically, everyone is biased.   It is why we have two parties – bias.   It is why we have alternate media to the bias of the liberal media.   Bias is inherent in everything and everyone.   The Civil War was about bias.   Attempting to censor bias is mandated by the World Economic Forum so as to turn the masses into one big slavery package.

In the US Constitution the First Amendment protects “Freedom of Speech”.   With caveats.   It only applies to the prohibition of the government initiating the censorship.

The Supreme Court has added caveats including defamation.  “False information that harms the reputation of a person or business”.   A bias pyramid would fall under this caveat.   By using a comparative, Ad Fontes has sullied the reputation of those on the rungs below a linear CNN, BBC, NPR etc.. as of better quality.   An individual could be seen to have an opinion, but the pyramid presented does not suggest ‘opinion’, it suggests a Truth Bomb.   And now comes under the heading of libel for publishing this as Fact.

In the case of Twitter, it was clearly shown by Elon Musk and Jack Dorsey that the CIA was heavily involved in the censorship.   Yet the US government, our Congress, took no action.   Why?   Because the CIA/FBI have a file on ‘everyone’.   Quite literally.   And the vast majority of Congress, whether right or left, are owned by the CIA.

What happens when the government doesn’t exist?   The Constitution is no longer valid.   In a world of NGO Stakeholders, censorship is legal.   A Stakeholder ‘government’ is the goal of The World Economic Forum.   The same Forum that is creating fake pyramids of left and right bias.

The world of censorship has been hijacked.  

Protecting children from books deemed inappropriate is a meandering line.   To Kill A Mockingbird is banned because it is classified as racist – yet libraries brimming with transexual and homosexual depictions is considered protected speech for elementary children.   Until this is addressed by the Supreme Court and /or an Amendment to the Constitution clarifies this, the NGO’s and Stakeholders will continue their arbitrary classifications.

The fastest way to topple the vast majority of NGO’s is to eliminate the Charitable Status completely.   And yes, that would have to apply to churches, otherwise every NGO would claim they were a church…   The 16th Amendment gave Congress the Power to Tax.   It was led by democrats and ‘progressive republicans (rhinos).   The Revenue Act of 1917 gave individuals the ability to make charitable contributions a deduction.  The first NGO was the UN.

The difference between an NGO and a charity is that an NGO can make a profit.   In addition, despite its nongovernmental status, an NGO can get its funding from governments.   Diluting the entire means of charity or charitable deduction.  The Revenue Act of 1954, signed under Eisenhower, began the deluge of NGO’s.  It established a wealth maker by creating a false charitable definition and allowing profits to be untaxed.

Because the entire point of a charity vs a corporation is one entity is supposed to have No Profit to tax – because as a charity you give it all away…

AntiSemitism. The Hatred of Christians, Muslims and Secular Jews?

Elon Musk is Anti-Semitic. Why? Because he called out George Soros who identifies as being a Jew.   But the Semites included Hebrew, Arabs, Canaanites, Ethiopians, Akkadians, and Aramaean tribes.   They embraced three religions: Christianity, Judaism, and Islam.   So the Israeli government is calling out Musk for being anti – all these varied religions and tribes.   While Soros is secular – he has no tribe. But the accusation reveals the foreign Ministry of Israel;   a) doesn’t know the definition of Semite, and b)   aligns Israel with George Soros.

The government official who tagged Elon Musk on his anti-semitism is David Saranga, of the Foreign Ministry Office of Israel. Information regarding his religious affiliations, parents, family, etc… is ‘unavailable’.   However, Musk, a white secular male made a disparaging comment about another white secular male, Soros, which does NOT fit any definition of discrimination and/or defamation.

The anti-Semitism label no longer has any breath – they have used up the matches, the flint, and the firewood.   Which leaves us with b) – the Israeli government is onboard the liberal Soros WEF ideology.

Saranga’s entire role in the Foreign Ministry is to Tweet.   Anyone who says anything disparaging about Israel’s government is subject to harassment.

Technically, Israel’s constant bombing of Iran and Palestine would be defined as “Anti-Semitic” and murder given Arabs are Semites by definition.   So what is Saranga attempting in his barrage of Anti-Musk Tweets?

The fact that Saranga targeted only Musk in his tirade makes it ‘personal’.   Claiming that Twitter was rife with anti-Semitism, Saranga has outed himself as part of the Deep State Cabal.

Enter the Anti Defamation League to respond.   “Musk’s comments will embolden extremists”. The commentary digressed from there given Musk made no mention of anything discriminatory while the ADL CEO, Greenblatt, began his own spew of defamation aimed at Musk.

The ADL was established in 1913 to battle anti-semitism against jews.  In 2020 there were 683 hate crimes against jews according to the ADL.   The Spin:   Dozens of cities with over 100,000 residents—including Baltimore, Maryland; Norfolk, Virginia; St. Petersburg, Florida; and Anaheim, California—reported no hate crimes at all in 2019”.   Dozens of cities no longer report any crime to the FBI!   But try to find the actual demographics of the ‘hate crimes’ is a difficult opaque travesty.

According to the Jewish News Syndicate: “The current dramatic rise in antisemitism in America has four main sources: far-right racist groups; Islamists and the far-left; and black groups that embrace radical and separatist ideologies, along with their acolytes among black political and cultural elites.”  In other words far left, far right, blacks, separatists, Islamists, and radicals are bolstering anti-Semitism.   Orthodox Jews in NYC are anti-Semitic.

Unless all of these people are cleansed the Jews will continue to – fight.   But what have they accomplished?   MONEY.   Secularism.   And a tired frame of victimhood.   While everyone wants to ‘set the record right’ about various claims, they do so by rewriting history.

Every sector within our history has a come-to-Jesus moment when they have to accept historical accounts that are not particularly dainty.   China’s Mao, Nazi Germany, US Hiroshima, Israel’s nonexistent statehood, and the redrawing of boundaries across the globe in a constant play for power are historical facts.   It isn’t defamation to recount the realities of history. However, playing a victim card is a childish melodrama embraced by various races which merely supports the anti-integration concept.

Integration does NOT work. And Israel is one of the greatest examples of anti-immigration.   According to Israeli statistics, the Arab minority population in Israel is comprised of poor unemployed poverty riddled Palestinian Arabs.   Otherwise, immigrants consist of a very small spattering of US Jews and Russian Jews.   Israel as a state is NOT integrated. It is a state wherein ethnicity is dominant and Secularism is RISING!

When an ethnicity is dominant, it tends to view other ethnicities as inferior. African blacks consider whites trash.   The Polish hate all Russians – just because.   Asians are not fond of blacks.   Europe’s percentage of blacks in their demographic is roughly 1%-2%.   When Italians get together in America – it is with other Italians.

Despite stating that black Islamists are neo-Nazi radicals, the JNC and ADL are pro-Ukraine Nazi’s.   How is this possible?   According to Roy Eckhardt, a scholar of anti-Semitism in Biblical terms, the New Testament of the Christians is the source of all anti-Semitic rhetoric.   Which could be the Script written by Soros.   In addition, the claim is that the New Testament created a schism of The Chosen People.   Jews claim title.  The Bible referenced Hebrews.   Hebrews were all those descendants of  Shem – which included Christians, Muslims, and Jews.   This is the rewriting.

Jews hijacked the definition of Hebrews to disclude Christians and Muslims, embrace Secularists, without realizing they were thus identified as solely responsible for the crucifixion of Jesus. 

Of course – like the skewed definition of Semite, the skewed definition of Hebrew was galvanized and horded centuries later by a people that came to be known as Jews mentioned in the Bible as simply the men of Yehuda. By contrast, Shem is the Father tribe of all Semites.   Yehuda is the father tribe of Jews.

The ADL CEO Greenblatt, is securely enmeshed in the Clinton/Obama repressive progressive movement while revoking the clear definition of a Semite and embracing Secularism.   Anti-Semitism was more about those persecuting the religious by the Pagans who now call themselves “Secular”.   The Secularists continue to defame the Religious.   The Secularists continue to commit genocide on the Religious.

Israeli Foreign Ministry Tweeter, Saranga, is simply attempting to capitalize on victimhood within the same historical rewriting – claiming anything derogatory against any Secularist Jew is Anti-Semitism – and completely ignoring The Bible, and Pagan History.