SCIENCE: Ice Age or Global Warming… Pick A Scientist

DNA.   While many believe their DNA traces them to Africa, this is largely an assumption based science, and not a factual based science.   Classic DNA assumes each parent represents 50% of two parents.   But the further back you go the less accurate is the science.   Classic DNA tests for ancestry are simply another sales tool of assumptions – claiming 300 to 1100 years of ‘accuracy’.  

When conducting DNA testing, science starts with the assumption that all homo sapiens evolved from Africa. In fact, the assumption is that all homo sapiens DNA originated from one African ancestor 115,000 years ago!   Oddly, this dating to 115,000 years ago coincides with the assumption of the last great Ice Age which lasted from 115,000 years ago to roughly 10,000 years ago.

Alas, some scientists believe the Ice Age never ended and has been going on for 40 million years, or maybe 2.5 million years…   In other words, science is not a factual detail of data, it is a thought built on maybe’s, could have been, likely, in theory, suppositions, and – I have an idea… And literally no two scientists will agree on much of anything.

According to Mark Thomas, professor of evolutionary genetics in London, “Tracing ancestry beyond 300 years is futile as you only directly inherit DNA from a small fraction of your ancestors – the others are called ‘pedigree ancestors.”

The first known human was Lucy dated 3.2 million years ago.   The first homo erectus was dated as of 2 million years ago.   The means used to date Lucy was based on volcanic ash sediment 8 and 1 meter below her bone fragment using the argon-argon technique.   Radioactive decay rates are based on the last 60 years of changes.   Using this rate, all techniques calculate a linear rate equal to this ratio.   Lucy was not dated, the volcanic ash beneath her bone fragment was. The assumption being that for 3.2 million years her bone never moved from this position or place…

The Point.

Today we are told that literally everything science tells us is an absolute fact even though 20-30,000 other scientists disagree. In fact, there may be 30,000 or more versions of the same ‘fact’.   So which ‘fact’ do we believe?   Because in reality, there is no such thing as a consensus – either a fact is a fact or it is not! It can not be a sortof fact or a maybe fact, or a I think it might be fact.

But that is exactly what we are fed through our propaganda feeding tubes.

Deutsche Welle, citing activists, world leaders and society, is today responding to an IPCC report which states, ‘…something has to change…’.   WOW – what a scientifically researched analysis!

Why? Why does something have to change?   Because earth is heating up to extreme and everyone will die. Using the ever scientific authority of Greta Thunberg, an 18 year old high school dropout with multiple mental issues, she states, “…it (IPCC Report) is a solid summary of the current best available science”.     OUCH!   Scientists are cringing!

And then there is the most authoritarian scientist, John Kerry, stating “The science has been certain for decades,…”  As in 2 decades – because prior to that scientists were absolutely positively convinced we were heading into another apocalyptic Ice Age…

But “Science” tells us we are at the end of a warming trend and the next Ice Age is only years away. In fact, earth’s entire existence is only periodically impregnated with life only to be absorbed into the next deep freeze for millions of years. The primary reason? A change in earth’s axis – according to science.  That axis change is reverse polarization which we are undergoing more rapidly – now.

So which ‘science’ is accurate? The science according to Greta? Or the science according to Scientists?

Friederike Otto, is the climate expert Deutsche Welle cited as determining that climate change today is 100% human caused.   Her expertise is attributable to her PhD in ‘the philosophy of science’.   Her goal is stipulated to be to validate climate models in order to prove that current conditions are human caused.    In other words she begins with her end result and works backward to prove her claim.

These ‘experts’ do not research climate history, causes of historical ice ages, volcanic and planetary shifts, or ANY historical data whatsoever and instead look for accreditation and media attention for their unsupported opinions that supplant Science with Quackery.

The language these organizations espouse when bolstering their acclaim is revealing in their end-game wordplay:   1. We use peer reviewed science, 2.   Our team believes that careful science based assessment is valuable,   3.   We apply a unique scientific approach, 4.   Through extensive liberal media engagement we have helped change the conversation…

One such Project from Otto’s organization, World Weather Attribution, is working within modeling in association with   Prediction!?   WWA believes that Probabilistic Event Attribution is valuable in proving humans caused global warming.

Probabilistic references – algorithms.   When algorithms go HAYWIRE:   1.   In the UK algorithms were used to generate students grades when they were not in school during coVid!   Aka, the input was meager and the output was ‘predicted’.   2.   Bill Gates CoVid modeling algorithm predicted that over 2 million Americans would die of CoVid the first 3 months and over 33 million worldwide – sending massive panic!   3.   ‘experts’ claimed that CoVid would be more deadly than the Spanish Flu which killed over 50million.   According to Fauci – the Spanish flu was neither Spanish nor a flu – but the result of a tainted vaccine mandated by the Rockefeller Institute which induced bacterial pneumonia.

Experts would appear to have the expertise of Greta. As we build toward the end of a warm era and face the next Ice Age, historically, North America and Europe will be an ice sheet – whereas South Africa and South America will be the most habitable.   Basing our means of survival on 60 years of tainted modeling and false algorithms is like premeditated murder.

But it would explain why driving chaos in South Africa so as to vacate the premises for future colonization would appear to be the Present Day Algorithm!


According to Earthquake Track there have been 4502 earthquakes in the past year in the Northern Atlantic Ocean registering between 1.5 magnitude and 6.7 magnitude.

Yesterday the Alaskan Peninsula was rocked by an 8.2 earthquake at a depth of 29 miles triggering a tsunami warning. Over the past 30 days, the Southern Pacific had 855 earthquakes measuring between a magnitude of 2 and 6.3.  In fact there are now over 20,000 earthquakes across the globe every year measuring greater than 2!  

The inner core of the earth is iron.   This core grows continually, albeit slowly, however, the eastern side near Indonesia is the source of disproportionate growth. Iron particles from the eastern inner core are pushed north and south evening the distribution.   But that evening of distribution takes time, and reveals that the outer core under the Banda Sea is removing heat at a faster rate, which would indicate a quicker cooling effect on one side of the planet.

That cooling effect would trigger flooding.

Given we have little historical data to compare to present day, it remains unknown whether this uneven distribution of iron core is normal, or even whether the size of the three cores is growing or contracting. While reverse polarity has been identified historically, the solid iron inner core turns once every 120 years or so.   This reversal of polarity is referred to as the ‘chaos theory’.

Earth’s magnetic field begins in this iron core extending through the second layer of liquid iron core, which acts as a conductor, and then through the rocky mantle before extending through earth’s surface and into space where it interacts with the sun’s solar wind.   Earthquakes under the ocean are a result of movement in the inner and outer core.   These constants continually alter our magnetic field.

And those alterations are responsible for “Climate Change”!

Disruptions in our magnetic field alter our climate. But the source is not solar winds, as our climate guru’s would have us believe, the source is our core.

These cycles have been relatively naturally occurring since the formation of earth.   This would be evident in climate models that have been ‘scientifically theorized’ dating back hundreds of thousands of years.   As such, they would likely answer what happened to dinosaurs and various civilizations that have disappeared.

The $24 question would beare the iron core and liquid core threatening to take earth into another ice age or heat simulation that could substantially alter our environment once again? Obviously such an alteration would severely impact society and possibly be the impetus for Bill Gates population reduction agenda – The Survivors.

In such an instance, instead of following the money, it would be wise to follow the water. As in drinking water and water for agriculture.

Science speculates that as reverse polarity increases earth will experience; massive earthquakes, super volcanoes, oceanic flooding, and the global destruction of the electric power grid.   Ultimately, the result would be a new Ice Age.   It is thought that the molten iron core is the trigger that creates this polar shift.   A weakened magnetic field at the core would result in a weakened mantle above earth protecting us from intense solar radiation.

Massive flooding would be the first event causing shifts in tectonic plates.   Shifts of these plates would trigger volcanic eruptions and wipe out the electric grid completely.

The 10 largest volcanoes include:
1.   Ojos del Salado – Chile

  1. Nevado Coropuna – Peru
  2. Chimborazo – Ecuador
  3. El Misti – Peru
  4. Guagua Pichincha Volcano – Ecuador
  5. Klyuchevskaya Sopka – Russia
  6. Mount Shasta – California
  7. Volcan Tajumulco – Guatemala
  8. Cerro Azule – Chile
  9. Haleakala – Hawaii

Over the last 10,000 years, the land area of Europe has shrunk considerably as the oceans have been rising steadily.   Major earthquakes have also steadily increased in number and magnitude.  ALL of which point to the coming ICE AGE.

Given this data comes from NASA, National Earthquake Center, USGS, and various science articles, it is curious that we are being fed an illusion that human activity has any impact whatsoever.   Perhaps it is being used as a distraction.   Perhaps mankind would devolve into chaos if the truth were known.

While magnetic north has been moving for some time, scientists note that as it gets closer to the equator, the speed will increase dramatically and rapidly.   While a complete shift could take less than 100 years, the disruptions will begin to be evident well beforehand. And spending our precious time creating electric cars has the logical sense of an amoeba becoming a human.

Footnote:   It is notable to mention that for the past 30+ years, many of the military and NASA sightings of UFO’s detail they’re diving into or out of the Atlantic Ocean…some as large as 1.5 kilometers.   Speculation as to the reason could span from their monitoring the inner iron core shift on our behalf to causing it.

Global Warming – or – Ice Age: Follow The Money

I’ve written about global warming, climate change, chicken little, and ‘deceit’.   I’ve written about the land grabs in Africa, land grabs in South America, and the disparity of our global water supply.   With damaged soil and a lack of water, how can China grow anything?   What if we put all of these separate topics into one pool – what is it telling us?

Starting with deceit, what if global warming isn’t just a hoax but a distraction from a potentially long term cooling effect?   Such a cooling effect could have devastating consequences on water sources and food supplies shifting useable land resources – south.

The last mini ice-age lasted from about 1300 through the 1600’s and forever altered economic and social norms.   Agriculture shifted.   Populations shifted. Scientists believe the temperature dropped a full 2’ during this period.   The same 2’ that scientists now claim earth needs to drop – again.   Demographics forever changed as people moved to warmer crop climates.   But not before mass famine took its toll on the peasants.   During this time of monarchs and warlords, the elite were defined by the foods available to them.   Fresh meat and fish were a staple.   It forebodes the agenda of Bill Gates declaring that food shortages will require modification of the peasant diet.

Ice ages, cooling trends, etc… are not a global equalizer.   The Northern Hemisphere was hit the hardest including; most of Russia, China, Europe, and North America, and the farthest parts of South America.   Africa was hit in mountainous regions predominantly, and the remainder of South America thrived.

Historically, the movement of people around the globe can be directly associated with ever changing weather.   It is believed that northern Africa was lush and green just 5,000 years ago.   It is also believed that changes in sunspots and radiation levels are the source of historical climate shifts.   Co2 is considered a less demonstrable if only minor event but scientists tend to be like sheep following instead of leading.

If in fact earth was entering either a cooling phase or a mini ice-age, shifting resources to South America and Africa would be logical for survival.

Adecoagro is a Luxembourg holding company that purchases agriculture land predominantly in Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina.   The largest shareholders include:   Qatar Investments, Route One Investment Company, EMS Capital and Soros Fund Management.

Foreign investment in Africa’s land spiked in the last 2 decades with China taking a shotgun seat.   China’s food consumption and environmental practices have left the country nearly barren. Water was severely depleted which necessitated a deal with Russia for access to the world’s single largest fresh water supply at 23%, Lake Baikal.

If we look at foreign investment as a predictor of global climate, buying land in South Africa and South America is nonsensical – given they will burn up and their land will be useless under the global warming mantra.   While these lands have some protection in the event of a cooling trend, in the event of a warming trend, farmland would become barren, scorched moon craters.

Adding to the fray of inconsistency and/or deceit, the Paris Accord’s Green Fund spends ALL it’s cherished dollars on projects in – Africa and South America. The bulk of the funding is for ‘infrastructure projects’ – the same infrastructure that the new owners of the land need in order to create robust farms and agriculture entities.

When researching data graphs that purport to show the variations in weather over thousands or millions of years, scientists are literally ‘all over the graph’.   There is no consensus other than the fact that earth has been a cataclysmic climate event – forever.   Many attribute previous changes to sunspot activity and radiation activity from the sun.   But actual climate recording dates only to the late 1800’s and accuracy is questionable.   The data is algorithmic – fancy estimations.

Prior to the mini ice-age which began around 1300, scientists logged a global warming trend from about 300 to 800AD. Since the end of the mini ice-age in 1600, the warming trend has been continually upward – meaning a downward trend may be the next phase.

Since the Roman Empire, the Greenland ice temperature is 2’ colder.   And in the last 10,000 years we are significantly colder.   Richard K. Moore provides various graphs and models of the temperature grids during this time frame.   He asserts that the Co2 theory is simply that – a theory without any actual scientific proof.   He claims that the sun, and the astronomy of the planets in our universe provide more conclusive extractive data. In his opinion, the ‘science’ behind global warming is on par with flat earth science.   Evaluating data that can only be verified over a period of a 150 years to make a determination for our future thousands of years in advance has about as much actual factual delineation as the weatherman telling you the sun is shining while outside your window it is raining.   If science can’t get real-time data how the heck can you possibly believe their future predictions?   Because that is how they reference the data – a prediction.  

When science is reduced to predictions and feelings and crystal balls – it becomes relatively worthless. Utilizing restrictive time constraints in analysis of climate data only fuses the faulted conclusion.

According to Climatologist Cliff Harris;   “when solar radiation decreases, and volcanic activity increases, a major drop in temperature can be expected”.   In his analysis, that drop would happen relatively quickly.   According to his research, in 1000 BC a mass exodus of Hebrews from Egypt was caused by a warming event that spiked around 1100 BC – at which point the temperature was nearly double what it was in 2000 AD –  before falling into an ice-age.

China has been systematically securing not just intellectual property, and mobilizing monopoly policies on pharma and retail, but food and water supplies have been of paramount importance for its population.   South Africa and South America have been their focus.

When looking at the ‘actions’ of those who govern the world’s money supply, global output, investment, and net worth, they have basically pledged everything on two continents that would burn to the ground in a global warming trend….   That is the deceit.  

New World Order: China Goes Rogue, Soros Targets South America and Africa

Before the election in 2016 Soros claimed that China should be at the helm of the New World Order, in particular the ‘financial world order’. He further clarified, “They have to own it the same way as I said the United States owns… the Washington consensus… the current order, and I think this would be a more stable one where you would have a coordinated policies.”

In 1956 The Rockefeller Brothers produced a book, Prospect For America; The Rockefeller Panel Reports.   It begins historically with the claim that the 13 empires that ruled the world needed to be dissolved.   Thus WWI was created.   It speaks to the elite desire to shape a New World Order first in the creation of the League of Nations, post WWI, and second in the creation of the UN post WWII after further breakage of empire control.   And then he discusses the failure of their high hopes in bringing about the universal government they had been planning.

So they had to devise an alternate plan of action.  When these institutions failed to generate the necessary good vs. evil, they utilized the Soviet Union as the boogeyman:

“By threatening some nations with Soviet aggression and others with American aggression, they compelled the nations to band together and join sides for protection. The members of each side were then pressured to increase economic and defensive cooperation to fend off the menace of the other side. Those who were programmed to believe they lived in the “people’s (communist) world” cooperated to block aggression from the “imperialist world,” and those who were programmed to believe they lived in the “free world” cooperated to block aggression from the “Soviet sphere”.”

In order to transition to this order, independent status had to be eliminated.   The US had to become less and less self sufficient in order to be contained as wealth collapsed and a created need was implemented.   In other words prosperity had to be dependent on interdependence and governed by the UN and IMF.

Europe was their first grand accomplishment.  And they were emboldened.

But China represented a problem. Changing their nationalist ideology was considered futile. So instead, these elites decided to offer China top tier.   China would be the leading governor of the NWO.   Establishing a rapid lopsided trade imbalance with China was thought to be the impetus for ultimate control.   Within this model, the US trade balance had to decline dramatically in power and be re-distributed.   In 1975 the trade deficit with China was $-0-.   Today, it has reached roughly $350 billion.

The book addresses challenges to the success of the NWO.   If a nation wants independence and sovereignty, they will be attacked via economic sanctions, dubbed ‘economic hit men’, trade imbalances, and civil war. These attacks would thwart the country’s attempt at survival and devolve them into the globalist union.

In 2003, BRIC was formed as a loose arrangement between Brazil, Russia, India and China with South Africa joining in 2010. Initially supported and encouraged by the elite, the alliance gained traction and fit the ideology of the NWO in creating smaller cohesive groups of countries to govern.

There were still some wild cards.

While the Rockefellers and Rothschilds courted China and India during the 1970’s, their plan seemed to be accepted with Kissinger at the helm.   With Reagan’s assistance the Soviet Union fell in the 1980’s. Simultaneously, the Rockefeller’s produced their first report on climate change and created the UN Intergovernmental Plan on Climate Change. As such, in essence: ““Big Oil” through the Rockefeller Family and Rockefeller Brothers Trusts generously finance the Worldwide climate protest movement.”

Why would they want to peddle false information that is so dire?

Because the rumors of lore, that scientific evidence shows the earth is entering a mini ice-age, are actually factual, and it has been presented by scientists that we will observe a ‘grand solar-minimum’ by 2030-2040.   If we are told to alter our environment to support a massive warming when in fact we will be presented with a massive cooling, we will wipe out entire swathes of sustainable land and depopulation will be achieved.

So where are these elites now investing?   Africa and South America where temperatures will still be habitable.

What happened to the courtship of China?   In 2014, Oliver Rothschild became the new China boy. He was given the red-carpet treatment as he made claims of chairing dozens of major charities, a global financial investor and entrepreneurial strategist.   China fell for it.  Turns out the man is a hoax.   No relationship to the Rothschild lineage and China was left completely embarrassed having fallen for this con man.

So China went rogue and Hong Kong became the means of chaos. Russia had banned all things Soros, and India capitulated with Open Society operations, Ford Foundation operations and NED. Other offices where the Open Society is busy include: Columbia, Mexico, Brazil, Myanmar, Pakistan, Afghanistan, 4 offices in Ukraine, Jordan, Russia border countries, 12 offices across Africa, and 10 throughout Europe including Berlin.

Then in 2019, Soros declared that China was a mortal enemy because, “China had not played by the rules and that its values were at odds with those of the “open society”.”   China has stated that NED is behind the Hong Kong protests which are likely revenge for Xi Jinping’s rogue attitude toward the NWO according to Rockefeller and has decided to create it’s own ‘Order’.   China is colonizing large swathes of Africa and courting a number of countries in South America.   Not part of the Rockefeller/Soros agenda.

Specifically demonizing Xi Jinping as the root of this turnaround, Soros has been quite vocal of his change in admiration; 3 months later the Hong Kong protests were organized and 4 months after this threat, hedge funds began shorting the Hong Kong dollar.   The move failed.

In the same interview Soros endorsed Elizabeth Warren as the Democrat nominee claiming her views are most closely aligned with his ‘open society’.

In essence, Rockefeller/Rothschild/Soros and the entire cabal are in defense mode given the sudden loss of China as their pontifical point, Russia a lost cause, Trump divorcing all his carefully laid plans, and Europe breaking apart, it is likely there will be greater emphasis turned on South America and Africa through tremendous destabilization.

Chile protests continue to rage sending the economy into a major downward spiral.   Brazil’s Bolsonaro blames WWF and other NGO’s for arson. And most of Africa continues to battle mafia gangs, Al Shabaab, and rebel factions that simply move around killing everyone in sight. And despite constant reiteration that 85% or more of Australia fires are ‘human related’ and upwards of 50% or more ‘arson’, the global warming agenda rattles on smelling more and more vile as they confiscate the soul of Greta.

A significant portion of eastern and southern Africa have land grabs attributable to China, Germany, Middle East, UK and US provide the picture.   Peru, Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay and Bolivia have seen decades of land grabs predominantly for agriculture gains.  Of course, Venezuela is now up for grabs by the highest bidder…

Global Climate Strikes: The New Cult

The Climate Debate seems to consist largely of Chicken Little arguments made by non-scientists, and sometimes by – children, aka Greta.   Case in point. An article in The Guardian, written by an unnamed source, makes some rather heated statements as fact that are completely fictitious and unscientific.  

But then it is the journalistic trend to create fabricated information:

The Guardian Chicken Little opening statement: “The level of CO2 has been rising since the industrial revolution and is now at its highest for about 4 million years.”

If Co2 levels have been steadily rising for 4 million years, it sort of eradicates the belief that the rise is man-made. But even more interesting is the relationship of Co2 to temperature because we have been in a cooling trend for about 10,000 years while the CO2 levels have been steadily rising. That’s not how it is supposed to work.

We also know that over the last 4 million years the earth has experienced various ice ages – meaning the correlation between CO2 and temperature is not a parallel science. Historical levels of CO2 are calculated by measuring Ice cores.   While ice cores hold information, the information is predicated on a particular latitude and is not representative of the entire earth. In fact, scientists have found that climate change in the northern hemisphere is quite different from the southern hemisphere.   So averages are a misnomer.

El Nino and La Nina have only been charted for the last 60 years. The climate has only been charted since the mid 1800’s.   Hurricane activity has been charted since 1851 – That’s a mere 168 years in the span of millions!

All other historical data has been theorized. Which is why scientists cannot agree – they each have their ‘theory’. We cannot possibly ‘know with certainty’ what happened 4 million years ago any more than we can 10,000 years ago.   But it makes for good Chicken Little journalism to – pretend.

For example, here is another ‘theory’:   “…recent research has shown that the solar wind, driven by solar eruptions (flares and coronal mass ejections) and plasma flux emanating from coronal holes, has a stronger impact on climate phenomena either directly or by modulating galactic cosmic rays.” 

According to another scientist, Javier, the earth’s obliquity and solar insulation angles are the main drivers of climate which is why changes have been manifested for millions of years without human interaction. In fact, according to Javier, the earth has been experiencing a cooling trend since 8000 BCE, and these trends typically manifest over a 41,000 year cycle.

If anything, that would mean that if human mismanagement is causing warming, then we are actually postponing the next ice age!

Guardian statement #2: “As a result of global warming and rising sea levels, 1 in 5 people in the world will eventually see their cities submerged.”

Over the last 200 years, sea levels have risen about 16 centimeters (roughly 6 inches). But historical time frames can be misleading.   If you view decades, centuries, or even a thousand years, the reference does not equate.   For example, many scientists argue that the change in climate over the past 100 years is ‘more rapid’ than historical data and therefore is man-made. They support this argument with a graph indicating various changes over the last century.   The statement; “global climate change is happening faster now than in any other point of modern civilization”.

  1. When did modern civilization begin?

Apparently, there isn’t a clear definition or time capsule that can be attributed to modern civilization.   Some reference 3200 BC, others reference the 19th century. But its definition is important because it is used to create a scientific statement that is relevant to climate change. Yet it is fraught with vagueness.

Recent, modern history is packed with droughts, mini-ice ages, and societies that fled their conditions; the Mayans, Easter Islanders, Sumerians, Vikings, etc.. What did they do? They fled. They went to higher ground. They moved. Today, we stubbornly remain in areas that are no longer suitable and whine. It all comes down to trying to fit a square peg in a circular hole.

According to recent ice core data corroborated as of 2012;  “During all episodes of major global ice loss, sea level rise has reached rates of at least 1.2 metres per century (equivalent to 12 mm per year). This is 4 times the current rate of sea level rise.”

Since 1870 polar warming has caused a steady rise in sea levels as ice melts and the warmer seas expand.

The rise and fall of sea levels has been scientifically deemed to be a direct response to the earth’s orbit. The warming trend is believed to have come to an end 10,000 years ago or 8000BC. While graphics provide slightly different +/- in terms of 1000-2000 years, even if we look at a graphic provided by NASA and NOAA the last ice age ended 16,000 years ago and the increase in global temperature rose from 42 to 58 within 2000 years before leveling somewhat and rising to 61 3000 years ago and sits now at 60.   Well before the Industrial Revolution!

In the end maybe Greta would be better served getting an education, gaining real knowledge, researching supportive data, and serving where pollution is greatest – China.

CLIMATE Change: The Crystal Ball Theory

As Climate Changes, the media is all a frenzy with more dire predictions, more exhaustive data, and little scientific truth.

I am always thrilled to discover that climate science is reportedly a 50-50 chance crystal ball venue.   If climatologists can’t accurately predict the weather within fifteen minutes of its event, how can we really accept that they know exactly what happened six hundred billion years ago and 1000 years into the future?

The answer is in the word ‘science’ which until recent history was defined as a philosophy, a ‘prediction’.

When the data was disproven over and over again, global warming morphed into ‘Climate Change’. And no one missed a beat. Except for the fact that climate does change, and likely has since the existence of earth, so making the shift opened a truism, but not necessarily one that supported doomsday.

So what’s the real beef?   Why the paranoia alarms?

It’s complicated.

Like most wars, climate change created a mass chaotic frenzy that resulted in a select group of elite benefactors making beaucoup dollero on the heels of fear.   When a war is over, history typically reveals the ridiculous reasoning for instigating the war in the first place.   WWI some stupid ArchDuke guy was assassinated – and thus 100 million + people had to pay with their lives.   But within that catastrophic event billions were made.   When there isn’t a good war, invent a catastrophe: hence Global Warming aka Climate Change.

After WWII, there was the Korean War, Vietnam War, and then when that was tabled, we were catapulted into the Chicken Little Science of the coming ‘Ice-Age’! It made for massive paranoia, and mucho dollero before fizzling and being shelved in the library of science stupidity and oops factor. Never mind.

In a world replete in fake wars, fake catastrophes, fake news, fake media, and fake religion, one would think that we would become immune and realize the one absolute question:   who is making money off the fakery?

In 1977 Time Magazine published a cover piece titled, “How To Survive The Coming Ice-Age.” It offered 51 things one can do to make a difference. And while the media is desperately attempting to justify the trend, the article, the chaotic fear that was instigated, they refuse to take responsibility for – lying. Instead, they are today busily trying to defend these doomsday scenarios as simply a media creation.

Huh?   The media fabricated a story without Scientific justification? How dastardly!

There was the nuclear war scare in the 1960’s wherein children were instructed to hide under their desks so as to circumvent the effects of the imminent nuclear bomb… And we all diligently went thru the drills believing that hiding under a desk would save us from death.

Each generation creates a ‘boogey-man’.

But the impact, the force, the deliberation and contempt exuded by our media for The People continues to be the real ‘boogey man’.   And likely, history will attempt to justify the current obsession with “Climate Change”.

Yes. Climate Changes.   In fact, graphs created by these same scientific onions graph climate for billions of years based on – gasp – tree rings, and then spew it as a truism. Really, that’s all you’ve been able to utilize for your pseudo science theory?

Why do they create a boogey-man at all?

Simplistically it reverts to basic psychology; united we stand, divided we fall. If they can create a united demon, they can control the meme.   Of course, this can be done by both good guys and bad guys and therein lies the fix.   Who to believe?

The media altered the landscape when it became the most corrupt of outlets that we could possibly imagine. The propaganda and psychological ploy was honed.   And a vast portion of society willingly jumped aboard the bandwagon.

Hollywood became enamored with this political power given they had already usurped the moral and ethical power over their subjects. And besides, there was money to be made on the sidelines as one jettisoned about creating a massive global ‘footprint’.

But it does get a bit more complicated.

Most of the world’s greatest country’s have implemented their own version of climate manipulation for decades. Fundamentally altering the natural course of nature, we have inadvertently created a monster – a Frankenstein. In order to deflect that oops factor, Global Warming frenzy was the best means of the Porky Pig routine, “bede, bede, bede”.   Shift the blame, make money on the shift, and by the time society figures it out, I’ll be dead.   Whew!

Even as I write this, the weather forecast for my town has changed five times – for today.   SO much for science. I suggest they need to dust their crystal balls and ask the birds.

Paris Summit -Climate Change

World leaders have gathered together to discuss how much money they are going to put behind climate change. These world leaders would seem to include the likes of Saudi Prince Alaweed bin Talal, Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates and George Soros. Funny, I don’t remember electing them??? In fact, I don’t think anyone ‘elected them’. So when did they become the world leaders?  And why are they making decisions for us?

I find it a bit odd that a country whose entire GDP is gained through dirty oil would be present at a climate change conference in which oil and gas are the bad guys. Of course, the fact that Soros is heavily invested in coal should raise an eyebrow or two as well. So how do they intend to reduce CO2 emissions?

According to a glob of theorists, the root cause of ISIS and other terrorists is – climate change. You see, the consensus is that these poor fella’s don’t have a country rich in rain forests and agriculture land and clean rivers and such, and as a result they are angry and lop off peoples heads. Therefore, if we can change the climate, if we can manipulate what is natural to create an altered world, then we will eradicate terrorism. POOF…

Recently I was reading about ice ages and the fact that we are actually at the tail end of an ice age that has lasted millions of years. As such, we are warmer than say 2 million years ago… but cooler than earth was – originally. Yawn. The scientific community has released their definition of an ice age as being a time when ‘the earth experiences notably cooler conditions’. We needed a scientist to tell us that?

In fact, during the present day ‘ice age’ glaciers have advanced and retracted over 20 times, and the height of this ice age was just 20,000 years ago when ice covered most of North America. It is accepted that shifting tectonic plates cause major climate changes, and the natural cyclical shifting of the earth’s orbit and rotation create changes in sunlight patterns. The CO2 emissions that the Summit talks intend to address are actually released by the change in ocean temperatures which occur  when freshwater ice melts into saltwater oceans and changes currents.

That being said, CO2 emissions have a natural cyclical pattern and while each ice age had a beginning and an end, there is no evidence the earth burned up in between. But humans want to control – and in order to control the weather we would need to control tectonics, the earth’s orbit and it’s rotation – I don’t think Soros or Gates have that ability. But I suppose they can pretend.

In the meantime, to add fodder to ozone, these ‘world leaders’ claim that the reason we haven’t really been targeting the oil reserves and supplies that fund ISIS is because we’re afraid that the blast might ‘harm the environment’. Oh dear, oh my, oh my, said Eyore…to Pooh.

Even more hypocritical is that while the Climate Summit is taking place, the Paris police are dumping tear gas on protesters. Tear Gas is actually a chemical weapon banned from use in warfare by the Geneva Convention. It is considered toxic and harmful to the environment!  Eyore?

And according to one French journalist, the Bangladesh refugees are a result of climate change.  But wait, the refugees are from Rohingya and are fleeing persecution and poverty. They number 220,000, and approximately 28,000 have fled to neighboring countries.  Another organization, AOSIS, which represents a number of small islands scattered throughout the Atlantic and Indian Oceans, claims that typhoons continue to disrupt island life – a direct result of global warming.  But large devastating typhoons have been recorded for thousands of years.  The impertinence would seem to be the idea that despite these occurring regularly, the people want to change the weather – instead of changing where they build…

Obama has stated that, “recent economic growth in the United States has come despite a lack of growth in carbon emissions.” So if carbon emission is not growing why is the climate continuing to warm? Oops. Maybe its because the relationship is negligible.

CO2 emissions are both naturally occurring and man-made. The natural impact accounts for about 96% and the man-made for about 4%. Of the man-made, about 85% is derived from fossil fuel burning. But there is another culprit rarely mentioned – nuclear warhead testing. The US is the largest ‘tester’ with upwards of 1132, followed by Russia with 981 and France with 217. Nine have been conducted in the oceans. The tests peaked between 1950 and 1963 when carbon-14 emissions peaked as well.

Lastly, when presenting a graph, just as I exposed in my blog about vaccines, the starting point can be very misleading. According to a graph issued by the University of Wyoming with references to Oxford, the current trend of CO2 emissions began their incline sometime around the mid 1600’s well before fossil fuels. In addition, according to scientists, each ending ice age was met with peaking warm temperatures before the next ice age struck. Another graph shows that we were actually coming out of a mini ice-age that occurred after a significant warming that occurred between 1000 and 1200 A.D..

Are we in a warming trend? Yes. Are CO2 emissions high? Yes. Will changing our 4% of the total CO2 alter the course of nature? Make your own conclusion.

But according to scientific data, ancient historical trends show we are about to fall into a trough of a new ice age…Bill?  George?  Mark?  As world leaders, you seem a bit out of touch.