Hillary – WikiLeaks – Foundation – Damage Control

The newest ‘conspiracy theory’ is that WikiLeaks, Assange, is promoting a ‘conspiracy theory’ that possibly Seth Rich, the murdered DNC worker, was the source…

First – WikiLeaks does not promote ‘conspiracy theory’s – ever. They engorge the transparent underlings that rule governments. By giving absolutes.

Second – If in fact Rich was the source, I imagine Assange will seek vengeance. And justice will be served. If this proves true, then it could signal a blow from which Hillary will not be able to recover. While the media would liken Trump’s campaign to being in ‘damage control’ for a few ripe comments, Hillary’s faux pas are extraordinarily far more devastating – corruption, assassination, fraud, windfall, treason… Overdrive would define the Soros camp as they try to plug the dykes that keep flooding.

Government favors for a Clinton Foundation donation… the newest revelation.

The best the Hillary campaign can do is create a decoy. That was the Obama campaign solution as well. When the chips start falling, start a war somewhere. Today it is Ukraine – again. The Kiev government, smeared with blood and internal sexual assault reports, has suddenly moved into terrorism by attempting to bomb infrastructure facilities in Crimea. Foiled, they are now claiming it was all a Russian trick. But it could move the attention off the Clinton Foundation and back on a perceived enemy – Russia.

Add to the fray that Sweden has quite suddenly – as in out of the blue – offered to hear a statement from Assange after refusing to do so for four years, and it smells fishy. Very Fishy indeed.

The Swedish government and the Clinton’s have a history of tit-for-tat and it would not be surprising if the Clinton’s requested this arranged meeting with Assange. In 2015, it was reported that the Clinton’s set up a secret foundation in Sweden to collect $26 million from Swedish government interests. Why? To keep Sweden off the sanctions list when it was discovered they were illegally trading with Iran.

In 2011, the gross receipts of that foundation totaled about $63 million with assets of about $190 million. Between 2007 and 2011 the foundation received donations of over $515 million. Their 990 claims that their grants outside the US were all “Climate” related. Individual donors comprised the largest source of revenue, one donor providing over $20 million, another over $12 million, another over $8 million – etc… One of their grants was to their own Alliance For A Healthier Generation, and another to a political campaign. Related organizations include the William Clinton Foundation – UK, Clinton Global Initiative, Clinton Health Access Initiative, and the Clinton Foundation INSALINGSSTIFTELSE… registered in Sweden. Related inter-foundation transactions totaled about $23 million.

The 990 states that the foundation was formed in 1997 – four years before the Clintons left office – penniless.

But there’s more. The Clinton Guistra Sustainable Growth Initiative is yet another money maker incorporated in Canada. It received a pledge of $100 million from a Swedish-Canadian oil company that has less than reputable dealings with warlords in the Congo, Sudan and Ethiopia. Reports dealing with the Lundin oil company tactics included ‘scorched earth’ in which the land and its inhabitants were burned to death by the government to pave the way for the oil company. During this same time, Hillary, as Secretary of State, refused to sign a ‘certification’ program designed to protect human rights in mining companies in Africa. The certification would have been in conflict with their Lundin oil companies practices.

With the Clinton’s entrenched in ‘dealings’ with Sweden, I would think Assange might reconsider his meeting as potentially perilous. The timing is of course related to further emails that are slated to be released by WikiLeaks involving Hillary. Whether the meeting involves blackmail, harm, or a payoff – none of these outcomes would be – good. Trust is completely vacant.

Will the Media actually report the truth?  Or will they report what Soros tells them…