ISRAEL: A Secular State of Secularism…

ISRAEL is conducting ethnic cleansing of Palestinians.   At least that is the headlines, the go-to hard line by the same hallelujah ingrates who sided with Obama in destroying Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, and Ukraine are now screaming in hypocritical conundrum.   Despite the rhetoric – Israel faces -0- sanctions.   How can that be?   Perhaps it isn’t about anything but $Money$.   US Barnacle Blinken has announced US Taxpayers will foot the bill for Palestine and Israel… WHAT?  

Gaza will get $75 million, plus disaster relief of $5.5 million, and the UN will get $37 million for the Relief and Works Agency.  Why?   Because.

The Relief and Works Agency has been spending money on Palestinian Refugees since 1948 when the UN made Palestinians – refugees.   The agency has been mired in criticism for decades for such abuses as:   nepotism, mismanagement, ineffective policies, corruption, creating dependency, and serving no value.   Refugees status only increases with children born to refugees which now stands at 5.6 million.  BY comparison, the original diaspora of Jews to Israel was in the range of 250,000.

The UN in coordination with Germany created the issue by carving up Israel/Palestine post WWII thus creating a battleground.   Neither race has any intention of sharing, and thus the war is indefinite.

In a special session, the UN General Assembly voted on November 29, 1947, to partition Palestine into two new states, one Jewish and the other Arab, a recommendation that Jewish leaders accepted and the Arabs rejected. While the concept of a Jewish statehood was largely driven by the loss of safe country status, it was hardly based on religious Judaism.   In fact, most of Israel’s Prime Ministers are ‘secular’ – having no religion thus relinquishing the religious mantra that Israel is the Holy Nation Chosen By God!

In fact, Ben Gurion, the so called Father of Israel, was a secular Zionist Jew and inspired by Tolstoy.  Eventually, he became a member of the Paolei Zion Party which advocated for Marxism supporting the Bolshevik Revolution.   Claiming to be a Lenin comrade, Gurion was far left of center politically. Having attended the Istanbul University, Gurion joined a militia group that supported the Ottoman Empire.

And so the diaspora between religious Jews and Marxist Jews begins.= as history rewrites itself…

The problem today is differentiating between Jewish culture vs Jewish Religion.   Jewish religion would claim Israel as their heritage.   Jewish culture would make the same claim with zero to nada supportive evidence. More than 42% of Israeli’s identify as secular.   Hollywood is rife with secular jews.   They have no religious belief whatsoever, capitalize on their Jewishness, and are subservient to Communist China.

In other words, these fake Jews are literally capitalizing on a religious ideology to further their Money.   Of course, they are not the only religion to fake their way through life.   I had the non-privilege of being married to a ‘fake Christian’ who sought the trust of other Christians in order to capitalize his financial business.   Not uncommon at all.   Pope Francis is a propagandized fake Christian.   It is likely one of the more heinous ploys.

And yet, despite 70 years, we still are led to believe that Israel is a ‘Chosen Land for the Chosen People’.

And so, we blindly support their Marxism.

Palestinians are not much better.  

Technically, there is no such thing as a true Palestinian given Palestine has been ruled by just about everybody in history, culminating in the British.   And thence they were transferred via the UN to a splinter of Israel.    That worked real well!   They have literally never been a sovereign anything. Which could explain why absolutely NO Middle Eastern Country wants them.   Limbo.

The ultimate infinitum outcome is perpetual war. Followed by money for refugees, money for infrastructure, money for rebuilding…money to waste in perpetuity.

Only to be destroyed again and – rebuilt. Much like Syria. Apparently, Blinken thinks Syria’s elections are fraudulent and therefore the country must be bombed. Again. Hrummmm – really…

The UN caused this.   They need to fix this.   At their OWN expense. Period.   Otherwise, let them HAVE WAR.   And may ‘good’ Win.

Although in this instance, I don’t think there is a Good per se.   Just degrees of ‘not-good’. And everyone seems perfectly willing to sell out their soul for the right dollar figure.   And this is what has become the Global Justice System that they want to institute under the New World One Government.   Personally, I think they lost before they got out of the GATE!

What a ridiculous Advertising Campaign!    Jeez-Louise!   An Asperger child could do better… oh right she has – Greta.   The AI media frenzy created to become the Hunger Game Princess who ruled the youth peasantry.   Yet, the Ruler, was an idiot.   And hence the game was lost.   The rule was pummeled.   And Good prevailed.  Greta became a plastic doll in a toy store window.

But then imagine what others see as Americans when represented by this current government…?   At least 80 million of us, would be highly incensed at the generalization.   And many need the nudge, it isn’t The People!   It IS – the Government and its Shadow.  The ‘they’s that we target are likely no more infiltrated than we are.   That would be the illusion.   Learn your enemies. Learn your friends.

Which is why they require the divisive division.   TO make – The People – The Government – and attack each other.   Don’t fall into this paradigm – the enemy of my enemy is my friend – or, the desire of my enemy is my battle…

BELARUS COUP: National Endowment For Democracy FOILED AGAIN.

National Endowment For Democracy – Foiled AGAIN!   These guys need to up their intelligentsia because they just can’t pierce the formidable agents of Belarus and Russia. Tch-tch.   After a foiled ‘color revolution’ by Germany’s MI6 and CIA in Russia via Navalny, NED set their sights on Belarus which borders Russia, Ukraine and Poland.   Exactly the location stipulated on NED’s website as a ‘target of interest’.    

Why not just make public announcements over the WalMart intercom!

Devout Socialist and president of National Endowment is Carl Gershman, age – 77.   Don’t these guys ever retire?   Interestingly, while citing foreign governments for authoritarian rule, Gershman has been president of NED since 1984 – nearly 40 years!   Imagine – that sounds awfully like a dictatorship!   Do you think that would be their ultimate global agenda?   Return to Monarchial Rule… as in I Am King Forever.

Yuri Zenkovich has both US and Belarusian citizenship.   Cited by Amnesty International as a prisoner of conscience, Zenkovich and his US affiliate have in fact worked in conjunction with NED to overthrow and assassinate the President of Belarus.   Despite these allegations, Germany has decided to institute itself center stage exclaiming the audacity of President Lukashenko arresting these sweet conscientious objectors… declaring he should instead embrace these men and give them a big hug given they simply wanted to murder him and take over the country… Shuckaroonie!

Unfortunately, like Navalny, with the assistance of Putin, the same method to extract Navalny was utilized to upend the Belarus coup!  Divert the plane and Make Arrests!   Seems formidable to me.   But it also reveals an inquiry into the intelligence of those who plan these covert fails.   Are they, NED, failing purposefully?   Martyrs willing to go to prison for life in hard labor?   Or are they simply incredibly that militarily – inept?

Either way, these coup puppets will go to prison for a long time.   Not Fun.

Recently rebranding itself, NED now claims they are now devoted to ‘freedom around the world’. Of course, that freedom comes in the form of a Socialist/Marxist coup – but then that would be splitting hairs.   Given the coup of the US Presidential Election, it is more likely that NED is/was one of the primary players in toppling President Trump via massive fraud.   To think their coup and color revolution ideology only applies to foreign countries is rather naïve.

Since Ukraine’s annexation by NED and Syria’s utter demolition, and Venezuela’s utter devolvement into eating dogs, NED has set their sights on any country whose alliance with Russia could interrupt their One World Government agenda.  This would include the destruction of all antiquity in Syria, the Baltics, Myanmar, Sudan, South Africa, Venezuela, Brazil, Chile, Columbia, etc… etc… etc… The King and I – reign.

Why?   Simple.   Because these represent the last bastions standing fort against the New World Order.   They have overtaken the US which was a formidable enemy, and Russia is ultimately their only enemy left.  The Last To Fall.

Raman Pratasevich, a self purported ‘journalist’ who has been responsible for organizing mass riots across Belarus and is affiliated with the Young Front, was arrested as well in connection with the attempted coup/assassination of President Lukashenko in Belarus.  Since 2014, Raman has been an active participant in the Azov Battalion.   AZOV is a militia organization based in Ukraine, which assisted in the internal coup while opposing Russia. They have been described as Neo-Nazi’s having committed torture and war crimes while fighting in Donbass. They wear all black and cover their heads with masks much resembling ANTIFA.  

AZOV is funded by Ihor Kolomoyskyi, a Jewish billionaire businessman from Ukraine with Ukrainian, Israeli, and Cyprus citizenship.   While dual citizenship is prohibited in Ukraine, Ihor calmly stated, “…he doesn’t have dual citizenship, he has triple”.   And thus the Billionaire’s standard is invoked.

As a result of these arrests by the Belarusian government , EU Commission leader, Ursula von der Leyen, is considering sanctions against Belarus. Such a move would be akin to supporting Neo-Nazi coups, but only IN countries that support Russia…   But then, the EU Commission is a Marxist/Socialist organization ruling over the peasant states to bring about a Totalitarian Regime change.

According to the EU Commission website, it would appear, their primary objective is to vaccinate every possible person in Africa with the MRna gene mutilation.   This effort completely dominates their GOAL.  Despite the fact that there is NO known means of assessing CoVid cases, deaths or vaccinations in a continent that does not retain such data…  this over-reaching Agenda Reigns!  And one can only assume – it isn’t for ‘health’.

Other than Belarus’ affiliation with Russia, it would appear, their only other fait complis according to the EU is the fact that they are the only country in the EU that continues to utilize the ‘death penalty’.   Although somehow given the Chinese Party has always embraced death, they are allusively not sanctioned…   How can this be?

Oddly, the war crimes and torture conducted by Raman within the Azor Battalion – does not compute in the EU’s death logic.  Instead, they hail Raman as a prisoner of Conscience??   Meaning murder and torture are embraced as a means when it fits the EU’s Agenda of coups.

Unless, Russia or Russian affiliates are involved.

CLIMATE CHANGE: The Science of Distraction as the Chess Game Resumes

Magnetic North is moving. It always moves.   But how it is moving now has created a bit of a Hub among Scientists who desperately try to persuade the public at large they know why.   In fact, they have no clue why, or the consequences, except to say that Polar North reverses all the time. In fact, they know this because the last reversal was exactly 780,000 years ago – per their ‘observation’.   And – reversals happen every 400,000 years. Except – for the last time – which never happened.  AH!   How Very Clueless Scientific.

SCIENCE!   Isn’t it fantastic!   They know nothing, observe nothing, and evidence nothing, but they can tell you with absolute certainty what happened hundreds of thousands, millions and billions of years ago… but can’t tell you with certainty what happened 100 years ago.

What happens when the magnetic north moves towards reversal?

According to science – they don’t know.   Speculation would however come to play – that this is not a good thing for the evolution of humans.   In fact some believe it is the impetus for the end of human, animal and plant civilization.   But then, scientists humble themselves by asserting that they weren’t alive 800,000 years ago, and so, you know, everything is a – you know – theory.   Hang Head.

Simultaneously, as the magnetic north is speeding along at the rate of now 30-40 miles per year toward Russia’s Siberia, the “South Atlantic Anomaly” would seem to be growing exponentially devouring entire continents.    Yet somehow cows and cars are the problem…


The SAA by definition is considered the point on earth where the magnetic field is at its ‘weakest point’. This field encompasses nearly 8 million square miles.   It stretches across most of South America into the Atlantic Ocean – touching the borders of Africa, and Australia.   It IS HUGE.

Satellites, aircraft, boats that pass within this Anomaly report having all technological systems CRASH.   The unusual levels of radiation are off the charts.   Brazil has some of the highest incidences of cancer.  The effects of this vast plague are wholly unknown.

So what happens when the earths magnetic field weakens?  

Earth’s climate is manufactured by magnetic fields.   The correlation is a bond by definition, a source.

The electromagnetic theory of climate is in direct opposition to the newly obsessed carbon dioxide theory. While carbon theory is based on industrial revolutions, electromagnetic theory is based on the beginning of planet Earth. In fact, a vast number of “Scientists” believe that the base of historical evidence of all of earth is electromagnetic fields – from climate to evolution to ice ages – to heat stimulation.   Earth is an electromagnet.  Thus any change – changes Earth.

As the magnetic north moves, so does climate.

Jet streams, solar flare activity, tides, moon, storms, and hurricanes are connected to electromagnetic impulses.   Those impulses are being altered, not by man’s aerosol can, but by natural changes that are precipitated from deep within the Earth’s core! And these changes are advancing at a precipitous rate as the South Atlantic Anomaly grows and the magnetic north moves ever eastward and south!

The South Atlantic Anomaly is irradiated. It puts out so much radiation that when a satellite or aircraft comes near their technological equipment virtually explodes – crashes.   Radiation.   As in – off the charts!

This radiation has been shown to create holes in the ozone layers protecting earth from complete irradiation.   As these holes continue to magnify, it reveals that this ‘Anomaly’ has the potential to destroy Earth.   Via, climate.

So while the idiots would have us believe that we are the cause of ‘climate change’ they also know that the true reality, the truth, the scientific evidence dictates that the South Atlantic Anomaly has spurred the magnetic north within globs of molten pits beneath Africa to separate and spin out of control.

IN other words, while distracting us with baseless claims that we are causing climate change, the TRUTH is that our planet is disintegrating on itself as a result of a combination of natural causal factors, and – past military exercises.


In the 1950’s the military nuclear testing in the Oceans helped to create what Stephen Hawking’s would call the black hole that ate Earth.   As in, our supreme self appointed elitist government appointees have mucked it up so badly – Earth is – on – the – brink – of a catastrophe.


The guys that idiotically created this annihilation – want us to believe they can save a few…

John Kerry’s attitude has sat with me since he slovenly announced that, “We’ve only got 9 years!”   All while pursing his lips, scowling, and storming off to his private jet eclipsing the carbon footprint of perhaps 1,000 to 10,000 normal private citizens. Obviously, the true climate change debacle had nothing to do with carbon – and everything to do with – something else.

The Anomaly.   Magnet North. Electromagnetism.   Solar Spurs.   Maybe the UFO’s are here to tell us we better fix this or we don’t exist!   Who the heck knows…   Supposedly many, given the theys have been researching and exploring UFO’s for about 75 years. At Least.   “Including My Dad”.

That’s a heck of a long time to hold a secret.   Much less one of this magnitude.   Everyone is anxious.   I imagine most want detail, they already believe in aliens and ships, just give us ‘specifics’ now.   Be Honest – And Let Us Process at Each Our Pace.

On a Positive Note.   Seems to me, logically, if there was any ill-will it would have long ago been instituted and done. Fini!   Which makes it look more like they want us to save ourselves to prove we are self sustainable and not a burden.

On the other hand, if the psy-ops was so devious as to utilize decades to slowly perverse us, I suppose that’s a possibility too.

Ahhh, I digress and pro-gress…

In The End… Seems to Me that: 1.   They can purge the military of the best and brightest!   They’ll just go Militia.   When an army soldier screams after firing his gun, you know, they got what they wanted.   2.   They can purge our Brilliant Men In Blue!   They can court them, fire them and force them into enslavement, but in the end, the ones who fall away – are the CORE of the New Militia.   And they are trained, trained, and trained!   It’s a knife fight against an AK.

These guys think they are curbing or killing are our core hero’s and nationalists!   And so – they are  instead uniting US!   And – That – Will – Be – Their – Downfall!!!!!

Technically, they know they lost this battle, this generation, and so their efforts have already diverted to the original tactic – manipulate the YOUTH.    CoVid gave them a view – they needed the anti-persons to be eliminated by at least 80%.  And it not only didn’t happen, it didn’t come close.     And so, while we may have a reprieve of sorts, it is only a time regrouping until the next generation of perverse communists ARISE!

COVid State of Emergency – relinquishing this status would nullify the vaccine

The story making its way across the Internet:    IN 1922 Insulin saved kids from dying of Diabetes!   The story that is not rooted should be – “why were kids getting diabetes’”?   Diabetes is an immune deficiency disease often hailed by modern medicine as a result of – obesity – genetics – poor nutrition – and virus.   The injection of Insulin replaces the immune deficiency – but it does NOT address why the deficiency exists. As such, it is in fact – a Band-Aide.   What it is NOT is a cure.

In fact, since the 1920’s every medicinal cure – is in fact a band-aide and NOT a cure at all.   It is a means of replenishing something that is deficient without addressing what caused the deficiency.   And is completely contrary to the Hippocratic Oath.  

The Hippocratic Oath was conceived during the time of Plato – when God was not God.   It states as follows:

“To hold my teacher in this art equal to my own parents; to make him partner in my livelihood; when he is in need of money to share mine with him; to consider his family as my own brothers, and to teach them this art, if they want to learn it, without fee or indenture; to impart precept, oral instruction, and all other instruction to my own sons, the sons of my teacher, and to indentured pupils who have taken the Healer’s oath, but to nobody else.

I will use those dietary regimens which will benefit my patients according to my greatest ability and judgment, and I will do no harm or injustice to them.[7] Neither will I administer a poison to anybody when asked to do so, nor will I suggest such a course. Similarly I will not give to a woman a pessary to cause abortion. But I will keep pure and holy both my life and my art. I will not use the knife, not even, verily, on sufferers from stone, but I will give place to such as are craftsmen therein.”

The OATH in its essence of design is about healing – while  specifically addressing abortion as off limits!    Plato was born around 425 BC.

Suddenly in the 1920’s vaccines become the nouveaux panacea for all things.   What the heck happened?   Rockefeller.   Obsessed with money, his legacy would be that of a person who had no soul.   Everything he touched was a determinant of greater wealth.   Curing a person was a dead end to wealth, and thus the drug industry and vaccine industry were born!  BOTH at the hands of Rockefeller.

And the Hippocratic Oath?   That was suddenly viewed as a worthless waste of words.   Yet 100 years later we still ponder how it is that today’s physicians would appear to have absolutely no alliance with this OATH?  Case in Point.  I had a rash, an ugly itchy, drive yo crazy – rash that persisted for months.   I tried every herbal/medicinal tincture known to man – with no effect.   I went to my dermatologist who was perplexed, had no idea what it was, but prescribed Steroids.

Long story short, he finally did a skin ‘biopsy with telling me this hole he created would result in a painful yellow/purple bruise the diameter of a baseball.   IN the meantime, I mentioned the rash to my nephew who immediately stated he had it too as did his father, my nephew.   AH!   The biopsy concurred and my esteemed dermatologist informed me that ‘there is no known cause – and no known cure’.   B-bye…   I PAID for that.

The Spanish Flu has been dissected thousands of times.   Even Dr. Fauci wrote an article in which he claims that the causal factor was the Rockefeller University’s introduction of a ‘vaccine’ for a viral infection.   It has been determined that the Spanish Flu’s rapid spread and death rate are directly attributable to the Rockefeller vaccine  which caused a mutant bacterial infection leading to the death of millions.   Interestingly, like the CDC and WHO today, the actual number of deaths is unknown and is a ‘guess factor between 17 and 100 million’.   A HUGE algorithmic +/-.    And Rockefeller suffered NO consequences for these massive deaths!

But like the CDC, WHO and NIH, these algorithmic’s are utilized for ‘everything’ despite being an ‘educated guess’ that could have a sway of 10,000 to 80,000 or a +/- factor of 800% in their factually scientific guru fed kumbaya!

No worry. Just don’t tell people and they won’t know!   Science 101.

Currently the Scientific community that has usurped their Hippocratic Oath have guesstimated that India has so many cases and so many deaths – despite the fact that India does NOT have in place any metrics to count anything!   SO the numbers are ALL FAKE!   You know – THAT Science.    The numbers are wholly created and manufactured based on an algorithm just like the Gates algorithm that ‘predicted’ 2 million deaths in the US by April 2020 from CoVid19!!!!    So what is the point of these falsified litanies of data?  TO confuse. TO subvert. TO create a false perception of reality.


Why can’t they just tell us the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?

Today, another UFO story.   A pilot in the military suggests that he saw UFO’s on a near daily basis for two years but the Pentagon muffled him.   Why?   Because People are too ignorant, vacant, stupid, and dramafied to actually be the vessels of Truth.   And Congress, by the fact that they are Congress are more wisdom filled and intellectually superior so as to have the privilege of – TRUTH.

How the heck do these people ever sleep?   Perhaps they are mummified and their body doubles are actors getting awards…   I don’t know – I just don’t understand the level of stupidity.   Nor do I share the glorifying Hallelujah worship of money.

What I DO See – with the relaxation of CoVid mandates and dictatorial rule, we are simply being given a panacea before the next Crisis is levied.   In my opinion, it would seem the most conducive to fearful reaction anarchy is Cyber Warfare.  And the Colonial Pipeline was a test.

There is a fringe who believe that the Colonial Pipeline Hack was actually a CIA coordinated event created for the purpose of ushering in the new State of Emergency.

WHY?   Because as long as we are defined within a State of Emergency – Biden and governors can rule by Executive Order – ALL common laws are voided and usurped – and fear is the progenitor of control.

Climate Crisis designation gives the government a State of Emergency control.   Immigration Crisis – ditto.   As long as countries remain in a State of Emergency – our freedoms will have been fed to the Swamp.   So even as CoVid is declared over – no one seems too keen on removing the State of Emergency – which would nullify vaccines – tests – and all mandates in-between.

CoVid19 Vaccine = A SARS Sequence from 2003

The World Health Organization is now asking countries to ‘donate’ their remaining vaccines to COVAX because not enough vaccines have been distributed in less developed countries – like India.   Of course COVAX is actually Bill Gates GAVI which currently has a bloated Balance Sheet revealing $4.14billion in assets.   Not sure why they don’t just buy vaccines like normal enterprises.   But then COVAX, GATES and GAVI are not normal:   “By 15 July 2020, 165 countries – representing 60% of the human population – had joined COVAX.”

Interesting notation ‘human population’ – as opposed to non-human?  Weird!

WHO’s Tedros has warned that unless less wealthy countries are given free vaccines from wealthy countries that a much more deadly virus will be levied stating: “We’re on track for the second year of this pandemic to be far more deadly than the first.”

The India ‘mutation/variant’ has now been found in the US, UK, Russia, and Germany spiking fear for more vaccinations. Variants are sampled and genetically sequenced in laboratories.   CoVid tests do not identify variants.   Labs must sequence the sample and compare it to the original Wuhan 1 reference sequence which was 80% to 88% based on SARS-CoV sequence.   Early documentation of Wuhan 1 published by WHO states: “The mortality from COVID-19 is higher in people older than 65 years and in people with underlying comorbidities, such as chronic lung disease, serious heart conditions, high blood pressure, obesity and diabetes.”

So why didn’t the Global Science dictators act within the Science of WHO?

The original SARS genome sequencing was done in Canada May 30, 2003 by BCCA Genome Sciences Centre.   The conclusion was that the virus being sequenced and analyzed did not wholly match previous coronaviruses to date and thus a 4th designation was suggested wherein this virus was labeled SARS-CoV.   A mutation, or variant.   When China analyzed the Wuhan -1 strain and compared it to SARS-CoV, the new strain was identified in the Gen bank as accession number NC_045512, having as its source accession number MN908947 – which was the SARS-CoV sequence.    It was never sequenced per se, it was matched to previous genome sequencing as the Basis.

January 2020, China uploaded to GISAID the new sequence which was ‘based’ on SARS-CoV with a new variant.  NIH was given the sequencing from China in early January 2020 when Fauci was claiming, “This is NOT a major threat to the United States and NOT something the people of the US should be worrying about.”

In 2019, the CDC uploaded a paper about influenza genome sequencing.   The purpose was to attest to the importance of modifying flu vaccines to account for the annual variants.

Given that there are now literally thousands of CoVid variants and the vaccine is based on Wuhan 1 – its efficacy is wholly lacking in ‘Science’!  Based on CDC Science.

Big Pharma is backing off vaccine manufacturing having made their profits and realizing lower demand. Or, has Big Pharma begun the next generation of CoVid vaccination development in preparation for the coming virus season this Fall?   CDC and WHO have already stated emphatically that this vaccine could either become an adjuvant of the quadrivalent Flu vaccine or a standalone mandate.

India’s ‘variant’ is attacking those with diabetes, the aged, and those with lung disease.   Exactly as was originally noted of SARS in 2003. The current vaccine may be effective and may not be.   Science isn’t sure…  But the TRUISM that has maintained the decade is that a specific human person is 80% more likely to get infected – those with diabetes, lung disease, the aged, the obese, and those with debilitating comorbidities.

According to WHO, given wealthy countries have already purchased their allotments and have excess, we must now forego our vaccines and donate them to – COVAX which will sell them to – India. The vaccines that American taxpayers paid for.   So that Bill Gates can have additional income on second-hand sales!!

Now as Climate Crisis is pegged to Health Crisis – is pegged to vaccination – is pegged to Marxist restrictions on freedom – is pegged to feminism – is pegged to reproductive health, WHO has a new indoctrination:

November 13, 2020 WHO created a new organization: Council on the Economics of Health for All. Chaired by Mariana Mazzucato, with 11 leading figures in economics making up the initial members.

Mazzucato received her Masters degree from The New School in the field of Heterodox Economics.   Heterodox is a school of thought that embraces feminism, Marxism, Anarchy, Georgist, Austrian and institutional ideals. Most economists dismiss heterodox as fringe and irrelevant.

Apparently the New Global Power institution disagrees. Off with the Head of Science!

Georgist Theory:a single tax movement and an economic ideology holding that, although people should own the value they produce themselves, the economic rent derived from land – including from all natural resources, the commons, and urban locations – should belong equally to all members of society. ”  If it looks like Marxism, sounds like Marxism, and smells like Marxism – it likely is – Marxism.

According to WHO, the Economic Health Council’s main focus is:

Council’s focus is on new strategies to shape economies and financial systems with the objective of building healthy societies that are just, inclusive, equitable and sustainable. It will incorporate lessons learned during the COVID-19 pandemic.

WAIT!   Whoa there Pony!   Lessons learned ‘during’ CoVid…   as in how to successfully destroy capitalism, global economies, the middle class, and lives?

Economics Member #1 Senait Fiesseha:   Ethiopian and good friends with Tedros, Senait has a dual JD/Medical degree specializing in reproductive health rights and reproductive justice.   Apparently abortion qualifies a person as being a leader in economics.

Economics Member #2 Dr Zélia Maria Profeta da Luz:   A Brazilian with a Masters degree in cell and molecular biology specializing in leishmaniasis disease which is caused by sandflies. What?

Economics Member #3 Kate Raworth:   Her entire career has been within the UN Sustainable Development path via ecological economics and feminism.

Economics Member #4 Stephanie Kelton:   Received her PhD from the New School for Social Research in economics.   She was an economic advisor to Bernie Sanders campaign and currently a professor at NY State Stony Brook University teaching social justice and public policy.

Economics Member #5 Dame Marilyn Waring:   With a Bachelors degree in political science, she is considered the founder of feminist economics and has been promoted by Melinda Gates.

In other words, the Economic Health Council is a contrived feminist organization with few economic heavyweights dominated by Socialist/Marxist determinants bent on Anarchist Feminism…   The underbelly goal of which is to incorporate the lessons learned during a lockdown of the entire global community while subjecting them to totalitarian Rule.   Got It!  

Sounds more like ANTIFA Gone Vogue!


Germany just took the next step to a full blown totalitarian regime!   Sovereign states within Germany are no longer sovereign and the Bundestag has given itself complete control over the entire country.   Within their first actionable move they are interning all residents thru the end of June – more likely indefinitely.

The dictator rules include:   1. Personal contact are restricted to one household plus 1 outside person.   2. Curfew from 10pm to 5am.   3.   Nonessential shops can only allow entrance of a person if they provide a negative virus test and an appointment.   If the incidence rate exceeds 150, the shop is shuttered to curbside pickup only.   4.   Schools closed if incidence rate exceeds 165. 5. Funerals limited to 30 attendees.

Germany’s Bundestag president declared curfews work because when looking abroad “…ALL countries that have regained control of high infection figures have resorted to curfew restrictions in phases”.   Given the 100% possibility is near 50%, I guess throwing out a number seemed like a good justification – albeit a false one.

Meaning Sweden decided to let nature take its course and has not mandated masks, quarantines, or closures.   Their death rate ‘with CoVid’ is 1.5%. By contrast, Germany’s death rate of confirmed cases is nearly double despite calamitous lockdowns, closures, and an economic spiral.

Nonetheless, Germany’s Deutsche Welle claims Sweden’s success is renegade – responsible for loss of life – and topping European charts in infection rates.   Infections that – recover at a rate nearly 2x that of Germanys. Yet Germany, Spain, Italy, France, all the major countries in the EU have a caseload 3-4 times that of Sweden. Someone apparently forgot to notify the Bundestag of the factual truths.

Germany Vs. Sweden:

Sweden’s death rate has actually been on a constant decline since 1988.   Wholly not satisfied with this actuality, the UN projects that a reversal will begin in 2022 and increase by 7% as of … 2100.   Ah!

Germany’s overall death rate is a full 2 points higher than Sweden.   Sounds like someone is a bit miffed given their own statistics reveal a miserable failure.

Sweden’s economy contract by 2.8% in 2020 – Germany’s economy contracted 9.7% as of August 2020.   While it bounced back somewhat, 2021 has been mired in brutal lockdown measures which will surely leave the once greatest EU country in the twalette.

It would appear, Germany is desperate to attack the one country that rose above the fray and survived!

Germany Politics:

Of course, as I have been stating, the Green Party in Germany has suddenly taken the Numero Uno place in the pending re-election. Merkel’s named successor, Armin Laschet , is known as a liberal supporting mass immigration. He is a definitive ‘Wilbur Milktoast’ who made his feeble rise in politics on the heels of predecessors simply resigning leaving the post open to him.   it would appear, his election as the milktoast candidate for the CDU was based on his inability to win.

By contrast, the Green Party selected a woman who is significantly younger than Laschet, and went to the London School of Economics – which is the equivalent in all things, including embracing Marxist ideologies, of Harvard. Her background includes membership in Alliance 90, which has roots in Socialism and Communism, advocating for Revolution.  How wonderful!   Maybe we should send her some of our best BLM and ANTIFA rioters!

She is active with the World Economic Forum in promoting escalating Climate Change Initiatives.  Because she is afterall – Their Candidate!


According to the UN”s Antonio Guterres, “Countries need to submit ambitious new nationally determined contributions (MONEY) that were designed by the Paris Agreement. Their climate plans for the next 10 years must be much more efficient.”

He also urged that climate commitments and plans must be backed with immediate action, and that the trillions of dollars invested by mostly richer nations for domestic COVID-19 recovery, be aligned with the Paris Agreement on climate change and the Sustainable Development Goals, and that subsidies directed to fossil fuels be shifted to renewable energy.

“Developed countries must lead in phasing out coal – by 2030 in OECD countries, and 2040 elsewhere. No new coal power plants should be built”.     He continued to assert that global inequalities will expand if Climate Change is not reversed and we don’t give them all our money!

Apparently, despite ALL the global lockdowns, the screeching halt of production worldwide, the economic and mental destruction of vast swathes of the population – it wasn’t enough and somehow greenhouse gases and carbon dioxide emissions continued to increase unabated.  Imagine that?  How could it be??

Wouldn’t that indicate that man is not responsible – and man – can do nothing?   But then again, the measurements of dire warning are based on a time span of 150 years.   Not the 4 billion years estimated to be the life of earth.   Which would represent .00000375% of earth’s climate history.  So our esteemed climate scientists are making determination based on factors that have a ratio algorithm measure of .0000000375.

But then today’s climatologists have a really tough time predicting the weather for – tomorrow.  So by all means, let’s continue to use those verifiable algorithmic guesstimates in order to justify the full implementation of a global totalitarian regime! 

CoVID19: Gain of Function Research = Biological Warfare, aka Fauci

WELL, well, well, once again Dr. Death, aka Fauci, is revealed as the core facilitator of Gain of Function Research.   Financed by Bill & Melinda Gates, NIAID, NIH, ARATO ( a Marxist ideologue), and the Vietnamese National Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology.   It was supposedly initiated as a biodefense project but was quickly recognized as having the potential to become a Genocidal Biological Warfare!

The function of the research was to create a hybrid virus combining animal viruses that did not infect humans with a known human contaminant strain that could be spread via ‘sneezing and coughing’.    The targeted fatality rate was 50% or higher.

In 2011, multiple scientists across the globe became concerned about the potential applications for the biodefense project. Citing the Nürnberg Code of Ethics, which prohibits the funding of research and experiments into the development of something harmful to human life, Fauci ignored the warnings and continued to provide funding from NIH and USAID. Prof Mark Lipsitch of Harvard was quite vocal about the experiments and the safety risk of having a pathogen ‘get loose’.

“Disease enhancing experiments have given us modest scientific knowledge and done almost nothing to improve our preparedness for pandemics, and yet [these experiments] risked creating an accidental pandemic.”

A ‘voluntary’ moratorium was put in place among the scientific community in 2012.   Fauci refused to comply and continued funding – ultimately moving money to the Wuhan Institute in 2015, out of sight – out of mind. In 2013 the moratorium was lifted despite outcries from an alliance, The Cambridge Group.

In 2014, at the insistence of The Cambridge Group, Obama reinstated the moratorium.   The action was in response to three separate instances of lab error ‘accidents’.   Scientific America produced a paper which questioned if the next ‘lab error’ could cause a Pandemic.

In response, Mary Groesch, NIH’s board executive, fired the 11 members of the National Science Advisory Board who asserted opposition to the research and promoted the moratorium.  In 2015 Fauci outsourced the research to the Wuhan Lab in China and in 2016 the moratorium was lifted – again.

These “experiments” would appear to date from 1999. It was in 2015 that Bill Gates began warning of a Pandemic – well into the GoFR research funded by the US taxpayers.   It was hardly prophetic pronouncement from the high school graduate

In 2013 Hualan Chen, a veterinary virologist, combined the avian bird flu, H5N1 with the 2009 H1N1 human virus while working at the Chinese Harbin Veterinary Research Institute. Before working at the Harbin Institute, Chen worked at the US CDC from 1999-2002.   This combined mutant virus meant that animals could transmit a genocidal virus to humans.

This may reflect why Germany and the US continue to utilize veterinarians to head their CoVid19 Task Forces for determining human to human transmission, because the real source is the avian virus and how it affected birds.

When H5N1 first appeared in 2007, there were 11 outbreaks in China, Egypt, Pakistan, Vietnam and Indonesia.   In 2007, the Vietnamese National Institute of Epidemiology was researching Coronaviruses.   Located in Hanoi, in February 2020, the Vietnamese Institute was the first to claim to have successfully isolated CoVid19.   They announced that as a result of their isolation they would develop the necessary ‘test kits’ for diagnosis and would assist in the development of a vaccine. Subsequently, Australia, Japan and China also announced their ability to isolate the virus.   A virus that was not yet an epidemic or pandemic…

Shortly after, Robin Shattock of the UK Imperial College announced that they had a ‘breakthrough development’ and could reduce the time to make a vaccine from 2-3 years to 2 weeks. At this point – 12 people were infected worldwide. That number quickly increased to 600.   Despite there being NO TEST.

Both H5N1 and H1N1 cause viral pneumonia, coughing, diarrhea, skin issues and death.

EcoAlliance has partnered with NIH for 45 years – about the same length of time Fauci has headed the organization.   Their mission is to prevent and protect animals and humans from the emergence of disease, epidemics and pandemics.   I would suggest 45 years later – $$$Billions later – their mission is a complete failure.   And their funding is fraud.   Much of their work is conducted in China, Taiwan, Thailand and Malaysia. According to their website, their future world would include all things Green.

January 2021, Gates presented a video in which he outlines how to prevent the next Pandemic:    Mega Testing that will be available to 20% of the world population every week, massive vaccine rollouts, All defined as the MRna.

In other words, the Pandemic will not be prevented, it will be mitigated with Big Pharma and Gates at the helm of Follow The Money.

David Martin, Phd, National Intelligence Analyst and developer of linguistic genomics:   He developed access to every company that has any connection to biological chemical weapons, pinpointing where the threat is located. He has stated that in 1999 patents on Coronavirus began to show up.   In 2003, the CDC began to patent proprietary rights to the disease, the virus, the testing and the vaccines.   Dr. Martin points out that you cannot patent a natural organism.   It has to be man-made in order to file a patent.   However, if the virus was man-made, then it would qualify as a biological weapon – which would be illegal.  Thus negating ALL Patents associated with Coronavirus.

In fact, Martin claims that the CDC and NIH worked in conjunction to build the next ‘gold rush’Coronavirus while making sure that any and all profits from a pandemic would be patented to them. But as was cited before – laboratory error and accidents were prevalent – especially in China.   And the virus was released.   But there were two sources responsible;   NIH and Wuhan.  

Cleaning up the accident meant:   1.   Claiming it was attributable to a bat,   2.   Denying China responsibility,   3.   Clearing any NIH responsibility,   4.   Paying off the multiple conspirators.

Enter, Bill Gates.   He would use his influence to manufacture and maintain the entire illusion.   The media would be installed to inflict panic and fear of a climate change causal factor further lining Gate’s pockets, and Fauci would be shrouded in a cloak of invisibility.

ALL Because they allowed an ‘accident’.   And Mafia Cleaners are quite proficient.

In essence, the man-made Pandemic allowed a diversion for the emergence of the New Green Deal within the guise of chaos riddled, psychologically demented leaders across the globe.   Trudeau thinks he’s Buddha.   Biden thinks he’s in Nirvana.   Merkel thinks she is alive.   And Jinping thinks he will be the next global Prime Minister.   ALL expendable to the Fascist Bankers and the Communist Politicians.

The RIOTS?   Simply a means of destroying crumbling cities.   PHASE III – rebuilding major cities to comply with the New Green Deal as defined by Agenda 2030 – while eliminating the chaos through WAR.

The Cabal: Fascist Bankers vs Communist Politicians

NOT since FDR has our US government remained completely insignificant as a president ruled exclusively by Executive Order. Closing in on his ‘first 100 days’ ending April 30th, Biden has now issued 41 Executive Orders and counting.   While FDR was facing the Great Depression, Biden was facing a growing economy pummeled by the ‘pronouncement of a pandemic’.

There Is A Lot Of Sand In The Sahara Desert…

Many of FDR’s EO’s were about regulating all aspects of commerce and bringing corporate America under the thumb of the federal government. While historians are mixed in their support of FDR, his New Deal policies were rooted completely in socialism.   And Socialism was considered at war with Fascism On Paper.

The banking cartel/cabal and the New World Order, were concepts that were in full fledgling anarchy well before the advent of FDR. And FDR’s election was not in their playbook.

The European bankers were well entrenched inside the Federal Reserve working in alignment with BIS, Bank of International Settlements, which was formed in 1930 to support monetary and financial stability globally.  They did and do – essentially rule the mafia’s and thus the governments of every nation on earth with one exception – RUSSIA.

FDR’s foreign policies included war with Germany and war with Japan.   He had great affinity for China given his mother’s tales, and cultivated a trade relationship with Communist USSR.

Meanwhile, in 1933, Harold Ware formed the Ware Group, a covert Communist Party of the US working underground within the US government.   During FDR’s reign.

Harry White, a member of the Ware Group worked alongside FDR’s Secretary of Treasury, Morgenthau implementing the Bretton Woods Conference, the IMF, and the World Bank. White was an alumni of Harvard.

Henry Collins was also member of the Ware Group, a graduate of Harvard, and worked in FDR’s New Deal administration.

Lee Pressman, a union man, received his law degree from Harvard, was a member of the Ware Group and worked within the FDR administration as GC for Agricultural Adjustment Administration as well as resettlement.

John Abt was a lawyer, a member of the Ware Group and worked alongside Pressman in the Agricultural Adjustment Administration, Assistant to US Attorney General Homer Cummings and counsel for Senator Robert La Follette Jr.

Homer Cummings only assumed office after the assassination of the chosen AG Walsh who died by poisoning days before the inauguration. Cummings was instrumental in the gold confiscation and the ‘stacking’ of the Supreme Court after many of FDR”s Executive Order statutes were tossed.

Victor Perlo, a Marxist/Communist who also worked within the FDR regime within the US Treasury Department and the Brookings Institute. He also worked for Paul McNutt, a graduate of Harvard who was an adamant proponent of the welfare programs instituted via EO by FDR, and ultimately became head of FDR’s Federal Security Agency. Following his political career, despite being a Communist, he was elected as chairman of the board of United Artists Corporation.

Frank Coe, member of the Communist Party, the Ware Group, a Johns Hopkins consultant, member of the Brookings Institute and consultant to Secretary of Treasury, Morgenthau.

All of these and more were aligned Communists from and within the Chinese and USSR governments.   ALL were in political positions under FDR. ALL aided in the implementation of the New Deal.   Many were of Jewish descent.   Many went to Harvard.   Many were attorneys.   And many were pro-unionists.

FDR was NOT fighting the Fascist Bankers with Socialism – he was aligned with Communism and ushering in the welfare system that would destroy future American economics.

What is envisioned under the current Biden Administration is likely quite similar to FDR – with the exception that FDR was lucid. But Communism is The Agenda.

It would appear that the largess difference between Communism and Fascism lie in the ideal that supposedly Fascism exults the elite, and Communism exults the people.   I tend – to disagree.

Mussolini was a socialist-fascist who advocated a single party revolution and was executed by communists and yet his confidantes were ‘socialists’.   He advocated ‘science’ and ‘atheism’ above all things. Sound familiar?

Communist USSR, Communist China – NEVER held sanctimonious the order and structure of common ownership – everything was state owned – everything was poverty to extreme – everything was dictatorial. In essence, while proclaiming their structure was communist – in fact it was by definition ‘fascist’.

The Communist Theory is actually manifested in Fascist Action.

And the Biden administration is simply an arm of that Faction.

Founded in 1924, The People’s World is the arm of the Communists USA.   Their factions of ideology include:   AFL-CIO, Biden, China, Infrastructure, BLM, Climate Change, Big Business.

To think that the administration propping up Biden is NOT Communist is naïve at best, subversive likely.   Oddly, the Banking Cartel would seem to be the infidels behind the ‘subversive’.   Why? What would they gain in a global Communist Agenda?

The Structure of Elitism. And the Hoax of Utopianism.

Fascism in Monarchial rule: English Rule.   Lenin. Stalin. MAO.   It is rule wherein there are no proletariats who can challenge the rule.   No checks and balances.   Rule by Order.   Congress is eliminated.   Constitutions are ripped to shreds.

All of which must be implemented within this absurd disguise of Utopia in order to subvert reality.   There is NO UTOPIA.   It doesn’t exist.   And never has.

When reviewing Biden’s Cabinet Picks, it is summarily reminiscent of FDR.   And here we start all over again. Biden’s CIA pick has ties to the CCP.

USAID – the bottomless pit of corrupted money is now led by Samantha Power, a Harvard graduate.   Her husband Cass Sustein is also a Harvard graduate who has published numerous books profoundly leaching of groupism for Obama and David Cameron.   His views would seem quite aligned with those of the infiltrators in the FDR administration.   And Apparently Absolutely Adores Paying Taxes…

I had a friend who felt the same – until her pay scale caused her to look at a residency in the Bahamas so as to avoid ANY tax liability in the US.   She was a higher-up in the re-Insurance industry and claimed all her colleagues had already set up these avoidances.   While promoting advanced taxation of ‘everyone else’.

In the end, it may well be that the reason we don’t hear from the very vocal ‘socialists;   Sanders, AOC, Warren, Bush, Bowman, and the apparent 45 members who help to rule – The House.  It may be that their fascist ideals would not bear well in a media discourse.

In the end, the annoyance beyond all annoyances, is not what the Cabal wants, it is paring the various segments of society that the Cabal has infiltrated and attempting to clean these dirty surfaces.   Only to find another supposedly clean surface is 10fold dirtier than the last.  

It is like sending a maid to clean the Sahara Desert.

There is a Freaking Shitload – Of Sand.

Netanyahu: A NeoConservative Global Elitist: Baaaaaahhhh

My first name, Benjamin, dates back a thousand years earlier to Benjamin – Binyamin – the son of Jacob, who was also known as Israel. Jacob and his 12 sons roamed these same hills of Judea and Sumeria 4,000 years ago, and there’s been a continuous Jewish presence in the land ever since. ~ Netanyahu.

Revealing his absolute vagrant understanding of the Bible, Netanyahu, the secular Jewish man seems unaware that the term Jew (this spelling version) was created in the year 1275 AD – not 4000 years ago. The word originated from Latin and Aramaic Judaeus which was derived from the Hebrew Judah.  As in the ancient land was Hebrew – not Jew.   So who are the Hebrews?

Jesus was not a Jew.   Jews are not The Chosen People.

Netanyahu is good pals with Romney and went to Harvard – the university that clones communists. He was a spokesman on Israel for CNN. He won the 1996 Israeli election;   a.  following the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin,   b. hiring American operative Arthur Finkelstein to run his campaign,   and c. as someone who obscurely won over the ‘favorite’ Shimon Peres.

By all accounts Finkelstein was a tremendous powerhouse!   He managed to energize the campaigns of underdogs, as well as upperdogs like Reagan.   While he called himself a libertarian conservative, he had a midas touch in garnering a win for many political candidates.   A few noteworthy quotes:

“A crook always beats a fool.”

“I do not slander somebody without proof.”

“I wanted to change the world. I did this. I made it worse.”

In 2020, along with the rest of the real world, Israel’s GDP growth rate tanked 8.1%.   The economy is pushing a 20% unemployment rate.   And yet the focus is the media lauding that Israel is given high marks by Bloomberg, NYT, and Wikipedia given their vaccination rollout has inoculated 50% of the population… or 4.5 million vaccines.  Yeahhhhh….?

While the US has ‘supposedly’ vaccinated 130million, Israel is lauded as a great success having dispersed 4.5 million.   But then we must rely on Bloomberg, the NYT and Wikipedia for these stats???

And suddenly, I’m not feeling it.

We know that numbers are manufactured, the governments are manufactured, and that truth is manufactured…   So why oh why am I supposed to believe that while the EU trails in vaccines, somehow Israel saw fit to procure their allotment in December 2020 – 2 months before CoVid was announced?

While Netanyahu has been pronounced in his dislike for Obama, and to a lesser extent Clinton, his alignment early on with Romney speaks volumes to the neoconservatives, founded by Irving Kristol a Trotskiyist (aka Marxist), and father of Bill Kristol.

Neoconservatives were initially labeled as Liberal intellectuals bent on the ideal of the Great Society. It’s members were predominantly philosophers, liberal scholars and Harvard alumni… What they were not – conservative.

Bill Kristol was/is everything against Trump, pro-War, Anti Putin no matter what, and while claiming to be ‘Jewish’., he has no religious or cultural affinity to anything Jewish.   Other than an unverified heritage.  And yet, he somehow aligns with the current hail Das Biden Regime Tzarism?

A columnist for the liberal NYT, a John McCain love affair, backed Obama’s war in Libya, and ultimately outed himself as more of a democrat than a real republican – the definition of ‘neoconservatism’.

He freakin’ endorsed BIDEN.

That is – a NeoConservative.

And – it would appear that this is the alignment of Netanyahu – neoconservatism. A label that ultimately is an embrace of all things Swamp and Globalization.

According to an article written in 2016, Netanyahu aligns himself with Zionist views and neoconservative movements.   IN reality, Netanyahu presents as a dictatorial regime that believes they are above all creeds, and promises.

While I understand the need for a ‘Jewish state’ as opposed to a ‘Hebrew State’, which would be more biblically apt, I think a name that is based on truth and antiquity would be beneficial.

A secular Jewish State – is not a Biblical precedent.   And perhaps it is a right – but to pronounce it a Biblical right for secular peoples who don’t identify as anything religiously Hebrew, is – a lie.

And a lie – is a lie – and everything else goes away.

Netanyahu’s heritage is polish jew, nea, Mileikowsky. His father a Zionist activist. His surviving brother – lives in New York.  

What is Zionism?

NEW WORLD: An Order of Chaos …and Then

With protests and lockdowns actually escalating throughout the UK & Germany, what is the motivation behind the veil?  

When the shroud is taken off the sculpture, and the artists work is revealed, the crowd will gasp as the twisted metal appears hideous and yet ….beguiling – A One Party System.

In the US, Biden was placed in the White House for one purpose, to destroy the Democrat and Republican parties.   Ruinous in his measures, idiotic in his dementia intellect, and powerless, it is unclear if the puppets in Congress are even aware of the Master Plan.   Because in the end – they will be – no more.

It is no different when watching Merkel and the CDU Party fall into decay.   Or as Bojo laughs gleefully at the rot he has created for the UK while pretending to lead the Conservative Party.   Beguiled with empty promises of infinite wealth and power by The Cult, Johnson believes he is a ‘chosen one’.     And in that fantasy, Bojo was willing to do whatever necessary to attain that throne.

But like Merkel, like Biden, these empty souls were chosen, not to gain access to the mountain, but to lead the sheep off the cliff.   Once they provided this mass hysteria and destruction, the Cult would sweep in to Drain The Swamp…

Not The Swamp typically referenced, but the swamp they, The Cult, brought to power, the political peons for whom they likely hold high contempt.

The final checkmate is just around the corner.   Merkel is despised.   Her party despised.   And while The Cult told her to attack the Afd, the real villain waited. Patiently waited.  And Merkel followed her instructions to the cliff.

Bojo has effectuated a hatred of all things – police, government, occupation, and immigration while vilifying free speech and freedom.   Behind the veil, the wolf waits.

Using Meghan and Harry to begin the last calamitous annihilation of the British Monarchy along WITH the takedown of Prince Andrew through the Epstein Pedophilia scandal was simply – another log on the fire.   Contrary to the Media claim that Meghan was a distraction – she was in fact a pre-meditated artillery attack on the battle field.   A battle field already weakened and gasping.

Biden’s policies of economic carnage have found no pushback by democrats or republicans. Why?   They have been promised redemption. They have been promised utopia – for them.   And their self obsessed insurmountable greed allowed them to believe the LIE.   But when the red curtain is drawn, they are ALL nonessential sacrifices

NONE of these people will attain a seat on the Throne.   None will be given access to the Mountain.  

Useful Pawns.   They will have nothing more of value to offer.   Merkel, Biden, Harris, Trudeau, Macron, Bojo, etc… will be considered insignificant and superfluous to The Plan, to The Cult.   They can’t even be a peasant.

The One Party remaining is The Green Party.   The ONLY way it could advance was with the destruction of competition from within. That means the conservatives, the liberals, the nationalists, the capitalists, were all sacrificial lambs to usher in the final Act into complete chaos.

John Kerry said it, Ocasio said it, “we only have nine years!”   Why?   Not because the world will collapse into climate oblivion.    Obviously Kerry knows it isn’t about climate or he would be driving electric cars, and not guzzling about creating a carbon footprint equal to a thousand or more ordinary people jetting here and there, boating about, etc…    Gates too can be seen on his 600 foot yacht with a helipad while promoting a carbon-free environment.

So what is supposed to happen in Nine Years?

The purpose of the Green Party is to fill the void of all other parties representing chaos which will be equivalized to Satan.   Perhaps there is a real something that has been slated to occur in 9 years.   A meteor.   A sun flame.   A UFO.   An insurmountable magnetic shift.   A cataclysmic earthquake.   All of these could inject desperation.    But Climate Change blamed on people provides the peasants with hope.   And that hope can be harnessed to effectuate was is needed for the few to survive.

An unknown event that casts the elite to one continent – Africa.

The purpose of the Green Party is to create a unity where none can be declared in any other party.   It is the answer to division.   But like the BLM Movement wherein all donations were redirected to Democrat PAC’s, the Green Funds are redirected to – Africa.  That could hardly be said to be a ‘coincidence’.

The global economy is an illusion.  The Pandemic was created to shroud the illusion temporarily and give The Cult time to institute a New Order.

Within the Green Party there are a few factions including the GroenLinks which is a conglomeration of the: Communist Party, Socialist Part, Party of Radicals and Evangelical Peoples Party.   Many EU Commission representatives are aligned with the GreenLeft, Labour and Socialist parties.   While many of the various parties reference liberalism and progressivism, the words are interchangeable with Marxism and forms of communism.

Karl Marx, an economist, preyed his theories upon the socialists and Labourers in order to ‘radicalize’ ideology and realities.   Like all philosophies and ideologies, Marx interpretation was never actually put into material production.   Instead, various Communists used his doctrine to create their own realities: Lenin, Stalin, and Mao.

Today is no different.   The Cult has borrowed pinches of spices from a variety of ideals to formulate their very unique stew.  They call it Order.   All other forms of government and ideologies will be reframed as ‘chaos’.   I doubt very much The Cult shared these ultimate New Earth concepts with their dummy politicians.   I doubt they have a crumb of respect for the swampers they created.   No Backbone.

The Cult basis would appear to be:   nonownership of anything, same speak, same thought, same critical theory.   Essentially – a Cyborg human to cater to the Throne.  Who will actually be allowed to inhabit the Mountain is curious.   Although I would theorize that many who believe they are to be resurrected to that status will find themselves relegated to oblivion.

While as Nostradamous predicted, those on the Mountain, The Cult, will have developed a means of prolonged youth.   Only available to them.   And given a planetary overpopulation,  these factors necessitate a massive reduction of cyborgs –  and thrones.

And still – The Cult short circuits….  Because Checkmate remains allusive.