Boris Johnson/Trump Effect: Mad as a Hatter!

With the announcement that Boris Johnson will replace the wholly inept Swamper, Theresa May, the MSM is running in circles trying to redirect from what they already know is about to swallow the UK  – the Trump effect.   While the media act as though Johnson has no clue what he’s stepped into regarding BREXIT, crime, fraud, a failing NHS, etc… they seem oblivious to that fact that Johnson ran for office knowing quite well everything he was facing – and – despite everything he was facing!

Because, like Trump, he wants to FIXIT.

MI6 is just as corrupt as the FBI and CIA under Clinton, Bush and Obama.   It has been a long haul of realizing the purity of evil that exists within these two countries power system.  The ‘conspiracy’ is quite real, and the roof is being blown.   Johnson’s first move?  Clean out the Cabinet.  Get rid of the saucers, and lay down some good old fashioned patriots.  Half the cabinet either left or were fired.

Germany has voiced mixed reviews.  The newly appointed EU Commission President, Ursula Von Der Leyen, has puckered a stiff smile while stating that she/the Commission will not accept any deal regarding BREXIT.  NO one was surprised.

Her own rather bizarre rise in the political arena is a bit unusual given her degree is medical and her dissertation was tainted with multiple charges of plagiarism.

But the inevitable jokes and memes began the moment Johnson took charge.   Ridicule and blasphemy would appear to be the new norm for anyone left of right.   There are no longer boundaries or filters to rein in the donkeys.   Coined by Thomas Nast in his comical portrayal of all things political, the Donkey invariably represented the Ass, the Democrat Party. And it stuck.

You know Johnson’s the right choice when the MSM goes ballistic.   He has pledged a verified BREXIT, with or without a deal, he really doesn’t care.   And the faltering NHS system of nationalized healthcare is in the twalette.  Shortage of doctors, shortage of nurses, shortage of equipment, shortages, as the privatized portion of healthcare has grown by leaps.

While Johnson’s personal life may be blustery and a bit ahem, no one cares.   Focusing on that part of the man has given him the gavel and he is eager to be inline with Trump.  His jokes are tawdry, his humor conventionally British dry, and he has no problem escaping the politically correct humdrum.   And right now, draining the UK Swamp is at the top of the axis.

What the Trump-Johnson team will look like is anyone’s guess, but having a true ally will likely reinstate a hefty trade relationship that has blimped along for decades with the US representing a mere 13% of UK exports.  Of the 54.2% trade within Europe, Germany’s portion has held at just under 10%.   Germany, the US, and China, respectively represent the largest source of UK imports.  But a no-deal BREXIT could easily swamp the levees of change.

Johnson has also revealed that he envisions closer ties with Russia whose alliance could be the final pearl in the oyster as the Swamp is exceedingly fearful that a US, UK, Russia alliance would most certainly be their demise as the casket would be given a proper salute before being pushed into the ominous black depths of the sea.

Russia collusion memes are likely to hyperventilate the media in the mid term as paper bags are handed to crowds of socialist has-beens.  Feel The Bern!

Italy’s hard right Matteo Salvini, expressed great joy at the prospect of working with Johnson, while like Merkel, Trudeau was relatively glumly polite as the world shifts on its axis of evil and lands squarely on point.

Hollywood, pedophiles, and rapists will no longer run our countries.   And the Mad Hatters will grovel back to the hole where they came from:

“If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn’t. And contrary wise, what is, it wouldn’t be. And what it wouldn’t be, it would. You see?”

~Alice In Wonderland

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