FACT CHECK Organizations – Liberal, Biased and Comical

A new and improved Fact checking – media bias – organization is making its way around the world of news – creatively calling themselves ‘media bias fact check’.   Organized in 2015, their tag line is ‘the most comprehensive media bias resource’.  The founder/editor Dave Van Zandt states that he uses volunteers to do his bidding and that he has a degree in communications.   Some of his fact checking point pieces link back to PolitiFact, another fact checking media bias organization.   Many, if not most, of these unbiased unaffiliated fact check checkers are hugely biased and left leaning and are promoted by Facebook as the real deal.  

In actuality, they aren’t remotely the real deal, and so incredibly biased it could be comical, except that some people actually believe them.

One of PolitiFacts latest scourge was to call Trump a half-liar because he said the Democrats wanted the wall before he wanted the wall.  According to PolitiFact, not all Democrats wanted the wall, just Hillary, Schumer, and Obama.  Secondly, they didn’t build a wall – they built a fence.   Really!  Therefore, Trump lied.  Really! That is their logic and rationale.

PolitiFact is funded by the uber liberal Knight Foundation, and it’s CEO, Alberto Ibarguen, who are heavy donors to Clinton.  Other liberal donors include, Ford Foundation, Democracy Fund, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.  The Democracy Fund was created by Pierre Omidyar of eBay and donated heavily to Hillary, Obama and Pelosi.  A prevue of their site is much like reading the Washington Post – it is a swarmy replication of anti-Trump, anti-Hannity, pro-Obama cheap-o-meter garbage.

In 2018, The Poynter Institute acquired PolitiFact.    The Poynter Institute receives its funding from Omidyar, Bill and Melinda Gates, Google, Open Society Foundations, National Endowment for Democracy and the Park Foundation.

The National Endowment For Democracy is funded by none other than the US Congress.   The President of NED is Carl Gershman who previously served as Executive Director of Social Democrats USA, and was an officer of the Young Peoples Socialist League.   In 2006, he laughingly stated that he’s not really a Socialist, he’s now a Democrat…

PolitiFact now utilizes a live fact stream whereby they claim the moment a politician makes a statement on television, it is fact checked for being true or false which means a) they have to make an analysis within seconds,  and b) john Q public is immediately streamed a Democrat liberal bias.

While PolitiFact desperately highlights the fact that they won a Pulitzer Prize, a)   The Pulitzer has been discredited routinely for only rewarding liberals – over a 31 year span only 5 conservatives won prizes for commentary,  and b) in order to be considered for the prize, you enter yourself and pay an entry fee.  For example, the current administrator on the board formerly worked for the liberal – New York Times.  Essentially it is much like Hollywood’s Golden Globes, wherein liberal Hollywood honors liberal Hollywood.

So what we have is an unbiased, unaffiliated fact checker organization funded by Socialists, Democrats, and Soros that is promoted as the Real McCoy by Facebook to shut down Trump, bloggers and conservatives as ‘false’ while regurgitating fake news.

Snopes has been around since 1994 and was created by David and Barbara Mikkelson.   It too has claimed to be unbiased, unaffiliated, and just a good ole boy urban legend outfit that happens to be used by MSNBC, CNN, The New York Times, and Forbes.

Snopes was fact checked by Factcheck.org which gave it an A+++.  Factcheck.org is owned by the Annenberg Foundation and was launched by former CNN reporter, Brooks Jackson.  No bias there…   In 2015, Barbara and David Mikkelson went through a very nasty, bitter, scandal fueled divorce in which she claimed that he was spending their ad money like it was jelly beans, hiring prostitutes, and looting the company.  Barbara filed a lawsuit.   He countersued.  David is now sole owner of Snopes has remarried and hired on his staff, Elyssa Young, a former escort and porn actress.  In 2004, Elyssa ran for Hawaii’s 1stCongressional District as a Libertarian and lost flatly.  David has also hired as one of his principle fact checkers, Kim LaCapria, whose former experience includes her own blogosphere site, Vice Vixen, an exploitive site that discussed sex, sex toys, hedonism and fetishes.  She brags that she is high on pot when she writes for Snopes.

Many of the Fact Checking sites are so biased it is absurdity at its finest, or lowest, it is a form of censorship, it is replete with fakery and anonymity.  They are supported and funded by liberal Democrats bent on feeding the public a Mockingbird of information.  Basically, they work for the same liberal media they fact check…  Coockoo… 

Wikipedia: A Facebook/Google Protege

Sometime ago I got hooked on the phrase “Follow The Money”.  It has proven to be even more than I could possibly imagine.  And today was proof again.

I was reading that Breitbart has been delisted from Wikipedia as a source, and they are further considering blacklisting.  And while Wikipedia has a history of controversies, including the fact that most schools prohibit Wikipedia from being used as a citation, they seem to have jumped onto the Facebook – Google Bandwagon, and their Liberal bias is just as perverse, if not more so!

Wikipedia is actually owned by Wikimedia Foundation which is governed by a Board and has as it’s current Executive Director, Katherine Maher.  Her bio states that she worked for the National Democratic Institute, an NGO whose Chair is Madeleine Albright, a Trilateral confederate, and whose source of funding includes the US Department of State, as well as the governments of Australia, Denmark and Belgium.   The Board Chair of the Foundation, Christophe Henner, has no Wikimedia profile at all – a rather bizarre oddity.

In case that doesn’t hit a home run, that means, a US NGO that is pro- Clinton, Soros, and everything Liberal is funded by ALL US taxpayers as well as governments from very Liberal/Socialist countries…  The irony being that Republicans are funding Liberal NGO’s!  I’m sure they find this very humorous…

Ahhh, but it gets better.

In 2015, Wikipedia attempted to launch “Knowledge Engine” which aimed to created a loop of sorts that would take internet searches back to them no matter the content or the Google search wording.  The funding for this cryptic engine was the Knight Foundation.  In line with numerous media outlets; NBC, ABC, NYT, and WAPO, The James L. Knight Foundation also backs the Investigative News Network, INN, which is funded by Soros Open Society Foundation, and is possibly the most-well-known journalism foundation. Knight President and CEO, Alberto Ibargüen, is on the board of directors for ProPublica.

Pro-Publica is affiliated with The New York Times and gets it’s funding from; Open Society Foundation, Knight Foundation, MacArthur Foundation, Ford Foundation Pew Charitable Trusts, The Carnegie Corporation and the Atlantic Philanthropies.  We can assume – that all these foundations are interlinked within the Democrat Foundation, ie, The Swamp.

How deep does it go?

The founders of Wikipedia, Larry Sanger and Jimmy Wales, made their debut launching an ‘adult content’ erotica portal that Wales likened to Maxim magazine. Many of the Trustees and Board author content for Wikipedia under pseudonyms, many of which have German tenure and nearly all, if not all, would appear to be – Liberals.

What this reveals is a very intense demonstrative action to – rewrite history.  To eradicate all but one thought process.  And to dummy down, not just the US, but the world when it comes to people, events, and even – opinion.  Wikipedia has a huge presence in Germany, Australia, UK, Canada, India, etc… They crafted themselves as the purveyor of knowledge, the definer of history, and the opinion of mankind.

And now, they have chosen to defame sources that they deem do not align with their World Agenda.

The extent to which we have been manipulated only seems to grow exponentially with the unveilings.  We are all sources.  We were all duped.  We have all been manipulated at some point.  And yet, these people, these web communities, would seem to have absolutely no self examination or guilt.   Instead they would seem to take pride in the extent to which they can fool and demonize.  These people that Jimmy Wales surrounded himself with came from Google, JP Morgan, Semantic, Quora, the UN, etc…, with a very large presence coming from – Merkel’s, Germany.

The same Merkel who censors media and promotes the criminal offense of saying anything anti-Islam.

The bio’s of these affiliates of Wikimedia are typically referred to as so-and-so of the Wikimedia Movement.  “Our aim was to identify a common strategic direction that would unite and inspire people across our movement on our way to 2030, and help us make decisions.”

Each month on average, Wikipedia is viewed more than 15 billion times, and accessed by more than 1 billion unique devices.  More than 200,000 editors are volunteers.  German researchers rank Wikipedia high as a reliable source…  And this one is quite grand!  Researchers at Harvard, the same Harvard that has produced MOST of The Swamp, concluded that Wikipedia’s editors are critical reliable resources for verifiable topics and concerns…


Of course, this glowing tribute was written by a California lawyer within the law firm associated with the Milken Institute.  If you remember!  Michael Milken was convicted on felony charges for violating SEC laws, racketeering and his charitable giving.

Not exactly a stellar resume for lauding Wikipedia!  FOLLOW the Money, but also follow the Lineage.

At any rate – we can see from the Money Flow – where Wikipedia stands and why it is in line with the Liberal persuasion of Google and Facebook, why it utilizes it’s influence to create a burgeoning false agenda and how it specifically targets that design.

Buyer – Beware.

Facebook Partners with The Atlantic Council on Censorship

Oh Brother, as if Facebook couldn’t get any worse, Zuckerberg announced the new and exciting launch of a collaboration/partnership with The Atlantic Council, and here is their job description:

“security, policy and product teams” to offer “real-time insights and updates on emerging threats and disinformation campaigns from around the world. The Atlantic Council’s Digital Research Unit Monitoring Missions will help Facebook watch out for “misinformation and foreign interference” during “elections and other highly sensitive moments” and also work to “help educate citizens as well as civil society.”

What the heck!

The primary funders behind The Atlantic Council include:   UAE, Bahaa Hariri – a Saudi Lebanese businessman who is brother to the PM of Lebanon, Adrienne Arsht – wife of Myer Feldman who was advisor to Johnson, Abu Dhabi Oil, UK, NATO, Wallenbergs – prominent Swedish bankers, Norway, Japan, Google, Rockefellers, HSBC, US State Department, US Army and Navy, JP Morgan, Turkey, Latvia, Cyprus, Slovakia, Ukraine… the list is extensive.

An interesting group of countries that will be Facebooks tag team for censoring.

Of course, it doesn’t end there.   According to a Breitbart report in 2016, Ploughshares Fund, which is financed by Soros Open Society, helps fund The Atlantic Council – and was instrumental in helping market the Iran Nuclear Deal with Obama.

So it is official. Facebook has sold out to Soros and as such will manipulate all US elections utilizing their market manipulation techniques, censorship and propaganda to ‘educate us idiots’.

We are in desperate need of a Facebook alternative – quickly!

Three days ago, 3 million Facebook users who use a personality app in conjunction with Facebook had all their private personal details hacked and visible for all the world to see, use, and record for future purposes…   The data sets were controlled by David Stillwell and Michal Kosinski at the University of Cambridge’s The Psychometrics Centre.

Facebook is also using Artificial Intelligence to weed out fake accounts, graphic accounts, violent accounts, hate speech accounts, and those that don’t meet their ‘standards’.   This year alone 583 million ‘fake accounts’ were deleted.   Facebook has well over 2 billion users. The US has greatest number of accounts followed by: India, Brazil, Indonesia, Mexico, UK, Turkey, Philippines, France and Germany.

Odd, but Russia doesn’t even make the top ten…and yet is the dominant villain.

Utilizing the Atlantic Council’s Digital Forensic Research Lab to attack all the fake news and hate speech, their senior fellows include: Eliot Higgins of Bellingcat and Ben Nimmo who they humorously coin as their “Sherlocks”.

Ben Nimmo was NATO’s lead press officer on Russia and Ukraine from 2011 to 2014.   He has been called out numerous times for claiming that western individuals who question the neoliberal agenda and criticize their stories are Russian Bots – and thus had their accounts deleted.   Both Nimmo and Higgins, UK operatives, are quite verbal in their anti-Trump, anti-Russian agenda reporting extensively on anti-Assad issues, and pro- White Helmets.  Bellingcat is funded by the UK.

They have both been instrumental in making their false claims about the collusion of Trump and Putin in the election meddling campaign of Mueller, and are quite possibly players in the UK based Trump Dossier scandal.

THEPROPORNOT website is a shadowy organization that claims to have inside information about all the fake news sites – providing a list of those to delete.   The organization has been used as a ‘source’ for Washington Post articles, The Daily Beast, Foreign Policy, CNN, RFE/RL, The Interpreter, and The Kiev Post. According to an investigation done by The Consortium News, all the players work Ukrainian intelligence, and their Broadcasting Board of Governors included two people who actively worked on Hillary’s campaign; Michael Kempner and Karen Kornbluh.

The Swamp in the UK is becoming quite a prolific Player in the pro-Hillary and anti-Trump consortium, which would mean that by default Soros has control over MI6 – and Theresa May.

In essence, the circle always seems to find its way back to Hillary and Soros. And so, we face one of the largest censorship and propaganda campaigns this country has ever seen since the Mockingbird agenda of the CIA.

Netanyahu: Fighting The Fall of Israel

An organized, prolific attack against Netanyahu has been mounted by Soros Open Society Foundation through such groups as; Adalah, a human rights organization defending the rights of Palestinian Arabs, The Movement for Quality Government in Israel (funded by MEPI a US State Department program), Yesh Din (an organization that attacks law enforcement suspected of harming Palestinians), and The New Israel Fund (a NY nonprofit organization dedicated to ‘democratic change in Israel).

Changing Israel from within is a progressive cause with roots in the US among younger influential money wielders. But there is an obstacle – Netanyahu, a right thinking conservative who refuses to break apart Israel into a two state region.

According to RT.com, a Reshet poll was recently conducted in which 49% of Israeli’s believe the account of the Israeli police that Netanyahu did accept bribes.   Reshet is 51% owned by the Ofer family, Sammy Ofer, one of the brothers, is a devout Liberal, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, and a backer of the Labour Party.

Is the Poll significant? Is it even real?

The Open Society and the US State Department are not the only funding sources behind this attack against Netanyahu, other sources include the governments of Norway, Netherlands, Germany, and the UK, as well as foundations such as Oxfam and NDC.

The NDC Foundation, (NATO Defense College Foundation), Senior Advisory Board lists ambassadors from Bahrain, Oman, Kuwait, UAE, Qatar, Egyptian Council for Foreign relations, VP of Lockheed Martin, The Global Policy Institute, and more.

This would indicate that all these Middle Eastern countries and European countries are working in conjunction with NATO, the US State Department, and the Soros Open Society Foundation to ‘reinvent’ Israel as a Palestinian aligned, Arab aligned, nation… by working to impeach Netanyahu and impose a new Progressive Democratically aligned Prime Minister.

It would appear that there are two opposing governments operating within the same government state for the US and the EU. Rogue and unfettered, one operates from the shadow podium whereby a World agenda is systematically interred. The other – is fading. While there remain a few good men, men who fight honorably, their battle needs new alliances because the mainframe of the EU has Fallen and Israel is under attack.

Over the last ten months an all out attack to discredit Netanyahu has been levied in the form of fraud and bribery charges in which he is said to have gained about $280,000 in various gifts.   The gifts mentioned include cigars and champagne… In addition, there are unfounded claims that Netanyahu intervened in awarding a military contract for submarines to German contractor, ThyssenKrupp.   The allegations are not just against Netanyahu, but are aimed at his highest level politicians and military leaders.

Thus the purge would be quite ‘thorough’.

If a Palestine state was created within the bounds of Israel, it is not only land that would be forfeited, but water rights, gas rights, and food resources as well.   Israel could plunge into an economic death spiral as more Arabs moved into Palestine and consumed the scarce resources.   In addition, the birth rate of Palestinians is far greater than that of Israeli Jews (Palestinian: 31.9 per 1000; Israeli: 2.5.3 per 1000) and within a short time frame, the population disparity could lead to a complete existential crisis.

The EU already faces such a crisis and will soon reap what it has sown as it merges with the Middle East to become a block of the Middle Eastern nations.

The world according to Soros was outlined in the Ayn Rand book, Atlas Shrugged, in which a dystopian society based on Marxism and Socialism takes control. Invading the EU, immigrants have changed the rule of law, imposed chaos, and devastated entire countries in a wake of destruction.   Sweden is rocked in no-go zones that the government censors from media publication because it might make them ‘look bad’.   Rape, stabbings, child brides, assaults have all risen exponentially while firefighters require police protection in these no-go zones.   Grenades are the new weapon of choice as there is a plentiful supply and often for free when accompanied by the illegal purchase of firearms from other EU and ME countries.

The media is required to stifle this information by – the respective governments.

As Israel’s EU alliances disappear, new alliances will form. China?   Soros has made it clear that China is a part of The New World Order… apparently, China feels it is the New World Order – Soros has both played and demonized China with fanatical losses. He has sought the economic destruction of Russia – and lost.   Thus the powerhouses that could bring down the Soros cabal and the shadow governments within would be the countries that Soros can not break – China and Russia.

The mainframe EU has fallen.   Trump is squarely facing the demons, but he needs alliances. Powerhouses.

The Green Climate Fund – A Soros Child

A funny thing happened on the way to the Forum, everyone cheered, but no one Changed… Germany has declared that it will not meet it’s Climate Change goals for 2020, China says it’s emissions will continue to rise through 2030, and France is mum, as in maybe no one in Paris will notice they have actually done – nothing. Six countries in the EU boast that they have met their goals as stipulated by the EU Commission; Hungary, Croatia, Greece, Bulgaria, Portugal and Romania. YEAH! Except they already complied as of 2014, because their goals were minimal and the economic crisis required ‘belt tightening’, so technically in order to meet goals they had to do – nothing.

So, despite the humbra of toxic words, toxic air hovers large and in charge.

Apparently, The Green Climate Fund is the body tasked with collecting and disbursing pledged funds from countries across the globe.   A quick overview: Japan has disbursed roughly 50% of pledges, Germany a third, The Netherlands a third, France roughly half, China -0-, UK about 2/3, and US 1/3, India -0-, and South America -0.

Of the $10 billion collected by The Green Climate Fund, roughly $45 million was spent on Administrative Expenses in 2017, and $35 million in 2016. Apparently, these hard working Board Members work on average – 10 days per month.   According to the 990 Tax Return dated 2014, it would appear that they raised about $88 million paid some salaries and operating costs and banked the balance. In 2017 they needed to create a investment fund management IT system to handle all the cash… Poor Babies.

Their latest project includes solving the Ethiopian drought problem thru an investment of $45 million to be developed over a five year period.   So far, they haven’t actually ‘done’ anything except draft a proposal – funding = $0.   They have pledged $38.5 million toward Columbia in order to improve the ecosystem.   This too is a proposal for which no actual work has been done and no money disbursed.   They have pledged $57 million to Argentina in the form of a “Loan”, $0 actually disbursed. There is an outstanding pledge grant of $31.4 million to Egypt for infrastructure rebuilding, nothing disbursed. A grant of $26.9 million to Nauru, the world’s smallest island, for the purpose of developing a climate resistant port. No dollars disbursed.

In fact, it would appear that the funds are primarily targeting ‘infrastructure and water shortages’. Both of these issues are certainly important, they just aren’t about changing the global warming trend that the fund stipulates to be their purpose.  So why are they funding these projects?

Who are the recipients? Namibia, Morocco, Senegal, Maldives, Ecuador, Mali, Gambia, Tualu, Armenia, Vietnam, El Salvador, Fiji, Peru, etc…

A Few Examples:

Malawi: USAID has been working with the government of Malawi for years to help mitigate agricultural shifts and provide drought security. USAID budget request for 2018 was $15.4 billion. So why is the Green Fund duplicating USAID?

Maldives: They have been battling a losing battle as the sea’s rise and the islands are swamped. Their 2008 government plant to abandon ship and relocate was dismissed and a $10 billion contract with the Saudi’s was initiated whereby they would secure their shipping route safety and develop the islands for tourism relocating thousands of local people. So is The Green Fund actually collaborating with the Saudi’s?

Ecuador:   Ecuador has been raising it’s fist to resolve water issues for years. The government has made some radical changes, particularly in energy investment and diversity. Partnering with the European Commission thru EUROCLIMA, they have spent $4.2 billion on energy projects.   They are currently funded by the REDD+ Program within the UN. So why is The Green Fund duplicating funding projects?

It would appear, that The Green Fund is simply a duplicate board tasked with billions of dollars in funding whose purpose may very well be to create a slush fund to give the appearance of battling Climate Change, aka, Global Warming, when in fact it is sustaining the infrastructure, agriculture and energy growth of third world countries. To what ultimate goal?  

Given it’s purported goal is to raise $100 billion per year, it should be noted that it’s Board of Directors is predominantly comprised of Arabs, Africans, and various representatives from the Netherlands, many of whom seem to be devoid of a background, with the exception of the Globalist, Leonardo Martinez-Diaz. He has written extensively on globalizing emerging and developing countries in order to create a Global Order. He is a Global Director at Sustainable Finance Center at the World Resources Institute.

World Resources Institute partners with the George Soros – Open Society Foundations.

And there you have it: The Green Climate Fund, which is demanding contributions in the range of $100 billion annually, is utilizing those funds to create a global network of developing countries so as to ultimately incorporate their governments into a unified One World Order. Climate Change/Global Warming are simply tag phrases to sucker the funds for – The Greater Good of the Order of George Soros.