Illegal Immigrant Crisis – Global Chaos

Dutch authorities have admitted massive fraud in the refugee benefit program wherein Turkish citizens with homes in Turkey are using fake ID’s to claim benefits in The Netherlands and Germany.  According to Dutch authorities upwards of 17million Euros have vanished and perhaps as many as 12,000 Turks and migrants are capitalizing on the fraudulent scam.  

In fact, the Turkish town of Rashdiye is home to 700 Turks, all of whom claim and are supported by German welfare.   This is their ‘wage’, it provides for all their needs including a home, food, and even televisions.  According to one such resident, his children work and own multiple hotels, but this is free money.  German authorities are aware, but choose to ignore the situation because it would be bad press coverage and stoke more animosity toward the migrants.

Last year, when an employee of Germany’s state reception authority discovered that a large number of migrants were collecting multiple benefits using different names, sometimes as many as six, and reported the fraud, she was fired.   Her boss told her to bury the files in the basement where they wouldn’t be found, leave it alone, and most importantly, keep quiet.  She refused.

Still, nothing changed, no one is denied benefits.  It might appear racist or discriminatory, or their fragile demeanor might be offended…

The Dutch authorities state that the fraud is most likely widespread throughout the EU with Turks, Syrians, Afghani’s, and Lebanese playing the game.  And they have an unlikely assist to help them in these schemes – medical doctors.   In both Germany and France, medical doctors sometimes provide fake medical certificates for immigrants who have no ID in order to prevent deportation.   They then use these fake documents to obtain welfare benefits including ‘retroactive benefits’.

The cost of illegal immigration is difficult to tally, because it involves services not typically transparent such as;  deportation costs, travel costs, medical costs, fraud costs, housing and welfare costs, childcare costs, border costs, security costs, and societal costs.

According to the Heritage Foundation, as of 2013, the cost to the US was roughly $55 billion per year for ‘illegal immigrants’.   According to FAIR, Federation For American Immigration Reform, the annual ‘NET’ cost is now $116 billion per year on a federal, state and local level.

The confusing issue that seems to somehow allude the MSM, is attempting to classify illegal vs legal immigration.   No one is opposed to immigration, it is the illegal portion that is at issue.  If Governor Jerry Brown wants to personally go to Honduras and grant California documents to a bunch of Hondurans and personally fly them back to San Francisco, then more power to him.  If George Clooney wants to house illegals at his home in Lake Cuomo Italy and have Amal get them legal citizenship while providing an annual stipend to keep them off welfare, more power to him.

But this constant defense of illegal activity is simply nonsense.

Germany has estimated a cost of $86 billion over four years to support their immigrants and plan to pay for it out of their surplus budget…   Unfortunately, they are also attempting to spend their surplus on the creation of a new military given the US demand for them to be in compliance with the 2% requirement, and they are spending their surplus on debt repayment so that they can be in compliance with the EU Commission requirement of no more than 60%.   Some economists argue that Germany’s surplus comes at a detriment for other EU countries whose markets are squeezed because of Germany’s low import strategy which, despite Merkel’s rhetoric, is a nationalist strategy.   Germany is actually on par with China, hypocritically claiming a global alliance effort, while supporting a nationalist economic Germany.   Greece and Italy suffer in particular.   But Germany’s imports are falling, its trade economy is faltering, and its ability to pay for all these welfare immigration costs is less likely.

Germany is also battling their policy of uniting unaccompanied immigrant minors with their extended families.  The same policies that the US battles.    It also follows that many immigrants claiming to be minors are actually considerably older, and thus not entitled to the unification.  In 2015, 95,000 unaccompanied minors applied for asylum, in 2016 it was 63,200, and in 2017 31,000 – 90% of which are males.    How many family members were they entitled to bring to Germany?

Without documentation, these Afghani’s and Eritreans that overwhelm the system claim they are under the age of 18 and therefore entitled by German law.  Backing off, Merkel has ordered her government to deny the reunification and is ordering Medical testing  to determine their true age.

With the radical islamafication movement within the EU, France is now facing the ultimate truism as they predict that many mayoral candidates in the 2022 cycle will be Salafi Muslims as entire districts and towns are majority Islam.

Arguments still abound regarding the net surplus these immigrants bring…  Arguing that tax revenues are increased as a result, the NET deficit in France was still $22 billion in 2009 and the argument is terribly poor because it does not consider the true ‘COSTS’!

Illegal immigrants in a district north of Paris now account for 20% of the population.   But it is illegal in France to identify a person by their status – so true numbers are virtually impossible to tabulate.   This same District has a 50% unemployment rate and the locals there blame France…for their predicament.

Macron’s solution?

Process them faster so they are no longer illegal.  As for the unemployment – education and language remain the deterrents.

It is interesting to read articles from four or five years ago wherein the immigration issue was a nonissue and the governments and respective media outlets were encouraging more and more, faster and faster, only to read articles today wherein the same governments, the same media outlets, decry the folly and are quick to label blame.

It is reminiscent of the Clinton and Obama reproach today of Trump’s anti policies only to find articles and videos in which they said the same thing against the illegal flux 3 – 5 – and even 10 years ago.  Odd those videos don’t seem to make it to the unbiased MSM?

It is why we need to claim history vehemently –  because it remains evidence.