Justice of Policing Act – 2020: Pelosi’s Kill Police Bill Unveiled…

The Pelosi Democrats have quickly compiled a piece of legislature, Justice of Policing Act -2020, wherein they virtually make every officer accused of misconduct – guilty without actual justice, evidence, or law.

It applies to ‘local law enforcement, including school officers and correctional officers who – acting in good faith, and believing they are in compliance with the law, or even under Constitutional authority – guilty as charged.   The Bill removes any concept of jurisprudence law and replaces it with some bizarre Communist manifesto demand that the officer must prove innocence via documentation and witnesses – otherwise guilt is the assumption.

The Universal declaration of Human Rights, Article 11, in which the presumption of innocence means the prosecution must prove guilt, has been completely voided in Pelosi’s Bill.

And of course, if a state deems it has need of Federal funds to uphold the anti-judicial cause of denunciation of Rights, our taxpayer dollars will be allocated according to Congressional dictates to the tune of $100 million in grants annually for state Attorney Generals and an additional $750million for states and Indian Tribes annually between 2020 and 2022 as well as $25 million stipends here and there and everywhere where deemed necessary by a “Review Board” created by Liberal Congress..

“Deadly Force” shall hereinafter be construed by ‘a reasonable person’, and prosecution against said officer shall be brought by a ‘civilian review board’, the Attorney General of the State, and an independent prosecutor appointed by the Liberal AG.

That would translate to mean that any officer who subdues a criminal for any cause, whether mass murderer, rapist, arsonist, etc… may politely ask said criminal to enter police vehicle voluntarily, and if said criminal refuses, said officer can do – absolutely – NOTHING.   Lest he/she risk being called to the mat for excessive force.

The “Civilian Review Board” shall have power of subpoena, mandatory police power to conduct hearings, authority to utilize complaint trends, authority for representative diversity, policy making authority, and of course – independent funding.

The Bill names specific ‘grassroot organizations that will be given the funding and power to implement all actions against police officers including: NAACP, ACLU, National Council of La Raza, National Urban League, National Congress of American Indians, and the National Asian Pacific American Legal Consortium.   Oddly, White People are omitted from representation… and given Asians are rarely involved in criminal conduct statistically, and given that American Indians are already exempt having their own criminal courts, the entire Bill is an advocate for Blacks ONLY.

Standards for the Bill are based on Obama’s 20th Century Policing Task force implemented in 2015.   This Obama era Task Force shall be a new department within the Department of Justice with 11 subsections – each determining racial rights. Of course, Whites are once again not protected under these departments – only Blacks – the 12% of American citizens committing 50-75% of the crimes.

The Bill requires all precincts to match race statistics for the District within which they serve.   Thus, if a neighborhood is 75% Black – Hispanic, White, Asian and American Indian applicants will only be able to fill open job listings matching their ethnic statistic within that neighborhood.  Otherwise the job will remain – open.

A form of segregation.

There are currently 26 Democrat Attorney Generals representing Democrat/Liberal states.   The “Review Board” shall ascertain whether each state’s Attorney General is compliant according to the Review Board, the Grassroots Agencies, and the sub-departments as appointed by the Liberal review Board, in having met the criteria as set forth in their opinion as identified by this Bill, as to whether they may receive any funding… In addition a registry of every complaint filed by anyone, for anything, anywhere, no matter how frivolous or whether it resulted in any misconduct will be tallied by each State AG!  Said registry shall be made available to the entire public and may be used to launch an allegation against any officer for any purported ‘misconduct’ as determined and stipulated by anyone.  Of course the address, family and and personal information of said police officer shall also be made public should anyone want retaliation or vengeance.

Tactics that are assuredly defined as the use of deadly force include; use of a firearm, a maneuver that restricts oxygen, and tazers.   Officers will be trained to use ‘verbal communication, warnings, and the stabilization of circumstances instead. Of course, officers may not even use these neutral tactics either unless these tactics are deemed proportional – according to the Review Board.

The transfer of military equipment to federal and state law enforcement shall be prohibited.   And law enforcement shall henceforth be called Pussies.

Pelosi is taking Applications now – Who wants to sign up!?

Confederate Flag – justice vs forgiveness

The Civil War, The Confederate Flag, Pearl Harbor, Bolsheviks, Henry VIII – a common theme…

Sometimes morality and legality become intertwined. I was recently debating the issue with a lawyer friend of mine. She was talking about the legal ramifications of property that has been stolen/confiscated and when it should and should not be a legal concern. Property taken by the Nazi’s from the Jews during WWII is considered property of the Jewish people. But property taken from the Greeks by the Romans or British – is not.


If property is stolen as in a spoil of war should the law return the property no matter the time that has lapsed?

When we talk about the American Civil War we zoom in on the the cause and effects and make an arbitrary determination that a flag is symbolic of slavery because it was the succession flag of the Confederates. From a biblical point of view, this would make the flag somewhat of an ‘idol’. As though burning it will change the heart.

Some of the more vocal Hollywooders try to liken Confederacy with Nazism. I suppose that makes Merkel = to Hitler and Putin = to Stalin and Obama = Idi Amin. Should all Italians be punished as descendants of Nero and his depravity? Should all Japanese be likened to Admiral Yamamoto who successfully attacked Pearl Harbor? Should all men be caned for their enslaving of women for centurries? Should all Jews be responsible for the Communist Bolshevik slaughter of the Russian Tzar and his entire family including children?

At what point do we – let it be? Do we put a legal time limit on forgiving – say forty years?

My friend’s point in allowing the return of Nazi spoils but not allowing the return of British spoils of Greek antiquity was that legal chaos would ensue as battle upon battle vied for property rights that were thousands of years old. I see her point, but then in legal terms we would need to put an absolute time limit on the return of property – and by moral right – a legal time limit on holding grudges.

The American Civil War was 150 years ago. It’s history has been written and rewritten, erased and rewritten probably nearly as many times as the years that have passed. Given that the flag of the US represents the slaughter of American Indians, should we abolish it? Should the British burn their flag because it represents a history rife in war, immorality, beheadings, and misery? Should we ban all ancient Roman symbols because they can relate to the atrocities of Nero?

Should we demand that the Japanese, the Germans, the Austrians, the Koreans, the Vietnamese, the Mexicans all create new flags? Will that change their hearts? Where is the defining line?

At what point is Stalin history? Is Henry the VIIIth forgotten? Sweden and Norway were still beheading people into the twentieth century, do we let it go or do we demand submission?

While forgiveness is a form of letting go, it is also a form of moving forward, taking responsibility, and striving to make sure what happened, never happens again. We can’t do that if we keep using the past as justification for bitterness. Surely, the demented boy who shot the church goers while in service was heinous! But that boy should be convicted as one – not a race. It is no different than convicting all blacks every time a black person robs, attakcs, or executes another. The mistake is repeated but now in a grandly hypocritical way. To put so much value in a symbol, an idol, a flag, will do nothing but create a new rage of injustice. It is merely shifting the target, the cause, the source, and giving it a new breath.

The Confederate flag may be gone from our history, but slavery has simply morphed and grown exponentially. Perhaps a better focus would be on this heinous cancer of sexual slavery that is allowed to be perpetrated on children of all colors, ages, sizes, genders and class. Perhaps the indignation needs to refocus on what is truly the largest and most perverse injustice today. Not some silly flag – not some overgrown prickly agenda, but on the crime of life.

Maybe holding on to an injustice is something like saving a portion of your meal, putting it in the refrigerator to preserve as leftovers, but eventually finding the food spoils, and soon rots, growing mold and decay from what was once something rather good. Justice is good when properly employed, but when we clutch it with a feverish vengeance, it rots.

We don’t forget – we move on – before our hearts suffer the same consequence and rot, decay and mold.