THE BANKING CABAL: From Paladin Knights to Knights Templar to White Hats – Where Good Reigns

IN all things there exists an opposite;    white vs black, night vs day, mountain vs plain, and good vs evil.   Evil tends to prefer being obvious, in the open, taking a bow of arrogance for all who follow in its wake. They like to be noticed – Hollywood. They like to see themselves on the news – Congress.   They bask in the glory of their accomplishments and revel for new blood constantly!   On the other hand, for every evil, there is a good.    But good prefers anonymity.   Good often does not reveal themselves because in so doing they lose their position in the Art of War.  

Congress has truly outed each evil from within.   Their masks were pulled away and their true faces revealed their intentions.   They played every hand they had and were confident in their win.   Drugged, blackmailed, pedophile predators, they became brazen and missed the mark.   While their numbers are far greater than we imagined, we too have a cabal, but it isn’t evil – it is the hidden good that is and will prevail.

Is evil a choice? Or is it a genetic variant?   Is it coded in a person?   How can evil accept itself being evil?

Surely our globe is waging a battle like none other before.   The Dark Ages grew out of the Fall of the Roman Empire as it became more and more consumed by evil.   Entire societies were slaughtered.

In the midst, a legend began, the Paladin Knights of Charlemagne’s court.   They were holy warriors and always were numbered as twelve.   They were highly trained specialized soldiers who protected Charlemagne who served as King and ultimately Emperor.   It was through Charlemagne’s only legitimate son, Louis, that modern Europe was initially settled.

What became of the Paladin Knights?  

It is likely they evolved into the Knights Templar who served as the Catholic military around 1119. They were crusader armies trained in the martial arts whose headquarters was Jerusalem.   It is said that their motivation was to defend Christians, the Holy Land, and its sacred sites.  And they did so with great honor!

But the knights were not just sophisticated soldiers, they became known as the first bankers. They accumulated great wealth and became the repository for the peasants and later the kings.

In 1307 the King of France, Phillip IV, expelled the jews and annihilated the order of the Knights Templar.   While he was indebted financially to both, Phillip felt their power was strong and collided with his feudal monarchial rule. Phillip ordered their arrest and confiscated their wealth.   He initiated a propaganda means to discredit them claiming they were evil, they denied Christ, worshiped idols and had improper kissing. The political and religious establishment then joined together to destroy the Templars. All their property was seized.   Many were beheaded, others were burned at the stake, confessions were obtained through torture, charges were made without ANY evidence, and Pope Clement V declared them traitors to be permanently vanquished to exile.

And so, those that survived were relegated forever to anonymity.

So who are the White Hats of today who battle the cabal, the evil that has grown, mutated and permeated every country across the globe?

National Economic Security and Recovery Act (NESARA) was a set of proposed economic reforms for the United States suggested during the 1990s by Harvey Francis Barnard. Barnard claimed that the proposals, which included replacing the income tax with a national sales tax, abolishing compound interest on secured loans, and returning to a bimetallic currency, would result in 0% inflation and a more stable economy.

Barnard’s proposal was called, “Draining The Swamp; Monetary and Fiscal Policy Reform”. It was first published in 1996 and the Bill was presented to Congress in 1999.

It has been suggested that NESARA was suppressed by the Bush administration from passage because of it would irrevocably end the banking cartel that had grown to own the US.   The law was set to be implemented on September 11, 2001.   All data supporting NESARA was on the second floor of the World Trade Center in NYC and was destroyed by the 9-11 terrorist attack.

White Knights, including high ranking military officials have since struggled to have the law implemented. In essence it would destroy the entire banking industry as it stands and return our country to a strict Constitutional standing..  It is the desire of the Cabal, the left, to abolish the US Constitution in favor of a New World Order governed by the banking cartel and corporations.

While NESARA now enjoys they same vilification that was used to destroy the Templar Knights, that vilification is countered by The People who demand Truth and Information.

Lucille Femine ~   This article was originally created and published by Nancy B. Detweiler and is republished here under “Fair Use” (see disclaimer below). Copyright © 2001-2016 Nancy B. Detweiler, Richmond, VA All Rights Reserved.

“1991 – General Roy Schwasinger went before a senate committee to present evidence of the banks and governments criminal activity. He informed them how the Corporation of the United States was tied to the establishment of a New World Order which would bring about a fascist one world government ruled by the international bankers.”

“1992 – A task force was put together consisting of over 300 retired and 35 active US military officers who strongly supported constitutional law. This task force was responsible for investigating governmental officials, congressional officers, judges, and the Federal Reserve.

  • Chief of Naval Operations, Admiral Jeremy Boorda
  • General David McCloud
  • Former Director of Central Intelligence, William Colby

They uncovered the common practice of bribery and extortion committed by both senators and judges. The criminal activity was so rampant that only 2 out of 535 members of congress were deemed honest. But more importantly they carried out the first ever audit of the Federal Reserve.”

Bush and Clinton were instrumental in creating a distraction, a diversion so as to destroy the implementation of NESARA.   Once destroyed, it would be labeled a ‘conspiracy’ and laughed at for it’s befuddled concepts of Constitutionality.

There will always be White Knights as long as there are Dark Knights. One cannot exist without the other.   Sometimes Dark gains ground.   Destroying White Knights with propaganda has been utilized for centuries upon centuries.   But ultimately Good does reign and evil is cast into the Lake of Fire.

We are in a Battle that has been fought since the beginning of time – battles are not won by hiding, running, or cowering in fear.   Ever.

“Let your plans be dark and as impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.” – Sun Tzu

Fathers of The web – Do-over: Agenda 2030

Yesterday I was sent an article, “Father of The Web, Tim Berners Lee, Prepares Do-over”.   And like the person that sent it to me, I thought yeah! cool!   Mr. Lee stated that the internet is no longer what he created it to be, ie;  a free, open, vehicle for research and expression. Instead, he took umbrage with the fact that corporate America could literally censor views creating a nonsecure environment. More Yeahs!   That is, until I did a bit of digging.

Apparently, Mr. Tim Berners Lee is in alliance with the UN, Agenda 2030, The Economic Forum, Sustainability, and a ‘host of independent NGO’s (unnamed).   And a bat hit the shitake fan!

Berners-Lee is the Director of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and founder of the World Wide Web Foundation (W3F).   The Foundation is nontaxable.   One of its previous Board Members and financial supporters was former PM Gordon Brown.   Lord Malloch Brown served in Gordon Brown’s administration as Minister of State for Africa, Asia and the UN. Malloch Brown is currently the director for Soros Open Society.

Berners-Lee co-founded Inrupt with John Bruce whose specialty was cybersecurity.   One of their investors is IDRC – a Canadian crown Corporation which provides grant money to various African ‘causes’.

A newsletter posted on the Foundation site written by Berners-Lee states, “Internet access is key to achieving all of the world’s Sustainable Development Goals.   And the Internet Alliance has estimated that an additional $428 billion investment over 10 years will be required to achieve universal access by 2030… The money will be supplied by governments, ie tax dollars, and private donations.

Do I as a taxed person have a say in this distribution of my money?

Inrupts first client was/is Britain’s National Health System. Because according to the UN a global health passport will be necessary in order to achieve an Open Internet.

W3C under the tutelage of Berners-Lee created a committee to help in the architecture of this innovative new internet.   The committee includes technocrats from Apple, Google, Intel, and Microsoft whose vision is a Single Web for all.   Their site works in conjunction with Beihang University in Beijing. The universities global partners include; France, Germany, UK, Canada, and Japan.

The World Economic Forum has created five initiatives within The Future of The Connected World. In essence their drive is to have One Smart Internet that will connect to all loT devices.   These devises are listed to include health certificates, smart phones, smart grids, smart home security, smart home utility systems, smart wifi, smart printer, smart cameras, smart television, etc…  

As One interconnected device, should a person be blacklisted for possibly making an online statement that does not meet their censorship standards, all devices could be turned off.   China already does this when a comrade says something disparaging of the government – they simply deactivate that persons phone and arrest the citizen for questioning and re-education.

According to the UN there are already 27 billion smart devices or loT’s in use.   For many, these devices are fun; unlocking your front door from your office, or raising the temperature on your thermostat before you get home…   But of course, Twitter, Facebook, and Google were bad over-reaching monopolistic corporations, and a One World governance of all technology is – good monopolistic global control.

Within the initiatives invoked by the WEF, smart security which is drafted and framed by participants primarily from the UK and Germany.  If you had any reservations about an EU over-reach of governmental control – look no further.

The cybersecurity governance has apparently already been determined and includes: Microsoft, Bank of America, HP, WEF, Salesforce, and SWIFT which supports all financial clearing and settlement whose Chairman is Yawar Shah of Pakistan. In 2013 and 2017, SWIFT was utilized by the NSA to track and surveille. SWIFT has been the subject of hacking.

And lastly, because I am a girl, there is actually a UN sustainability Goal of “Conscious Fashion and Lifestyle”.   The tag line is “mobilizing the fashion sector to inclusive, equitable, and a resilient future in – ummm, fashion.   The idea being that everyone should have the ability to dress and accessorize like everyone else – because there will be no disparity or inequality of income and lifestyle…


I think that means we all wear Communist black garb because according to the ideals, it is all about consumer waste, buying less, and the anxiety and behavioral problems fashion creates which calls for ‘sustainable design strategies’!

I don’t think the Kim Kardashian’s would approve…

In the end we are entering the world of Hi-Hitler on steroids, the CCP on Adderall and and the US Congress on psychedelic mushrooms! The outcome would be something of a cross between Auschwitz/Mao/Rhinoism.

Being ‘Green’ and ‘Sustainability’ are simply words, tactics to garner sympathy and ignorant ideology disguised within “middle class poverty”, and Utopia for me – but none for thee.   Gates said it all when he declared that we must first see who survives our Agenda, and then cull further as the Committee sees fit.   At which point our world will be a Gates Population.

How very inclusive and clever!

In this roundtable of Agenda’s – the inauguration of Biden is fraught with curiosity.   Will the Deep State take him out at the Capital?   Will they blame the assassination on Trump?   Will Kamaltoes wreak her threat of gulags for ALL?

What we do know – The EU Government is NOT our ally.   China government is NOT our ally. Canada government is NOT our ally.   Australia government is NOT our ally.   Qatar government is NOT our ally – as is most of the Middle East despite the Trump peace treaties.  I question Israel.   Netanyahu has not shown himself to be a follower of America but a follower of The Swamp.

So. Who is left?

Global Warming – or – Ice Age: Follow The Money

I’ve written about global warming, climate change, chicken little, and ‘deceit’.   I’ve written about the land grabs in Africa, land grabs in South America, and the disparity of our global water supply.   With damaged soil and a lack of water, how can China grow anything?   What if we put all of these separate topics into one pool – what is it telling us?

Starting with deceit, what if global warming isn’t just a hoax but a distraction from a potentially long term cooling effect?   Such a cooling effect could have devastating consequences on water sources and food supplies shifting useable land resources – south.

The last mini ice-age lasted from about 1300 through the 1600’s and forever altered economic and social norms.   Agriculture shifted.   Populations shifted. Scientists believe the temperature dropped a full 2’ during this period.   The same 2’ that scientists now claim earth needs to drop – again.   Demographics forever changed as people moved to warmer crop climates.   But not before mass famine took its toll on the peasants.   During this time of monarchs and warlords, the elite were defined by the foods available to them.   Fresh meat and fish were a staple.   It forebodes the agenda of Bill Gates declaring that food shortages will require modification of the peasant diet.

Ice ages, cooling trends, etc… are not a global equalizer.   The Northern Hemisphere was hit the hardest including; most of Russia, China, Europe, and North America, and the farthest parts of South America.   Africa was hit in mountainous regions predominantly, and the remainder of South America thrived.

Historically, the movement of people around the globe can be directly associated with ever changing weather.   It is believed that northern Africa was lush and green just 5,000 years ago.   It is also believed that changes in sunspots and radiation levels are the source of historical climate shifts.   Co2 is considered a less demonstrable if only minor event but scientists tend to be like sheep following instead of leading.

If in fact earth was entering either a cooling phase or a mini ice-age, shifting resources to South America and Africa would be logical for survival.

Adecoagro is a Luxembourg holding company that purchases agriculture land predominantly in Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina.   The largest shareholders include:   Qatar Investments, Route One Investment Company, EMS Capital and Soros Fund Management.

Foreign investment in Africa’s land spiked in the last 2 decades with China taking a shotgun seat.   China’s food consumption and environmental practices have left the country nearly barren. Water was severely depleted which necessitated a deal with Russia for access to the world’s single largest fresh water supply at 23%, Lake Baikal.

If we look at foreign investment as a predictor of global climate, buying land in South Africa and South America is nonsensical – given they will burn up and their land will be useless under the global warming mantra.   While these lands have some protection in the event of a cooling trend, in the event of a warming trend, farmland would become barren, scorched moon craters.

Adding to the fray of inconsistency and/or deceit, the Paris Accord’s Green Fund spends ALL it’s cherished dollars on projects in – Africa and South America. The bulk of the funding is for ‘infrastructure projects’ – the same infrastructure that the new owners of the land need in order to create robust farms and agriculture entities.

When researching data graphs that purport to show the variations in weather over thousands or millions of years, scientists are literally ‘all over the graph’.   There is no consensus other than the fact that earth has been a cataclysmic climate event – forever.   Many attribute previous changes to sunspot activity and radiation activity from the sun.   But actual climate recording dates only to the late 1800’s and accuracy is questionable.   The data is algorithmic – fancy estimations.

Prior to the mini ice-age which began around 1300, scientists logged a global warming trend from about 300 to 800AD. Since the end of the mini ice-age in 1600, the warming trend has been continually upward – meaning a downward trend may be the next phase.

Since the Roman Empire, the Greenland ice temperature is 2’ colder.   And in the last 10,000 years we are significantly colder.   Richard K. Moore provides various graphs and models of the temperature grids during this time frame.   He asserts that the Co2 theory is simply that – a theory without any actual scientific proof.   He claims that the sun, and the astronomy of the planets in our universe provide more conclusive extractive data. In his opinion, the ‘science’ behind global warming is on par with flat earth science.   Evaluating data that can only be verified over a period of a 150 years to make a determination for our future thousands of years in advance has about as much actual factual delineation as the weatherman telling you the sun is shining while outside your window it is raining.   If science can’t get real-time data how the heck can you possibly believe their future predictions?   Because that is how they reference the data – a prediction.  

When science is reduced to predictions and feelings and crystal balls – it becomes relatively worthless. Utilizing restrictive time constraints in analysis of climate data only fuses the faulted conclusion.

According to Climatologist Cliff Harris;   “when solar radiation decreases, and volcanic activity increases, a major drop in temperature can be expected”.   In his analysis, that drop would happen relatively quickly.   According to his research, in 1000 BC a mass exodus of Hebrews from Egypt was caused by a warming event that spiked around 1100 BC – at which point the temperature was nearly double what it was in 2000 AD –  before falling into an ice-age.

China has been systematically securing not just intellectual property, and mobilizing monopoly policies on pharma and retail, but food and water supplies have been of paramount importance for its population.   South Africa and South America have been their focus.

When looking at the ‘actions’ of those who govern the world’s money supply, global output, investment, and net worth, they have basically pledged everything on two continents that would burn to the ground in a global warming trend….   That is the deceit.  

President Trump: Loyalty to the Fall.

This past year we have focused endlessly on the major discrepancies in the reporting, testing, and fraudulent hyping of CoVid 19.   I must point out the vaccine and all the tests are created by Bill Gates and reference not CoVid 19 but SARS-CO2.   Secondly, despite being able to scientifically, mathematically, and virally prove that what we are being led to believe, and what is fact are divided by the Grand Canyon, no one cares.

And so, nothing changes.   The facts are ignored, swept away, considered conspiracy, and replaced with stricter lockdowns.   We could argue for a decade and they would not budge, and at some point we need to realize providing further proof is a waste of our time.  We’re just providing more fuel for the shredder.

We have spent months providing massive evidence of voter fraud, fought in liberal controlled courts, and punched in the stomach. Because they never had ANY intention of actually hearing, and instead have again – wasted our time. We are fighting battles that cannot be won and ignored the battles that could gain a wrung on the ladder.

And that is where Trump focused his energy for four years while instead of fighting alongside, we frequently fought in the lowlands.   One the tools of the MSM propaganda effort is and always has been about – distraction.   Make us see the one ball in the magicians hand while his sleeve holds 17.

Before it is taken down, there is a site that has been loyal to the Fall –   They update constantly providing all the accomplishments of President Trump during his very brief and very chaotic tenure. Take pictures, because it likely won’t last long in the liberal purge or genocide.

Now we are being completely distracted by a Capital Breach that is so filled with question marks, inserts, obvious incursions, and deceit, ordinarily it wouldn’t be worthy of anyone’s time.   Another protest gone astray amongst thousands in 2020! Thousands that no one cared about – and one they did.   All were the perversion of Antifa and BLM anarchists.

No matter how many facts we bring forth, videos, pictures, voice identification, and…, dang let’s just call Interpol and the CCP!   Surely they will be equitable in their justice given their respective countries are under a communist thumb.

We could spend a decade fighting for the truth in this and never move an inch on the board.   Because they don’t care.   Because LAW is an illusion.   No one will change their mind, or their infusion of a constant stream of propaganda.   No matter how much proof is presented.

That is the point, the point of illusion.   They are essentially telling us there is no law any longer but theirs.   Their law will be vetted upon us, and only us and We The People can be systematically removed justifiably in that law book.   Forever more.   The Lists. Schindler’s List.   How original.

By openly and blatantly censoring they are saying they are completely protected.   And nothing can penetrate that vault. They are saying – We Have won!

There is only one way to launch battle against such an enemy.   Offense.   Offense.   Offense.   Don’t even notice the prattle, just dig the dirty battle.   The most difficult part has essentially been accomplished. We are now well aware of every traitor.   It is as though they shred a mask and are beyond law.   A backdoor deal with Satan.  I would think it would be such a relief to not have to act any longer.   And thus they go cocky bold.   They can’t keep a secret – it is just too gidifyingly giddy!   No one is hiding behind the great red curtain of OZ.   There is no second guessing.

In the Art of War, that is a great opening.   Our real battle is – time.

President Trump does have some very fine men surrounding him and helping to guide what is best.   And while we likely won’t get our wish-upon-a-star for the grand declassifying, we have to accept that the decisions are for us to follow.   For now.

Everyone media entertainer, blogger claims they know exactly what is happening right now in the WH only to have their revelation quashed when it didn’t happen.   You know, if you don’t know, why pretend?   For 3 seconds of fame and then humility?   Which only intensifies the angst – because the number who know in reality is likely to be counted on one hand.   They have some plan – we just don’t know which they are going to pick.

And so, all we can do – is WAIT.

UK Hospitals: CoVid At Breaking POINT! Globalist RESET

UK globalists claim the lockdown in place is not strict enough. Currently, outside of work, people are allowed to exercise outside once daily.   London wants churches shuttered.   Restaurants, shops, leisure are closed completely.   All cancer patients and those citizens needing surgery have been told their medical care is on hold.  So what could ‘more strict’ rules possibly encompass?  

For Agenda 2030 to be implemented, ALL small businesses must fold.   In order to achieve a global corporate footprint, there can be no alternative.   For example, ‘shop local’ must be completely erased.   Retail, services, gyms, restaurants and bars are a mainstay of middle class and middle class is the target.  

While it may sound like a conspiracy, just look around, because it has become reality.  

The UK is following the Gates/Fauci model of terrorizing citizens with cases and deaths.   Most recently, Prime Minister, Bojo, warned that the UK hit the second largest spike yet reporting 1162 deaths in one day! Dastardly!   But the average death rate in the UK is roughly 1690 per day according to historical numbers.   And as hospitals turn away cancer patients and heart attack victims, it is obvious they are calling for genocide.

While deaths were counted as CoVid in the UK based on anyone who had a positive test ever, that was modified to within 60 days of death, and as of August they lowered the 60 day breach to 28 days.   Meaning if someone tested positive, had no symptoms, went home and 28 days later were shot – they died of CoVid. Per the governments coronavirus stats, the total number of CoVid deaths includes anyone whose death certificate ‘mentions CoVid as one of the causes’.   However, they note that “a deceased may not have had a confirmed positive test for CoVid”!  Therefore if a doctor puts the word CoVid on a death certificate – that counts even if no test was ever administered.

AH, that clarifies it!  

Today to further their Governor Cuomo style of dead bodies piling up Terror, a mortuary claims they have over-extended their capacity.   But according to data released by UK Funeral Directors and Undertakers, 71% of all UK deaths are cremated annually.   So why are 100% of dead bodies sitting in a makeshift morgue?    London alone has 23 crematoriums and there are 47 counties all providing cremation services.

In Surrey Downs where the makeshift morgue was created in March, 25%+ of the population are over the age of 65. The leading causes of death are heart disease and alzheimer/dementia.   Community hospitals were shut down due to increased deficits in 2016.   In 2019, the shortage of GP’s had reached crisis levels with one GP carrying the load of 11,000 surgery patients.   Since 2015 six per cent of GPs left the NHS while patient numbers rose from 57 to 60 million. NHS claims a shortage of 40,000 nurses.   Bojo promised to help – sometime in 2024…

Hospitals, the NHS system, staffing, had already reached crisis levels years before CoVid.   Residents would typically travel to India for even the most basic surgical care because it was faster and less expensive even including travel and hotel stays.  The GREAT healthcare for all system HAD DIED!

As a result of CoVid lockdowns and forced business closures, the UK has over 320,000 homeless people, and 50,000 dogs living on the streets.  It is winter.   How many are dying?

The incredibly zealous police are busily arresting people out for a walk or a takeout coffee while crime rates continue to climb past the low reached in 2012 increasing 41%.   Like the US, criminals don’t go to jail, instead, the lockdown citizens are granted that privilege.

Watching the takeover of our globe by a handful of megalomaniacs is surreal to say the least.   Having turned the police into Gestapo agents was a critical missing element in the coup.   But like London, NY and DC have shown that the police don’t police, they are agents of sabotage and chaos.   Back The Blue is teetering.

And yet, this is only the beginning.

Brennan is calling for mass humiliation of all 85 million US Trump supporters.   In line with techniques utilized by Mao in the Great Purge, those that don’t renounce their MAGA affiliation will be shot.   It sounds implausible until one looks around and realizes ‘THIS’ was implausible just a year ago.

It is believed Mao purged over 65 million people during his reign of terror and fear.   History would have us believe that this purge was just a ‘mistake’ and otherwise Mao was a really great guy, an intellectual who gave great benefit to China.   This is the ‘new history’ which has now over-written the truth so as to give the coming ‘purge’ legitimacy and justification.

In Nazi Germany women would throw their children over a bridge to their death and then jump herself to join them.   It was believed death was more compassionate than the torture they would be subjected to.   We know terrorizing children and adults is a culling technique.   FEAR destroys an immune system.  We have witnessed this bizarre fear over and over again in videos wherein women have over the top hysterical shrewish rages.   Discussion is off the table.

Parler is blacked out. Twitter is purged.   PGA takes licensing away from Trump hotel. Scotland wants to ban Trump from ever visiting.   Pelosi wants impeachment.  Facebook is deleting conservative accounts.  News outlets are afraid.   Banks are looking to freeze assets of conservatives.   And the gulag mentality seems to be rising.

And yet – most people on the left of reality believe Biden is really going to be their President despite his mental dysfunction.  Because the media they watch is a tunnel vision propaganda modeled after Communist China.

While the UK censors unemployment figures, the OECD has claimed it to be in the 13%-14% range.   Women who were formerly employed in the restaurant or small business industry are turning to prostitution to make a living.  And food shortages are likely in the short-term realm of possibility.

Agenda 2030 promised retraining for the 30-50% they projected would be unemployed as a result of the Great RESET.   I suppose that won’t occur until the Great Purge – wherein the survivors are determined. I mean, no point in retraining a person only to have them die –  right….

The Day – The Music DIED.

President Trump DECLASSIFY Everything –

What is Europe thinking given the anarchy that has taken place in the US?

Posing the question to European politicians has about as much merit as simply asking Pelosi or Biden.   It is a meaningless query with an obvious response.

As I noted before, Merkel’s ‘election victory’ was based on winning 33% of the voter turnout – meaning she did NOT represent 67% of Germany.   For such a lackluster representation of The People, it is difficult to accept her rhetoric regarding President Trump, or her opinion regarding election fraud.

But the point is clear, when the media asks a question of what another country ‘feels’ they typically report a government opinion and ignore The People.   But then Germany has censored its media for over a decade as it collapsed the country into a Marxist state.   The silent coup.   France, Spain, UK and Italy all followed suit as their leaders caved to the quorum of The Cult/Cabal.  SO, what more can we expect?

The amount of deception that has infiltrated our globe is beyond comprehension. That much is now quite obvious.   And if we assume that we are now privy to 10% of that deception, that means we are not privy to 90%.  

This is why The American People continue to plead for President Trump to once and for all declassify. Give us the benefit of the doubt that the Truth can be absorbed no matter how heinous.

IT is Time.

My father was part of the New Mexico, Roswell investigation.  It remains a controversy to this day – 70 years later!   Multiple accounts suggest UFO’s are real, declassified military radar show UFO’s – It is time to simply Open The Truth.

When one truth is not revealed, it means there are likely thousands of truths that are hidden.   Like a wayward philandering husband – I just did it once, I promise…   Billy Clinton.   When classifying information that the government deems ‘we can not process’ the statement is essentially declaring – you are too stupid to understand.

Who decides that The People, the entire population of the world may not know certain facts and select people may know these facts?   But the document declassification isn’t just about UFO’s as Trump Jr. has requested open information, the hordes of lies include murders, assassinations, drugs, pedophilia, satanic members, mafia criminal alignments, etc…etc…etc.

NONE of which should be classified.   The entire purpose of classification has been completely redefined.  Classified, should be relegated to one thing only, information that could compromise a good asset.   ALL of the information we request be opened is outside of that security parameter.   We simply ask that the governments stop making assumptions that releasing information will result in chaos.

We are in Chaos.

If Nancy Pelosi is fearful that declassifying information would be harmful to her, then it doesn’t fit the narrative for it be classified. It is not harmful to the Public – it is harmful to her because she did something wrong.   It sounds simplistic – because it is. Yet the government has hijacked Truth for the government – not for the benefit of its employers – The People.

A field agent is working covertly to gather information for a sting operation – that would be classified.   Until the operation was concluded and the agent was safe and their identity not disclosed.   But the ‘operation’ once concluded is not classified any longer.   And should be public information.

We are being treated like children led to believe in Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy because it is fun! But ultimately even our children are given the truth.   Yet our government’s heavy hand has determined that we remain children – forever.

Taken to extreme measures, the CoVid Apocalypse is the evolution of such a government mindset – albeit in reverse.   CoVid is meant to bridle us in fear and cowardice, while declassifying is said to be shuttered to save us from fear and cowardice.  How odd!

If President Trump wants to make a New America devoid of the Cabal’s destructive systems and mechanics meant to enslave us, then give us the Truth – ALL The Truth.   That We may no longer be viewed as peasants and pawns in their scheme of Power.   Some will have issue, some will argue, and some will cry, to be sure.   But this transition away from the corruption and evil that rules requires a complete Open Book.   All pages.   Unredacted.

Aligned with Truth We Are Better Warriors!

Insurrection ACT: Italy and Germany Complicit in Election Manipulation?

It would appear that the United Nations has on board its team – their very own aerospace, defense and cyber security and intelligence organization with over 50,000 employees working worldwide.   The website of this defense company declares that they work in unity with the “UN’s Sustainability Development Program Agenda 2030 and with the EU’s New Green Deal”.   They are 30% owned by the Italian government and boast revenues in the billions.

Six divisional offices are located throughout Italy, although their ‘footprint’ encompasses 115 countries including most notably; Germany, UK, Poland, Canada, Australia, Brazil, China, Russia and the US.

Their name is Leonardo SpA.

Luciano Carta is their Chairman and Alesandro Profumo is their CEO.   It would appear their entire board was just appointed May 2020, a shakeup without explanation.

Leonardo has been around for a few decades, although not so active as in the last 10 years.   Their US operation is LeonardoDRS.   In 1997 William Lynn was nominated as the Under Secretary of Defense by Bill Clinton. He had previously served in the office of the very vulnerable Senator Ed Kennedy.   The same Kennedy who killed Mary Jo Kopechne in the Chappquiddick River.

Lynn went on to rise in the ranks joining the Board of Directors of the highly liberal Atlantic Council, and accepting an appointment as Deputy Secretary of Defense by Obama. At the time Lynn was doing extensive work for Raytheon and an appointment was prohibited by a law actually established by Obama.   The law was waived. And Raytheon was awarded a $1.1 billion contract by the Obama administration.

In 2012, Lynn took a position with DRS Technologies as CEO and Chairman of the Board.   DRS had been purchased by Leonardo SpA in 2008, effectively placing a Clinton/Obama defense appointee in charge of the US operations of an Italian company. The US operation, DRS, operates jointly with BAE Systems and Airbus Group.

The 2030 Agenda proposed by the UN in 2015 is about peace…   Having onboard a global defense, space and Cyber Security organization seems a bit heavy handed.   The UN 2030 Manifesto calls for all governments and ‘stakeholders’ to unite in one collaborative partnership, ie New World Order.   The propaganda purpose is stated to be to ‘heal Mother Earth and eradicate the tyranny of poverty’.   The core idea is income redistribution.

Pelosi’s CoVid Bill was Agenda 2030.   Americans watched as over $750 billion of OUR tax dollars were sent overseas, leaving just $176 billion for our own core causes.   Ultimately, the purpose is to take more from us in taxes until we no longer become extravagant consumers of goods and services which includes food consumption as well as ownership of homes, appliances and such.

Children will become wards of state education much like China whereby their thoughts and opinions must align with the Greater Good as ‘critical agents of change’.

Small businesses will no longer exist.   All businesses will be centralized under a corporate fascist head and rationing will be determined according to need by the Committee.

While the Agenda is well known, certainly not censored, what may not be as obvious is how it has already begun implementation.

There was one big obstacle with the advancement of the implementation of Agenda 2030 – the American People.   Subverting the election was the means to eradicate Trump and his influence.   Despite massive evidence, our courts and Congress chose to simply pretend it didn’t exist and ignore the corruption.

And then we were given a feather – a quiver.

Sometime around December 24th an employee of Leonardo SpA came forth with allegations that Leonardo Company was complicit in injecting reverse data into ballot tabulations in the Presidential Election 2020 in favor of Biden.   Utilizing their in depth security data source equipment, they were able to send signals off satellites owned in a joint venture with Thales Alena, a French/Italian manufacturer of satellites.

The whistleblower has since provided a sworn affidavit of his allegations which states that “under instructions from persons inside the US Embassy in Rome he undertook the operation to switch data”.   In addition he has stated that the information was sent to Frankfurt, Germany.

The US Ambassador to Italy is Lewis Eisenberg.   He was an advocate for Bush and McCain.

Others have since come forward from Leonardo confirming the same allegation of election interference and manipulation.   Documents, data, personnel are currently being vetted by authorities as evidence supporting the allegation of foreign intelligence interference in the US election.

If the evidence is sufficient, President Trump would be authorized to institute the Insurrection Act.  

General Flynn had already supported such a move but President Trump appeared reticent.    That was before … This is now.

AND THIS is why Pelosi is desperate for immediate impeachment.

President Trump – God Bless America!

New information has been sent to me today and the topsy-turvy world is once again about to be turned upside down.  The reason Pelosi is pushing for immediate impeachment of President Trump has nothing to do with the Antifa/Skinhead assault at the nation’s capital yesterday, and everything to do with information that is rumbling close to being made public. Albeit – not from me – yet.  

This information follows some interesting tweets made by Lin Wood before he and Trump had their accounts suspended.   Lin Wood has made it clear that the pedophilia aspect of Congress is very real and the primary source of the blackmail against congressional members.   Members were targeted and video taped.   In that view he gave us what we already suspected: Epstein is NOT dead.

The other information is related to the COUP.  

All other media points right now are distractions.   And have no bearing or worth.   Don’t watch the news.   Don’t allow them to pull you into the maze.   Some may find the information difficult.   But know that it is irrefutable.

God Bless America!

President Trump Was Trapped: The Capital Attack Was Congress

It was hard to try and sleep and harder yet to get out of bed. We mourn not just a day, we mourn lives senselessly lost yesterday, largess of which was the Veteran who served in our military faithfully for 14 years.     We mourn our country that has now been forced into the oblivion of Marxist/Communism at the hands of those we trusted.

People ask, where can I go, where can I flee?   And the answer is nowhere, because we were the last bastion of hope for the entire world.   Their countries had already been confiscated. They looked to us for help.   And we tried. We tried DAMN hard. But The Cult has its tentacles everywhere and has for centuries.

We watched the valiant men in blue, the DC police who we have fought for and supported nobly, throw us into the lion’s den. A trap was planned, plotted and instituted by the liberal cult in collusion with the police.

We watched in abject horror as the reality that our Vice President was a traitor was exposed.   The magnitude of that revelation is in itself astounding.   Pence was filmed in the capital later elbow bumping with Pelosi as she thanked him profusely.   Pence is officially a part of their brotherhood.

Pence and Paul Ryan had set up a website in 2016 in which Pence was going to be President and Ryan VP.   We ignored the red flag and gave Pence the benefit of the doubt. He’s a Christian!   He would never lie, cheat, steal, and destroy our country!   But he did.

We have watched as blatant theft in our election was exposed over and over again, and the people involved rose up like reptiles defending their corruption and calling out acts of violence upon those whose values did not align.

We have watched our cities burn, businesses ravaged, and the evil undermining of our freedom through a heavy handed approach to a flu virus.

Many people still don’t understand that this was our last Hurrah.  There will be no elections going forward, no candidates.   A global government is self appointed.   Xi Jinping won his presidency with 2500+ votes.   Europe would have us believe that Trump caused all the harm across the globe – that mantra will rewrite the truth as everything written will be expunged.

One person commented to me that we can just secede like the UK – that turned out well. The UK is currently in a complete lockdown under the compromised vengeance of King Bojo, with no end in sight.   Where would we secede to?   The globalists would simply cut off our supply chain – no food, no water, no utilities.   The extent of their evil is far greater than we can comprehend.

We watched the Pope openly join The Cult. We watched pastors hiding behind closed doors while pushing empty words of scripture.   Cowards.

And now we will watch as their vengeance is levied.

Ultimately the peasants on the left will be joined with the peasants on the right given it isn’t about ideology, it is about money.   If you can’t carve a seat on their pyramid, you are a peasant.

China has taken the lead in instituting its own severe lockdowns, rounding up dissidents, and throwing them into torture chambers.   A warning.   Or was this planned too as a model for our global politicians to follow.   Anyone who voices an opinion contrary to the CCP will be arrested – and likely assassinated.   This is communism.

An interesting twist to all of this is that both Putin and Jinping are rumored to have severe health issues.   Putin has been rumored to be battling cancer and Jinping underwent surgery for a intracranial aneurysm.   While it is well known that the Cult has diligently been trying to ‘rid Russia’ of Putin in any manner in order to institute their chosen replacement, Navalny, they have yet to reveal who is in their closet ready to take over China.

Biden has already informed us that during his short tenure he will rule by Executive Order.   At which point Kamaltoes will briefly take the helm before America is absorbed into the New World Government.   At this point New York City will have been vacated and cleanup begun so that the central global government within the UN has housing worthy of their station.

Given Africa is the elite’s coven, cities that they have been building for decades across the African continent will be absorbed and culled of anyone unworthy.

Everything we were led to believe was a conspiracy – is likely true. And everything we were led to believe was true, is fake.   That is the power of propaganda.

That would mean JFK was assassinated by the CIA.   John Lennon was assassinated by The Cult.   Rampant pedophilia among our politicians is a truism. Satanic rituals are prevalent among them including sacrifices.   They have been systematically rewriting history to the point we can only rely on old written texts that are no longer in circulation.

So.   What can we do?

  1. It is a given they will attempt to confiscate guns.   Which means unregistered is the only protection.
  2. Techies that can create fake vaccine certificates – GO for it.
  3. Karens are everywhere.   Keep your mouth shut.
  4. Hold meetings whenever and wherever possible to keep morale and share advice.
  5. Keep your car’s gas tank full.
  6. Keep your pantry stocked.
  7. Dogs are great! Take care of them.
  8. Stock up on vitamins and herbs.
  9. Put together a heady medical kit.
  10. Understand that most conservative media will be shuttered and social media may shut down completely to stave off shared knowledge. Find alternate sources.

In his own delirious way, Biden did foretell what to expect:   1. The biggest election fraud in place in history.   2. A Kamala presidency.   3.   A dark winter ahead of us – not a literal winter, but a physical disruption of everything we took for granted as normal.   Every Dark Ages in history has ultimately been over turned.  It takes resilience.

This is not a time to wither away. This is a time to be even stronger.  

May God give us grace.   For it is done.