IRAN: Democrats Coaching Iran attacks on Saudi’s

Saudi Arabia has claimed that the recent drone attacks on it’s oil refinery came from the northeast, making the Yemen Houthi claim as the inciter, highly unlikely.   Yemen is situated south of Saudi Arabia.   The attack is more likely another bully posture, pushing down the other kid on the playground.   But this isn’t the first bully attack; May 2019 – 4 merchant ships in the Persian Gulf are attacked.   June 2019 – two oil tankers attacked in the Gulf of Oman.   And then:  September 1 – Iran took steps to enhance relations with Qatar.  

Iran’s military spending as a percentage of GDP is more than 23 countries in the EU, including Germany at  2.6%.

Retaliation is not so simplistic as the Bolton style of bomb, bomb, bomb.   Retaliation would mean calling in chits, for Iran that could mean Russia, for the Saudi’s that could mean the US.   It would fracture the Middle East, possibly see casualties in the EU and pit the remaining two non-socialist mega-countries against one another; Russia and the US.

And that would mean – World War. It should be noted, that destroying Russia and the US is a top priority of the Soros globalization agenda.

The Saudi Prince knows this, and President Trump knows this.   US involvement would rip Trump’s chances for a 2020 reelection. Oil prices would skyrocket. The stock market would collapse.   A Great Depression would envelop the globe.  And casualties would likely reach into the millions.

The Swampers and Liberals are exasperated, their entire globalized agenda is crumbling, they have lost their footing, and war has always been – their go-to resort given it serves multiple purposes; lowering population, propping up and capitalizing on war effort spending, and the inevitable ‘rebuilding’ scheme. More $$$$.  It was, after all, the entire purpose of the Iran Deal under Obama.   Follow The Money.

In lifting sanctions against Iran, the terrorist organization Hezbollah was slated to be relieved of it’s status and embraced along with Iran. Currently, Hezbollah is on the terrorist list of: the US, Canada, UK, Netherlands, Australia, Argentina, Paraguay, and the EU.   They currently occupy Lebanon and their Jihadist and Islamification motives are unprecedented.

Germany and France are desperate to reinstate the Iran Nuclear Deal claiming this is the only way to deescalate Iran’s provocative moves toward war.   In other words, Iran and her US allies under Obama are attempting to blackmail the EU and using Obama officials to coach this end result.

Former Secretary of State, John Kerry, has repeatedly launched a campaign to prop up the Iran Nuclear Deal on the whisper of Trump’s impending impeachment.  Kerry has been a favorite among the Qatar regime, visiting frequently as he props up Iran.

According to Col Waurishok, a National Security Advisor, Iran’s foreign minister Zarif continually meets with John Kerry, Ben Rhodes, Diane Feinstein and John Brennan.   Although these meetings are in violation of the Logan Act, they are not deterred.

In 2018, Random House (see my blog about Obama Book Deal) published Ben Rhodes memoirs, a NYT bestseller.  Random House is an integral player in what appears to be a blackmail scheme to buy  politicians lobbying efforts. In a New York Times interview, Rhodes was quoted as boasting of how he created an ‘echo chamber’ to market the administration’s foreign policy”, including the international nuclear agreement with Iran, while a member of the Obama team.

And of course, no decent research would be complete without a reference to funding.

Ben Rhode’s interview mentioned a donor NGO, Ploushares Fund which is actively advocating for the reduction of nuclear stockpiles. Ploushares aggressively funds the Atlantic Counsel, Brookings Institute, J-Street, and The National Iranian American Council.   Ploushares funding comes from the Soros Open Society.

Ben Rhodes received his BA from Rice University in Texas. Rice University and seven other US Universities have a partnership relationship with Qatar Foundation.

It is believed that Squad member, Ilhan Omar, was groomed by Qatar and Al Shabaab. In 2018, Muhkter Robow, a member of Al Shabaab, and formerly a member of Al Qaeda, ran for president of Somalia. It is believed he was groomed by Qatar.

In September 2018 when Kerry admitted to numerous meetings with Zarif, the conservative members of government were rife with condemnations asserting that Kerry was coaching Iran, as well as possibly providing intelligence information and secret data.   Instead of stopping his intrusions, Kerry ramped it up with phone calls to Iran and to other EU countries who are signatories of the Iran Nuclear Deal.

In July, 2019, with no Deal in place and a ravaged economy, Iran threatened the EU that there would be significant repercussions if they did not reinstitute trade.   Those EU trading partners would include France, Germany and the UK.  Could the significant repercussions be the drone attacks on the Saudi oil field of Aramco?

Kerry is somewhat of a regular in Germany.   His most recent known trip was to Berlin this past June for a climate summit. He used the opportunity to derail President Trump as putting the entire globe in jeopardy for his denunciation of the Paris Accord.  Is Kerry collaborating with Merkel to coach the flames of Iran?

Various MSM outlets decry Trump as being not hawkish enough… Lindsey Graham, McCain’s best buddy, has called for Trump to bomb Iran. The Slate argues that President Trump has done nothing to de-escalate the tensions between Iran and Saudi Arabia.   But The MAGA’s don’t want another war.   And in this case, sanctions seem to be the order of business.

Again, it is note worthy that the Iran Nuclear Deal was accomplished via – Obama’s Executive Order in detailing the agreement as a ‘commitment’ and not a treaty. But that would be a play of words given that Obama did sign an EO revoking all nuclear sanctions on Iran.

Therefore, President Trump didn’t revoke a treaty… he simply reinstated sanctions.