Good vs. Evil: An Imbalance.

Our Universe is created within the absolutes of good and evil.  One can not exist without the other, just as light only exists because there is darkness.  Our small world is subject to these universal laws.  Our genetic makeup predisposes us to certain diseases, such as cancer and Alzheimers, it also predicates down syndrome and intellect.   Christians believe that every human’s DNA consists of the knowledge of God.  It is also accepted that every individual is born with good and evil DNA.   Two questions:   Could a genetic mutation cause a persons’ good and evil balance to be askew?   Could that skew be ‘genetically modified’?


Thousands of years and every society known to man has created a concept of good and evil representative according to their unique vision.  Mythology, Paganism they always depict good vs evil in some form. Christianity has God vs Satan. The American Indians had Ioskeha and Tawiscara as their good and evil symbolism.  The forces of these two opponents that battle for eternity can shift wherein an imbalance occurs and Discordia reigns.

Everything on this natural God-made earth was intricately created in a perfect pattern.  In the rain forest it is most evident.  Every creature, every flora, have a purpose. Disrupt that purpose, extract a single subject matter of the natural flow and the entire rain forest system begins to implode devolving into chaos.

GMO’s have are their advocates and their naysayers.  Many things on our planet have undergone genetic modification for a century from genetically modified flowers so that we can have flowers in abundance, to genetically modified fruits so we can grow them year round, to fish farms, dairy cow hormones, etc…   But despite the efforts of science, no human life can be created from ‘scratch’, not even a seed, which is why we have seed banks.

GMO flowers have no scent, GMO fruits lack the same vitamins and minerals, and farm fish have no color, it has to be injected into them.   The GMO Yellow Rice was a complete horror as it had little nutrient value.  But that hasn’t deterred science.  They have manipulated weather patterns having no idea what the negative ramifications will be, they have injected us with vaccines without any testing as to the entire cocktail effect, and they now want to inject particles into the atmosphere to black the sun so as to slow global warming.

Back to good and evil.

Every one of us has witnessed people whose balance of evil seems chaotic.  Is the imbalance a choice?  Does a person have the free will to choose?  Or is the discord a genetic mutation that can be modified… like a flower, like fruit?   And will doing so potentially remove a person’s soul, like the loss of scent or nutrients?

On the other side of the coin, many of us have personally witnessed people whose balance of good seems phenomenally out of proportion.  There are incredibly amazing heroes in our midst that we rarely recognize. Military soldiers.  They make ‘a choice’ within free will to eject themselves into chaos and risk death and torture.  They suffer fallout that we now call PTSD.   This doesn’t mean ‘the military’ I refer to individuals.

They are a sort of super human in that their balance of good far outweighs their balance of evil.

Enter Science.

Science more often than not does not recognize consequences.   Science will do nearly anything in order to change the natural course, in order to genetically modify everything God created.   Including humans.

If science experimented with humans – modifying their genetics so as to create a human more good or more evil, what would be the consequence?

Science is infinitely arrogant. Manipulating a person’s natural genetics without knowing the extent of the consequences, that person would no longer have free will to choose, nor would that person be able to refer back to their original self.  They would in essence become a GMO, a genetically modified organism.  But we know that science has been feverishly working for decades to implant AI in humans, to bionically alter humans, to create a super human – without understanding that such alterations may also result in that human losing their soul.

Evil in this world has shifted to an imbalance.  It is out of concordance.  It is not natural.  To think that ‘choosing’ evil over good is the only cause seems somewhat short sighted. When our heroes are diluted and evil men and women are praised, certainly the powers of evil have risen beyond their natural evolutionary boundaries and there is something more involved than simply ‘choice’.  And science, transhumanism, AI, super humans, genetically modified humans seems more and more a possibility.