The Great RESET: World Economic Forum defines – Jobs Reset Summit

The World Economic Forum just met and the topic on the table was “The Jobs Reset Summit”.   Termed The Great Reset, the discussion was defined as:

  • the “Great Reset” where we seek a “more resilient sustainable and fair and inclusive world”, to make it more fair and inclusive, “the key word is jobs”.
  • as well as changing policies, we need to change mind-sets: capitalism must be re-defined to include human and natural capital as well as financial capital.
  • public-private collaboration will be key as no part of society alone can achieve what is needed.

What the Heck does any of that mean in a practicality sense? What is an ‘inclusive’ job?   What is human capital?   Who will collaborate? How is it even possible to have an equitable society?

Apparently, the takeaway was that CoVid provided the ‘silver lining’ and now human capital is the new currency…

Most if not all the takeaway statements made by the attendees were obviously ridiculous, other statements appeared contrived, and still others seemed to only shadow the truth.   One woman explained that given the CoVid lockdown which has resulted in remote learning for children, women are leaving the workforce because they are now ‘forced to bear the unrecognized burden of childcare’.   OUCH!

When taking care of one’s child is deemed a burden, the next mandate will be Corporate  run childcare and Corporate run remote school classes 10 hours a day.   You can bear your children, but you can’t raise them because they interfere with your gender equality inclusive reset – job.

SO, day 2 of the forum was dedicated to “reimagining schooling”.

Given that the current form of education does not prepare a student for the ‘evolving labor market’, these scholars and business people feel that self directed education is the answer whereby tests are eliminated. Tests are considered a drive of inequality given they reveal the abilities of some are greater than the abilities of others.   Of course, advanced tests will provide for those who are equipped with the ‘$$means’ and the intellect to provide medical and science services.   But in essence, everyone passes the menial job qualifications! Everyone gets a medal!   And everyone becomes illiterate and uneducated. The new Reset Labor market will necessitate a massive uptick in agriculture field laborers. Peasants.

Of course, this ‘evolved labor market’ is already imagined in communist China.   Agriculture laborers account for 25% of the entire workforce with a minimum wage of $3.60 per hour.   47% of the employed workforce are in the service industry which includes government workers, finance, transportation and communications.   Given that most of these entities are government owned, it is fair to say they are all government.   Enforcers.    Their annual wage ranges from roughly $11,000 to about $21,700 depending on location ie, urban vs Shanghai.

This is the fair and equal model that is lauded by the world leaders as what they anticipate for the New Global Reset.  The New Global Green Deal.

Of course, no Economic Forum is complete without the input of Microsoft.

In Microsoft’s perfect world, education would be supported by private players utilizing the ‘Learning Passport’.   This Passport is basically a curriculum that would be developed by Microsoft and universally utilized via UNICEF with assistance from Dubai and the University of Cambridge.   According to Cambridge, the Passport is ‘assessment’ derived.   Each student will submit to a series of questions in order for a curriculum to be specifically tailored via the assessment of that child’s abilities.   In other words, each child’s education and career will be pre-determined.   Math may include simplistic studies or continue through Calculus depending on the assessed potential intellect capability.

No one is ‘elevated’ – in fact, it perpetuates the idea of selective birthing.  And selective abortion.

“Transforming Societies” thru self directed education.

While all of these initiatives will be achieved remotely, globally there are millions without internet, online access, a computer or a phone.  The Ponzi of this is Africa will become a slave nation to the Passport of Education and Learning given they haven’t the means now to compete and will simply be assessed according to their intellectual testing.

The New Jobs Era:   40% of worker skill sets today will be redundant/void/worthless by 2025.   Services industries will be hit the greatest with the elimination of: accountants and bookkeepers, factory workers, admin and clerks, business, client and customer services, operation managers and mechanic and machinery repair.   The New World will embrace digital, AI, and data.   But a smooth transition is likely to be a Disney fantasy.   According to Cambridge – 50% of ALL workers will be displaced.

CoVid was the impetus to make this happen. And returning to anything similar to what was – will not happen. The entrepreneurs, the startups, the small businesses will be vacuumed.   The Forum claims the shortage is for mechanical engineers with expertise in robotics. Robots will account for 50% of our labor force by 2025.

Unfortunately, what this does not address is the viability of an education in mechanical engineering with an emphasis in robotics!  Today, most mechanical engineering jobs are in the automotive industry – under the Green Deal which is basically the Global Reset, those jobs would be eliminated.

While the fictional focus would seem to be in raising up Africa and other under-developed countries in job equity, all the elevated jobs require very specific and sometimes graduate degree performance in order to achieve what the Economic Summit is stating the future to be.   Robotics factories.

Today 2.7 million robots are working globally. Japan and the EU are the largest manufacturers today. China is the largest employer of robots.   However, the robotic market is currently concentrated in the automotive industry – and the US is still the hub for automotive sales. GM and Ford take 1st and 3rd place, with Japan ahead of the curve with 2nd place and China lagging significantly.

Africa is not even in the mix. So exactly what inclusive equality education and training will Africa be subjected to?   Agriculture – given that the Land Grabs throughout Africa have proliferated for the past 2 decades.   Meaning, the education training, the Learning Passport for Africa will be – field labor!

Do not be deceived.

In this, President Trump’s mantra of America First has a secondary meaning.   If we don’t clean out the trash here, we can’t help other countries from becoming the slaves of the Masters.   Clean America First – then put our efforts toward those countries that advocate and embrace Freedom Above Slavery!

Of The People, By The People, For The People.   It is NOW or NEVER.

Full Disclosure:   Writing this – made me cry.

3 thoughts on “The Great RESET: World Economic Forum defines – Jobs Reset Summit

  1. Hello

    Obviously they are insane. The inmates are surely running asylum earth and that includes leaders in all positions in all nations. With the financial backing of the billionaires they stand a good chance of really screwing up the world!

    Looking out, I don’t see much resistance. The fake Covid has 99.9% here masked even though Florida does not require it and the governor forbade any local fines. I see beady little eyes sending me telepathic hate mail because I wear no mask and therefor do not fit in. Like armbands of the past, masks are sheep markers for the powers that should not be. It feels like the 1978 movie “Invasion of the Body Snatchers.” with Sutherland at the end pointing at an infidel.

    I also cry (inwardly),,, then I get angry,,, when I see how so many cowardly Americans have capitulated to this evil. And it is evil. The antichrist system appears to be winning at this point. Looks to be following its script fairly close.

    A good post considering you are trying to make sense from nonsense spoken by imbeciles.


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