Seattle – Democrat Mayors – Cities Destroyed By Anarchy

Reading liberal media is both hilarious and a walk on the wild side!  

Seattle mayor, Jenny Durkan and her media pundits have declared that the riots don’t exist. Lawlessness was disbanded when the CHAZ Zone was cleared 3 months ago, and everything in that regard now is simply freedom of speech.   But headlines would seem to indicate otherwise:   18 arrested at riot, 47 arrested at riot, 12 cops injured, looting stores, explosive hurling, 66 police injured, etc…etc…etc.

Which reality is real?

Ocasio-Cortez and other Democrats have outed themselves by openly stating that if Trump replaces the now deceased Ginsberg, riots will become bigger and more powerful!   Essentially, they are revealing the riots are CONTROLLED by them.

It isn’t just these city mayors who are collaborating in widespread destruction, it is prosecutors, the DA, and judges.   In Seattle, even when rioters are arrested, 65% or more released without charges and told to seek answers for why they are rioting from a licensed therapist…   Because jail time won’t do any justice.

Are the Rioters being released from psychiatric facilities?   Interestingly, the Seattle Foundation gives an enormous amount of funding to these institutions of mental health…  And it begins to seem plausible there is a connection.

Hundreds of businesses in Seattle that were already struggling with the Lockdown have been looted, set fire, and destroyed.   Who pays?

Most costs will be born by the insurance industry – including damage and looting, but that does not account for lost business, employees, income, etc…   And of course, rates will simply rise accordingly.   Unfortunately, many small businesses don’t have Comprehensive Insurance and have relied on the much cheaper – liability only.   Meaning, the destruction is a total loss.

Riding in on the storm front are lawyers ponying up for the inevitable class-action lawsuits that target the mayor and governor for basically – gross incompetence. Seattle is already facing a $400 million budget shortfall without consideration of the cost of the class action lawsuits.

What’s on the table?

Seattle Council members state they allocated $4 million to ‘address gun control’.   Not exactly sure how you ‘address’ gun control except that it sounds like the Pelosi scheme of creating a commission to review a commission to review a – commission.

However, gun laws in Washington are regulated by the state government not city governments, further confusing the monetary issue.

But Washington has bigger problems.   Their unemployment rate is 14.4%, and outstanding debt is $6 billion which averages $13,150 per person according to Debt Clock.   But mayor Durkan believes Climate Change is a number one presser.   Secondly, she endorses focusing on the ‘greatest civil rights reckoning’ and CoVid.  Oh brother, wherefore art thou?

Oddly, the rampant arson fires that have plagued Seattle since the riots began are ignored.   Construction sites are a prime target, but a Lutheran Church was set on fire and completely destroyed as well as a juvenile detention facility. The Fire Department has stated that at least 13 large fires are attributable to arson, one damage estimate tallying $5 million.

Durkan’s claim to fame rose in 2009 when Obama elected her US Attorney for the Western District of Washington.   In this role she created a civil rights department and began investigations into police brutality. Durkan won her mayoral votes after being sponsored by Comcast, Vulcan, Amazon, CenturyLink and Starbucks.   In essence they bought her and she must now do their bidding.  Donations were siphoned via a political action group within the Seattle Chamber of Commerce.    Leading members include: Microsoft, Boeing, Kaiser, Alaska Airlines, Port of Seattle and Blue Cross.  Donations to Durkan’s campaign were the largest in history.

Of the 50 largest cities in the US, 35 are democrat controlled – 70%, 3 are Independents who vacuously lean Democrat.   They would also appear to rank the highest based on crime statistics and poverty rate.    Detroit leads the pack with a poverty rate of 30.6% followed by Philadelphia and Houston.   Mayors in these states always seem to win by a landslide.  No contention.

There are No Coincidences.  But there are FACTS!