The Marxist Movement in US: A Call To Civil War

The Weather Underground never died.   Black Panther Movement never died.   Black Liberation Army never died.   They simply carved new faces within the same delusion of hatred – collaborated with Islam – as well as the American Jewish World Service and infiltrated every institution in the US.   Their new names include Antifa and Black Lives Matter.

Regurgitated ideologies and violent action seem to be drawn straight from a playbook.   Destruction, division, arson, and hate were the game 60 years ago, when these terrorists embraced Marxism, targeted police for murder, and demanded all white people die.   The FBI tried to put away Bill Ayers only to have all charges dropped on a technicality.   Hypocrisy;   Ayers went to prep school before going to college on the coat-tails of his father whose wealth as CEO of ConEd gave the family much ‘privilege’.   After bombing 20 federal buildings, killing a guard and two of his cohorts, Ayers never went to prison.  Instead he secured a professorship at the University of Illinois teaching ‘education reform’.

The Center For Education Reform: states that the purpose is to ‘give learners a chance to shape their education’.     Essentially, this would mean students choose what they learn and teachers are simply placemats.

It is a complete failure!   Whether that failure was the goal is debatable.

Obviously with professors aligned in the Bill Ayers movement of anarchy we have managed to grow a deeply psychotic era wherein our youth are uneducated, obsessed with self, narcissistic, and groomed to believe that rage and terror are appropriate means of existence.

The man, Ayers, who characterized himself as the leader of the Red Army and relished the idea of murdering soldiers at Fort Dix was honored by Chicago for his role in ‘education reform’.

This is the ideology that was spread across the country in colleges and ultimately in grade schools teaching students to “Bring revolution home. Kill your parents.”

Common Core.   The Bill Gates brain child designed to get more minorities into college by implementing:   “a redesign of the SAT as of the spring of 2016. Changes included no penalty for incorrect answers, removal of obscure vocabulary words, making the essay optional, and a partnership with the Khan Academy to provide free test prep resources.”

In other words, everyone can go to college and everyone will pass and get a degree even if they are ignorant as rocks.

Today we are witnessing a full regurgitation of an Ayers model of Education Reform via revolution while the absolute dummy-down ignorance imposed by Bill Gates Common Core assures students who graduate they will get a job flipping burgers made from grass clippings.

One prominent partner in the Ayers Movement to create anarchy and revolution was his good friend, Barack Obama.

Put together the Deep State aligned a terrorist with a billionaire bent on depopulation and death with the President of the United States. A match made in Hell. 

Eric Mann, another white privileged terrorist from the Weather Underground and Black Panthers also contributed his knowledge and talents in reorganizing Revolution.   After serving a stint in prison for assault and conspiracy to commit murder, Mann worked as a journalist and joined a Chicano communist organization, ATM, which merged with a radical Chinese Marxist organization I Wor Kuen based in San Francisco.

Bill Ayers adopted son, Chesa Boudin, is the DA for San Francisco. His parents were both sentenced to prison for a Brinks robbery and felony murders of two police officers. Descended from a long lineage of left-wing Marxists, Chesa too led a privileged life attending Yale and Oxford. A good friend of Hugo Chavez, Chesa has been a driving force against police during his tenure as DA and has been praised by Human Rights Watch – the Soros organization.

For ten years Eric Mann mentored Assata Shakur, the self promoted leader of BLM in the art of anarchy and Marxism.  These radicals were allowed to skirt legal consequence so as to promote a far greater swathe of Communist Marxism throughout the US.

It is not about slavery, it is not about racism, it is a political movement similar to the Bolshevik uprising that laid waste to the Soviet Union for 70 years. Like Stalin, Ayers has called for re-education camps for 50 million Americans and death to those that refuse.

What would it take to walk back these radicals from education?

Without their leaders, these children of anarchy would crawl into a ball and weep.   They have no core, no strength, no courage, and certainly no intellect. Without those traits they are puppets beneath the kings who rule.   These rulers, including Ayers, Mann, Chesa, liberal governors and mayors etc… are guilty of incitement and treason.   They are betrayers.   They are attempting to overthrow the government.   And they have admitted to this being forefront in their ‘cause’.   It includes participation in a war against one’s country – riots.


The MEANS:   Domestic Terrorism means activities that—

(A)    involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State;

(B)   appear to be intended—

(i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population;

(ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or

(iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping;

One thought on “The Marxist Movement in US: A Call To Civil War

  1. they need to be treated as terrorist,shoot on sight.we are at war! there is no democratic party anymore,the sooner people get that thru their heads,the better off america will be.

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