Klaus Schwab Reimagining The Fourth Reich Democracy

‘With 63 democracies now outnumbered by 74 autocracies, a new Bertelsmann Foundation report highlights a global shift away from democratic governance, exacerbated by recent geopolitical events and the COVID-19 pandemic.  elections in 25 countries have been less free and fair than they were before, according to the study, which also found that in 39 countries freedom of expression and freedom of the press has been increasingly restricted.”

In that vein, Scotland just announced a new law that calls for the immediate arrest of anyone who posts Gob Speak on social media that is not in alignment with the country’s hate speech definition.  Not Nigeria – Scotland.  Police are being trained to spot the nonpatriotic Scots on social media, in bars, on the streets, in their homes, wherever they may be hiding…

Chile is considered a bastion of ‘democracy’ according to this Bertlesmann Report.   The President, Gabriel Boric, is a Socialist – and his ministers are LGBT.  Despite his landslide win in the Presidential election the young WEF agents approval rating tanked to 30% immediately after he took office… Indicating he was planted.

The Bertlesmann Report is based in Germany and is co-aligned with The Economist Democracy Index.  According to The Economist the only full democracies left include:  Canada, Australia, UK, Japan, Greenland, France, Sweden, The Netherlands, Belgium and Germany.   These are the countries whose governments have submit their goyim-cattle to the Protocols.   Every other country is considered flawed, hybrid or authoritarian.   Of course, Russia stands out as the worst country across the globe –

Every country wherein the index is viewed by Bertlesmann ‘experts’ as perfection is in actualiyty a Marxist run country.  The primary basis for the Index determination is election fraud.  Of the 196 countries on earth, 10 have free and fair elections according to The Economist.

Nearly every google entry declares that The Protocols are fake.   The main reasoning?  Because they speak ill of Jews.  Yet they align perfectly with the World Economic Forum Goals – as created by Klaus Schwab – a Jew who claims to have been raised Roman Catholic.  Schwab’s father collaborated with the WWII Nazi’s through his company, Escher Wyss, yet was never remanded or disciplined for this terrorism.   Why?  Schwab’s wife, Hilde Stoll, is also of Jewish heritage.

In working in conjunction with The Club of Rome, Schwab was schooled in the ideology that global warming, pollution, famine, etc… were of no consequence to the planet and realized that the real enemy is humanity itself.   Therefore, if earth is to survive, the vast majority of humanity – must die.  And this belief was put in practice via Big Pharma, Bill Gates and The Zion Military.

The collusion that both Schwab and Soros share in their Nazi aligned histories despite their Jewish race is an interesting contrast to the Hollywood inspired factoid that the Holocaust was about Jews.  But it wasn’t just Schwab who took refuge in Switzerland, Henri de Rothschild also found safety in Switzerland.   How?   Switzerland was not bombed by the Nazis, however, it was bombed by “Allied Forces” who sought to deter their Nazi allegiances.

In essence what the Zion diaspora has managed to do is flip the narrative to that of a Jewish Holocaust as coined in a Hollywood account sometime in the 1970’s.

Antisemitism is aligned with Nazism.   Yet we have three quite prominent Jewish dynasties which collaborated with the Nazis during WWII.  Explaining how and why Nazi scientists survived and were spirited into the US, Canada, Argentina, and Switzerland.

Despite the label, Switzerland has been mired in  ‘election fraud’ allegations in 2019, 2021, and 2022.   Thereby taking a hit on its Election Freedom index…

According to USAID, Democracy is defined as:  A system of governance wherein power is vested in The People via Democratic governance and human rights are critical components of sustainable development and lasting peace.

In the US, human rights have been abolished.  Peace has existed for 17 out of the last 250 years.  Given that elections have always been a proxy of the UK and Zion establishment, governance is vested in war hawks. And ‘sustainable development’ is a creation of the Klaus Schwab Zion Protocols advocating for mass depopulation in order to sustain earth for the Chosen Ones.

In other words, democracy today does not exist and plausibly has never existed.   But the term has been used as a means of mass hypnosis to demonize anyone who does not Follow The Master Craft of the Cartel – Rothschild.  Of course, a global coup is rather difficult when only 10 out of 196 nations or just 5% of the governments have been colonized into the cult – yet their EverReady battery is still operational – albeit on its last watt of life as we round the corner and start looking at what it will take to undo what has been done.

Personally, such an unraveling would require a host of revisions that begins at the top and works its way down.  Otherwise, we are simply spinning and the Fourth Reich will rise in the future….

reimagined as The Chosen Ones.

Confederate Flag – justice vs forgiveness

The Civil War, The Confederate Flag, Pearl Harbor, Bolsheviks, Henry VIII – a common theme…

Sometimes morality and legality become intertwined. I was recently debating the issue with a lawyer friend of mine. She was talking about the legal ramifications of property that has been stolen/confiscated and when it should and should not be a legal concern. Property taken by the Nazi’s from the Jews during WWII is considered property of the Jewish people. But property taken from the Greeks by the Romans or British – is not.


If property is stolen as in a spoil of war should the law return the property no matter the time that has lapsed?

When we talk about the American Civil War we zoom in on the the cause and effects and make an arbitrary determination that a flag is symbolic of slavery because it was the succession flag of the Confederates. From a biblical point of view, this would make the flag somewhat of an ‘idol’. As though burning it will change the heart.

Some of the more vocal Hollywooders try to liken Confederacy with Nazism. I suppose that makes Merkel = to Hitler and Putin = to Stalin and Obama = Idi Amin. Should all Italians be punished as descendants of Nero and his depravity? Should all Japanese be likened to Admiral Yamamoto who successfully attacked Pearl Harbor? Should all men be caned for their enslaving of women for centurries? Should all Jews be responsible for the Communist Bolshevik slaughter of the Russian Tzar and his entire family including children?

At what point do we – let it be? Do we put a legal time limit on forgiving – say forty years?

My friend’s point in allowing the return of Nazi spoils but not allowing the return of British spoils of Greek antiquity was that legal chaos would ensue as battle upon battle vied for property rights that were thousands of years old. I see her point, but then in legal terms we would need to put an absolute time limit on the return of property – and by moral right – a legal time limit on holding grudges.

The American Civil War was 150 years ago. It’s history has been written and rewritten, erased and rewritten probably nearly as many times as the years that have passed. Given that the flag of the US represents the slaughter of American Indians, should we abolish it? Should the British burn their flag because it represents a history rife in war, immorality, beheadings, and misery? Should we ban all ancient Roman symbols because they can relate to the atrocities of Nero?

Should we demand that the Japanese, the Germans, the Austrians, the Koreans, the Vietnamese, the Mexicans all create new flags? Will that change their hearts? Where is the defining line?

At what point is Stalin history? Is Henry the VIIIth forgotten? Sweden and Norway were still beheading people into the twentieth century, do we let it go or do we demand submission?

While forgiveness is a form of letting go, it is also a form of moving forward, taking responsibility, and striving to make sure what happened, never happens again. We can’t do that if we keep using the past as justification for bitterness. Surely, the demented boy who shot the church goers while in service was heinous! But that boy should be convicted as one – not a race. It is no different than convicting all blacks every time a black person robs, attakcs, or executes another. The mistake is repeated but now in a grandly hypocritical way. To put so much value in a symbol, an idol, a flag, will do nothing but create a new rage of injustice. It is merely shifting the target, the cause, the source, and giving it a new breath.

The Confederate flag may be gone from our history, but slavery has simply morphed and grown exponentially. Perhaps a better focus would be on this heinous cancer of sexual slavery that is allowed to be perpetrated on children of all colors, ages, sizes, genders and class. Perhaps the indignation needs to refocus on what is truly the largest and most perverse injustice today. Not some silly flag – not some overgrown prickly agenda, but on the crime of life.

Maybe holding on to an injustice is something like saving a portion of your meal, putting it in the refrigerator to preserve as leftovers, but eventually finding the food spoils, and soon rots, growing mold and decay from what was once something rather good. Justice is good when properly employed, but when we clutch it with a feverish vengeance, it rots.

We don’t forget – we move on – before our hearts suffer the same consequence and rot, decay and mold.