CLIMATE CHANGE: Measuring Historical Impacts and Creating BlackHoles with CERN

HOW many Scientists are there in the world?   HOW many Climate Scientists are there in the world?   Apparently no one actually knows, and the guesstimates range from 11,000 to 7 million Scientists in total. Quite a spread!   Imagine playing those spreads on the stock market buying shares?   Laughable right?   Yet given that no one knows how many there are, how is it possible to have a consensus of 97%?

Well, it’s not.

The first problem in this statistic is the fact that Climate Science Degree programs were only first introduced around 2009.   Climate Science or climatology is defined as the study of weather conditions averaged over a period of time.   After the invention of the thermometer and a global commonality of measurement of temperature in 1742, recording of temperatures became the first physical account – albeit it was not universally utilized. That would amount to 280 years of actual temperature recordings on a sporadical basis.

The statistical analysis of climate was first used in the 1950’s by Helmut Landsberg. His schooling was in physics, mathematics and geophysics.   He consulted worldwide, worked for the US Air Force during WWII predicting weather events, served at the Cambridge Research Center, and had an illustrious career engaging, teaching, and monitoring.   It is also noted that Landsberg was skeptical of the risks of man-made global warming, arguing that computer models were unreliable and that the impacts of projected warming would be minor.

Today, we use algorithms to predict future outcomes.   But even an algorithm is only as good as what is included in its feed.   For example, the Bill Gates algorithm for CoVid initially stated that more than 2 million Americans would die of CoVid in the next 3 months.   That was in March/April 2020.   The algorithm was quite off target which then required revisions.   One such revision would be to calculate ALL deaths as CoVid related. The purpose? Bill Gates needed to save face, and he needed the fear of death to bring the chaos.

Yesterday, a ‘weatherperson-girl’ on an obscure station decided that despite her degree in journalism, her weatherperson knowledge qualified her to ‘enlighten’ the world about Climate Change. Of course, specifically, she sought to teach the deniers because none of them understood Climate and she was there to tell everyone while insinuating she was a climatologist.   It was almost as though she felt herself speaking as a goddess, pasting verbatim from NASA onto her page.  But her fans thought her weathergirl status on television made her a climate scientist.

Tree rings are a supposed method of determining climate history but there are few available an none of great history.  The oldest is estimated to be about 9000 years old.   Please note that ‘estimated’ is commonly used by Climate scientists as well as ‘Prediction’.   These terms do NOT denote Fact.   The problem is that in order to read the rings, one must first cut down and kill the tree.   So scientists have decided that would go against the grain and simply now speculate the age.   Not a reliable method at all.

Reading coral is another method that some scientists feel is plausible although most coral dates back only a few hundred years and killing coral is the means.   CHECREEF was a project developed in collaboration with the European Science Foundation. Drilling 1100 meters into water surrounding Tahiti they extracted specimens that they ‘predicted’   were perhaps 14,000 to 16,000 years old.   ESF shuttered its climate work in 2014. This project has yet to provide any analysis.

Ice core reading is the new nouveau. Using lasers to extract annual layers is complicated and chemical testing of these layers is based on the belief that CO2 levels have remained constant forever. The new technology has revealed the flawed nature of conclusions from the previous technology.   Unfortunately science uses preconstructed ends to formulate the beginning.   Much is based on unproven factoids from which is built a new factoid that is constrained by theory.

In the end, Climate Change is a predicted concern.   Pandemics are a predicted concern.   Before Steven Hawking died in 2018, his biggest concern was the threat Scientists posed in experiments at CERN – The God Particle.   Hawking stipulated that the scientists were so brazen and acting outside of rationale, his belief was they would make a huge miscalculation which would result in Earth or even our entire universe being swallowed into a Black Hole. There would be no warning and it could happen in a nanosecond.

Due to the immense energy being created in the CERN Haldron, speculation that the experiments could make major alterations in our planet, while speculative, do exist.   Cloud formations and currents above the facility have shown bizarre patterns, colors and electro magnetic fields. CERN’s magnetic field is 100,000 times that of Earth, and while they claim containment is all within the facility and nothing ever escapes, their own website contradicts this premise. Could this collider and others scattered across the globe be responsible for the quickening movement of Magnetic North?   Could it be the cause of the South Atlantic Anomaly – a radiation belt that leads to an influx of energetic particles which are essentially ‘trapped protons’?

In 2019, CERN was shut down for 3 years due to needed refurbishing given that their climate footprint had greatly impacted global warming, at least that was their media statement:

To perform correctly, some of the LHC’s key equipment relies on gases known to contribute significantly to global warming. These gases are either vented to the atmosphere purposely, or they leak from instruments, making it to the outside air accidentally. CERN scientists are working to reduce the lab’s contributions to climate change by plugging up leaks and, in some equipment, replacing the most pernicious greenhouse gases with less problematic alternatives.

In 2020, CERN was approved $23 billion in funding to build a new collider capable of nearly 10 times the original – smashing protons-protons to generate new particles.   The Collider would envelop an area 62 miles long with a scheduled completion date of around 2038.

Playing with Mother Nature for weather manipulation was nothing compared to Playing With our Entire Universe.

But Hey – It’s Science – So I Guess They Get A Pass to Destroy Our Universe If They Want…

Paris Summit -Climate Change

World leaders have gathered together to discuss how much money they are going to put behind climate change. These world leaders would seem to include the likes of Saudi Prince Alaweed bin Talal, Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates and George Soros. Funny, I don’t remember electing them??? In fact, I don’t think anyone ‘elected them’. So when did they become the world leaders?  And why are they making decisions for us?

I find it a bit odd that a country whose entire GDP is gained through dirty oil would be present at a climate change conference in which oil and gas are the bad guys. Of course, the fact that Soros is heavily invested in coal should raise an eyebrow or two as well. So how do they intend to reduce CO2 emissions?

According to a glob of theorists, the root cause of ISIS and other terrorists is – climate change. You see, the consensus is that these poor fella’s don’t have a country rich in rain forests and agriculture land and clean rivers and such, and as a result they are angry and lop off peoples heads. Therefore, if we can change the climate, if we can manipulate what is natural to create an altered world, then we will eradicate terrorism. POOF…

Recently I was reading about ice ages and the fact that we are actually at the tail end of an ice age that has lasted millions of years. As such, we are warmer than say 2 million years ago… but cooler than earth was – originally. Yawn. The scientific community has released their definition of an ice age as being a time when ‘the earth experiences notably cooler conditions’. We needed a scientist to tell us that?

In fact, during the present day ‘ice age’ glaciers have advanced and retracted over 20 times, and the height of this ice age was just 20,000 years ago when ice covered most of North America. It is accepted that shifting tectonic plates cause major climate changes, and the natural cyclical shifting of the earth’s orbit and rotation create changes in sunlight patterns. The CO2 emissions that the Summit talks intend to address are actually released by the change in ocean temperatures which occur  when freshwater ice melts into saltwater oceans and changes currents.

That being said, CO2 emissions have a natural cyclical pattern and while each ice age had a beginning and an end, there is no evidence the earth burned up in between. But humans want to control – and in order to control the weather we would need to control tectonics, the earth’s orbit and it’s rotation – I don’t think Soros or Gates have that ability. But I suppose they can pretend.

In the meantime, to add fodder to ozone, these ‘world leaders’ claim that the reason we haven’t really been targeting the oil reserves and supplies that fund ISIS is because we’re afraid that the blast might ‘harm the environment’. Oh dear, oh my, oh my, said Eyore…to Pooh.

Even more hypocritical is that while the Climate Summit is taking place, the Paris police are dumping tear gas on protesters. Tear Gas is actually a chemical weapon banned from use in warfare by the Geneva Convention. It is considered toxic and harmful to the environment!  Eyore?

And according to one French journalist, the Bangladesh refugees are a result of climate change.  But wait, the refugees are from Rohingya and are fleeing persecution and poverty. They number 220,000, and approximately 28,000 have fled to neighboring countries.  Another organization, AOSIS, which represents a number of small islands scattered throughout the Atlantic and Indian Oceans, claims that typhoons continue to disrupt island life – a direct result of global warming.  But large devastating typhoons have been recorded for thousands of years.  The impertinence would seem to be the idea that despite these occurring regularly, the people want to change the weather – instead of changing where they build…

Obama has stated that, “recent economic growth in the United States has come despite a lack of growth in carbon emissions.” So if carbon emission is not growing why is the climate continuing to warm? Oops. Maybe its because the relationship is negligible.

CO2 emissions are both naturally occurring and man-made. The natural impact accounts for about 96% and the man-made for about 4%. Of the man-made, about 85% is derived from fossil fuel burning. But there is another culprit rarely mentioned – nuclear warhead testing. The US is the largest ‘tester’ with upwards of 1132, followed by Russia with 981 and France with 217. Nine have been conducted in the oceans. The tests peaked between 1950 and 1963 when carbon-14 emissions peaked as well.

Lastly, when presenting a graph, just as I exposed in my blog about vaccines, the starting point can be very misleading. According to a graph issued by the University of Wyoming with references to Oxford, the current trend of CO2 emissions began their incline sometime around the mid 1600’s well before fossil fuels. In addition, according to scientists, each ending ice age was met with peaking warm temperatures before the next ice age struck. Another graph shows that we were actually coming out of a mini ice-age that occurred after a significant warming that occurred between 1000 and 1200 A.D..

Are we in a warming trend? Yes. Are CO2 emissions high? Yes. Will changing our 4% of the total CO2 alter the course of nature? Make your own conclusion.

But according to scientific data, ancient historical trends show we are about to fall into a trough of a new ice age…Bill?  George?  Mark?  As world leaders, you seem a bit out of touch.