Climate Change – 2015 Hottest Year on Record

The claim that 2015 is the hottest recorded year in history is – well – pathetic, it is Environmental Politics. Even looking it up on Wikipedia, we can see this is a ridiculous claim by the following graph.




The claim is actually based on a relatively short period of time from a scientific analysis, which makes it rather ‘unscientific’. It dates from the mid 1800’s to the present. While the graph above presents a significantly different picture of overall patterns and illustrates we are well below a baseline of -0- and more likely in a ‘trend’.

IN another graph that purports to simulate the temperatures and CO2 levels since the beginning of time, aka 4.6 billion years ago… overall CO2 has steadily decreased dramatically, and mean temperatures have shown a peak cap and a plummeting drop every one to two million years. Even more interesting is that we are currently in a trough that is way overdo to spike dramatically according to normal cyclical fluctuations.

That chart can be found at:

Within the temperature and climate studies we have what scientists term, two ‘naturally occurring events’, ‘El Nino’ and ‘La Nina’, one represents warmer ocean currents, the other cooler, and they are both relatively cyclical. So, what are the consequences of an El Nino, as we are currently within its cycle?

  1. It puts a strain on the fishing industry as the cold nutrient rich waters are suppressed by the reduction of easterly trade winds and a warmer surface ocean.
  2. Rain driven commodities in South Africa, Australia, India, Chile, New Zealand and Japan are stunted giving benefit to commodities in the US, Canada, Mexico and Argentina.
  3. Mosquito born diseases rise
  4. Because of changes in the climate, some countries experience greater famine which can lead to changes in economic growth, and/or civil uprisings.

The last La Nina event was in 2012 which coincides with California’s three ½ year drought, only to be flooded as we experience El Nino. Prior to that, La Nina occurred in 2008, 2006, 2001, 1999, 1996, and then a wet span of El Nino occurred from 1988 to 1996, a relatively long period comparatively. We have relatively little recorded information historically as it wasn’t a recognized phenomena until the late 1800’s by a Chilean using information obtained by local fishermen. So, like temperature and CO2 levels, El Nino events have a recorded life of a mere 125 years or so.

While California would have us believe this last drought was the most severe in history, this too is media mumbo-jumbo. Studies of the last 200 years based on tree rings and sediment evidence, have provided scientists with an historical value for drought periods. The most extensive droughts occurred between 850 and 1050 AD and again between 1100 and 1300 AD. In fact, since 1300, we have been experiencing a wetter than average condition.

And while it does appear we are on the cusp of the beginning of a spike in global temperatures, if these scientific analyses are correct, then instead of trying to change what is inevitable, perhaps we should be mitigating the absolute affects this spike can cause.  As in – Boy Scouts ‘be prepared’.

As in all analyses, where you begin your graph dramatically alters the perception of trend. And for some unknown reason, instead of simply presenting the facts, scientists and the media like to advocate for fear mongering and doom instead of truth and solution.

But then keeping people in a place of fear – is a terrorist tactic to create and maintain ‘control’. Whether it is done by ISIS or by our own governments and politicians, the ultimate affect serves an agenda. Given that California has done little to nothing over the last 125 years to solve their continuing ‘drought’ problem, I would venture it is a political cause to perpetuate doom and gloom without ever really addressing a solution based on historical trends and Truth ‘science’.

Fear is the agenda – because fear cripples.

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