Trumps First 100 Days vs Obama

The media, and democrats in general, are having a hissy fit claiming that Trump hasn’t performed much in his first 100 days. Unfortunately, every time they seem to gnaw and complain, it bites them back ten times harder…

The Washington Post, picked up by the Denver Post, is claiming that Trump has basically accomplished – nothing in his 7 week tenure as US President. Really? And so, the claim begs a response.

Trump’s First 49 days:

  1. enacted a federal hiring freeze
  2. put a gag on federal funding for abortion
  3. tabled the TPP Agreement
  4. froze all federal regulations that were awaiting approval
  5. renewed construction on the North Dakota Pipeline
  6. in the process of dismantling and replacing Obamacare
  7. introduced temporary restrictions on immigration
  8. created a requirement that for every new fedral regulation – 2 must be repealed.
  9. restructured the National Security Council
  10. Mexico says it will take deported illegals
  11. began construction on the Wall
  12. improved relations with Israel
  13. DOW reached all time highs – ever
  14. ended federal funding for sanctuary cities
  15. incentivized corporations to remain in US and hire US employees
  16. repealed Obamacare and released new health care Bill for Congressional vote
  17. created billions of investment pledges by numerous corporations wanting to expand US operations
  18. arrested over 1500 perps charges with child trafficking
  19. reinstated coal mining – thus the return of jobs
  20. And Exposed The Fake Media for what it truly is –

Okay, let’s compare that to Obama’s first 100 days in 2009 (that would be 2x Trump’s days so far – for the mathematically challenged):

  1. First and foremost he languished in exuding charm and created a media obsessed with schmoozing over him like a prostitute. In fact, his persona was so important, Pew Research devoted an 8 page article to his ooze effect.
  2. he signed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, although some strange oddities concerning this Bill need to be noted:  A)  no one or group is taking credit for writing this Bill.  B) there is no data regarding how long it took to write – in government terms it could have been years in the making given it’s 427 pages of text, yet it was released just weeks after Obama took office…?

So, during Obama’s first 100 days, he basically schmoozed the press, and signed a bill that had a peculiar if not shadowy creationism.  Not exactly outstanding?   In fact, it is actually rather lame.

Still, the media is bent on claiming that Trump’s term is a veritable mess!  When it is the Media and the Democrat Party that is a mess, their illegalities exposed, their hypocrisy slashed, and their fakery uncovered.

When they make a ridiculous claim, it really doesn’t take much to show how hypocritical is the claim, and by default – they are. One would think they would learn, but that requires wisdom and critical thinking.