Greta Thunberg: A Ponzi SchemeWith Bill Gates and Soros at the Helm

Ever wonder how much a chartered sailboat with 10 crew crossing the Atlantic might cost? Not to mention the cost of airfare to send the crew home and the cost of airfare and time to return the sailboat to it’s port in Europe?   Likely upwards of $150,000 or more. But hey, Greta Thunberg saved one carbon footprint while creating 30 more…

So where did this humble child get the money? How much is her entire campaign costing?   Who is behind angry, angry Greta?

The list is not new, what is new is that in this instance they are ALL together: Bill and Melinda Gates, Open Society, Apple, Starbucks, Coca-cola, Google, Facebook, Buffett, Bono, Business Roundtable, Bloomberg, Caterpillar Foundation, former PM David Cameron, former Secretary of Treasury Lawrence Summers, Bobby Shriver, Twitter, HBO, Verizon, YouTube, Rolling Stone, Merck etc… etc… etc…

Two companies rule:, and They are interconnected with RED being purchased by ONE.

RED claims they have saved 32 million lives since their founding in 2002, in particular thru Malaria, AIDS and TB – education.

But according to graphs provided by WHO; TB and Malaria cases are lower, but not since 2002, for TB the downward trend began in 1992, for malaria it began in 2000 – and for both the rates have remained relatively stable since then.   AIDS has continued to rise.

The organization ONE claims to be about ending poverty and disease by 2030. The magic year that all politicians proclaim.

RED is all about selling a product through intermediaries while claiming the dollars are fighting disease. GAP, Vanity Fair, The Independent, etc… sell RED products and retain their profit margin. For example a straight donation of $100 to the RED cause might result in about $18 spent for charity.   Corporations make money, shareholders make money all while deducting their charitable gift.   All the while utilizing hundreds of thousands of youth volunteers.

It’s a Hustle of enormous proportions.  And it is all about molding and manipulating the most pliable, uneducated, and naive minds – YOUTH.

And little Greta is a pawn of ONE – albeit a highly paid pawn.

In essence, ONE is a lobbyist group ‘campaigning in the US, Canada, Europe, pounding for media representation, to fight poverty, income inequality and disease.   Nowhere in their form 990 or on their website do they make any claim regarding climate change despite being heavily invested.

According to their Form 990 for 2016, the latest available, their revenue tanked to a mere $16 million from the previous year of over $50million. Their expenses were roughly $36 million of which $6 million was spent on grants and the remainder or 83% was spent on salaries, new construction and design, and overhead. Of the $6 million in grants, $3.5 million of the total grants were made to an ‘affiliate’ of ONE. The remaining amount of the $6.1 million grants was made to their own ‘action lobbying group’, ONE Action in the amount of $2.1 million.   Their fundraising activity lists expenses of nearly $200,000 with $-0- gross receipts, including fees to the LA Entertainment Industry.

In other words, ONE makes no charitable gifts per se to nonaffiliated entities, spends roughly $36 million on expenses including compensation and consulting fees, and supports the cost of manufacturing RED products to be sold at profit by their member companies, such as GAP, Starbucks, etc…, while generating charitable deductions for their partners and paying no taxes.

That’s quite a Ponzi scheme.   All under the guise of helping to eradicate AIDS, Malaria and TB.

The charitable money raised by RED is supposed to be given to the Global Fund, a nonprofit founded with seed money from Bill and Melinda Gates!   Since it’s inception in 2002, the US (the funds largest contributor by far) has given the Global Fund roughly $15 billion out of a total of $46 billion – 32%.   Most of the US contribution came with the approval of Bush and Obama.  Of the total global contribution for 2018 – $6.1 billion, RED contributed $32 million or .5%. The RED contribution is not from the company itself – instead, the corporations who sell RED products contribute 50% of their “Net Profits” from the sale of the products, according to ONE’s website.

What would Greta’s role in all this comprise? Sympathy funding.   ONE’s revenue is covering less than half their expenses. They need new partners and have launched outside their stated IRS and Corporate realm of activity to capitalize on the climate change cult bonanza.

This is who Greta works for.  Everything about her is a ‘creation’, from her appearance, to her script, to her agenda, to her media representation, to her funding.   She is less than a puppet, she is a toy.

Holding her hand is Luisa Newbauer who is the Youth Ambassador for ONE and a member of the Green Party in Germany. It is believed she was first introduced to the clan by Al Gore.  Subsequent to Greta’s rise, her mother received a book deal – it would appear – in exchange for her child.

This is not about climate change, it is not about AIDS, it is not about curing anything, it is about creating wealth pockets, using foundation and NGO tax havens to scheme and skim $$$$$, and promoting an agenda that is no longer simply socialism, it truly has as its end game – Communism.

And we need to stop ALL FUNDING from taxpayer pockets.

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