FOSSIL FUELS: Neither “Fossil or Nonrenewable”! An Infinite Source of Energy

The ‘theory’ that we have been led to believe is that fossil fuels such as oil and gas are nonrenewable sources that form from decayed plants and dinosaurs.   In 1870 John D. Rockefeller founded Standard oil company. It became the world’s largest and first multinational conglomeration which earned Rockefeller the prestige as being the first billionaire.   In 1892, John D. Rockefeller made the stipulation that these sources of energy, oil and gas, were nonrenewable and scarce so as to justify an inflated value and create for himself vast wealth!

Today, the world holds to this theory despite there being overwhelming evidence that this entire postulation is false.

Solar, wind, and water are termed renewable sources and thereby superior to fossil fuels.   But what many overlook is threefold consequences:   1. Solar and wind require created capture fixtures such as panels and windmills. Both of these capture sources require degradation of large swathes of land to manufacture.   2.   These capture fixtures have a limited lifespan – ie roughly 20 years before they fail and are hauled to the great land grave, ie more land degradation.   3.   The electromagnetic fields created by the windmills are toxic.   While studies are nonexistent on humans, a number of studies have determined the fields have a massively negative impact on marine life.

And thus, once again, global populations become the guinea pig experiment.   Will the next generation living close to turbines be mutants?   Don’t know because we are the trial.  Similar to the CoVid Vaccine experiment.  We are the Phase IV Trial. 

After power plants were built in suburban areas near homes, 30 years later the evidence of the human experiment showed:   “There are numerous studies that link living close to power lines with terrible health conditions and diseases. Sadly cancer is one of them, including childhood leukaemia.”

Clean, renewable, abundant energy is likely a myth.   And the energy companies are much like Big Pharma;   create a new disease, don’t find a cure, and then manufacture countless drugs that will cause massive side effects for which more drugs will be necessary.   This same cycle is now evident in the push for Green solar and wind.

In essence these renewables are in fact pollutants, just of a different kind.   So we are fixing the carbon pollutant with another medication which will cause more degradation of earth, fewer trees and MORE CARBON!

In 1999, The Deep Hot Biosphere, The Myth of Fossil Fuels was published by Thomas Gold.   He argued that earths core layer is not composed of decayed plants and animals at all. Instead our core is comprised of heat loving bacteria which thrive on hydrocarbon, and that hydrocarbon is part and parcel of creation earth. These hydrocarbons are what earth is made from and these hydrocarbons constantly replenish naturally.

Thomas Gold is not the only esteemed scientist to upend the Rockefeller theory.

Freeman Dyson, a physicist, mathematician, and statistician who worked in quantum physics theory , astrophysics, etc… postulated that :

“The scientific consensus that carbon dioxide (CO2) is a material driver of planetary temperature increases is false. He believed that some of the effects of increased CO2 levels are favourable and not taken into account by climate scientists, such as increased agricultural yield, and further that the positive benefits of CO2 likely outweigh the negative effects. He was skeptical about the simulation models used to predict climate change, arguing that political efforts to reduce causes of climate change distract from other global problems that should take priority.”

While Dyson did advocate for finding alternate energy sources, he felt that climate change supporters were a cult pushing for reform without benefit. As in simply another means of making money on false data.

Russian scientist, Dr. Vladimir Kutcherov supported Thomas Gold’s theory.   His experiments support the theory that hydrocarbons are naturally occurring elements of our planet.   They are constantly being generated and replenished as we use them. These carbons are at the core of earth 100-200 kilometers deep pushed to the surface via heat.

Oil fields tend to reproduce after being dormant 50-60 years per various studies conducted in Russia and the US. Kutcherov has stated:

“we don’t need to find new oil fields or gas fields. All that is needed is to improve the efficiency with how we use the energy.”

How we use the energy means greater efficiency – not conversion to solar and wind which are imperfect, and technically nonrenewable given their means of capture has a 20 year life span. And like Big Pharma pushing pills to fix pills to fix pills, Green energy with a limited life span requires a constant added cost to fix the dead windmill or panel with a new one.

While estimates indicate our oil and gas extraction accounts for roughly 15% of what is on earth’s surface, if we didn’t extract it, it would continue to be pushed to the surface via heat and released into the atmosphere.   As a carbon. And conversion to wind and solar would have absolutely no impact on our global carbon footprint!

If in fact our esteemed climate gurus wanted a clean source – then it should be completely clean – and completely constant – before it has true value in the utopian fantasy.   If we concentrated our efforts on ‘efficiency’ instead of dated revolution, we might actually conserve planet earth.  

Otherwise, these misfits are simply another scourge of Rockefellers looking to be the first trillionaire.

TEXAS ELECTRIC GRID: A Corporate Enterprise Collapses

Wind power in Texas is privately held. It has absolutely nothing to do with a governor or senator.   The largest farm, Los Vientos, is owned by Duke Energy. The second largest is Roscoe Wind Farm which covers 100,000 acres and is owned by RWE a German company with revenues over $14 billion. It was initially installed in 2008.   Turbines have a typical lifespan of about 18-20 years.   The third largest producer is NextEra Energy, Inc, a major donor to Jeb Bush in the 2016 presidential election.

These private companies lease the land from ranchers and farmers and pay a royalty on their energy production revenues.   Local energy utilities then purchase the power for resale on the grid to customers. Customers have the right to ‘choose’ among a number of alternate utility companies.

But apparently blame has been reduced to red vs blue, republican vs democrat, when in fact the finger pointing is more relevant toward corporate governance. The entire solar/wind phenomena was instituted by corporate agendas for-profit!

Of course, no ginormous mega freeze is allowed to go unchartered without the New York Times spewing blame at global warming.   In an article today, their very scientific knowledge comes from a ‘reporter who focuses on climate’.   In a Question/Answer commentary, John Schwartz, provides his scientific knowledge of how and why polar freezes are caused by warming. Of course, his bio reveals that he has a blast writing humor, technology, space travel as well as science despite absolutely no education background that would qualify him as an expert in anything. By degree, he is a lawyer.

Utility companies are NOT responsible for wind and solar failure either.

CenterPoint Energy:   “There is not enough electricity from third party generators.

Oncor Electric:  Reporting damaged infrastructure due to extreme weather.   “Along with solar and wind, natural gas-fueled micro-turbines, diesel-fueled engines, batteries, and landfill gas are common components of DG”.

Of course, electric cars put an added strain on the grids, and that market may find itself in a flux as the current La Nina’s typical weather pattern lasts anywhere from 2 months to seven years. This estimate of between 2 and 84 months reveals the insanity of climatologists attempting to ‘predict’ anything.   And the level of fraud in claiming global warming is unaccountably wholly criminal. The NOAA acknowledges that future predictions of weather are unreliable and often involve a lot of ‘guesswork’.

WHY wasn’t Texas put on notice weeks before the event?

La Nina is considered the cold phase of weather affecting southern regions of the Pacific.

October 2020, climatologists warned of a severe ENSO phase of La Nina which bends the polar jet stream south. But other factors come into play including volcanic activity which tends to create a deflection of sunlight.   But monitoring these phenomena didn’t even begin until the 1950’s – therefore providing a ‘prediction’ is based on a relatively short span of conditions.

There are 45 volcanoes across the globe with continuous eruptions.   There are currently 23 ongoing volcanic eruptions in: Italy, Guatemala, Russia, US, Indonesia, Japan, Chile, Grenadines, and Papua New Guinea.

Multiple factors contribute to weather anomalies.   But what this Texas outage reveals is that our grids are tenuous and solar and wind are NOT going to replace fossil fuel generation anytime in the near future.   Electric cars are NOT viable unless the grids are amped up significantly.   And further ‘cooling’ of the sun as per the Bill Gates stupidity is on par with a serious terrorist threat.

And fyi:   Synthetic meat is made from dead cows cells.   Where will they get cows in order to cultivate those cells?   What is the nutrient value of synthetic GMO meat?   Can a person’s system process those GMO chemicals? NONE of these questions have been answered at all.

Once again the mental IQ acuity of Bill Gates is more and more questionable and less and less reliable.   I’ve lowered my estimate from 100 to 90.

Alternative Energy: Antiquity of Wind & Solar. Nuclear Fusion – The Future

As the Global Freeze encapsulated large swathes of countries, a sour lesson was learned with regard to so-called “Alternative Energy”.   Despite All The Kings Men putting together the best scientists and engineers to build Wind Turbines and Solar Panels, somehow it didn’t occur to them that snow and ice might bring them all to a complete dysfunctional halt.   Frozen turbine blades required de-icing by helicopters fueled by gas, too little too late. And solar panels went black, buried in snow.

The first windmill was created in Persia in the 9th century.   The first use of solar power can be traced to sometime around 400 BC.

Respectively, 1200 and 2400 years later, this is the best solution that science has been able to provide. They are flawed and they are ancient methods.     And scientists should be ashamed.

In 1954, the CERN laboratory was created to study Nuclear Research via particle fusion.   It took them over 50 years before they completed the construction of the Large Hadron Collider which came to be known as The God Particle.   Steven Hawking believed that the Collider was capable of creating a black hole large enough to suck the entire universe into it destroying mankind.   Thus the thematic God Particle.  Thus Hawking was not simply skeptical – but considered scientists – rather stupid.

The Cern experiments include nuclear fusion as an alternative energy source, creating blackholes, determining how the universe was created, and time travel.

Nuclear Fusion is the forerunner for a number of startups funded by Gates, Bezos, Jack Ma, etc…, that are attempting to formulate that energy into a viable alternative sometime in 2030 or beyond.   Until that time, we really have no other alternative which makes shutting down oil, gas and coal just ‘stupid’.

The ultimate concept of fusion is that the power would be so condensed in form that one glass of water would provide all the heat and electricity for one person’s lifetime.   It is noncombustible.   It is clean.   It is not a resource.   It is infinite.   But it is at best 10 years in the future.

By contrast, the average home requires upwards of 20 solar panels. Of course that average would not apply to Bill Gates and the Hollywood Climatologists given their homes are roughly ten times larger. Note: Bill Gates homes do NOT utilize solar.

Those same solar panels have a lifetime, as do wind turbines, which roughly equates to about 18-20 years.   At which point they are useless and must be buried in the graveyards.

It is estimated that by 2050 78 million metric tons of solar panels will have been buried.   To put that into perspective, the average capacity of a landfill is – one gate ton.   There are currently 1250 landfills in the US.  Where oh where are we supposed to put the other 77,998,750 tons?

I am not sure how these rabid scientists and engineers anticipate the reality.  But their IQ would appear to be on par with – stupid.

There are currently about 60,000 wind turbines in the US.   Many have already reached their lifespan and are dead.   Most of these 60,000 will be defunct by 2030.   These turbines would require 450,000 cubic yards of landfill for burial.

It is estimated that without either solar or wind turbines consuming landfill capacity in the US, in 16 years – or by 2037, the US landfills will be at full capacity. And like every other country we will begin dumping our waste into the oceans.

What oh what will environmentalists say then?

So what exactly have scientists been doing for the past 2400 freaking years?

Science did not translate to technology and godlike proportions until relatively perhaps 200 years ago.   Prior to that they didn’t do a whole lot of self righteous ego calamities given science was on par with – philosophy.   Like Plato.   Or Aristotle.

Doctors and such have only elevated their professions to the nth degree in the last 100 years!

Pharma has only existed for about 80 years.

In the span of reality – they are infants.

And according to the very esteemed Steven Hawking, scientists could be the impetus to the annihilation of the entire universe and mankind in their inflated ego and recklessness.

But the mantra of the liberal elite and the 8th grade Hollywood climatologists is “Follow The Science”.


Simply, to replace God.


Because as long as people adhere to, and believe in, and have faith in, God, they can not be cowered, usurped, controlled, and devoured into the pits of communism.   And communism is an empty soul. A robotic deviance without creativity, desire, individualism, humanity, space, compassion and love. Under communism, humans revert to animal wherein their only focus is survival.   Food. Shelter.   Propagation.   And the world becomes as it was in the Beginning.

Nuclear Fusion would appear to be an amazing future source of energy.   To be sure!   But given it is a decade away at least, a prudent economist would acknowledge that destroying what is viable today thus creating a void of energy – is simply – STUPID.