UKRAINE’S Zelensky War – When The Blackmailer Gets Blackmailed

Every Headline Across the Entire Globe – ‘the imminent War instigated by Russia against Ukraine will occur in 24 hours!’    Every day for 2 months!   A GLOBAL distraction from reality!   And in the shadows of no media coverage is the fact that according to the Durham Probe Hillary Clinton has been found to have hired an IT company for the purpose of hacking President Trump’s server and spying on his every word – has it even been mentioned?

Does it qualify as Treason?

Ukraine War a Distraction?

WHY?   It could subject her to high treason. And that is pretty big news! And according to ‘Old Law’ would required hanging.   Typically, publically.

Huddled in their void of reality behind an abundance of leather, dead animals, porn tapes, and booze, damage control requires the most fearful of media propagandist posts – WWIII!   Everyone will focus entirely on this singular fear while the Cleaners attempt to create a viable solution to Hillary’s imminent hanging.

I imagine she is quite swinging with arms and head flailing about in irreverent angry pissiness as the obscenities are released like dark chocolate with a hint of sea salt… on a pot party.   Who to bribe?   Who to suicide?   The intricacy of woven machinizations is like a horror movie.   To believe that people are this sick is beyond comprehension.

Once in a fine while I read something hilariously epically funny by The Slog a blogger from the UK living in exile – France…and it relieves the tension!   Personally, I think we all should be exiled to Tuscany or Positano…   Of course that would have to be ‘pre-CoVid’.   No one wants to move to Europe at ALL right now.   The regime has become much too Heil!


Simultaneously, but not coincidentally, an article was released by the NGO, Quincy Institute, an obscure organization, which claims certain ‘US Senators were heavily lobbied by the Ukrainian government to instigate heavy sanctions and to send massive amounts of ‘free weaponry’ to the country. ‘ Those Senators were named as Ted Cruz, Tom Cotton, Ron Johnson, John Barrasso, and Jeanne Shaheen.   An interesting ‘Odd Lot” whose politics would seem unaligned.

The Quincy Institute is funded by:  Open Society, Rockefeller Fund, and Charles Koch – to name a few!!

Ted Cruz put forth a failed bill to punish any US companies doing business with Nord Stream II.   And Menendez has put forth a bill that is a whopper of sanctions should…something happen, sometime soon, in the near future, tomorrow perhaps – or not.   In the meantime Ukraine continued to court The Atlantic Council and suddenly blackmail would seem to be the means to the end. The obvious target would be Biden and Hunter.

Possibly seeing a distraction from her own Durham criminal probe, Hillary may think that a War would be the perfect means for burying – again – her Russia Dossier failure.

And suddenly, Zelensky is wondering what the eff just happened. He didn’t want his country obliterated, he just wanted out of his sovereign debt default. And the blackmailer got blackmailed.  Pedaling backwards, Zelensky was way over his head!

Not only do hundreds of major US corporations have offices in Ukraine, five European companies hefted a billion each to build Nord Stream II: Wintershall, ENGIE, Uniper, Shell, and OMV. They have also spent millions on lobby efforts to block sanctions. The parent company of Wintershall is Bayer – ‘promoting sustainability’.   ENGIE is French.   Shell is Dutch. Uniper is German. OMV is Norwegian.   And it becomes rather obvious these large stakeholders have NO desire to see their pipeline bombed by the idiot Brandon and his cohorts Blinkman and ExAustin.

While US and UK forces are supposedly leaving Ukraine after a month of training their military in the use of advanced weaponry – a militant Nazi organization operating in Ukraine is training 79 year old grandma’s how to use AK-47’s.   And now the war is clearly defined as a citizen death march.

What could Zelensky possibly have on the Biden’s that hasn’t already been revealed? Something massive enough that he unwisely chose to use that to ‘liberate’ his country from its debt load…  

THE BANKING CABAL: From Paladin Knights to Knights Templar to White Hats – Where Good Reigns

IN all things there exists an opposite;    white vs black, night vs day, mountain vs plain, and good vs evil.   Evil tends to prefer being obvious, in the open, taking a bow of arrogance for all who follow in its wake. They like to be noticed – Hollywood. They like to see themselves on the news – Congress.   They bask in the glory of their accomplishments and revel for new blood constantly!   On the other hand, for every evil, there is a good.    But good prefers anonymity.   Good often does not reveal themselves because in so doing they lose their position in the Art of War.  

Congress has truly outed each evil from within.   Their masks were pulled away and their true faces revealed their intentions.   They played every hand they had and were confident in their win.   Drugged, blackmailed, pedophile predators, they became brazen and missed the mark.   While their numbers are far greater than we imagined, we too have a cabal, but it isn’t evil – it is the hidden good that is and will prevail.

Is evil a choice? Or is it a genetic variant?   Is it coded in a person?   How can evil accept itself being evil?

Surely our globe is waging a battle like none other before.   The Dark Ages grew out of the Fall of the Roman Empire as it became more and more consumed by evil.   Entire societies were slaughtered.

In the midst, a legend began, the Paladin Knights of Charlemagne’s court.   They were holy warriors and always were numbered as twelve.   They were highly trained specialized soldiers who protected Charlemagne who served as King and ultimately Emperor.   It was through Charlemagne’s only legitimate son, Louis, that modern Europe was initially settled.

What became of the Paladin Knights?  

It is likely they evolved into the Knights Templar who served as the Catholic military around 1119. They were crusader armies trained in the martial arts whose headquarters was Jerusalem.   It is said that their motivation was to defend Christians, the Holy Land, and its sacred sites.  And they did so with great honor!

But the knights were not just sophisticated soldiers, they became known as the first bankers. They accumulated great wealth and became the repository for the peasants and later the kings.

In 1307 the King of France, Phillip IV, expelled the jews and annihilated the order of the Knights Templar.   While he was indebted financially to both, Phillip felt their power was strong and collided with his feudal monarchial rule. Phillip ordered their arrest and confiscated their wealth.   He initiated a propaganda means to discredit them claiming they were evil, they denied Christ, worshiped idols and had improper kissing. The political and religious establishment then joined together to destroy the Templars. All their property was seized.   Many were beheaded, others were burned at the stake, confessions were obtained through torture, charges were made without ANY evidence, and Pope Clement V declared them traitors to be permanently vanquished to exile.

And so, those that survived were relegated forever to anonymity.

So who are the White Hats of today who battle the cabal, the evil that has grown, mutated and permeated every country across the globe?

National Economic Security and Recovery Act (NESARA) was a set of proposed economic reforms for the United States suggested during the 1990s by Harvey Francis Barnard. Barnard claimed that the proposals, which included replacing the income tax with a national sales tax, abolishing compound interest on secured loans, and returning to a bimetallic currency, would result in 0% inflation and a more stable economy.

Barnard’s proposal was called, “Draining The Swamp; Monetary and Fiscal Policy Reform”. It was first published in 1996 and the Bill was presented to Congress in 1999.

It has been suggested that NESARA was suppressed by the Bush administration from passage because of it would irrevocably end the banking cartel that had grown to own the US.   The law was set to be implemented on September 11, 2001.   All data supporting NESARA was on the second floor of the World Trade Center in NYC and was destroyed by the 9-11 terrorist attack.

White Knights, including high ranking military officials have since struggled to have the law implemented. In essence it would destroy the entire banking industry as it stands and return our country to a strict Constitutional standing..  It is the desire of the Cabal, the left, to abolish the US Constitution in favor of a New World Order governed by the banking cartel and corporations.

While NESARA now enjoys they same vilification that was used to destroy the Templar Knights, that vilification is countered by The People who demand Truth and Information.

Lucille Femine ~   This article was originally created and published by Nancy B. Detweiler and is republished here under “Fair Use” (see disclaimer below). Copyright © 2001-2016 Nancy B. Detweiler, Richmond, VA All Rights Reserved.

“1991 – General Roy Schwasinger went before a senate committee to present evidence of the banks and governments criminal activity. He informed them how the Corporation of the United States was tied to the establishment of a New World Order which would bring about a fascist one world government ruled by the international bankers.”

“1992 – A task force was put together consisting of over 300 retired and 35 active US military officers who strongly supported constitutional law. This task force was responsible for investigating governmental officials, congressional officers, judges, and the Federal Reserve.

  • Chief of Naval Operations, Admiral Jeremy Boorda
  • General David McCloud
  • Former Director of Central Intelligence, William Colby

They uncovered the common practice of bribery and extortion committed by both senators and judges. The criminal activity was so rampant that only 2 out of 535 members of congress were deemed honest. But more importantly they carried out the first ever audit of the Federal Reserve.”

Bush and Clinton were instrumental in creating a distraction, a diversion so as to destroy the implementation of NESARA.   Once destroyed, it would be labeled a ‘conspiracy’ and laughed at for it’s befuddled concepts of Constitutionality.

There will always be White Knights as long as there are Dark Knights. One cannot exist without the other.   Sometimes Dark gains ground.   Destroying White Knights with propaganda has been utilized for centuries upon centuries.   But ultimately Good does reign and evil is cast into the Lake of Fire.

We are in a Battle that has been fought since the beginning of time – battles are not won by hiding, running, or cowering in fear.   Ever.

“Let your plans be dark and as impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.” – Sun Tzu

WWIII – Operation Northwoods

In 1962, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Department of Defense and the CIA drafted a proposal entitled Operation Northwoods.   The purpose was to ‘create real or staged actions against military and civilian targets within a terror campaign, blame the resulting ‘effects’ on the Cuban government so as to provoke a justification to go to war with Cuba’.  

Sound familiar?

It is believed that Kennedy nixed the operation.

In addition, under the signature of Brig General Edward Lansdale, and with cooperation of the CIA, Operation Mongoose proposed actions to ‘provoke, harass or disrupt’ Cuba so as to incite – war.  Simultaneously, Operation Bingo outlined a plan to give the ‘appearance’ of an attack on US facilities in Cuba so as to derive means and justification to demonize Castro and incite war.

Sound familiar?

While the General who orchestrated Operation Northwoods, Lyman Lemnitzer, was removed from office by Kennedy, he was immediately picked up by NATO to become “Supreme Allied Commander”.  Obviously NATO liked his way of thinking.

Together with McNamara, Kennedy instituted a defense strategy of flexible response, meaning they held to the potential for massive retaliation, without necessarily actionable massive retaliation.  More like a threat, substantiated by a smaller actionable strike.  Sound familiar?

At the time, McNamara, who was Secretary of Defense, formally a Republican who switched parties in 1978, actively promoted – WAR.  He decisively encouraged US intervention in the Vietnam War, which didn’t go over too well, and after retirement was a trustee at the Brookings Institute, a far Liberal organization funded by The Gates Foundation, Qatar, Norway, Rockefeller Foundation and JP Morgan Chase.  OUCH!

All of which plays out “Something like Syria…”

Something like the demonizing of Russia using staged events against military and civilian targets:  MH Flight 17, Chemical weapons, etc… ?  The biggest issue of all the conspiracy notations with regard to MH Flight 17 is the fact that despite nearly 300 victims, there was no blood.  While multiple other inconsistencies are cited, passport irregularities, etc.., photos reveal – 20 minutes after the crash – there was no blood.  Anywhere.  An anomaly that can not be explained.

The Chemical Weapon and gassing in Syria has been debunked innumerable times with illustrations of staging, actors, and actors being used in multiple wars…

What are we to believe in a world wherein lies abound?

While it is suggested that none of the aforementioned Operations were carried out, there is no denial of the intent, nor of the rogue nature that seemingly overtook the intelligence arena.   IN 1961, John Dulles was Director of the CIA.  A proponent of coups, he initiated the Coup in Iran, the Coup in Guatemala, and The infamous Bay of Pigs failure.   As a result of his drastic Bay of Pigs Fiasco, Kennedy called for his resignation, which he submitted in December 1961.  He was Not Happy.

Despite his bitterness toward Kennedy, Johnson asked Dulles to be one of seven commissioners for the Warren Commission in the investigation over Kennedy’s assassination one year later. An odd choice.  But certainly convenient given Johnson was in the crosshairs as being conspiratorially involved.

Dulles was also responsible for making the determination that The Protocols of The Elders of Zion – was a forgery.  Also, an odd part of his job description.  But one the furthered the Agenda.

Of course, this all post dates the same tactic employed by the US in conjunction with the British and Dutch to engage in increasingly strident economic conditions focused on Japan in order to provoke them into war with the US at the behest of the Rockefellers who felt their oil interests were being unjustly challenged by Japanese trade. Japan attempted to negotiate with Roosevelt on numerous occasions, but was refused any compromise.   The ensuing war was orchestrated.  And we all know how that ended.

History repeating itself?  Or US repeating itself?   We do have a choice.

Knowing the CIA penchant for subversive Operations, aka, Operation Mockingbird, that never go away, it would not be terribly far fetched to assume that Operation Northwoods was anything less and is alive, well and proliferating nicely according to the Agenda.

Only this time the target is Russia.


Because Russia has refused to bend to the NWO, the Banking Cabal, and the Global Elite who desire to create a Globalization wherein – they rule.

In the meantime we are distracted with nonsense such as Facebook  having access to our privacy?   When in fact, our privacy was hacked by everyone decades ago?   Including NSA, CIA, FBI, and multiple “Analytica’s” under the tutelage of governments across the globe, the health industry, credit card industry, county and state real estate assessors, etc, etc.

Facebook’s Zuckerberg, a die hard Liberal who long ago gave his soul to Hillary and the Cabal has offered to sacrifice a ‘portion’ of his wealth ‘for the greater good’ via ‘pinkie swear I promise to do better’, while knowing that the pervasive data compilation is actually hosted by the CIA, the FBI, NSA, and every intelligence outfit in the US and abroad.

While history sheds light and makes the present day events much more obvious, the Agenda is to Bury history, so that we just – forget. 

As in:   An ignorant mind, is easily defeated.