The BIG FIVE – Tech Puppets Created By the CIA

According to the Twitter Dump trainwreck, in addition to the CIA/government censorship and interference, Alliance For Securing Democracy, is deeply entrenched in running the show.   Michael Chertoff, would seem to have his hands in every anti-America regime change infiltration across the globe.   The man of long arms and hands like a vise:   gimme what I want or die – like Tzar Nickolas, wife and five children – butchered.   With One end Goal:  COMMUNISM.

Other esteemed names in the Alliance For Democracy allegiance includes:   Jake Sullivan, Billy Krystol, and Mike McFaul – renowned neoconservatives.  Their Hamilton 68  Dashboard is the arm holding the censorship noose.  Ironically, Hamilton 68 was created in 2017 in ‘defense of all things Trump’.   In concert, they collaborated to create the infamous Russian Collusion in ‘collusion’ with all spy US agencies and the UK.

The point to all the conspiracies asking the question “who is running the show” – this would be the answer – “the Intelligence apparatus within the US & UK”.   Albeit, they are not the final tier.  They are running the ‘Their Tier’ – politics and government.   Other Tiers would include the Cartel, the Pharma, and the Industrial arm.

The Final Tier, those on the throne, remain cowardly allusive.   Names are frequently postured, but none would seem the Final Tier – not even Soros.   Soros is more of a parallel to Chertoff, each assigned their departmental faction beneath the Pharma, Cartel, intelligence et al Tier.   For Example:   Soros is chaos while Chertoff is intelligence and Bankers are a Tier above…

The Alliance For Democracy is funded by Democracy Fund which is funded by Pierre Omidyar of Ebay.   Ebay’s initial funding came from Benchmark Capital which became known as the Eboys.   Everything they touched as venture capitalists, turned to GOLD!   They also raised funding/venture capital for all the startups under what I will call – The BIG FIVE.

Pierre Omidyar is rarely headline news, a perk he likely pays for, yet his carbon footprint in the CIA mechanism is rather remarkably Largess!

All of this somehow seems linked to the discovery of Elon Musk – and his rise to stardom and – BILLIONS via the CIA Hedge Fund Q-In-Tel!    What if these Tech CEO heads are really frontmen for the CIA Network?   The frontmen get the fame and a ‘fair share’ – but the support tech and the profit skimming in the form of Contractors, and Grants, redirects the money and the lock & key.  Zuckerberg.   Dorsey.   Bezos.  Larry Page/Sergei Brin.   Frontmen to protect the truth regarding the technology development and the circulation of laundering funds.  The BIG FIVE. Under the auspices of the CIA and Intelligence apparatus.

With time, Omidyar became more visible in his ventures in conjunction with the US Government.   In 2014 Omidyar helped fund the Ukraine Coup in conjunction with National Endowment For Democracy, NED.   Simultaneously, Omidyar created First Look Media.   Glenn Greenwald, an extreme radical leftist, was appointed head honcho from a blank bio.  Subsequently, Omidyar published The Intercept – another far left propaganda tool.   He created Luminate and …signed on with Frontier Design Group.

In 2018, Frontier Design Group, drafted and presented a report on the feasibility of militarizing USAID.   The report detailed the means of achieving this goal thru bullet point initiation to end.  Frontiers second listed client after USAID is Omidyar Group.   Other clients include:  Army Special Forces, and Council on Foreign Relations.  Frontier and Omidyar Group are intertwined thru shared employees and shared organizations including USAID – as their funding source.

USAID is funding Musk’s Starlink satellites in Ukraine.   The CIA NGO Hedge FUND was responsible for the funding of all Musk’s ventures.   USAID became a militarized agency.   Chertoff is head point for creating global coups – his alliance = National Endowment for Democracy, a group that works everywhere except the US and gets their funding from USAID.  

These heads then report within a ‘subvert’ Roundtable which is given orders from the Next Tier – for their execution.   The means would include the CIA and Mercenaries for on the ground military confrontations.

The White House, the Entirety of Congress –  their staff & aides are a completely staged sham.   THEY have no power whatsoever.   They operate as a distraction of nothingism.   Of quarrelsome men and women whose entire script has been pre-written.  Their stage = the US Capitol.

Meaning the US is not fighting a ‘coup’, we were couped decades ago!   Our elections are a complete farse of wasted time, hope and energy created to give the impression of Democracy.   We just didn’t realize it.   The cleanup job or damage control initiated by social media is the focus in simply sweeping the leaks under the carpet and disposing of said carpet bag.

However.   They are careless and arrogant.   The best puppet is a Marionette held by a Ventriloquist.  Unfortunately, too often their ventriloquist falls asleep and odd words and phrases are released.   Furthering the Cleanup Crew.

Some people take easier to being a villain than others.   We will see who of the BIG Five falls first…  

BIDEN Classified Documents – An Insurance Policy Protecting them from CIA?


2017, Biden leaves the Whitehouse. 2017, Hunter Biden is paid $83,000 per month to be on the board of Burisma, the Ukrainian gas lease company.   2017, Hunter Biden signs a disclosure claiming Owasco PC is the owner of the Delaware house.   Rent is $49,910 per month.   The sole status listed Hunter as the Director and executive. Hunter was removed from his status at Owasco December 2019.  Corporate status for Owasco PC was revoked in 2021.  The rent on Hunter’s California home is $30,000 per month. Basically, these 2 rents equal his Burisma check.

November 2, 2022, Biden’s attorney claims he was the first to discover Classified documents at the Delaware house.   He decides not to reveal this information until after the midterms in January 2023.   Suddenly ‘aides’ are finding hordes of Classified documents all over the Delaware House. CNN declares the documents involve Iran, Ukraine and China.   A leak that is likely a distraction given CNN is CIA.

What is MORE likely is that the documents detail the inner workings of the Cabalist Cult taking control of the US government.   And the possibility that Hunter took the documents to secure his freedom from persecution – is reasserted to the head of the line.

Two days before the opening of the Davos Party Agenda, George Soros declares he has pressing matters and won’t be able to attend.   It is also worthy to note that this year no Western Presidents are attending the Summit.   Is Soros absence due to the need for ‘damage control’ as the Biden document scandal unleashes further documents – but NOT the ones that the CIA wants desperately – the ones that guarantee Hunter’s and Brandon’s lives?  Insurance.

As the ‘Agents’ work frantically, combing thru every space within the monstrosity that is the Delaware house, they appear to be searching for something much more detrimental.  Not to Biden – but to Them.

Trump has declared he knows exactly who has been visiting the Delaware House off the legality of a government log.   The legality of the logs stems from the fact that Biden spends more than 75% of his time there as opposed to the White House – which requires visitor logs.   And the curious want to know who is really running the US!

While the differentials between these two scenarios with regard to Trump vs Biden are vast, the media seems to be flying off center without their normal clearly defined direction.   Is a Handler Down?

The ‘personal’ lawyers handling the Document fiasco are:   Bob Bauer, Dana Remus, Robert Lenhard and James Garland.   Bauer was Obama’s number 1 attorney and remains his attorney of record with the National Archives. Remus selected dozens of Biden’s federal judicial appointees, including Ketanji Brown.   Garland was Chief of Staff to Eric Holder.   Lenhard was responsible for quashing anything negative during the Biden/Harris campaign.

The law firm coordinating Biden is Covington and Burling, LLP. They have a largess presence in China.   Michael Chertoff, John Bolton, and Eric Holder were formerly lawyers at Covington.   They have represented Guantanamo Bay terrorists, Planned Parenthood, and represented DC in their attempt to ban handguns.

Chertoff worked in Homeland Security during the Bush tenure, served with the CIA for 2 years, and co-created the Chertoff Group – a global security advisory group.   Chad Sweet is co-creator of the Chertoff Group having also worked in Homeland Security – and at the CIA.   Jason Kaufman, President of Chertoff, was an associate of ECentury Capital, a fund sponsored by Rothschild. Many of the advisors at Chertoff were career CIA.

Making Chertoff Group appear to be an arm of the CIA.    Their involvement in Handling the Biden White House via under the cover of the CIA, could unravel the entire Communist Re-Education of America.  IF that information was part of the Classified Document scandal being unveiled at Biden’s Delaware House, it would explain the fear and level of the search.

This intensity of information would also explain why George Soros suddenly had to cancel the Davos Agenda and attend to other imperative issues.

In a strange simultaneous move, Michael Bloomberg has announced his intent to buy either the WSJ holding company, Dow Jones, or WAPO. While it is well known that WAPO has been a CIA propaganda tool for decades, DOW Jones is a subsidiary of News Corp.  Nothing is Coincidental.

The Circus clowns want the corrupt DOJ to investigate Hunter and Joey.  That would amount to a Bill Barr type investigation wherein feet drag for 2 years and 2 miles with nothing to show –   It would be far better to have the Classified Document search conducted by an independent forum… say Bannon and Project Veritas…

What Does Become Evident is that these CIA Agents combing the Delaware Property don’t want anyone to know what they have already found, and what has ramped up the continued search!   Given CNN’s distraction states the Classified Documents are about Ukraine  and China – means this is what they will use to impeach Biden … as LONG as they uncover the Documents that reflect the Biden’s Insurance Policy that has kept them alive.

President Trump: Pentagon Puppets For Cabal

President Trump made a recent comment in which he stated that top generals in the Pentagon are just puppets for the arms manufacturing stalwarts – which would include Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, Northrup Grumman, Boeing and General Dynamics.   Of course the fact that this is true seems to garner little attention despite these megolyth industries backing Hillary in 2016 with tit-for-tat contracts.   Which would have included Mark Esper given he was a lobbyist working on behalf of Raytheon at the time.   Esper’s JOB was to garner government contracts worth mega billions so as to make the company more profitable…   And Clinton was more than happy to comply.

Esper wasn’t alone – John Podesta’s daughter Heather was also an appointed lobbyist who helped to lock in and bundle massive deals including one with Qatar – the same Qatar that has been backing congresswomen Omar and others.

The Qatar deal was worth $26 billion.

Of course weapons stockpiled are of little use when you can instigate a war instead!   Syria, Ukraine, Yemen, Eritrea, Turkey, became the means to justify the end. National Endowment for Democracy, NED, was more than happy to comply in their orange coups or Color Revolutions.   In fact, it is highly likely they are behind the US Color Revolution called Black Lives Matter with help from some highly trained mercenaries that infiltrate and incite.

The June 2020 Event stipulated on NED’s website features:

  1. Laura Rosenberger with the Alliance For Securing Democracy. Formed in 2017, their stated mission is to destroy Russia and Putin.   Michael Chertoff serves as a member of the Advisory Council as well as sits on the board of the Atlantic Council.   According to NPR the Atlantic Council is funded by and partners with Burisma Holding Group. Burisma is the Uktrainian company that hired Hunter Biden to do nothing for $1million annual fee – in exchange for a US led, NED – coup.

                      Another spurious donor of the Atlantic Council is Soros Open Society Foundation.

  1. Daniel Arnaudo with the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs – another liberal think tank that has alliances and allegiances with Clinton and Obama in a globalist frame of socialism for all.
  2. Philip Howard from the Oxford Internet Institute who has written a book in which he demonizes President Trump and all conservatives as threats to global democracy. He writes that if it were not for Russian interference – Trump would not have won the election… as in Hillary was supposed to win.

NED is clearly and defiantly central in destabilization across the globe – and in Washington.   Clearly, President Trump has called them to the table as they lay waste to entire countries with their sights set on reclaiming their rightful royalty lineage in the World Order.   And clearly there are two targets for decimation – Russia and America.

While China was well on its way in becoming a central source of mega-revenue for the globalists, President Trump has effectively closed that dyke and left multi-billions on the table.   China had effectively become the new tit-for-tat corruption institute for a Cabal bent on refining its power.   While giving China the ultimate goal of being the number One Global Powerhouse, honor among thieves always meant China was simply another puppet on their stage and fundamentally nonessential to the end game.   A destroyed China is just as good as a destroyed America. One only needs to look at former ‘friends of the Cabal’ to understand there are no friends, only useful idiots.   And Xi’s ego was no exception.

A formidable enemy, President Trump has sought to bite where they are most vulnerable – sex trafficking, child trafficking, and China investments. As a result China is sparking tensions and feuds with India, the virus that was released was an obvious failure that subverted their original plan for a timely release in September when its plague development would be far greater and 1000x more deadly.   Once again, President Trump anticipated their battle and diffused the damage.   According to the Gates TED talk, a pandemic virus was slated for September – 2 months before an election that meant everything to them.   A move that would likely guarantee a globalist/Cabal win.

Their nonessential candidate, Joe Biden, would appear to be driven by one motive self preservation. Jill Biden’s motive would seem to be protection of her son, Hunter, for which she would sell America and herself.   Given the obvious body double Hunter at the DNC convention, the only logical reason for such an appearance would be because the real Hunter is under quarantine – just not the CoVid kind – more likely, the Cabal kind wherein a bullet or a hanging are the alternatives.

What these useful pawns can’t seem to grasp is the fact that once they have served their purpose, Governor Whitmore, Lighthouse, Cuomo, Hollywood ignorants and scholastic academics, once the Cabal has extinguished their relevance, they will extinguish them forever.

As was noted by KGB Agent Yuri Bezmenov in a 1984 interview – the means destabilization.   The instruments?   Media, Hollywood,, Professors and elite academia who are led to believe they will play an infinite roll in the New World Order. But in fact, they will all be extinguished, their fundamental purpose having been fulfilled, and their usefulness a log in the eye.


ROGUE CIA and FBI: Whistleblowers

Speaking of Whistleblowers… There were quite a few during the Obama, Clinton and Bush administrations – their lives were made miserable despite the protections of the Whistleblower Act, and the consequences against those involved – nothing.

For Example:

Thomas Drake a senior executive formerly with NSA brought forth allegations regarding two controversial initiatives proposed within the agency; Trailblazer Project and ThinThread Project. Both involved spying but the Trailblazer Project was much more inclusive including spying on everyone, whereas the ThinThread Project which was considerably less expensive, while protecting individual privacy.

Drake favored the ThinThread Project.  

Going through the maze of internal government bureaucracy, he followed the rules and the fine print concisely, reporting to his superiors within NSA, the Department of Defense, the House and the Senate intelligence agencies, to no avail.  He did solicit the support of a Republican staffer in the House Intelligence Agency, Diane Roarke. She was considered the staff expert on the NSA budget.

Michael Hayden who was then head of NSA went through with the Trailblazer Project, hired Boeing, IBM, SAIC, and CSC among others to implement the project and ultimately spent $1 billion. Three years later the NSA Inspector General declared the project a total failure and it was scrubbed. NSA was declared to have wasted money, and their budget was restricted.

Two years later, Drake gave a reporter stories about abuse of spending at NSA making sure that all the information he released was not classified. In 2007, the FBI raided Roarke’s and Drake’s homes, taking computers, documents, books, and phones as evidence.   The government drafted charges against Drake for releasing classified information and conspiracy.   They pressured Drake to plead guilty and in 2010 he was formally indicted.

In 2011 prosecutors restricted proceedings to closed door, moved to restrict exhibits as hidden from the public, restricted cross examination of witnesses, and restricted jurors from reading the articles written by the reporter. May, all charges were dropped.

Drake lost his pension, lost his job, was responsible for $82,000 in legal fees, and was fired from his teaching position at Strayer University.

It was because of the 12 year harassment of Drake that Edward Snowden made the decision to circumvent the normal lines of procedure within NSA.

Drake has gone on to give speaking appearances in which he claims that the issues within NSA are so systemic and corrupt that dismantling the organization is the only solution.

Michael Hayden, the then head of NSA who instituted the failed, costly waste Trailblazer, was promoted to Director at the CIA. He receives full pension benefits, was awarded an honorary doctorate, and is currently a principal at Chertoff Group. He also serves on the board of Caliburn International, a group that operates temporary shelters for unaccompanied migrant children. Caliburn was awarded it border detention contract by Obama in 2014 for $97 million.   Caliburn is a private contractor receiving its funding from the Department of Defense. It is currently under investigation for bribery of Iraqi officials.

Chertoff Group was co-founded by Michael Chertoff whose experience includes Homeland Security under Bush, and Chad Sweet formerly Chief of Staff at Homeland Security as well as previous appointments as VP at Goldman Sachs and Directorate of Operations at the CIA.   Chertoff is essentially ‘Bush Men’.   All principles served under Bush, all came from Homeland Security in some capacity.

In 2013, it was reported that Chertoff routinely creates a market for a company with which they have a financial interest, fails to disclose this interest, and submits applications for funds from the Federal government – Department of Defense.   Michael Chertoff writes op-eds for the Washington Post and CNN in which he advocates for a new security to defend a crisis he foresees and then contracts with a company with which Chertoff has a financial interest.

Chertoff is considered a private NSA.

These agencies are rogue. It didn’t happen today or yesterday, it began in the 1950’s when Dulles initiated Operation MKUltra and Operation Mockingbird. It continued when JFK stated he would dismantle the CIA. He was assassinated. It ballooned when Bobby Kennedy went after the Director of the FBI and he was assassinated.

The mob has been in control ever since.

Judge Jeanine is correct in stating that these agencies, the FBI, CIA, NSA and DIA have collaborated to attempt a coup against President Trump.

Pelosi has admitted that her whistleblower who is asserting third party knowledge against Trump is inside the CIA. And she is utilizing the same rogue methods deployed ‘against Drake’ to defend the anonymity of this inside agent, and to keep the public at arms length claiming we have no rights.   She defends these measures by claiming that she fears for his ‘life’.

Of course one would wonder who might be the assassin given the history of murder by suicide rates…