ANARCHY Protests – A Soros Color Revolution!

Protests have become the mainstay for the Soros Color Revolutions. They are relatively easy to instigate given their market – youth.   Across Hong Kong, Chile, Lebanon, Iraq, the wave is always the same – the chant is always the same – and the anarchical violence destroys the country from within – an implosion, spiraling into chaos, the country is destroyed. And when the dust settles, there is no economy left to build, no food, no water.

Before the protests, Chile had one of the more prosperous economies in South America. Before the protests, Hong Kong’s GDP per purchasing power capita was higher than the US and Switzerland. Hong Kong was ranked as the ‘freest economy’ in the world. According to World Bank: In Lebanon, 15% live below poverty line, 54% are middle class, 32% are upper middle class, and 7% live in the highest upper class – 85% are middle class and above!

SO what is the real problem?

It would appear that youth across the globe have been indoctrinated into believing that unless you have absolute utopia, you are in Hell. If one M&M doesn’t line up with all the other M&M’s, then the focus is on the heinous – one.   For example: in a recent Facebook dialogue, when I provided a website that lists literally hundreds of President’ Trump’s accomplishments so far, the response was two things that Trump had yet to accomplish which therefore made him a ‘liar’.  He had failed to abolish every evil and create a full utopia within three years…

Trying to bring reason, I pointed out how that might work as a focus when dealing with your spouse, or children, or family… Obviously, it would implode any and all relationships.  Deaf, dumb and blind.

Society, education indoctrination, Hollywood elites with a 9th grade education level, tell our youth that Anarchy is the answer.   And no one is stopping them. Riots in Chile have taken out a third of their railway stations and transport, riots in Hong Kong have completely shut down businesses, closed malls, caused restaurants to shutter, and fires ravage throughout once pristine landscape.

Why do these people encourage our youth to destroy?  

For some it is purely ignorance, for others it is an agenda, a global call for civil war. To rule from the throne of Earth, one must create a living Hell wherein many will perish. From the ashes, the elite will rise and use labor camps to rebuild.

Mainstream media outlets are already calling the Lebanon protests a new Arab Spring – but that would ignore the peace contracts in Syria and Yemen.  The brokered cease fire in Donbas, Ukraine.   It would ignore the drain the swamp action of Prince Salman in Saudi Arabia. And it ignores the fact that Paris went through the Yellow Vest Movement which was also impregnated with Anarchists.  It ignores the third world status that Sweden has achieved.

Who would do such a thing?

While the right to assembly and free speech are protected rights, these protests are about rioting, assaulting police, destroying businesses, damaging property, and setting fire.   They are the ‘color revolutions’ proscribed, funded, and deliberately orchestrated by NED, National Endowment for Democracy.   As per a previous post, NED is funded by USAID, Private NGO’s, Unions, and Foundations. Their design is to initiate a coup. Claiming to support human rights, they are a conglomerate of Socialists who want to recreate global socialism. Their means – Anarchy.

The US was embattled in similar protests throughout the entire Obama administration.   Race riots.   Indulged by a black President wherein racial division grew larger than it was in the 1950’s!   President Trump continually stands in alignment with core values of our Country despite the constant barrage of pure evil that would rather see us destroyed.

The verbal assaults on a sitting President and his family are beyond heinous.   The Propaganda tools of media manipulation have no ethic.   And many have fallen prey and victim to the attacks. Responsibility for a person’s words and actions are nonexistent giving these actors even greater confidence in their deeds.

It is with great sadness that I watch the destruction of Chile.   It had accomplished so much these past few decades. The people were family oriented, tourism was Yuge, and the president was gaining traction as more businesses flocked to this friendly country.  The current Chilean President, Pinera, has a history of mobilizing various foundations to address inequality, women, justice, freedom, parks and preservation.  Instead, the media mocks his wealth.

You see, The Economist, the Rothschild rag, doesn’t like him. And when the Cabal can’t buy you – they destroy you.  Venezuela – down.   Argentina – Columbia -Brazil…under siege.