BILL GATES: A MATRIX OF ONE – desperate to heal a flailing image

Bill Gates seems desperate to do ‘damage control’ over his spiraling reputation.   As his new book is released discussing his infinite intellect, mass vaccination programs, and every growing wealth despite his bizarre philanthropic efforts, the truth behind the matrix of his reality is ripped.

In an interview with MSM, Gates giggles about his ‘massively high carbon footprint’ explaining it off – justifying it – and claiming that since a ghost writer wrote his book, he has only now become aware of his own carbon footprint.    This most definitely does not sound like the mental acuity of a genius.   It sounds more like a Porky Pig rendition of stutter.

He states that he will fully offset his families 6 jet emissions by 2021.   And here we are confronted with the matrix.   “Offset” does NOT mean he will use Sustainable Jet Fuels as the article states, ‘offset’ means – balance.   As in ‘doing something that diminishes the effect of the contrary’.  In other words, Gates has absolutely no intention whatsoever of diminishing his footprint.   Because, like John Kerry, he deserves to pollute as much as he likes.

Sustainable jet fuels are in their infancy stage of research.   Boeing ‘hopes’ to have commercial jets using these alternative fuels by  sometime in 2030.  Of course, “Hope” means it could happen or it could not – much like Merkel claiming in 2016 that Germany would be carbon zero, then it was by 2020, then 2030, now 2050 – well after she will be dead.   The largest issue right now is purely cost.

Gates further justifies that as he and his cabal of elites promote green standards for everyone else to abide by he is investing in those types of companies. Matrix:   Gates will increase his wealth with a potential market value according to the World Economic forum of $55 trillion in green industries.  Investing is wealth promotion – nothing more.

The MSM article quotes Anne Thiel as an expert on carbon emissions and dioxide.   Mz Thiel holds her degree in German Studies and is a ‘trained midwife’ who currently works as a communications manager for Verra in DC.  Really, that’s their expert.

Further the article states Gates is idolized for his 2015 initiative umbrella organization “Breakthrough Energy” which boasts such investors as Bezos, Soros, Steyer, Benioff, Prince Alwaleed, Bloomberg, Jack Ma, etc…   Six years later, other than raise money, the company has actually done nothing but promote ‘concern’ while ‘Investing” in high technology startups.   But highlighting Gates huge ego of transforming health, education and public welfare around the world is the market strategy of the article.   Matrix.

The companies Breakthrough is investing in do have interesting innovations:

*Commonwealth Fusion Systems: builds superconducting magnets using nitrol wire technology.   These magnets can produce levitation without corresponding heat so as to propel trains.   The first ARC fusion reactor is slated to be built by 2026 using these magnetic conductors.

*Lilac Solutions: which develops lithium for electric batteries

Plant Based Food Products, Metal Mining, a motorbike delivery service in Africa, SmartMeter which aims to bring grid management and utilities rural Africa and Asia, etc…  these are the ‘investments’ which will garner Gate’s even more vast – wealth.

MATRIX: Investing in new technology companies and capitalizing on their profits will offset a personal carbon footprint that is massive. NO!

If I am terribly obese and I invest money in various vitamin companies, will that make me less obese? According to Gate’s logic, the answer would be – yes.

But Gate’s is concerned that his hypocrisy is hurting his image and thus he creates interviews with scripts pre-written to promote his humble sweetness and philanthropic compassion.

Scouring the internet for mention of the thousands of maimed and dead children in India as a direct result of Gate’s polio vaccine is another means for creating a false truth.  For Gates, rewriting and erasing facts is paramount.  It is a direct correlation to ego and hypocrisy. And once again, Gate’s true intellect bears examination and questioning.

In the midst of questioning the relative intelligence of this high school graduate, Gates continues to support the attempt to ‘geo-engineer’ weather by shooting particles into the atmosphere so as to deflect the rays of the sun.   Of course, this idea is gaining less and less traction as the US, Russia, and the EU are inundated in frigid temperatures, ice storms, and heavy snow well below normal.  In parts of the US, temperatures have dipped 30’-50’ below normal averages.  Not exactly conducive to the notion of – Global Warming!

I imagine even the history of temperatures will soon be altered to correlate with his need to advance this fake agenda for the $55 trillion waiting in the wings.

Perhaps, Bill Gates would better serve his ego, if he simply defined his investments in terms of ‘New Technology’ instead of the infamous New Green Deal.   But then in so doing, he might inadvertently ‘spread the wealth’ which is quite contrarian to his need for hoarding $$$$$$$$$$ for himself and his ‘buddies’.

According to Sustainability For All, it isn’t about reducing emissions at all – so much as it is about reducing plebe demand, or desire.   The means of which are to make travel more costly, meat more costly, housing more costly, thereby increasing the chasm of Thee and Me.

Currently, there are over 213,000 commercial jets and upwards of 6000-7000 private jets owned and operated by the wealthy and Hollywood climate enthusiasts espousing global warming and carbon footprints. Their Matrix of Reality.

Yet somehow the plebes are to blame.

General Dynamics owns Gulfstream, one of the more exclusive private aircraft for the elite.   The CEO and Chairman is Phoebe Novakovic of Serbian descent.   Her career included working for the CIA and the Department of Defense from approximately, 1988 to 2001.   She also serves on the boards of Abbot Labs and JP Morgan Chase as well as Trustee for The Center of Strategic and International Studies.  YIKES>

Other Trustees For CSIS include; Kissinger, Leon Panetta, Paul Ryan, Francis Townsend, as well as CEO’s from Boeing, The Carlyle Group, Harvard, World Wildlife Fund, CBS, FedEx, Forbes, etc.

I don’t think these peoples give a rats DANG about climate Change and are more inclined to aspire toward their true game – Agenda 2030.

There are many things Bill Gates is, but there are far more things that he is not.   Obsessed with money, his initial partners, Paul Allen, Ric Weiland, and Kent Evans seem to have been the brains , the true geeks that were left behind by a narcissistic personality.   Today, they are all dead, and only the rewritten story of Bill Gates remains.

Cyber Security Attack on US Government: Russia Blamed?

The Cyber attack on US government and defense firms is gaining traction in media reporting, but highlighting so called, ‘security experts’, who have no connection to the Pentagon or to any agency in the defense industry is flammable and wreaks of Democrat demonizing once again. 

Take Heed!

“Russia did it”!   Alas, despite years of proving this mantra a dangerous liberal meme seems to have made little headway.   Conservative outlets are just as disingenuous in their quick to the finger pointing!

“Russia Did IT!”

“How do you know?”

Silence of the lambs.

Lou Dobbs even went so far as to interview Morgan Wright who declared without any evidence whatsoever that it was Russia.   And no one has challenged that mantra. WHY?

Wright works for the Center for Digital Government:    CDG is a who’s who of Obama appointees, democrats and even a former Bill Gates advisor!!!

Other outlets quoted Thomas Bossert who spent 13 years at the Atlantic Council, which is primarily funded by Facebook, the UK, Lebanese Bahaa Hariri, UAE, and Burisma Holdings… Not a good resume – 

Microsoft, a victim of the cyber attacks, claims other countries were also targeted including:   Belgium, Britain, Canada, Israel, Mexico, Spain and UAE.   But they have yet to provide ANY information and instead talk about inane topics.  Why?

And to make all the cybersecurity across the globe even more pathetic – the malware has apparently been infecting systems since March 2020 – 9 months!   Which makes the security industry look rather pathetic.  At best.

Every single liberal media outlet has already determined that the attack was from Russia.   Every one.   Without any evidence. Without any verification from the Pentagon or the DOJ, the run on the media is to vilify Russia!   A playbook that has become boring to the point of criminal.

WHY?   Because it ignores the true players, and thus allows the threat to proliferate unchallenged.   The more obvious source is China.

China has been infiltrating the US Government for over a decade.   They do so to the point that they brag of their accomplishments in corrupting politicians, blackmailing politicians, and holding court over politicians to do China’s bidding.

But this isn’t the first government cyber attack – just a week earlier FireEye also claimed a breach.   While that breach garnered little attention, although the media claimed it was Russia, this statement may be the reasoning:

“The U.S. intelligence community and private cyber security firms said stepped up efforts protected last month’s U.S. elections from any significant foreign interference.”

It is a chess move.

These attacks are designed to deflect from President Trump’s assertion that the election was manipulated by foreign agents; including China and Iran.   The point being, if President Trump were to invoke the foreign election interference clause, the security agencies would decry Russia intervention instead of China – and Russia would be deemed to support Trump. The Democrats would run with the security agencies deflection to Russia – and the Pro-Trump Russia indoctrination would void the China inference.

Thus – if Trump invoked the Martial Law Executive Order, he would be deluged in lawsuits claiming that his action was illegal because it was pro-Trump Russia that the ‘security experts’ deemed was the actual culprit!   And Martial Law would be thus a Trump Coup – instead of a legal challenge to election interference.

Unfortunately, some of our most patriotic conservative news media outlets would have inexplicitly become fodder for proliferating the Russia theory; Western Journal, Epoch Times, The Gateway Pundit…  OUCH

FireEye is responsible for reporting the SolarWinds attack to NSA.   SolarWinds CEO, Kevin Thompson, immediately retired forthwith – that day!   Since then their stock has tanked from nearly $24 to $14 = – 42%.   SolarWinds primary investor is Thoma Bravo.   And suddenly, it almost appears that we are privy to a WallStreet War. What did Thoma do to rile the Swamp?

Somehow Solar Winds became the defacto Sacrifice to take the hit with Thoma Bravo slated to be the financial sacrifice.   Why?

Likely because they were not buying into the Russian collusion scenario and thus had to be ‘put in their place’.   For not complying.

Which puts the omis back on FireEye for implicating them in the first place.

Fire Eye Founder is Ashar Azis of Pakistan whose net worth tanked from billions to mere millions sometime in 2015 during his tenure as the former McAfee CEO.   He tendered his resignation from Fire Eye in 2016.   In essence it appears more of an internal rivalry among cyber security detail within the industry and they were not abiding by the rules of the game as determined by – The Cult.

Alignment with a particular narrative is the deciding factor of continuance in The Cult.   If you do not comply – you and your company will be eliminated.   Mafia Rule.

Within the current China infiltration into US government personnel, politicians, and of course Hollywood, it would be absurd to analytically disseminate that as a Russian infiltration – unless you – as a democrat – needed to deflect.

For ANY US conservative outlet to accept that analysis is hugely lacking in adequate research and investigation.

Do Not be Deluded.   There is absolutely no evidence against Russia to date in the cybersecurity breach.   All the diatribe is based on ‘opinions from former Obama operatives’.   China is thus given a ‘pass’ and laughs hysterically while Russia takes the heat and is put on the defensive.  

Russia TAKE NOTE. China is NOT your ally. YOU are China’s scapegoat.

The Great RESET: World Economic Forum defines – Jobs Reset Summit

The World Economic Forum just met and the topic on the table was “The Jobs Reset Summit”.   Termed The Great Reset, the discussion was defined as:

  • the “Great Reset” where we seek a “more resilient sustainable and fair and inclusive world”, to make it more fair and inclusive, “the key word is jobs”.
  • as well as changing policies, we need to change mind-sets: capitalism must be re-defined to include human and natural capital as well as financial capital.
  • public-private collaboration will be key as no part of society alone can achieve what is needed.

What the Heck does any of that mean in a practicality sense? What is an ‘inclusive’ job?   What is human capital?   Who will collaborate? How is it even possible to have an equitable society?

Apparently, the takeaway was that CoVid provided the ‘silver lining’ and now human capital is the new currency…

Most if not all the takeaway statements made by the attendees were obviously ridiculous, other statements appeared contrived, and still others seemed to only shadow the truth.   One woman explained that given the CoVid lockdown which has resulted in remote learning for children, women are leaving the workforce because they are now ‘forced to bear the unrecognized burden of childcare’.   OUCH!

When taking care of one’s child is deemed a burden, the next mandate will be Corporate  run childcare and Corporate run remote school classes 10 hours a day.   You can bear your children, but you can’t raise them because they interfere with your gender equality inclusive reset – job.

SO, day 2 of the forum was dedicated to “reimagining schooling”.

Given that the current form of education does not prepare a student for the ‘evolving labor market’, these scholars and business people feel that self directed education is the answer whereby tests are eliminated. Tests are considered a drive of inequality given they reveal the abilities of some are greater than the abilities of others.   Of course, advanced tests will provide for those who are equipped with the ‘$$means’ and the intellect to provide medical and science services.   But in essence, everyone passes the menial job qualifications! Everyone gets a medal!   And everyone becomes illiterate and uneducated. The new Reset Labor market will necessitate a massive uptick in agriculture field laborers. Peasants.

Of course, this ‘evolved labor market’ is already imagined in communist China.   Agriculture laborers account for 25% of the entire workforce with a minimum wage of $3.60 per hour.   47% of the employed workforce are in the service industry which includes government workers, finance, transportation and communications.   Given that most of these entities are government owned, it is fair to say they are all government.   Enforcers.    Their annual wage ranges from roughly $11,000 to about $21,700 depending on location ie, urban vs Shanghai.

This is the fair and equal model that is lauded by the world leaders as what they anticipate for the New Global Reset.  The New Global Green Deal.

Of course, no Economic Forum is complete without the input of Microsoft.

In Microsoft’s perfect world, education would be supported by private players utilizing the ‘Learning Passport’.   This Passport is basically a curriculum that would be developed by Microsoft and universally utilized via UNICEF with assistance from Dubai and the University of Cambridge.   According to Cambridge, the Passport is ‘assessment’ derived.   Each student will submit to a series of questions in order for a curriculum to be specifically tailored via the assessment of that child’s abilities.   In other words, each child’s education and career will be pre-determined.   Math may include simplistic studies or continue through Calculus depending on the assessed potential intellect capability.

No one is ‘elevated’ – in fact, it perpetuates the idea of selective birthing.  And selective abortion.

“Transforming Societies” thru self directed education.

While all of these initiatives will be achieved remotely, globally there are millions without internet, online access, a computer or a phone.  The Ponzi of this is Africa will become a slave nation to the Passport of Education and Learning given they haven’t the means now to compete and will simply be assessed according to their intellectual testing.

The New Jobs Era:   40% of worker skill sets today will be redundant/void/worthless by 2025.   Services industries will be hit the greatest with the elimination of: accountants and bookkeepers, factory workers, admin and clerks, business, client and customer services, operation managers and mechanic and machinery repair.   The New World will embrace digital, AI, and data.   But a smooth transition is likely to be a Disney fantasy.   According to Cambridge – 50% of ALL workers will be displaced.

CoVid was the impetus to make this happen. And returning to anything similar to what was – will not happen. The entrepreneurs, the startups, the small businesses will be vacuumed.   The Forum claims the shortage is for mechanical engineers with expertise in robotics. Robots will account for 50% of our labor force by 2025.

Unfortunately, what this does not address is the viability of an education in mechanical engineering with an emphasis in robotics!  Today, most mechanical engineering jobs are in the automotive industry – under the Green Deal which is basically the Global Reset, those jobs would be eliminated.

While the fictional focus would seem to be in raising up Africa and other under-developed countries in job equity, all the elevated jobs require very specific and sometimes graduate degree performance in order to achieve what the Economic Summit is stating the future to be.   Robotics factories.

Today 2.7 million robots are working globally. Japan and the EU are the largest manufacturers today. China is the largest employer of robots.   However, the robotic market is currently concentrated in the automotive industry – and the US is still the hub for automotive sales. GM and Ford take 1st and 3rd place, with Japan ahead of the curve with 2nd place and China lagging significantly.

Africa is not even in the mix. So exactly what inclusive equality education and training will Africa be subjected to?   Agriculture – given that the Land Grabs throughout Africa have proliferated for the past 2 decades.   Meaning, the education training, the Learning Passport for Africa will be – field labor!

Do not be deceived.

In this, President Trump’s mantra of America First has a secondary meaning.   If we don’t clean out the trash here, we can’t help other countries from becoming the slaves of the Masters.   Clean America First – then put our efforts toward those countries that advocate and embrace Freedom Above Slavery!

Of The People, By The People, For The People.   It is NOW or NEVER.

Full Disclosure:   Writing this – made me cry.

Bill Gates: A Non-Inventor Who Manipulated a Monopoly – Microsoft

Bill Gates invented – nothing. Nada. Nilch.   His entire career and accolade has been a media mania manipulation of rewritten historical accounts.

While Gates co-founded Microsoft with Paul Allen, everything he has accomplished is credited as a ‘collaboration’ which implies Gates was simply a savvy brutal businessman who was able to ‘take’ the MS-DOS platform that had been originally created by Gary Kildall and launch Microsoft while giving Kildall – nothing.   At the time, intellectual property law had yet to catch up with computer software, and Kildall was told by an attorney he had no legal recourse.  So Gates sailed.

KIldall was not the only body left for dead by Gates and Microsoft.   In 1979, Tim Paterson was working for Seattle Computer Products under the ownership of Rodney Brock who was keen on developing an operating system that would work in conjunction with Microsoft BASIC naming it 86DOS. Microsoft bought a license right to use the system for $75,000.

Allegations were made that Paterson had used coding created by Kildall.   Paterson denied the accusations and found refuge by taking a job at Microsoft.

In 1985, Brock’s company began to fail and he tried to sell his business and the license rights to 86-DOS to Tandy Corporation. Microsoft sued claiming the license was nontransferable, and an out of court settlement gave Brock $925,000 vs the $60million he sought.  In 1986 Microsoft launched its IPO and history was made on the backs of genius’s who were given next to nothing.

Paterson went to work for Microsoft, and in 1986 Microsoft bought Paterson’s company and the non-royalty rights to what had been relabeled – MS-DOS.   Kildall who was the true computer era software engineer went on to develop the first computer encyclopedia, and developed a home PBX system.   His company, Digital Research, was bought by Novell which attempted to compete with Gates but found themselves unable to beat the monopolistic agenda when Gates bundled his software into every PC – Windows NT.  Novell crashed and burned – bought by The Attachmate Group in 2011.  Gates went on to lavish insurmountable wealth and Kildall died under ‘confusing’ and uncertain circumstances in 1994.

In 2004 a book was released which claimed Paterson’s system was a complete ‘unoriginal ripoff’ that was attributed to Gates as his brainchild but in essence was Kildall’s work.   Paterson sued for defamation and the judge determined that the lawsuit was unsubstantiated and that in fact the now dead Kildall was the father of the PC movement and Paterson had effectively cloned over 36 functions taken from Kildall and given them to Microsoft.

Contrary to the media parlay that Gates is a genius, a software developer, and a pharmaceutical intellectual – history shows an otherwise shrewd manipulator who gained access to intellectual property unjustifiably.   Computer engineering experts speculate that our entire PC system today would likely look completely different and be technically much more sophisticated had Kildall been the prevailing father.

Fully aware of the future consequences of intellectual property law given Gates father was an attorney, Gates instituted a Microsoft wide declaration that all property, notes, research, etc… of company personnel belonged exclusively to – Microsoft.  Employees were prohibited from patents or copyrights of any of their work during their employment and for years afterwards.

Paul Allen, who co-founded Microsoft, became ill with cancer in 1982. Gates, in all his compassion for his boyhood pal, renegotiated their split from 50-50 to 66-34 and tried to buy out his 100 million shares for $5 each.   According to Allen’s memoir, they had a massive falling out when Allen overheard Gates and Steve Ballmer who Gates had brought in to run the company, discussing ways they could dilute Allen’s stake in the company and force him out.   Allen quit.  He went on to develop a number of companies including: Apex Learning in 1997, Allen Institute for Brain Science, Allen Institute for Cell Science, Allen Institute for AI, and others.   Paul Allen died of sepsis in 2018 – he was 65.

It was over a decade before software copyrights were found to be relatively useless and patents became the preferred means for securing rights.   By the mid 1990’s, somewhat coinciding with Kildall’s death, those Patent laws protected a person’s coding and end product from cloning.   Could Kildall have sued Microsoft for theft of his original system that was cloned into MS-DOS?  Could such a lawsuit upend Microsoft and give Kildall billions in damages?

Kildall died at the age of 52. Reports are oddly conflicting. He was at a bar – had been there for 2-20 minutes, unsure, when suddenly he is on the floor, the victim of a brawl seen by -0- witnesses who later gave completely different accounts including some claiming he fell down steps… He went to the hospital and was released. Two days later he was dead and although the police labeled his death a possible homicide, the furtively edited accounts preferred today state he had a heart attack. According to the coroner, John DiCarlo, an autopsy ‘failed to determine the cause of death’.

If Bill Gates were to be credited with inventing anything it would be a global monopoly that brutally squeezed out every viable competitor and rose to the top on the stolen software supplied by Paterson and created by Kildall.   That would seem, on the surface, to be a viable reason for concluding death by homicide.   But of course, if you have the resources, such a conclusion could easily be erased.

Footnote #1:      Bill Gates Sr was an attorney who has served on the boards of the Gates Foundation, United Way, Planned Parenthood, and the World Justice Project whose aim is to further the global Rule of Law.   The Rule of Law purports to rate countries by their ‘open government’ and human rights.   They are supported by Human Rights Watch, a Soros entity.    Much like the Southern Poverty Law Center also organized and funded by Soros, they ‘rate’ countries by their perceived alignment with ruling by the stratagems delineated by the Global Justice Project.   Countries scoring the highest originate first in the Swedish bloc of the EU, followed by Germany, Japan, Australia, Canada, UK, Czech, Spain, France, China – and then the US.  NOTE:  the US follows – China.

In other words, Communist China scores higher than 112 countries across the globe.  

Footnote #2:   In 2004 the US tax laws were revised to allow multinational conglomerates a loophole that ultimately resulted in over $3 trillion of revenues taxed at a rate of near -0- % to remain untaxed by the US Federal Tax system.   It was called Base Erosion and Profit Shifting – BERS – and was utilized significantly by Microsoft, Facebook, Google, Apple, Pfizer and Amazon.   Within this schematic, an Irish tax haven was created for, among other things, the deferment of tax on ‘intellectual property’.   It became known as the Double Irish wherein an intangible asset (software Patents) can be charged as an intangible asset tax deductible status as a royalty payment.   Between 2004 and 2014, Apple shielded 111 billion Euro in profits from US tax within this shield alone.

Under President Trump, this was phased out as of 2020 completely. The amount of lost tax revenues is likely estimated in the trillions. How much this will effect Microsoft – we have seen the reaction….

And Yes – Bill Gates is on the War PATH for more than we know!

BIDEN MEETS CHINA: The Real Corruption Story

In understanding what VP Biden and Hunter Biden might be able to offer China in the tete-a-tete of 2013, one needs to know what China considers to be their biggest threat – in that time, aka Trump and trade did not yet exist.

The media is going bat-crazy over Ukraine. That means Ukraine is a deflection.   China is the story.

According to a paper issued by Brookings in early 2014, China’s economy was faltering, they were at a “tipping point”, and the entire political system was hinging on collapse.

They cited necessary economic reforms including deregulation and liberalization of industry, and an interesting bottom point – ‘taxation’.

In China, local governments get no tax revenues, instead they issue debt bonds to cover costs of infrastructure and investment programs.  These debt obligations are off the books when China reports its economic data.   It is believed that as of 2013, that debt represented 100% of GDP.   Social unrest was escalating. And the collapse of private funding was pushing China into a spiraling catastrophic spin.  XI was VP, and Biden road in on a yellow horse.

SO what could VP Biden as the US advisor on all things China do to mitigate this impending disaster for a country he routinely seems to spin adoration commentary?

Deutsche Bank and BNP Paribas have been given full access to the debt market in China. They are the first and ONLY banks to have such access. And in August, JP Morgan won an auction to purchase a majority stake in a “Chinese joint venture, making it the first foreign business to take control of a local asset management JV.”

What does that mean?

It means that China was so desperate given its failing economy and debt, that it allowed the dyke to rush in and take control. The waters would include JP Morgan, the largest bank in the world owned mostly by the Rockefeller’s and Chase, BNP – a Rothschild entity, and Deutsche Bank – the German steam engine. Xi Jinping sold out his country to the cabal – to seemingly save it.

And due to massive censorship, it is likely the people of China – don’t even know.

How could little VP Biden maneuver this clandestine takeover?

IN 2011, while in China, Biden is quoted as saying, “A rising China is a positive development, not only for the people of China but for the United States and the world as a whole,” U.S. Vice President Joseph Biden said recently when giving a speech on U.S.-China relations in Chengdu, China.

In his speech, Biden specifically grandizes four companies; Google, Microsoft, GE and Ford. He further exploits his apologetics by stating that Americans are nothing special, nothing unique, if not for ‘our enduring political system’.

Why is Biden an important candidate?   Because from the standpoint of the megaconglomeration of banks and Wall Street, Biden supports China, and China means kega $$$$ for those entities. And Germany.

Elizabeth Warren is a nobody who knows nothing. Bernie Sanders is a Communist who knows nothing and can do nothing.   But Biden created a relationship as VP, and while the $1.5 billion laundered money thrown at Hunter was likely not from China at all, but from JP Morgan, Deutsche Bank and BNP, they expect something from their ‘investment’. If Biden is brought down by Trump, they have no China.  Lots of MONEY!

In the meantime, Google and Microsoft are helping Xi Jinping with facial recognition software to find Muslims who they are rounding up and transporting by train to ‘camps’, detention centers.   Tit-for-Tat.  Nothing is free, but despite the inhumanity of man, dollars always win.

China’s other major issue is loss of agriculture land, and a hyper loss of water.   Giving China control of the agriculture in Ukraine would be an easy parlay given the infiltration of a puppet President, Poroshenko.

IN 2020, China will surpass Russia as Ukraine’s largest trading partner, ‘a staggering increase since 2014’! ~South China Morning Post.

At the same time, Ukrainian businessman Igor Kolomoisky, is demanding that western nations ‘forgive’ all of Ukraine’s debt. The US portion? $82.4 billion. Most of this debt occurred as a result of the coup that installed the Chocolate monster.

With a VP like Biden, who needs Hillary!

The nice package means China has a new debt free trading partner, Ukraine hands over it’s agriculture land, the US eats $83 billion, and Hunter gets to clean the plate with more payments after Joey becomes President and the final agreement is fulfilled.    

But hey, according to Biden, Trump is creating a smear campaign and Biden would never ever pinky swear do anything so lowly as to defame another politician – least of all – TRUMP!