South Africa’s White Genocide = Russia’s Boom

White genocide is not only ‘occuring’ in South Africa, it is not only condoned by the Black African government, it is now written into law as an enforceable execution!  And not one Mainstream Media outlet has the courage, or guts to report on this fact.   It is white genocide.  It is ethnic cleansing.  It is murder. And it comes with not only the permission and sanction of the government, but it comes as a law – of the government.

It is not just ordered that white farmers ‘can’ be murdered by the black locals, it is ordered that the white farmers ‘should be murdered’ as retribution for their ownership of land.

The last vestige of political correctness at its height.  It doesn’t fit the agenda of blacks are all sweet and whites are all evil. Because the agenda might be turned topsy-turvy as the hatred is legitimized in the venue of – murder.

“LAST month, British woman Sue Howarth and her husband Robert Lynn were woken at 2am by three men breaking into a window of their remote farm in Dullstroom, a small town in the northeast of South Africa, about 240km from the nearest capital city.

The couple, who had lived in the area for 20 years, were tied up, stabbed, and tortured with a blowtorch for several hours. The masked men stuffed a plastic bag down Mrs Howarth’s throat, and attempted to strangle her husband with a bag around his neck.

The couple were bundled into their own truck, still in their pyjamas, and driven to a roadside where they were shot. Mrs Howarth, 64, a former pharmaceutical company executive, was shot twice in the head. Mr Lynn, 66, was shot in the neck.”

Where is Charlize Theron whose mother and father made their livelihood as South African Farmers?   Why isn’t she defending her family?   Where is the outrage for the ethnic cleansing? The Genocide?

I have written about this for years, and still there is no support for the murdered families, the tortured families who have done nothing but try and build a life – legally.  Various numbers abound, but some venture that as many as 70,000 whites have been murdered in South Africa for the crime of owning and cultivating their land.

The contention that whites own a disproportionate 73% of the south African farmland may or may not be valid, but it is also noteworthy that South Africa has been one of the more prosperous countries of the African nation.  It is now considered an upper middle class economy having grown exponentially since 1996 and ranks in the top five of African nations.  That is all about to change as local blacks feel entitled to the wealth held by white land owners.

This is not the first time African black governments have attempted to cleanse whites from land ownership in Africa.  Fifteen years go in Zimbabwe land seizures resulted in a turbulent economic recession that has never recovered.    It is seen as a complete anarchist move that resulted in chaos and economic failure.  Today, the collapsed economy in Zimbabwe is inviting the white farmers to come back and show them how to farm the land in return for a share of the profits.

So why would South Africa fall into this same trap?

Greed. Bitterness.   Entitlement.  

Redistribution of Wealth;  The same type of reformation that led to the Obama era of chaos and division in the US and the same solution Bernie Sander’s Socialists exploit today.

It would be akin to firing all the biologists, scientists and medical personnel at Merck and replacing them with McDonald’s workers.   It may not be a politically correct comparison, but it would be an accurate comparison. What would happen to Merck?

“In 1997, the country’s (Zimbabwe) economy was among the strongest on the continent. This year, its growth rate is predicted to be 1.5 percent, according to the government, lower than that of any of its neighbors. Between 2000 and 2009, agricultural revenue declined by $12 billion, according to the commercial farmers’ union. The nation, once called “the breadbasket of Africa,” relies on international aid to feed 25 percent of its population, according to the World Food Program.”

Given that stellar statistic, South Africa’s Cyril Ramaphosa elected February 2018, has imposed the exact same confiscation program wherein farmland owned by whites may be confiscated for no compensation.

Prior to this declaration, according to Newsweek, a white South African Farmer was killed every five days in South Africa with no criminal repercussions whatsoever.  Wives and daughters were brutally raped.  And frequently, the farmers and their family would be hacked to death though the use of machetes.   No one prosecuted…

An interesting twist to this African chaos is the fact that since 2014 Russia began offering ‘free farm land’ , dubbed the Russian Homestead Act, whereby any and all naturalized citizens and Russians were eligible.  Upwards of 43 million hectares is available.  Hundreds if not thousands of applicants have already positioned themselves, many coming from South Africa and Zimbabwe.   The Russian government has pledged to build the necessary infrastructure at their expense, and the program is seemingly quite successful!

So once again Africa’s thousand year plight of stagnant or back propelled growth is extended into another century amidst the theory that redistribution of wealth created by the evil whites will be the driving power that finally brings Africa into the global boom…

In reality, it is another – bust.