EU-China Trade Deal: A Joke on Steroids!

It is really no surprise that Germany jumped onboard the China trade deal being finalized with the EU.   Germany has a history of supporting Marxist and Communist regimes having exercised that predilection most notably via WWI and WWII.   And of course, Merkel herself was ‘raised’ a Communist.   Having jumped aboard the Soros train for globalization only served to further reveal Merkel’s roots have always remained where and how she was raised.  Communism For All Comrades!

The EU trade deal with China has been in the making since 2014, and today it became closer to reality subject to some legal affirmations.   The EU believes the deal will open the door to a level playing field for European companies wanting to do business in China.  AH!

While China was already the EU’s second largest trading partner behind the US, the deal was a necessary track for China given lost trade with the US that has negatively impacted their GDP.

But China trade with other countries has hit a brick wall.   Australia is fuming, which resulted in China losing out on needed coal for heating which has wreaked havoc on the country.   Many thousands have likely succumbed to the lacking resource, but far be it for China to be transparent – about anything.

India has emerged as a trading partner with the US to replace China. This switcheroo enraged Xi Jinping and caused him to ramp up border altercations with India.   Not exactly a move that will garner him a renewal of trade, but then China has never been considered masterful at détente or negotiations.

While South America might have been a plausible alternative for China, the multiple coup d’etat’s initiated by the National Endowment For Democracy made that impossible as they decimated the wealthiest countries in South America in favor of dictatorships.

And Africa may appear as a China resource, but it is all built on debt, not actual trade. China’s own corrupted IMF and World Bank have demanded China forgive African debt because, well, Africa can’t pay.   While China has refused, they have also failed to provide an explanation of what collateral they confiscated.   Although Africa is mostly some form of Communism, a mutual friendship will never take place. According to the CCP, Africans are far less intellectually evolved and barbaric.   Integrating the two societies will never occur.

So how much more can Germany and France provide in terms of trade with China while in the midst of an EU recession?   Certainly, not enough.   But it looks good on nontransparent paper written with invisible ink!

As part of the deal, China wants access to the EU’s green energy.   An interesting demand.  But then it reveals that China has no idea how to create a new industry without copying someone else’s.   In the meantime, it also begs the possibility of China simply desiring a backdoor for hacking the EU’s newly created grid so as to shutter it when blackmail looks to be more profitable.

Where is Canada in all this mess?   Given Trudeau relishes pretending he is a Buddhist monk dressing in Indian wedding garb and mumbling ommmmm at inconvenient moments, it is difficult to assume he would suddenly acquiesce to Communism.   But then again we can hardly wait to spy him sporting a Chairman Mao ensemble as he prefers joining The Club and loves his costumes.

In the end, it would appear that the EU is quite clueless with regard to China and their objectives.   China is NOT an ally to anyone.   Never has been, never will be.   China is for China and no one else.   Absorbing countries is their mantra and time is running out.


Because despite the glowing reports of China poised to be a global super power and overtake the US, there remains a teeny-tiny problem.   China lies.   China is a pathological liar rivaling every Democrat and Rhino in the Political sphere of the US.   Or maybe that’s where the US politicians learned the trade – China taught them to lie about everything. Maintain the illusion.   Scorch the media with propaganda and censorship – be like China.  China has no more fresh water.   China can’t produce crops without fresh water.  China will succumb unless they can absorb a country or continent willing to devastate their own population’s water supply – in favor of China’s money.

No one has any idea what China’s GDP is, their growth, their output, their unemployment, their poverty, or their re-education camps, aka, gulags.   Because the only available information comes from the corrupt propaganda machine of the Communist Party.   When media hail China’s progress – it is progress based on what Xi Jinping tells them.   When the media hails China’s response to CoVid, it is based on flagrantly false and fake information perpetrated by Xi Jinping.

The EU is acting like a moronic mentally distressed person bringing Communism to their people.   I doubt The People have any desire to usher in more China given the default crack that took down Italy.   Italy brought Chinese manufacturing into it’s northern hub market. Not jobs.   Factories manned by Chinese.   Italy became the epicenter of the EU CoVid crisis when those Chinese workers, 300,000+, travelled back and forth between the mainland and Italy.

The majority of the most devastating epidemics and pandemics originated in – China.   Now the EU – the Communist Merkel – the Rothschild Macron – would like to sell their countries to the Year of the OX.   The Ox is most compatible with the Rat and Snake.   Barack Obama was born in the year of the Ox.  

I imagine The People of the EU may want to have a say in their destiny come a Communist takeover.   But then Merkel is abdicating her queenship this year and Macron is busily attempting to recreate French elections as his re-election campaign comes due 2022 and his abysmal ratings among the French People are at the bottom of the twalette.   Tch.

The EU-China trade deal is creating a media spook.   It is a bad deal. It is rife with false ‘promises pinky swear’ and will not garner a positive response from EU citizens.   But maybe the mass induction of illegals will uphold the EU Law.   Who knows how they intend to sway their populace – if in fact they even give an Ox ass.

Pope Francis & Vatican Sell Catholics to: CHINA

Pope Francis is calling for the world to revert to the “Natural Order” and calls for all people to live a more ‘austere’ lifestyle so that we can forgive ALL of Africa’s debt burden given they will never be able to repay…

What the Heck?

China is the largest creditor holding $145 billion in debt to various countries within Africa.   While China has announced it will extend some relief to ‘eligible countries whose debt was comprised of zero interest loans’, what China says and what China does rarely interlink.   The problem?   China refuses to discuss or reveal the terms of these purported cancellations, ie the collateral.

What is the Natural Order being promulgated by a Catholic Pope?

Natural Order is a philosophical Karma – it views Divine Order and Government Order as repressive sources that destroy human genetic understanding.   It recognizes that human existence was a random event, and that humans should work to be subservient to the laws of the planet.   In the case of Pope Francis this means all African debt must be forgiven, people should eat less, consume less, fly less, and fuel sources should all be green because we are in a Climate Crisis.

Of course, none of the recommendations apply to Pope Francis given his wide girth enjoys a gluttonous lifestyle, his penchant for travel via private jet, and his embrace of Communism for thee… all while hoarding billions in wealth at the Vatican proper and throughout the world – that is not taxable and not subject to transparency.

And then there is the very allusive context of a deal that is to be signed this September between the Vatican and China.  

While the Vatican has been eerily silent regarding the concentration camps in China which hold over 1 million Uyghurs, Bishop Marcelo Sánchez Sorondo upheld China as the country that is “best implementing the social doctrine of the church.”  

The official statement is that the Vatican will be able to have a say in Chinese Catholics doctrine, and the unofficial statement is that China will have an overlord presence in the Vatican.

Part of the deal between these odd bedfellows is that the Chinese government will be allowed to appoint eight Bishops of their choosing to oversee the Catholic population in China.   One such Bishop presented by China is Coadjutor Bishop Francis An Shuxi, who is a member of the Chinese Catholic Patriotic Association.  Pope Pius XII  vehemently deplored the attitude and activities of the quasi Catholic, Chinese Association and declared the bishops who participated in consecrating new bishops selected by the Association to be  excommunicated.

These China affiliated bishops, with a small b, have pledged their loyalty to the Communist Party which recognizes only Atheism as a religion.   Their appointment is thus symbolic in order to gain access to the wealth and support of the Vatican that Pope Francis is eager to divest.

While Pope Francis may not be a true man of faith, he is also not ignorant of his actions.   He has made clear that he supports communism, Islam, and the Green and Liberal Parties of the US.   He has opted to denounce our sitting President, and entered into the fray of politics like a good Pope should…

Will the appointment of communist party bishops lure the Catholic underground to show their faces?   Will this show of trust result in the final roundup of all Catholics in China to be interred in the Gulags for re-education purposes like the Uyghurs?   Has Pope Francis sold out the 10 million Catholics living in China?

Pope Francis has been the source of much controversy during his 7 year reign.   The first Jesuit Pope, he has embraced the promotion of racial injustice and the protests across the US.   But even more importantly, Francis has attempted to create a One World religion in which there is no evil, no Satan per se, stating that Satan only lives in human perceptions within the mind.   Whether you are Catholic or not, that ideology is anti-Catholicism in that it repudiates the Bible.

Just one week ago, China showed it’s true intention when the Communist Party police arrested Jimmy Lai Chee-ying in Hong Kong for his criticism of the Bejing-Vatican deal and for ‘foreign collusion’. The arrest was conducted by 200 police officers, and included Jimmy’s two sons and two executives from his business, Next Media.   He has been a prolific financial supporter of China’s underground Catholics who have been ignored by the Vatican as they suffer persecution and death if discovered.

The Vatican and Pope Francis have remained silent over this arrest.

Because of China’s new overlay into Hong Kong, Jimmy could be deported to mainland China and tried by the very fair judicial system of the Communist Party under Xi Jinping!

What has Pope Francis promised China?   One can only assume it will not be good for the American people, the vestige of Popes to come, or the Chinese Catholics.   We can be sure, that China is chomping at the bit given they will now have control over the Vatican.