Magnetic North Shift – It is The Journey Not The Destination

Germany’s Nature Restoration Law:

Degraded Peatlands.   Ever heard of them?   Few have.    Including me.  But Germany is bending over backward to re-sustain them because they can absorb carbon dioxide and when agriculture farms drain the peatlands, it ummm makes climate bad.   According to no study ever done, across Germany, drained Peatlands account for 7% of greenhouse gas emissions.   In order to ‘rewet’ Peatlands, Germany needs to confiscate farmland and potentially raze entire villages. Greta is singing hallelujah…

Food security is now secondary to ‘protecting nature for future generations’.   Of course if everyone starves there will be no future generation.   But alas I tinker.   The law would allow 30% of all ‘former Peatlands’ exploited for agriculture, you know food, to be restored by 2030 – The Bingo Year – and 70% by 2050 when everyone is dead.

A Peatland forms naturally over thousands of years via decayed plants – but Germany is convinced they can recreate them unnaturally by reducing agriculture output and filling man-made holes in the ground with water.   Germany imports a mere 7.8% of its food.   This self sufficiency is negatively impacting climate, so Germany will import more from other countries across the EU & China causing them to increase production on their agriculture land emitting more greenhouse gases…   And these people run the world.

In essence, every climate solution merely shifts the cause to another source like a shell game.   Windmills are killing our oceans and ocean life.   Lithium batteries require massive amounts of oil and gas and water to manufacture.   But the manufacturing is – over there… not here.   Therefore it doesn’t impact climate change.

From cow diapers to unsold and bankrupt auto dealers trying to sell electric cars, the chaos is embraced by the cluckers and cockadoodledoos.   Across the US the unsold inventory of electric vehicles now stands at nearly double that of the ‘gas-guzzlers’.   Because no one is buying the schtik!

Germany is in the midst of a drought.   We are still in La Nina.   La Nina has always translated to drought in some areas and flooding in others.   That’s what climate does – it changes. Daily.

According to National Geographic, magnetic north has never been stationary.   It is currently moving east from Canada toward Siberia.   Despite thousands of ‘science experts’ across the globe, not a one can say why this magnetic reversal happens, or what the consequences are.   But they do emphatically declare not to worry – it happens all the time.   Anywhere from every 20,000 years to every 200,000 years – give or take a hundred thousand.

Yet somehow, refilling Peatlands and Wetlands will change the weather…and stop magnetic north from moving.   Experts declare.

Earth’s magnetic field is generated within the inner core field of molten metals and the interaction of our atmosphere.   When the magnetic field shifts the earth’s magnetism depletes slowly. Scientists tell us not to worry because the shift could be thousands of years in the future. What they fail to address is – “The Journey”.

It isn’t the ‘arrival’ of the finished event that is of concern, it is the journey.   By actual experience science does know that satellite systems, electronics, and radar can all be disrupted by blips in our magnetic field. Whales and sonar mammals become confused. Other than those minutia of phenomena, mum is the word.

However, the journey would reveal that climate is most obviously affected. Our weather is created via interactions between earths core, space, the moon, planets and the sun.   For example:   this summer we experienced catastrophic rains and hail.   Uncommon for El Nino, more common for La Nina.   Trade winds in the upper atmosphere are directly impacted by earth’s magnetic field where they are essentially created.

Such a journey would also impact volcanoes, earthquakes and other weather events that no amount of windmills or solar panels will dent.   This summer I watched numerous times as two separate and distinct climate systems collided causing torrential rains and hail.   The fronts were typically moving quite fast and low before colliding like two bulls vying for a female.

The only reason the Cartel elite would have in pushing a climate agenda instead of the actual polar shift would be to create a secret buffer zone for themselves when the shiitake hits. Given the Climate Funds are not funding anything of consequence, perhaps the two-book accounting system is being employed.   It has been the mantra of The Pentagon since at least the 60’s when nails would cost $100 each. It is the same system used to create Ukraine Aid.

Depopulation would make sense in this scenario given the depletion of wildlife, crops, and sustenance in a chaotic polar journey.    To survive, people would likely need to move underground.   Bunkers are in style.   But the extent of damage is unknown and the time to regain magnetism as the field continues moving east and south is theorized to be at least 1000 years.

The bunkerites are afraid that if the truth were known on a global level – their plot would be foiled again ~ Dudley!   And commoners might confiscate a few bunkers.   Maybe Bezos thinks he can sail through the storm on his 450 foot yacht.   The solar impact is also considered an ‘unknown’.  But I would imagine the seas will not be kind.

Maybe the photos of UFO’s are simply asteroids?   Breaking through earth’s atmosphere …

The Gurgle on the street is that a UFO Event has been scheduled for sometime in August.   Courtesy of The Cartel.   Who The Heck knows.   What we can swear to on the Bible is ‘these lizard peoples’ in government lie pathologically.   And no amount of climate change is going to make them into ‘better people’ with a conscious and compassion.  

They are no different than the father running from his house during an earthquake leaving his wife and children inside….    

CLIMATE CHANGE: El Nino, La Nina, and Il Stupidio

The United Nations has effectively given up on “Climate Change” and is now focused on “Climate Adaptation”.   Climate Change meant money to throw seeds into the atmosphere to block the sun…   Climate Adaptation means money thrown at improved infrastructure, improved agriculture and mangrove protection and resilient water sources.   In actuality – improved agriculture and infrastructure have been the drop-down expenses for Climate Change – but then no one really pays much attention.

The Green Climate Fund still exists – is still in the business of micro-loans, and has now catapulted the Mangrove Protection initiative – in Vietnam.    Biden Handlers apparently authorized another $1 billion sent to the Fund this past April, and Germany, in the midst of a recession pledged $2 billion euros.   Where’s the money?   Still in the FUND!

The Fund was sitting on $10+ billion in assets as of the last financial report date of 2021 having spent just $2.3 billion cumulatively on project expenses.   The reason for the accumulation is simply that the fund makes loans while hording the cash contributions. The US is the largest donor.

Oddly, no one in Congress seems concerned that an additional $3 billion was just sent to Ukraine and $1 billion to a harvested fund for infrastructure in Asia and Africa while threatening US citizens with a bankrupt Treasury.

According to the UN, the bulk of funding needs to go to those countries which haven’t the means to provide for themselves.   An estimated $300 billion annually is necessary.   Wealthier countries have already contractually committed to $100 billion annually, yet actual receipts average about $2 billion a year.   A BIT of a shortfall.  The absurdity is lost by the fact that this extreme need the Gurus demand has only cost $2 billion total over the last 7 years.  

IF these NGO’s and Governments across the globe would actually bend a knee and speak truth, I doubt they would get the pushback and anger that is cumulatively now exponential.   Climate Adaptation is logical.   But eliminating CO2 – killing trees – causing fires is the same manipulative means that is used to incite coups, fraudulent elections, and war.   And the truth is a Biblical Revelation.   Because it reveals the real schism is Satan vs. God – the children of Satan, vs. the children of God.

The newest fear mongering initiated by the MSM is that our La Nina system is about to switch back to El Nino.   These are the two fronts associated with changing weather patterns identified and used as a base mean for determining future scenarios.   They were identified decades before the Industrial Revolution that is pinpointed as the eternal blame of all things Climate Bad.

Recognized as the drivers of global climate – these two systems routinely shift every two or three years.   Although we have only been in a La Nina front for the last year, it is not uncommon for the shifts to vary.   Even these events are subject to interpretation.

“According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association’s Climate Prediction Center, NOAA, there’s a more than 90% chance that an El Niño will develop from May to June persisting into the winter. And while it hasn’t been declared yet, it probably will be declared soon.”

There are two glaringly ludicrous statements  in the NOAA determination:   1)   90% chance must be based on scientific facts,   2)   NOAA is a self proclaimed ‘Prediction’ center.     The means for making this prediction is based on the surface temperatures of the Pacific Ocean between December 2022 and May 2023 – at the equator.   Accordingly, the US weather should see more rain and snow.   Yet, in California, they have been experiencing floods – during La Nina.   Colorado has 150% of water capacity due to heavy winter snows and rain.   Which would indicate that NOAA has a Houston Problem!

The Prediction Club has been hustled by the Media with headlines stating Catastrophic HEAT during El Nino… In other words, our esteemed Climate Expert Scientists still don’t understand climate, climate patterns, climate shifts, and the ensuing causes.   But they are more than willing to parlay Catastrophic Warnings…

At the end of the day, we have gone from a Chicken Little Ice Age – to Global Warming – to Climate Change – to Climate Adaptation in just a few decades within the spectrum of thousands of years of tree ring readings. IF Science can’t figure out the weather patterns after 200 years of research, thousands of members of the Expertise Club, and billions, if not trillions in “Funding” – I would suggest they find a different occupation to confuse and conflate.

Animals have done better.

TEXAS ELECTRIC GRID: A Corporate Enterprise Collapses

Wind power in Texas is privately held. It has absolutely nothing to do with a governor or senator.   The largest farm, Los Vientos, is owned by Duke Energy. The second largest is Roscoe Wind Farm which covers 100,000 acres and is owned by RWE a German company with revenues over $14 billion. It was initially installed in 2008.   Turbines have a typical lifespan of about 18-20 years.   The third largest producer is NextEra Energy, Inc, a major donor to Jeb Bush in the 2016 presidential election.

These private companies lease the land from ranchers and farmers and pay a royalty on their energy production revenues.   Local energy utilities then purchase the power for resale on the grid to customers. Customers have the right to ‘choose’ among a number of alternate utility companies.

But apparently blame has been reduced to red vs blue, republican vs democrat, when in fact the finger pointing is more relevant toward corporate governance. The entire solar/wind phenomena was instituted by corporate agendas for-profit!

Of course, no ginormous mega freeze is allowed to go unchartered without the New York Times spewing blame at global warming.   In an article today, their very scientific knowledge comes from a ‘reporter who focuses on climate’.   In a Question/Answer commentary, John Schwartz, provides his scientific knowledge of how and why polar freezes are caused by warming. Of course, his bio reveals that he has a blast writing humor, technology, space travel as well as science despite absolutely no education background that would qualify him as an expert in anything. By degree, he is a lawyer.

Utility companies are NOT responsible for wind and solar failure either.

CenterPoint Energy:   “There is not enough electricity from third party generators.

Oncor Electric:  Reporting damaged infrastructure due to extreme weather.   “Along with solar and wind, natural gas-fueled micro-turbines, diesel-fueled engines, batteries, and landfill gas are common components of DG”.

Of course, electric cars put an added strain on the grids, and that market may find itself in a flux as the current La Nina’s typical weather pattern lasts anywhere from 2 months to seven years. This estimate of between 2 and 84 months reveals the insanity of climatologists attempting to ‘predict’ anything.   And the level of fraud in claiming global warming is unaccountably wholly criminal. The NOAA acknowledges that future predictions of weather are unreliable and often involve a lot of ‘guesswork’.

WHY wasn’t Texas put on notice weeks before the event?

La Nina is considered the cold phase of weather affecting southern regions of the Pacific.

October 2020, climatologists warned of a severe ENSO phase of La Nina which bends the polar jet stream south. But other factors come into play including volcanic activity which tends to create a deflection of sunlight.   But monitoring these phenomena didn’t even begin until the 1950’s – therefore providing a ‘prediction’ is based on a relatively short span of conditions.

There are 45 volcanoes across the globe with continuous eruptions.   There are currently 23 ongoing volcanic eruptions in: Italy, Guatemala, Russia, US, Indonesia, Japan, Chile, Grenadines, and Papua New Guinea.

Multiple factors contribute to weather anomalies.   But what this Texas outage reveals is that our grids are tenuous and solar and wind are NOT going to replace fossil fuel generation anytime in the near future.   Electric cars are NOT viable unless the grids are amped up significantly.   And further ‘cooling’ of the sun as per the Bill Gates stupidity is on par with a serious terrorist threat.

And fyi:   Synthetic meat is made from dead cows cells.   Where will they get cows in order to cultivate those cells?   What is the nutrient value of synthetic GMO meat?   Can a person’s system process those GMO chemicals? NONE of these questions have been answered at all.

Once again the mental IQ acuity of Bill Gates is more and more questionable and less and less reliable.   I’ve lowered my estimate from 100 to 90.

Climate Change – 2015 Hottest Year on Record

The claim that 2015 is the hottest recorded year in history is – well – pathetic, it is Environmental Politics. Even looking it up on Wikipedia, we can see this is a ridiculous claim by the following graph.




The claim is actually based on a relatively short period of time from a scientific analysis, which makes it rather ‘unscientific’. It dates from the mid 1800’s to the present. While the graph above presents a significantly different picture of overall patterns and illustrates we are well below a baseline of -0- and more likely in a ‘trend’.

IN another graph that purports to simulate the temperatures and CO2 levels since the beginning of time, aka 4.6 billion years ago… overall CO2 has steadily decreased dramatically, and mean temperatures have shown a peak cap and a plummeting drop every one to two million years. Even more interesting is that we are currently in a trough that is way overdo to spike dramatically according to normal cyclical fluctuations.

That chart can be found at:

Within the temperature and climate studies we have what scientists term, two ‘naturally occurring events’, ‘El Nino’ and ‘La Nina’, one represents warmer ocean currents, the other cooler, and they are both relatively cyclical. So, what are the consequences of an El Nino, as we are currently within its cycle?

  1. It puts a strain on the fishing industry as the cold nutrient rich waters are suppressed by the reduction of easterly trade winds and a warmer surface ocean.
  2. Rain driven commodities in South Africa, Australia, India, Chile, New Zealand and Japan are stunted giving benefit to commodities in the US, Canada, Mexico and Argentina.
  3. Mosquito born diseases rise
  4. Because of changes in the climate, some countries experience greater famine which can lead to changes in economic growth, and/or civil uprisings.

The last La Nina event was in 2012 which coincides with California’s three ½ year drought, only to be flooded as we experience El Nino. Prior to that, La Nina occurred in 2008, 2006, 2001, 1999, 1996, and then a wet span of El Nino occurred from 1988 to 1996, a relatively long period comparatively. We have relatively little recorded information historically as it wasn’t a recognized phenomena until the late 1800’s by a Chilean using information obtained by local fishermen. So, like temperature and CO2 levels, El Nino events have a recorded life of a mere 125 years or so.

While California would have us believe this last drought was the most severe in history, this too is media mumbo-jumbo. Studies of the last 200 years based on tree rings and sediment evidence, have provided scientists with an historical value for drought periods. The most extensive droughts occurred between 850 and 1050 AD and again between 1100 and 1300 AD. In fact, since 1300, we have been experiencing a wetter than average condition.

And while it does appear we are on the cusp of the beginning of a spike in global temperatures, if these scientific analyses are correct, then instead of trying to change what is inevitable, perhaps we should be mitigating the absolute affects this spike can cause.  As in – Boy Scouts ‘be prepared’.

As in all analyses, where you begin your graph dramatically alters the perception of trend. And for some unknown reason, instead of simply presenting the facts, scientists and the media like to advocate for fear mongering and doom instead of truth and solution.

But then keeping people in a place of fear – is a terrorist tactic to create and maintain ‘control’. Whether it is done by ISIS or by our own governments and politicians, the ultimate affect serves an agenda. Given that California has done little to nothing over the last 125 years to solve their continuing ‘drought’ problem, I would venture it is a political cause to perpetuate doom and gloom without ever really addressing a solution based on historical trends and Truth ‘science’.

Fear is the agenda – because fear cripples.