Not surprisingly, Germany’s government thinks the US should take in every refugee who stalks and illegally crosses border.   Given the mass influx in Germany, UK and France has worked so well to further destroy the middle-class and solidify the poor remain poor forever, it is understandable that Germany would want America to be so fruitful as well!

TO support this ideal, Germany allowed an additional 106 refugees housed in Greece to be transported to Germany for resettlement – somewhere.   Proudly boasting a total number of 2060 since April 2020 …   Greece has had the misfortune of housing upwards of 80,000 to 200,000 since the beginning of 2020.   Apparently the actual number is not known.   Thus Germany has released them of the burden of roughly 1% to 2.5%. Not exactly a stellar example. But then Germany is about as open and transparent as China when it comes to information.

Where do German refugees reside once admitted?    In camps.   While Germany loves lauding itself as humane and compassionate while vilifying America, the truth is not exactly in agreement:

These camps lack quality infrastructure and necessary equipment. Some refugees are assigned to shelters such as Tempelhof, where they sleep in a small bed among hundreds of others in one hall.

Due to integration laws that assign family members to different cities, some refugees must endure family separation. Moreover, Germany suspended the family reunification policy between 2016 and 2018 for refugees awaiting their status approval. According to the German government, Germany embassies received 44,736 family reunification applications in 2018, but only granted 1,500 applications.”

These “camps” are routinely burned down.   Camp gangs form and systematically rape young girls and – boys.   Sometimes they set girls on fire.     IN 2015 when Germany welcomed Syrian refugees, 330,000 unaccompanied minors were declared.   Germany assigned ‘some’ to foster homes – the rest were sent to ‘clearinghouses’.   By definition a Clearinghouse is:   a designated intermediary between a buyer and seller in a financial market.

Germany states that all refugee children ‘receive an education’. However, they don’t elaborate as to how they educate Islamic children who speak no German, for how long, or what type of education…  In the Orwellian world of doublespeak – that education could be in ‘prostitution’!

The reality of refugees is nowhere near the frame created by the media – and the Socialist governments.

And still, as the US is exposed to mass illegal border crossings as a direct result of the White House recommendations, they place these children in ‘camps’ or ‘clearinghouses’.   And there is no documentation following up where they go from there.   320 children per day crossing since the WH was invaded, roughly 19,000 children will forever be unaccounted for in the future.

What really happens to them?

We are back to the Obama days wherein for-profit organizations bilk federal tax dollars for the cost to house a migrant.   And these facilities, many of which were privately financed by Congressmen and women,  would charge US taxpayers anywhere from $250 per day to $750 per day – per child.   That would equate to a cost of $91,000 to $274,000 per year per child!

Are you angry yet?   Because I imagine these children are further rented out for pedophiles. And many more killed. Never having been entered into any system.

Follow The Money!

If in fact Germany, as they claim, has taken in 330,000 Syrian refugee children – where are they now?   Did they grow up happy, educated, and honorable for their $91,000 cost per year?   Are they productive members of society?    On the LOW end, those refugees were costing German taxpayers over $30billion ‘per year’. Humanitarian?   Or bilking the system?

Germany ‘projects’ because actual statistics don’t exist, that upwards of 75% of all adult refugees will remain unemployed ‘long term’.   Unfortunately, they don’t define long term which could mean anything from say 5 years to life>>>

SO exactly what is the point in taking ‘refugees’/’illegal immigrants’?

At one time in history, there may have been reasoning.   But that has long ago been replaced with a bilking profit enterprise.

The most recent catastrophe in the US occurred when an SUV crammed with some 26 refugees fleeing Honduras crashed killing the vast majority.   The Media claims these people paid $10,000 for the privilege.   The minimum wage in Honduras is 8800 HNL or $370 per month.   Assuming it is the poverty riddled that desire to escape – how could they possibly accumulate $10,000 to make their getaway?

Obviously the facts do not support the media truth.

Obviously the market for young boys and girls in the US is rising in parallel to a lacking supply for sexual exploitation.

With Pelosi announcing that the massive increase of children in US ‘BORDER Camps’ is an indication of Biden’s ‘love for children’, one has to ask – what – kind – of – love?  Because in fact, in reality, the MONEY would be a clear indicator of something much much more heinous.   And they are charging OUR Accounts for these ‘privileges’.

While Pelosi – giggles insanely.