US PUBLIC Education – Grade F – A Pension Nightmare

While US schools are fumbling along with LGBTUVXYZ cues, porn filled libraries, drag shows, and CRT, students are failing math, science and reading!     IQ scores are disintegrating down the kitchen sink and teachers demand more money!   Just gimme MORE Money and everything will be different…   NOT Better, just different.

The ‘average’ IQ in the US is now a paltry 100 to 105.   But what value is an IQ?

IQ’s are a measurement of comparison.   Not a standardization.   If 5 students answer 50% of the questions correctly and 5 students answer the same questions incorrectly at 25% – that is the means of measurement.   Therefore if historically the same questions were answered by 5 students who answered 75% of the questions correctly vs the other 5 answering 37.5% correcting – the measurement would calculate the same IQ for the 75% and 50%. MAJOR FLAW>

Standardized testing is also continually modified to accommodate what is perceived as applicable to a mean of students in current time.     Schools across the US are reporting that students are failing standardized test in massive numbers.   We can thus anticipate the tests will soon be modified to dummy down to the new level of intelligence.  I remember when Firemen were subjected to physical and intellectual testing scores to qualify.   But Blacks kept failing.  The Solution was to dummy down the written portion of the testing to allow more blacks to pass.

This is how public schools justify themselves.

A college professor was recently fired because his class of students said he was ‘too hard’.   The solution?    Fire the professor and dummy down the class.   All while promoting gender and equity as new curriculums.

HOMESCHOOLING:   There are some state controlled countries that have adopted a communist approach to education wherein homeschooling is ‘a criminal offense’.   Germany outlawed home schooling because the state wanted to have full indoctrination control.   Germany is not alone. There are now 21 countries in Europe that ban homeschooling for various reasons.   Germany claims it is socialization. Sweden claims a ‘science based curriculum’ by professionals is paramount.   Other countries claim there are not enough ‘regulations’ to support homeschooling.

Unfortunately, like every other statistic in the US the number of homeschooled children varies from 3% to 17%.   Meaning statisticians must have a low IQ …   Public schools in the US spend upwards of 40% of their salaries on Pensioners.   Pensions are paid at an exorbitant level in the public K-12 system.   A teacher is eligible to gain full pension at 55 having taught for 30 years.   Yet in the ‘real world’ no one retires at that age given Social Security doesn’t kick in until 67.

The discrepancy is huge!   It is hugely unfair to students as they are required to be the brunt of this lacking.   Class sizes must compensate to cover the cost of Pensions.   Homeowner Property Taxes are raised over and over – to cover the cost of pensioners.    School funding accounts for roughly 75% of every homeowners taxes.

The argument that teacher’s don’t make a living wage compared to other professionals is absurdity. An old argument that was first eschewed 50 years ago and has been the mantra justification.

For example: In my county, the starting pay for a teacher with a bachelors degree and zero experience is $45,000 not including benefits.   Teachers work 180-190 days per year.   Most other fields work 260 days per year. Meaning a regular employee works 44% more days yet has no pension status.   To simplify, let’s assume a 55 year old retires and lives to be 85 – thus 30 years of work and 30 years of retirement.   That $45,000 a year translates to a pay of $90,000 for simple comparison purposes.   Before calculation of the time deviance.   In other words a work field that is 44% more but stretched to 67 vs 55 …   The pay equivalence becomes a complete chaos of numbers that obliterates every argument of the ‘teacher’ and reveals a bachelors equivalency with zero experiecne of $130,000 salary !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Basic Homeschooling materials run between $500-$1000 per child.   The property tax allocation of the cost for public schools is now averaging in the $14,000  per student range at the low end to the high end districts that cost upwards of $30,000 per year….  A college education equivalent without the EDUCATION.

TO mandate that cost is truly obscene.  

IF – public schooling was a cost of the parent – what would be the choice?  Imagine the cost per parent if it were by child and not by homeownership?

This is the perversion of taxes that was supposed to defer the costs over a wider range so as to create the illusion that it was affordable – especially if you OWNED NO PROPERTY!

Home ownership in the US is approximately 64%.   So 36% of the population pay nothing toward schools.   That’s called subsidized education – a communist ideology.

In my District this election cycle, they are asking for a huge increase in school funding because they claim the neighboring district has higher salaries.   In actuality, the neighboring district’s base salary is roughly 5% less based on the scale of education and tenure.   But their salary cost – which includes pensions – is higher as it thus produces a higher ‘average salary’.     WHY?   Pensions and Tenure!

The numbers play is a statistical play.   And the Politician play is a false – fake – lie.

As Mark Twain Noted:  

“There are three kinds of lies: Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics”.

US Education: States Ask To Shutter Proficiency Testing

With students out of school and fumbling about for a year+, the result would appear to be a loss of upwards of 2 years of education.   Thus an eighth grader would remain in 8th grade for 2-3 years just to catch up. As a result, states have called upon the federal government to alleviate standardized testing. Why? Because no student will pass their grade level.   Why?   Because CoVid shutdowns denied children their right to education.

The elimination of the standardized tests simply extends the illusion of education.   In actuality, these children across the GLOBE have been damaged severely.   And in the US, states and state governors are busily trying to shroud that truth in a cloth of illusion.

The US public school system was already incredibly abysmal with students graduating from high school who couldn’t put together a declarative sentence, couldn’t make change at a cash register, or couldn’t tell you the name of past presidents much less our first.

It was widely accepted that children integrating from Australia, South Africa, and parts of Europe would automatically graduate to a year or more of their supposed grade level by US terms or standards.

Given the CoVid nightmare of equalizing every ‘DOWN’, that would include making US students even further removed from grade levels in order to create a new global ignorance.   Today, an eight grader in the US might test as a 5th grader in Australia. And this is the definition of equality.   Down.   Everything must be down –

Instead of lifting, the Powers have decided it is much easier to simply even the field by making everyone an – idiot.


Who is onboard?   Washington, Colorado, North Carolina, California, Ohio, etc… just look for the Blue Light and there you will find the desolate.   A sweet boy in my state battled against his anger because he was relegated to online learning for college and it simply wasn’t working.   He dropped out.

While we mourn the elderly in nursing homes and Alzheimer’s facilities for dying by the hands of murdering governors, where is the outrage for the children!?   Raising a generation of lost souls and embittered minds.   The school solution is more mental psychologists and counselors!    Really! Really!

That is parallel to the Pharma solution.   Drugs. Not cures.   Drugs. Drugs that create more side effects requiring more drugs to combat the side effects.   The CURE for our children is NOT Psychologists – it is normalcy.   Normalcy is based on sports, relationships, interaction, and lastly – education.   It is just the way it is and always has been.

Life skills.

For example, South Carolina recently asked to be relieved of the following requirements:

  • South Carolina College-and Career-Ready Assessments (SC READY) in English language arts and mathematics (grades 3-8)
  • South Carolina Palmetto Assessment of State Standards (SCPASS) in science (grades 4 and 6)
  • End-of-Course examinations in Biology, Algebra, U.S. History and the Constitution, and English (all grades)
  • English Language Proficiency and alternate assessments (when applicable)

How freaking sad is this that a state governor would desire to reveal that the middle school students in his/her county, or state, can not even read English with proficiency, much less have career ready math at a grade level of 8th, or Science at a grade level of 6th, or any grade level evaluations in the collective of Math, Reading, Science, English or History!

Public Schools are mainstay of our Property Taxes.   We Pay their salaries, their benefits, their holidays, their pensions.   And NOW – We PAY for them to do NOTHING.  I want a rebate.  Not just a renouncement of current taxes, but a renouncement of prior  taxes that gave a DEAD Education.  I want my Money Back.  Because I did not authorize a fake education.  I AM PISSED>

Having raised three boys in the public school system, I can attest to the constant battles, the awful teaching, and once in a while the perfect teacher!   And we had 2.   They shined!

But it took a shitake of parental involvement each day to mitigate the faulty teaching, faulty teachers, and down-right messes of civilization authorized to teach. It should NOT be so.

I cannot imagine the mess that is defined as “Public Teaching” today whether it be in kindergarten, elementary, middle, high school or college.   I would pronounce them all incompetent and advocate for Charter and/or HomeSchooling.   Period.  And I certainly don’t think I should have to pay for their idiotic Mess.   I am – Afterall – Their Employer.