President Trump’s Deutsche Bank Debacle – unraveled

Val Broeksmit, a heroin addict, is the adopted son of a former Deutsche Bank executive who was suicided in 2014.   In 2018, Broeksmit appeared out of the woodwork and claimed to have a trove of illicitly obtained confidential documents from Deutsche Bank that implicated President Trump.

Moby, a musician, songwriter, activist who works for, the Soros Organization, was ‘approached by friends of the CIA’ in 2018 to post and spread content on the Trump-Russia collusion on his social media accounts. Based on his Facebook account, it would appear he complied and posts persistent anti-Trump messages.  It is likely the CIA pays him for his activity.

January 2019, Moby decided to introduce Val Broeksmit to his good friend, Adam Schiff, having learned that Broeksmit tried to sell his documents to the FBI.   The FBI claims they didn’t pay him but did offer to bring his girlfriend to the US on a free visa. Broeksmit then asked the NYT to pay him as a consultant because he was psyched about being an informant. The NYT claims they passed.

Kyle Frese, a DIA employee, funneled classified intelligence reports to the media through two female journalists both of whom he was romantically involved; Amanda Macias and Courtney Kube.

Yesterday, Frese was arrested.

David Enrich, a finance editor for the New York Times is releasing a nonfiction book in 2020, an expose titled, “Dark Towers; Deutsche Bank, Donald Trump, and an epic trail of destruction”. It appears that Adam Schiff passed the Broeksmit documents to Enrich to further his career as a novelist. And in the process derail Trump’s 2020 election campaign.

That would likely mean, Adam Schiff and the FBI colluded in handing over confidential documentation that was the property of Deutsche Bank to Enrich.

In the meantime, there is no way to verify the authenticity of the ‘documents’ given they have not been made public.   It is also odd that Broeksmit sat on his collection for five years, suddenly deciding to leave London for the US to sell the documents to the FBI.

Enrich claims that Deutsche Bank money laundering specialists flagged suspicious transactions involving Donald Trump and Jared Kushner. The inquiry stems from a question as to whether Deutsche Bank sold all or a part of Trump’s debt to a Russian bank, in which case, Trump was now dealing with ‘the Russians’.  Banks routinely bundle loans and sell them to other banks at a discount rate.

But the spin is to claim Trump and Kushner were involved in money laundering.

The implication of the Enrich book is that Deutsche Bank is greedy and corrupt, therefore everyone who has ever done business with them is greedy and corrupt and involved in money laundering. While the first part of the statement is true, the second part is purely fictional.

  1. In 2018, Microsoft Azure published a report specifically highlighting the high rate of ‘false positive’ money laundering alerts.   According to Microsoft, Transaction Monitoring Systems (TMS) generate a false positive alert 95-99% of the time.   Once flagged, the false positive must be reviewed by humans and if determined to be authentic, a Suspicious Activity Report (SAR) must be filed within 30 days.

The statement that Trump and Kushner were ‘flagged’, is meaningless.   No SAR report was filed against Trump – he simply came in at the 99% false positive point.  I doubt either the media or the book will highlight that little quirk.

  1. Between March 2013, and August 2014, 40 bankers commit suicide.   All were high level executives, all were labeled suicide, murder or ‘unknown cause’. William Broeksmit was on the list. He had retired from Deutsche Bank in 2013, and based on his doctors notes taken 4 weeks prior to his ‘suicide’, he showed no signs of anxiety, depression, or suicidal thoughts. Nonetheless he was found hanging from a door by a dog leash January 2014.

There are conflicting accounts of ‘papers’ being reviewed and taken from Broeksmit’s possession by his friend and partner, Mr. Michele Faissola, which is what Val Broeksmit initially stated.  If true, then Val would not have possession of any documents because according to his account of the scene of his dead father, those documents were now held by Michele Faissola.

Shortly after Broeksmit’s suicide, while Deutsche Bank continued its spiraling crash, Faissola and two other Deutsche Bank executives accused of falsifying accounts and manipulating marker pricing, formed an investment hedge, F.A.B. Partnership with the financial assistance of the Qatari Royals who happened to own 10% of the outstanding shares of Deutsche Bank.  The initial investment into Faissola’s boutique venture was $14 billion.   If in fact, Faissola now had these ‘damning’ documents, it would follow that they bought him a nice tidy sum.  It would also substantiate the notion that the documents in Val’s – Schiffs – Enrich’s possession are forged.  However, for Faissola to admit this would mean his revealing that he has the real documents – which he can’t without repaying his blackmail.

At the core of the Deutsche Bank crash is their subsidiary, Danske Estonia.   Between 2018 and 2019, Danske was targeted for over $200 billion Euros’ in money laundering schemes.   Based in Denmark, Danske laundering activities involved shell companies registered in Cyprus.  The Hunter Biden scandal, Burisma Holding Company was being investigated by Ukraine for its questionable dealings – Burisma claims Cyprus as its headquarters.

Danske Bank is overseen by the Bank for International Settlements.  Based in Switzerland, BIS is the central bank for 60 members. Founded in 1939, BIS funneled money from Wall Street and London to finance Hitler. It’s founding fathers came from the Rothschilds via marriage between Carola Warburg and Walter Rothschild, and JP Morgan.  The Walburgs were instrumental in establishing the Federal Reserve system in the US.

Follow the money!  The real money laundering scheme would seem more likely to flow to Burisma Holding Company, via Biden.

SUMMARY:   What we have is an opioid addict adopted son of a suicided Deutsche Bank executive handing over damning documents stolen from Deutsche Bank and given to another Deutsche Bank executive who sets up his own firm with Qatari money while Deutsche Bank tanks under investigation for massive money laundering, falsifying accounts, and market manipulation, to some musician activist in the US, who is on the payroll of the CIA, works for a Soros organization, and is writing damning memes about President Trump on his social media accounts, who also happens to be friends with Adam Schiff, who then turns said documents over to the FBI, who then illegally obtain a free visa for the opioid guys girlfriend, only to have said documents mysteriously turn up in the hands of a NYT editor who is a socialist writing a damning book about Trump and Deutsche Bank.

In the meantime, an employee of DIA is passing confidential security information to the media and two whistleblowers are being funded by Podesta, Clinton and Soros.

Where did those documents really come from?

I’m Banking On Soros and his Rothschild buddies.

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