The Trade Deficit Is A Serious Debt!

As the Trade Tariff hubbaballoo points a finger back at Trump it is interesting to note that not one country was willing to negotiate. Given the inconsistencies in the current tariffs that truly are penalizing US products, not one country saw fit to simply come to the table with a proposal. Canada’s Trudeau was probably the worst example because his retaliation was more of a childish response calling out Pence because the deal had an expiration limit of five years, and then refusing to talk any more.   Are these people really college graduates?   Did their business acumen come from a cereal box? They are truly acting like five year olds.

Who is really the villain here? The EU countries, Canada and Mexico have all created an advantage for their economies and trade, Trump was closing the gap and every country balked and instead chose a ‘tit-for-tat’ business approach…

The argument tapped by Liberal media is that trade includes goods and services, and when services are added to the overall picture – Canada is a surplus partner – albeit everyone else – isn’t. Ok. Trump offered Canada an out – and they refused.

So what is the point?   The point is we need to close the gaps.

The Washington Post goes on to declare that a trade deficit does not mean the US is actually losing real money, it just means American’s buy more goods from other countries than other countries buy from the US. How incredibly inane.

“A trade deficit represents an outflow of currency” – definition courtesy of Investopedia.  

In 2007, The Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco wrote a white paper that gives greater perspective to the deficit. According to their research the balance began to shift to a deficit in the early 1990’s when Clinton was President. In order to finance the deficit, the US borrows from abroad and/or sell assets to foreign countries to cover the imbalance.

The paper quotes various views of the cause of the deficit and whether it is a concern.   Of course, if the US has to borrow or sell off assets to pay for the deficit each year, ultimately there will be no assets left to sell, and borrowing will come to an end.

The cause of the deficit is debatable. But economists would agree that many factors contributed to the crisis, and therefore many factors will have to change in order to alter the consequences.   Including; government budget deficits, national savings and domestic investment.

In addition trade is affected by exchange rates and tariffs. A weaker dollar makes US goods more affordable for foreign purchasers.   Tariff’s create an unfair added cost.

Bottom line the US trade deficit is a serious issue that has a finite consequence.   It’s borrowing to pay for your borrowing, ultimately, the money/assets will run out. By doing nothing – it is certain death.   It is selling America to the highest bidder. And Trump is trying to stave off the disaster set in motion by Billy Clinton and Georgie Bush – both of whom are entrenched in the Cabal and Swamp.

Fake Media…

The outing of Fake Republicans continues with the advent of George Will, the columnist, deciding that he is no longer a Republican.  But was he really ever?  He was a Washington Post journalist in 1974.   And in 1976, he became a contributing editor at Newsweek.   He was a news analyst for ABC News.  He was well known for his stint at Agronsky & Company, a Jewish, Liberal syndicated show that was aired by – NBC and ABC. And lo, in 2017 he became a regular contributor at MSNBC and NBC, claiming this was a shift from his previous conservative posts…NONE of these posts are remotely – conservative.   The theory – they are shills.

None of his posts were remotely conservative.  And now, not only has he taken exception with Trump, he is villainizing Pence for his morality and honor, as though those were character traits repudiated as evil.   It would seem the Kool-aid hate is making its way through Libertarian and Liberal arenas confiscating logic, rationale, and replacing it with bitter hate filled words.  And like the Liberals, they somehow fail to see their vileness, their spew, their bitter hatred…

Another Agronsky contributor, Elizabeth Drew, moderated Democrat debates, and was a correspondent for The New Yorker and Atlantic Monthly – major Liberal magazines.  George Will was never a republican in his being or heart, it was simply a person he wore in order to create a personality for – the News.  He was – an actor.

When facing their immortality, some people rise to the occasion, make apologies for their failures, and attempt to seek forgiveness for their sins.  By contrast, McCain is using his name and his near death to vilify and demonize as though everyone is oblivious to his heinous actions. Divorcing his wife.  Refusing to humble himself for the ‘mistake’ aboard the USS Forrestal in 1967 that cost the lives of 134 service members.  And his puppeteering at the behest of Soros.  It is not simply a mockery of conservatism and Christianity, but of his soul.  He is using his stage as an actor would use.   And in the end, has no intellect to understand how pathetic he is now viewed.   No one considers anything he says as worthy of consideration, instead, he is the man with a brain tumor who is dying.

It isn’t just the fake conservatives who are laying down their arms, it is the fake Libertarians, the fake Christians, and those who fear their agenda has been exposed.   The masks are torn, and real faces emerge desperately clinging to the rags and veils to hide behind.

While Hollywood is peeling its crust of armor, as though acid burns the very fabric of existence, our sites should be set on Europe.   Who is Merkel?  Who is Macron?  Who runs the UK?  MI6?  Is MI6 the bastion child of the FBI?  Or visa-versa?   Why is this important?  Because it determines who will be the ultimate winner.

Right now it appears that Europe, by definition;  Macron, Merkel and May, are desperate in their attempt to choose sides.   Merkel is definitive.  Macron is shifting.  And May seems to be hideously blackmailed.   And thus they hold the fate of the entire EU in those parameters of decay.  Trying to deflect their failures onto the US, these infants of military intelligence bidding appear more like troll dolls – of the stone age.

It is imperative that we focus on the fact that our leaders, the leaders of the world, have been manipulating consequences for their gain, with absolutely no consideration for you and I.  Can that truly sink in?   We never – were a consideration.   We are actually an annoyance, a fly to swat…

While the media would have us believe that the EU is a conglomerate akin to the size of the US, in reality, the power has been shrunken to the three powers that be, with all other nations subject to their bidding.   And those nations, are not so very – happy.  Add to the fray that none of the three rules can agree on anything internally, and the combustible flame ignites.

trump is a trolley… but Merkel, Macron and May are the three stooges!

The fakery is thus in the belief that the EU represents a huge, vast populace, when in fact, it is a small faction within three nations who are excessively divided, and internally wrought with chaos and fear.  When Trump offers an ultimatum, it is not against the EU, it is against the corrupt – three.

And while the mind can rule the heart, while the mind can dictate what the heart thinks, feels and says, – therein it would no longer be the heart, it would be ruled by the mind and all bets are tabled.  The mind is subject to propaganda and manipulation.   The heart, she is her own person.  And so they are very distinct beings.  I don’t think the heart can rule the mind for long.   But the mind can alter the heart – forever more.  The mind can dictate what the heart may believe. What the heart may think.   And thus alter who is allowed inside.

I digress.

I don’t know if I believe Bibi, or Putin or Xi.   I know I don’t believe Obama, Hillary, Billy, Holder, Lynch, Mueller, Comey, McCain, Graham, Page, S, most anyone affiliated with Hollywood or the music industry, and a plethora of everyone in-between.   The deck is most definitely stacked.   And so, we have to pick a side.   Because the delineation is now even more surreal than imaginable.

If a idea is supported by Hillary or Obama or Pelosi, then it is a far good chance it is a policy that a conservative would adamantly oppose.   Like the failed Syrian War, the failed Yemen war end, the failed global climate initiative, the failed war in Ukraine, in Sudan, the sex trafficking, the opioid business, which all prospered and flourished feverishly during the Obama reign…

This isn’t a racial thing, or a gender thing, or a political thing even.  This is about the beginning of time where in it is a battle of good vs. evil.   




I am a military brat.  I grew up military.   I grew up intelligence.   Picking apart the pieces and putting them in their appropriate pile, is paramount. Some piles need to be set on fire and burn into oblivion.  Other piles should be buried beneath the manure of decades of animal waste.  And still others are analogue, analyzed, and can sometimes provide that oh, shitake mushroom, moment!


In the end, Trump is burying and incinerating the piles of rubbish.   It is not an easy process, nor is it quick and painless.   But the ultimate goal is noble, and so we must set our sites on that future place and have patience, trust, and breath to wade through the mire and muck, the filth and the waste that sucks in our feet, our footprints, our journey.


There are thousands of chess games in play as I speak.   Thousands of moles and traitors, dual agents and spies, all believing they are working for ‘the Greater Good’.   …The Greater Good.  A phrase coined from Communism that we have infiltrated into our speech across most of Europe, South America, Canada, Australia, and the US.   It is the ONLY way to harness complete power.   And it is that dark power, that evil, that has infiltrated the EU and the US that Trump is attempting to divest.


Everyone wants to know – ‘Who they should believe’, ‘Who is telling the truth”,  “Who is speaking without an agenda or bias?”.  And there is no answer.   So our media giants, Facebook and Google, have decided that the way to divest opinion in the free press, is to silence it, deny it, shut it down, censor it, clasp a hand over its mouth and threaten it with bodily harm – or death.  And somehow, therein, freedom of speech is – free, albeit imprisoned, shackled, and censored under a pretense, a guise, that tells us that Censorship is Freedom of Speech! Over and over, until we believe this to be –True and no longer question its veracity.


This is the essence of Trump’s speech wherein he calls us to open our eyes and face where and what we have become.   What we may not realize is the extent of power it takes to take down the shadow, the evil, the cabal, that has encapsulated our globe of We The People into a pasture of cows.  Trump has to have a bigger army, a better army, a military force of knights that are undeniably loyal, in order to beat this cabal that dates back thousands of years!


In those terms, it is truly remarkable!


It is an army to be incredibly proud of!

AMAZON: Tax Trouble = Fury and Fire

Jeff Bezos of Amazon fame has topped out as the richest Man on earth with a net worth of $112 billion. His closest competitors are Bill Gates at $90 billion and Warren Buffet at $84 billion.   Amazon has come under the grid by Trump for the fact that despite revenue of $177.86 billion in 2017 – it’s tax bill came to $-0-.   But it isn’t the first year that the retail Giant has paid little to no taxes, it has been the agenda of Bezos, a Hillary supporter and Democrat, since the early 2000’s.   And Trump is determined to redefine Bezos comeuppance.

In 2004, Bezos and a host of tax avoidance experts created Project Goldcrest in which a series of intercompany agreements effectively transferred intellectual property, licensing agreements etc… to a vast structure of subsidiaries thereby reducing their tax liability to $-0-.

Newsweek uncovered secret meetings between Bezos and EU Commissioner, Claude Juncker who was the former Prime Minister of Luxembourg, during which time a secret ‘sweetheart tax deal’ was created.   Since then, the EU has attempted to collect back taxes from Amazon in the amount of $14.5 billion. According to the Commission, Juncker granted Amazon a preferred tax rate that was not granted to any other business and had absolutely no justification.

Interesting that the same Juncker now heads the commission that is fining Amazon when he was instrumental in creating the loophole.

Last September, Amazon announced it was searching for a second US city hub to open shop, claiming that in so doing they would create 50,000 new jobs, and an economic windfall of upwards of $38 billion over a six year period.   As of January, Amazon released a list of 19 potential US cities and Toronto as candidates for their second hub. A bidding war has erupted as cities vie for the privilege of Amazon’s $0 tax base.

It isn’t just federal and state corporate taxes at stake, Amazon retailers sometimes forego collecting sales taxes as well, hurting the state income inflow that would normally be generated by malls and local retailers.   Developers are watching as mall development stalls and declines.   So, who is winning in the Amazon profile?   Bezos, obviously. In January 2013, Bezos net worth was estimated to be roughly $24 billion.   Growing 466% in 5 years has proven to be the Amazon tax loophole.

Bezos penchant for taxes is matched for his penchant for charity. To date, it appears that he has made two donations, one to Princeton for $15 million and one to the Museum of History and Industry for $10 million.   As a percentage of wealth, it is relatively negligible   Amazon’s Seattle Office Space is stated to include an area greater than 3.2 million square feet, and Bezo’s various homes boast anywhere from a piddling 10,000 square feet to upwards of 29,000 sq ft including 165,000 acres for his aerospace company in Texas.

It is of course not surprising, but rather inane, that two of largest media conglomerates, the New York Times and the Washington Post, which is owned by Bezos, would defy the obvious and claim that Amazon pays it’s fair share of taxes, ie payroll taxes, unemployment insurance, and those property taxes…   No mention of corporate or State Income taxes. Short term memory loss would conjure stories from the presidential campaign in which these same organizations demanded Trump keep the high tax bracket on corporations…   Oops.

Although Amazon averaged between 11% and 13% of all combined taxes from 2007 thru 2015, they weren’t the lowest. In fact, Facebook was the all time lowest positive contributor at 3.8%!   Google contributed roughly 16% and Apple 16.5%…   All lean Liberal, all promote heavy taxation as Democrats, all pay considerably less than even the S&P average of 26.9%.   The companies holding up their share include:   Lowes, CVS, Home Depot, Exxon Mobile, UPS, Starbucks, Walmart and Disney at 30.7% to 39.3%.


America in Chaos

Reading the Washington Post is always good fodder for an alternate view story.

Jennifer Rubin, a really destructive Liberal who pretends she is conservative has written about how America under Obama was a utopia existence and that Trump’s speech about struggling single mom’s, government waste and inefficiency, and a broken education system – is all rubbish. According to this elitist, Rubin, everything is great! Of course, Ms. Rubin began her career as a lawyer in Hollywood – which might explain her ‘entertainment quality news’.  As well as her Real World naivete.

The fact that she was an avid fan of Jimmy Carter (in addition to Reagan) offers insight into the topsy-turvy hypocrisy of thought she holds to. Of course, the fact that she writes for the Washington Post shows where her allegiance lies – Liberal/Socialism.

Complaining and bashing and lamenting, she obviously lives in a Netherworld bubble disconnected from We The People, which further establishes the cause of the Hillary loss.

First: she states that crime is down, unemployment is down and productivity is up!


a) Reported violent crime has been on a steady decline since 1992. However, that decline corresponds to a parallel graph showing incarceration rates spiking. And according to the FBI, violent crime rates had declined for two decades before rising as of 2011.  Uh-oh.

b) Unemployment is down. Yes. And No. The labor force participation rate is a mere 62% which includes those employed (part time and full time, as well as those looking for work). The numbers are therefore a misnomer of actuality, because if you are looking for work and if you are employed only part-time – those stats are considered in the rates of full-time employment!  In addition, the current rate match those of the Jimmy Carter era.  UGH!

c) Productivity is up! But that chart also paints an interesting picture. It shows a steady incline since 1950, with a flattening since 2011. Huh?

Second: Ms. Rubin states that she vehemently objects to American nationalism or patriotism.  She denies that we have benefited other countries at the expense of our own… ouch!

a) Our negative trade with China has helped boost their growth rate to three and four times that of the US.

b) NATO and the UN are virtually supported by the American tax dollars for the benefit of all of Europe…hmmm.

c) Trade: In 2015 the trade deficit with the EU was $153billion. Oops. And in 2016, that deficit – grew.  Double oops.

She talks about ‘collective security and the prevention of violence’… uh-oh.

a) I guess she forgot about Libya, Yemen, Syria, Ukraine, Somalia, Iraq, Turkey, Iran, Cuba, Indonesia, Egypt, and the terrorism in France, Germany, Sweden, Austria, Greece, Italy, US, Australia, Niger Delta, Sudan, and Ivory Coast. Not to mention Al Qaeda, ISIS, el Nusra, and Boko Harem. Oops, guess she forgot.

And then there is her claim that ‘life expectancy has soared! As though this is attributable to Obama? When in actuality, she missed the report that for the first time since 1993, life expectancy in the US ‘declined’ and death rates rose for the top leading causes of death!

Worse. The report of life expectancy declines actually came from her own newspaper – The Washington Post. Oops.

Bottom line: Ms Rubin would seem to have a very vacuous knowledge of economics, and have a very deft ability to make false and misleading statements in order to vilify and demonize.  Bottom line.  She lives in a wealth bubble that defines the loss of the Democrat Party for which she writes.



FAKE POLLS – ABC and Washington Post

The Washington Post has declared that a Washington Post/ABC Poll declares that Obama’s approval rating at exit is a whopping  60%! WOW!

Whoa their pony. This same ABC poll had Hillary winning 274 electoral votes to Trump’s 188 days before the election.

If I had made such a grievous, ridiculously faulted calculation, I think I would be hesitant to open my proverbial mouth without making radical changes to my methodology. Because, obviously ABC is not even CLOSE to accurate!

What ABC has proven is that Media Polls are fundamentally flawed when bias is inserted into the procedure utilized.   Worse, their reputation is tainted, and the entire polling process becomes subject to fraud.

As if the media weren’t already ricocheting off allegations of bias, fake news, falsifying statements, having no evidence to back a statement, no legal basis for an argument, and prejudice, they have to up the ante with a FAKE POLL!

It is basically a flailing attempt to inflate Obama’s miffed ego as he faces a legacy of division, hatred, and chaos. Unable to let go of the fame, Obama is clawing a fake legacy.

The Poll is based on a source of 1005 US adults with a +/- margin of error of 3.5% points. What the poll does not identify is ‘where’ it was conducted, who they asked, what age group, what ethnicity, and basically has no relative information.

Langer Research is tasked with creating the Polls and their outcome for Washington Post/ABC. They have only been in existence since 2010, so their history is sketchy at best. They were touted by ABC as ‘progressively minded’, as in Progressive Politics, aka Hillary.

October of last year, Wikileaks released a memo which showed media pollsters create an end based on a narrative. Media pollsters are considered the least accurate, and the least reputable. Gary Langer of Langer Research stated in 2004, “Predicting the outcome of the race is the job of the campaigns, not the journalists.”  In other words, journalists and the media should stay away from Polling because they are a failed, biased group from the outset and their results will reflect this agenda.

Perhaps he should heed his own advice. Polling for the media/journalists has only one motivation, creating a favorable outcome and backing in data to support it.


I am trying to understand the viewpoint of some of the more liberal media including The economist, The New York Times and the Washington Post. And like the demonstrations taking part by college students who chose not to even vote, the arrogance and hypocrisy elements are – difficult.

A journalist/opinion-op person who writes for The New York Times, is quite unabashed in his derision and choice of words concerning Trump. His latest barrage is about how “we can not just get along”… which of course was the Obama and Clinton mantra that he seems to feel only applies if his team wins!

While Trump is attempting to mend, journalists continue to divide. And for some reason Trumps’ attempts to mend are not met with grace, but instead even greater hostility, as though offering a hand was an evil thing.

To be sure, we don’t know exactly what Trump will do his first months in office. We do know that some of the more major issues including healthare, securing the border, and terrorism are at the top. But the mess left by Obama, the racism, the division, the daft teachings of our educators, are quite embedded and a generation of uneducated twenty somethings makes us gulp back bile.

But it only takes a few seconds to look back at previous articles written by this NYT man to fully embrace the hypocrisy. Hiss op-ed when the rave of election fraud was being discussed before the election was a vilification of the ‘fake news’ conspiracy lunatics. After the election, given his team lost, suddenly the shift is to declare ‘election fraud’!

I still believe that election fraud occurred. The problem? All the fraud that was uncovered pointed exclusively to the Democrats. All the fraud that was uncovered in the Obama election cycle – pointed to the Democrats. Reams of it. He denigrates Trump for not accepting his ‘Loss’ graciously. And in the end, this man makes a fool of himself.

The media seem to have conveniently forgotten the massive manipulation perpetrated at the highest levels for decades; Operation Mockingbird. The media that willingly colluded included, The New York Times, The Washington Post, Newsweek, Miami News and CBS. They were used because of their aggressive liberal stance and anti-Soviet rhetoric.

Then there was/is Operation Earnest Voice which specifically targets international social media censorship. It is funded as a propaganda tool.

There is sockpuppetry which has been used to extol one business while vilifying another. The concept is also used by the UK government, by journalists, and the EU governments, to create false accounts that lobby for a particular government idea or cause, when the lobbying is actually derived from the government itself.

There is Merkel telling the German media what they can and cannot print with respect to immigrant problems and related rapes and sexual assaults. That is media manipulation.

The BBC, state owned, which filters it’s content based on what the UK government determines is allowable.

These are the sources of “Fake News”.

So why is the new obsession all about vilifying Russia propaganda? Because that is in line with the EU and US propaganda…   It’s one propaganda vilifying another who vilifies another until there is no reality left. Just a bunch of puppets.   At some point, the train will either come to a screeching halt, or a complete derailment.

In the meantime, most Americans search and search for news that has some semblance of reality and not propaganda. Are their fake stories circulating? Of course! Unfortunately, more often than not, the source is a liberal format. Unfortunately, the demand for hate and vilification is more often than not sourced back to Liberal agendas. Why?

I believe the moral and ethical value structure that is embraced by our country has been corrupted. Too frequently, the Donna Braziles of the world justify their corruption as for The Greater Good, as defined – by them.   And they feel no remorse, no regret, just like the rioters destroying our businesses and our property.

It used to be that when someone was asked if they understood ‘right from wrong’, those that didn’t were considered mentally impaired.