Domestic Terrorism in the US! A Gulag Train in the Making!

Listening to the media talk about the Putin/Biden tete-a-tete, one would have to support the notion that there are extradimensional aliens and we are being slowly engulfed into a dimension of idiocy.   Headlines parlay such novelty themed ideals as ‘peace and tranquility for all’, while simultaneously Hillary is chiming in with threats and retribution!   But I imagine the dialogue went something like this:

Biden:   “Hey there you dog-faced lying scum if you don’t get onboard the board er sofitt delium, then we’re all dead!”

Putin:   “You have sold your country to save your skin!   You disgust me with your hypocritical assignation of Russia while reveling in your own uni cowardice. I have no respect for you, you rattle brained scum!”

Biden:   “Hey, that was really mean!   I’m not a uni!”

Putin:   “Go back to your puppet masters and tell them no deal. I have no intention of destroying my country like you a**hats bent on Bolshevik reincarnation!   You should be in an asylum – not parading around like everyone knows you haven’t a brain left and the Wizard can’t give you one!”

Biden:   “Effing YOU too! Murderer, Dictator, uncompreduddle fudgers ingham not!”

Putin:   “You touch my country and we will annihilate every one of your sweatless politcians. You don’t think we have dossiers on ALL of them?   What a stupid man, just stupid…”   Rises and leaves.

Biden:   “Hello?   Hello? Where am I?   Is anybody out there?”

Instead we are fed a drivel of a pseudo prop meeting in which they discussed thick issues like Climate Change, Human Rights, and chocolate ice cream.   Apparently the biggest take was in creating the friction of cyberwarfare as being a Russian manifestation.

While Colonial Pipeline is reputed to have paid $4.4 million in Bitcoin, the Biden administration stated that they ‘intercepted that transaction and took the Bitcoin’.   1)   they never said they gave it back to Colonial… likely because it never existed, as in their was no cyberattack.   2)   why didn’t they intercept the JBS Bitcoin?   Or did they?  And, 3)   the efficacy of information that it was Russia has about as much weight to it as the Russian collusion and Russian Dossier…

Even Russia Today baked apples in some alternate dimension as they pander about a ‘handshake’ and Biden being a formidable challenge to Sir Putin.   Johnny Tickle is the journalist whose obvious pro-delusion, anti-Trump rhetoric has about as much reality as his name.   His Twitter handle unabashedly declares that he is a – Socialist!  He has no Bio whatsoever…

Why he is writing for Russia Today is most certainly a mystery.


Simultaneously, the distraction was quite effective for The Summit and the Putin/Biden dialogue paled in comparison to the Biden administrations declaration of its strategy to fight “Domestic Terrorists” – specifically ‘white supremacists and right wing militia groups’. BANG!

Because, “White Supremacy is the most lethal threat to Homeland Security”.   Ashli Babbitt was a white supremacist…   Proud Boys are all white supremacists…   Oath Keepers are all white supremacists.   And Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin will use the military to enforce proper actions against these people.   Every lower form of government are required to collude in this massive gulag threat.   Every court.  Every Karen.

No mention of ANTIFA or BLM or any of the hundreds of fascist organizations that ravaged entire cities across the country causing billions in damage!  The targets were specifically mentioned. And there are visions of Kamaltoes jumping up gleefully and laughing hysterically as she dances to the tune of Gulag USA!

Anyone the FBI deems to be inciting any sort of anti-Regime tone of voice, online, social media bloggers, journalists, anyone who aligns with Qanon is an automatic terrorist, regular people, will be assumed to be a domestic terrorist.   Proof is not required.   Intent is not acknowledged.   It is based on what the FBI – thinks.

Verbiage:   “…with renewed efforts to deter, detect and prosecute those who would use violence in pursuit of political aims  Catch.   Would. As in they haven’t – but might!   Because this due process will protect our ‘civil rights and civil liberties’.

This policy is cut-and-paste communist China whereby ANY free speech is prohibited. End of discussion.

If an ally in another country suspects a social media blogger to be in fault of this toed line, they can make a complaint and the FBI will issue prosecution orders.   Few ordinary people can fight the FBI – if they come for you – justice no longer exists. Rights no longer exist.   Innocent until proven guilty – no longer exists.

Your Arse is Trash. And the little guys are made the example of torture while the big guys retrace and toe. Be Wary. Here a Bot, There a Bot, Everywhere a BOT, BOT, BOT!

If you think this sounds like Hitler’s vision of the Gulag Train – you are right.