UN: Syria End Game

Trump wants to bring home all remaining troops in Syria.  Mattis disagrees and submits his resignation.  Democrats want to impeach Trump for pulling troops.  And the UN – they want to hold a Council Commission meeting in 2019 to force Syria to be ruled by – the UN.   It ain’t over until the fat lady sings!

Why would the UN be involved at all?

Apparently, the entire peace process has come to a standstill because the UN demands a Constitutional Committee made up of 150 members chosen and affirmed by Russia, Iran, Turkey and the UN.   Syria has no say.   These 150 constitutional reform members will redraft Syria’s constitution and hold a new and improved Presidential election 18 months hence.   The UN special appointee to the Security Council for Syria, Staffan de Mistura, takes full self lauding credit for everything positive, and denies responsibility for anything negative, 350,000 deaths, and has spent four years working to find a ‘resolution’.  Now his four year term is up and as of December 31sthe will be replaced.

It would appear that a significant hurdle is the UN’s arrogance in finding that, “The United Nations alone, he stressed, has the legitimacy and mandate to “bless” a Constitutional Committee”.   In the meantime, Assad wants to build and has taken contracts from a number of countries and businesses who see the future potential – as in, $$$$.

“Following yesterday’s briefing, members of the Security Council paid tribute to the Special Envoy’s work, pledged support for his successor and reaffirmed their support for a Syrian-led political process shepherded by the United Nations.”    In other words, the UN is determined to have their hand, arm, and shoulder heavily weighted in anything Syria, most likely because the UN has numerous NGO favorites with whom their contracts for reconstruction would benefit.

The US special representative for Syria, Jim Jeffreys, was not even at the meeting having canceled his appearance.   The reason for his cancellation could be aligned with Mattis resignation, or simply the innate futility of the situation, run by a nearly defunct United Nations, which is intent on the creation of committees to regulate committees which regulate – committees.    A parallel to the Swamp that Trump is widely attempting to dissolve.

Part and parcel of the meeting included an argument regarding the purported ‘White Helmets’ who were portrayed by the media/UN as a humanitarian group aimed at helping the children and women amidst the war zone.   According to Syria and Russia, they were terrorists disguised to disrupt and create further chaos in a disingenuous ploy to skew perception and were actually in the forefront of gas attacks, deaths, and casualties.

Lest we forget, initially, Obama supported Al Nusra, among others, before determining they were a segment of ISIS.  It is partially because of these riffs, that the Constitutional Council is at a standstill unable to trust a UN or US or EU proposal.

Most Americans, as in The People, not the government,  just want other countries to rule themselves and let the chips fall where they may.  The obstructionist approach has had huge grievance effects, and The People are weary.

The conflict in Syria was initiated by US President, Obama to oust Assad.  But it didn’t go exactly as planned, and unlike the Ukrainian Revolution that saw an immediate flight of Yanukovich, Assad stood by his country to the end.  Personally, I have no opinion on Assad, although the media has certainly been brutal in their portrayal, but given they have been equally bludgeoning toward Trump, Melania, and anyone aligned with them, I can no longer have any committed opinion about – anything via media presentation.

That being said, Assad may very well be Syria’s Trump.  And the Truth lives in Alice’s Wonderland.

In that venue, we have just been made aware of the fact that the CNN Journalist of the Year, Claas Relotius whose articles were picked up by  CiceroFrankfurter Allgemeine SonntagszeitungNZZ am SonntagFinancial Times DeutschlandtazDie WeltSZ-MagazinDie WeltwocheZeit Online and Reportagen, completely and wholly fabricated his stories in which demonizing the US was a theme.

He is One – of perhaps hundreds.   And so, in that vein, we can not rely on media interpretation, sensationalism, opinion, or in-depth journalism.   We can not rely on anything that occurred during the entire Obama administration.  We can not rely on our intelligence agencies.

What we do know?

The UK, Germany, France, The Netherlands, and Sweden governments are not our allies, and haven’t been for at least decades.   They may be allies of a power elite shadow – but they are completely and utterly anti-The People.

That being said, it is important to re-analyze the events of the past to dissect what the true agenda was that is our current present, in order to determine who and what is the truth in moving forward to the future.

Because, it is a fair bet, it is nothing like what what we were fed.

Syria – Sick of Lies

So the US and Russia have called for a Syrian cease-fire, but not everyone is going to comply – including most of the ‘bad guys’; ISIS, al-Nusra, and Turkey.

If I was part of the coalition sitting around ‘not’ firing and ISIS shelled my location, I think it is a fair assumption that I’d get my booty in gear and shell back! The choice – die or fight. Hmmm.

What a strange solution to think that the bad guys will be nice and wait until the talks are over in which the coalition agrees to bond together to fight – an agreed upon definition of who the bad guys are. And right now, Turkey has joined the ranks of the bad guys with indiscriminate shelling. Of course Saudi Arabia is also using the vast stash of weapons sold to them by the US and UK and France to bomb whomever they please in Syria as well.

What the heck good is a cease fire if only the good guys comply? It’s like telling all the WWII allies to stop doing any bombing while the Nazi’s gain ground and create Holocaust No. II!!  Imagine the Generals on the field?

The US has refused to give Russia coordinates of it’s ‘good guys’ because they think doing so will put them at risk. In the meantime there are now so many factions fighting in Syria, no one is sure who is who as every month or so another faction rises up from the dust. And as everyone might notice, ISIS continues to spread – we are supposedly now bombing Libya, Lebanon, Iraq, Syria, Yemen and Sudan – all in the fight against ISIS, and still the media would have us believe that Russia and China are the real bad guys… All of Europe is at high risk for ISIS attacks, the US is ‘ready’, and still we can not agree that this is even a pressing issue.

I just read an article about the woman, who as a girl in Vietnam suffered horrific napalm burns to most of her body, is teaching others the value of forgiveness.  During the war, her picture was plastered all over the magazine covers as she ran down the middle of the street naked, her clothes burned from her body, screaming in agony. She is grown now, but her life has been agonizing in that her wounds never healed and she has excruciating pain every day. This is what war is! It is excruciating pain.

We didn’t win Vietnam. We haven’t won our wars in a long time. And while arguments continue that we have a moral obligation to intercede, I am reminded of my father. Head of Defense Intelligence in Europe, a WWII veteran who headed a tank battalion, a lover of horses and art and me, he witnessed firsthand the daily trauma of war and the only way he could deal with it was to push it down so deep into his psyche that it would hopefully never surface – ever.

Meddling in countries that have a completely different culture than our own has proven catastrophic. Trying to make them into something they never can or want to be is – catastrophic. It is reminiscent of the missionaries who tried over and over to convert the ethnic tribes in Africa and South America to conversion, only to be slaughtered, their children raped, and their wives sliced into pieces. As gruesome as this sounds, this is the reality. And the Middle East is no different. It took Gaddafi to hold it together, as horrific as he was, it took Saddam to hold it together as disgusting as it was, because they understood the psyche of their countrymen.

We freaking goofed BIG TIME.

North Korea? China? Brazil? Leave them to their own ways and focus on helping people escape rather than annihilating countries and their populations. While ISIS continues to grow and expand, the idiocy of our bombing campaign is leaving most veterans crazed with wonder. Six drone strikes take out four trucks, seven drone strikes hit a building, eleven drone strikes cratered a ‘target’… Every veteran of military heritage knows the ridiculousness of these claims of ‘fighting the enemy’. When we can’t even agree on WHO IS THE ENEMY.

Everyone is sick of the lies. Everyone is sick of hearing military commanders who either don’t care, or who follow White House orders to circumvent the targets, spray worthless bombs, and blame other countries for indiscriminate attempts to rid this world of the enemy!

WWII – number of bombs dropped by the allies – 3.4 million tons.

Syria – number of bombs dropped – maybe 5,000 – or less.

It is NOT WORKING. Either just stop – or ramp up and create undergrounds for the civilians to find safety.