Khashoggi, The CIA and Qatar, A Trilogy

The bizarre tale of Khashoggi has arisen again with a new twist.  He was not the true author of the journalistic pieces written for the Washington Post, the author was Maggie Mitchell Salem, Executive Director for Qatar Foundation International, LLC based in Washington, DC as an adjunct of the Qatar Foundation.  Their quoted mission statement is:   “We engage a global community of diverse learners and educators, fostering global competency and 21st-century skills through the exploration of the Arabic language and the Arab world’s societies and cultures.”

Basically, that means they have entered school systems across the globe, notably the US and UK, for the purpose of spreading Arabic culture.

Khashoggi was merely a puppet whose name and background lended credibility to an entirely fake series of articles in the Washington Post.  He created himself as a Saudi exile, looking for refuge in the US.  At least that’s how Salem created the bio. In fact, Salem, a mouthpiece for Qatar, chose what Khashoggi would write, what information he would state, and how it would frame Saudi Arabia particularly the new Crown Prince bin Salman.  Text messages have been accessed that reveal this alliance.

Time Magazine put Khashoggi on the face of its cover, Man Of The Year, for his excellence in journalism. Although, like the disgraced CNN journalist, it would appear Khashoggi was a fake too.   At least in his writing for The Washington Post.

Why would Khashoggi allow that tarnish?

The Washington Post is owned by Bezos, founder and CEO or Amazon.   In 2013, the CIA awarded Amazon a $600 million contract – 4 months after Bezos bought the Washington Post.   The contract offered advanced, high tech cloud infrastructure within that was stated to allow greater information sharing among all 17 intelligence agencies.   The contract award was challenged by IBM which had also bid on the contract and despite coming in $54 million less, was not awarded.   IBM’s CEO, Ginni Rometty, has emphatically stated IBM is ‘apolitical’ which may have undermined her ability to secure the CIA contract – in favor of the very liberal Bezos despite underbidding.

The CIA has been a regular contributor in the Washington Post, either through intermediaries, or directly as a source.  The Post effectively prints what they are told to say.  While the Liberal Swamp was in control, that alliance was necessary. Tit-for-tat.

So what was Khashoggi’s role?   Perhaps the CIA Swamp paid him for the use of his name.   He had several prominent alliances including Erdogan and Alwaleed bin Talal. Alwaleed was a Clinton Foundation contributor and was a part of the Saudi purge initiated by bin Salman in which over 500 arrests were issued for money laundering, bribery, embezzlement, and extortion.   In the days before Alwaleed’s arrest, he contacted Khashoggi.  Alwaleed and Khashoggi were both prominent members/ and/or contributors to the Muslim Brotherhood and it’s affiliates including CAIR, CCNU, and ISNA.  Before Osama Bin Laden became the defacto leader of al Qaeda, he was a member of the Muslim Brotherhood.  Human Abedin, Hillary’s right hand man, is a Muslim Brotherhood member.  These links are the critical core of the outrage over Khashoggi’s death –

Ties go back many years to Obama:   1987 Bill Ayers solicited Khalid Abdullah Tariq al-Mansour (a.k.a. Donald Warden) to raise money for Obama’s Harvard Law School education. al-Mansour is an orthodox Muslim, a black nationalist, an outspoken enemy of Israel, and mentor to Black Panther Party founder Huey Newton and his cohort, Bobby Seale. At the time al-Mansour associate Percy Sutton was raising money for Obama’s education, al-Mansour was the top financial advisor to mega-billionaire Prince Alwaleed (Alwalid) bin Talal of the Saudi royal family.

The CIA released a statement for the Washington Post claiming that Crown Prince bin Salman was responsible for the death of Khashoggi.  The CIA declined to comment further and no names within the CIA were revealed other than ‘a person briefed on the CIA’s assessment’.

During the CIA’s Operation Mockingbird which lasted decades, beginning in the 1950’s, various Washington Post and New York Times reporter’s were on their payroll.   It was a decidedly Liberal, anti-Soviet agenda and would seem that contrary to reports it was eradicated in 1976 under then Director, George Bush, it has morphed into an ever larger mass media manipulation.   Despite the Church Report in which the CIA vowed to not enter into any ‘paid or contractual relationship with any full-time or part-time news correspondent accredited by any U.S. news service, newspaper, periodical, radio or television network or station’, it would appear that vow was circumvented.   And their infiltration is accepted.

If Khashoggi was actually on the CIA payroll through the Washington Post, that would explain their distraction in blaming Saudi Crown Prince bin Salman, it would explain the immediate guilty until proven innocent reaction from numerous other CIA outlets, liberal businesses, and the bizarre Republican factions that are known Swamp: Graham and Rubio.

It is important to note who is aligned with whom.  The fact that Khashoggi’s journalistic aptitude was actually written by Salem, a Qatari aligned Director, and that the newly appointed Prince bin Salman is not aligned with the Liberals of DC, and that Qatar is in a deep riff with Saudi Arabia over their sponsorship of The Muslim Brotherhood, and the Muslim Brotherhood has deep swamp connections in the CIA, and that the Muslim Brotherhood link is being down-played and even deleted from some sites, play back to the Washington Post-CIA-Mockingbird Agenda.

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