Boris Johnson: King Charles I – treason or hero?

Boris Johnson is now being compared to Charles I who was tried and executed for treason.   Oddly, what the media neglects to understand is that Charles’ ‘treason’ was religiously based during the era in which the Puritans and the Catholics were at odds and Charles lean toward Arminian belief in ‘free will’ and Catholicism was deemed – heretical. 

In essence, Charles came up against his parliament and ultimately imprisoned them given their Puritan views were becoming more and more vehement against Charles religious opinions.   The rumblings of assassination were eminent.  Their rule was dissolved, and Charles presided as Monarch over England, Scotland and Ireland without a parliament for 11 years.

While those opposed to BREXIT are asserting that Boris Johnson is implementing a dictatorship coup, in truth he is fighting for The People who voted for BREXIT and against the insane infighting within a corrupt parliament that has dragged on since 2016 with absolutely no result.

Theresa May’s legacy obliterated, Johnson vowed to uphold the majority vote.   Corbyn and the Soros agenda want a ‘new and improved’ referendum which will likely be rigged.   The obvious question being – why? Why would a new referendum be necessary when there is no allegation of impropriety in the first?

Ultimately, Charles was tried for treason despite the House of Lords objections. The Rump Parliament self declared their power and right to trial and execution.   The charges held Charles acted for his sole purpose in igniting the English Civil War. However, the war was a power play, and the execution of Charles was upheld later to be without merit.

In fact the Rump Parliament, the Puritans, perpetrated ‘a coup’.

If Corbyn and the never BREXITeers were to read the history of Charles I, they might find it necessary to backtrack on their assertion against Johnson given the coup was not invoked by Charles, but by Oliver Cromwell, head of the English Army and a devout Puritan.

Winston Churchill called Cromwell a military dictator. His tolerance of English and Irish Catholics was considered genocidal.

The article in The Guardian by John Rees, completely omits the most relevant frame of the rule of Charles I which was ‘religious freedom’.   He provides a very superfluous narrative recounting a ‘radical mood’ and masses of Londoners.   In fact, the ‘radical mood’ was the Puritans desire to eradicate the Catholics. As in genocide.

Charles I would actually be a somewhat positive declaration in that regard. He advocated to rid his parliament of the radicals, so that his duties as King and warrior could be officiated.

Johnson’s parliament is incompetent. They have demonstrated that fact for the last 3 years.   They are incapable of making a decision with respect to BREXIT and thus have done absolutely nothing during their past three year tenure as a government whose duty is to work for the people.   They have fought, cursed, and been brought to forcible eviction with flailing fists.   The English gentleman – has died.

Instead Rees invokes the claim that businesses demand a deal.  Actually, businesses have already prepped for a no-deal, they’ve had 3 years to do so!

John Rees claims that the Tory-Brexiteers did not vote for a Trump-Johnson no deal.  Which is true.  BREXIT quite simply was a vote to stay or leave the EU.   There was no talk of trade deals, costs, blackmail by the EU Commission, or fees.   That is, until the EU realized they lost and they were up shitake creek!   With 72% turnout, Leave won.   And Remainers act much like Hillary, unable to accept their loss.

With three years now wasted, Boris Johnson is effecting the vote of the people amidst a somewhat convoluted EU Commission attempt to extort money from the UK in an effort to convince them that leaving isn’t worth the cost.  But the people are weary of an ineffectual parliament and want to go on with their lives.

Enter Trump. Trump offers Boris logistical trade deals to help take the smack out of the bite. And the Leavers are hysterical!   Why? Because their argument just tanked. I’m surprised they haven’t called Boris a racist, or Hitler, perhaps that will be their next comical ploy…

In essence, in order for the UK economy to get its footing back, a hard BREXIT is the only way that can be effected. They have floundered in limbo for too long.   With other EU countries flailing miserably in their own economic woes, the EU Commission has lost its position of power. Having rejected every offer brought to the table, they had no intention of ever accepting anything less than a new referendum in which the people voted to stay.

They lost their poker hand and had no more chips.

Know when to hold em, know when to fold em, know when to walk away, and know when to run…

It is time to RUN

US Trade Deficits: A Tariff Equalizer

While the EU is blistering as they attempt to retaliate against Trump’s steel and aluminum tariffs, they are now attempting to target peanut butter and orange juice.   But the trade war isn’t simply the US vs the EU, it is also the EU against the UK!   However, the commodities their economic experts target is rather odd; Brazil accounts for 50% of all global orange juice. US production is in a downward spiral, has been for years, exasperated recently by Florida crops destroyed by Hurricane Irma and – exports are “flat”.   Which means the tariff on orange juice is worth $0.00.  

US peanut butter export partners include Canada, Mexico, Europe and Japan. The European consumers are concentrated in The Netherlands, the UK, Germany and Spain.   Unlike other European countries, The Netherlands top export partners include the UK and the US with Germany being the number one destination.   In 2016, Spain’s highest trade surplus partner was the UK at $8.2 billion, an increase of 3,014%.

The EU has already initiated a trade war with the UK using BREXIT as blackmail.   However, in their tit-for-tat plundering, it would appear they haven’t considered the consequences to countries in the EU other than Germany and France. Given they are the fundamental leaders of the EU decision making schematic, they don’t appear to be making wise choices.

Currently, the UK’s largest trading partner is the EU, with the US coming in a close second. If the EU cuts off the UK and imposes tariffs, the US is calmly waiting in the shadows ready to pick up any slack.   While the EU already slaps a 10% tariff on the import of US automobiles, by contrast, German automobiles are charged an import duty of just 2.5%. The hypocrisy of the German government and by default the EU Commission is beyond comprehension.

It would seem that the EU and Germany are playing a game of chicken without realizing their engine is out of gas.

In 2016, 54% of UK imports came from within EU countries.   If the EU hardlines trade, the UK will slowly shift partners. Currently the largest trade partners include: Germany, Spain and The Netherlands (the same countries that like all the US peanut butter…weird).

While the EU has been considered an ‘emerging superpower’ over the last decade, its share of the global economy has been steadily declining. Add to the fray the growing welfare as a result of refugee and immigration policies, the demand that the EU fund their own military, and Economic policy decisions now seem to be playing a game of chicken without a car…

And the media is at the wheel.

The EU Commission has grown into a Fat Walrus with a budget closing in on $160 billion Euro’s and most assuredly rising. Taxing, penalizing, overseeing, demanding, and fining seem to be their role.   Air pollution is a problem in the EU and despite targets being established in 2005 and 2010, 23 of 28 countries don’t meet the goals.   It’s a joke.

Sanctions on member states not meeting ‘refugee quotas’ was another EU brainchild that has backfired.

And yet, we continue to forget the sage fairy tale that recounts the race between the tortoise and the hare.   While the EU Commission has stated that a) this has been in the air for some time, and b) they will retaliate, and c) they will take this to the WTO, retaliation is not a defense recognized by most courts…  

The US trade deficit in goods is $811 billion, with the largest categories being commercial aircraft, automobiles, and food. The largest deficits were earned with China, Japan, Mexico and Germany.  Germany imports autos, aircraft and pharmaceuticals, while it exports autos, industrial machinery and medicine.   China charges a 25% tariff on US imports of automobiles.

For the Democrats and the GOP to gasp at the horror of equalizing tariffs, they would seem to have ulterior motives that don’t include the prosperity of the US.   Most recently, Trump announced that his goal was to create just that – a direct constant equalizing of all tariffs – thereby eliminating ‘inequality’ – the same catch-all phrase employed by Democrats about – everything Democrat…

But after all the hrumphing and blubbering and demanding, it looks as though the EU, Japan and Australia are begging for their own exemptions.   Bottom line? Trump is looking to close the trade deficits – China, Japan and Germany – it is now your call.