Socialist Marxism: Fighting the Pope, Fighting Soros – MAGA!

When did the Catholic Church adopt Marxism?   A bishop in El Paso, Mark Seitz, is holding a vigil on the border claiming that all people are welcome!   His message is that we all need to live in communion.   In reality, his words should be rephrased to, ‘we all need to live in communism’, because essentially, Bishop Seitz is a self proclaimed ‘neo-Marxist’, and pro-open borders immigration.  Yet, despite these rather anarchist proclivities, Pope Francis appointed him Bishop of El Paso in 2013.  

Seitz follows liberation theology, which is based within far-left politics. Rising in the 1950’s in South America, it is a movement that has spread into Mexico, Haiti and the US.   In 1983 Joseph Ratsinger, who later became Pope Benedict XVI, called out the leaders of this movement for politicizing religion and using the Bible inappropriately to support a political ideology of – Open Society.  Pope Benedict censored and suspended some priests for ignoring his denouncement of the movement.   And then along came Pope Francis.

Pope Francis is the first to come from the order of Jesuits.

The Jesuits are a society formed in the mid 1500’s . Their history is mired in assassination accusations, power, greed, and treason, and today child molestation.   They have created 168 educational institutions across the globe teaching a modern day version of Eloquentia Perfecta – which loosely means cultivating a person as a whole. It is a method of training a person to persuade others to think as they do through a merging of speaking techniques and virtue signaling.

In 1981 as Europe became increasingly more socialist and the new socialists embraced Marxism, Father Menendez Urena wrote The Myth of Christian Socialism in hopes of pulling the church away from liberation theology and its love affair with Marxist philosophy.   Urena belonged to the Mont Pelerin Society.

The Mont Pelerin Society calls itself an economic think tank along classical liberal lines of thought. Its founders are quite prestigious Economists and philosophers, including; Milton Friedman, George Stigler, Friedrich Hayek, Frank Knight, Ludwig von Mises and Karl Popper.

Despite coming together to form this Mont Pelerin Society, their philosophies on economics were not always aligned – and in one instance Mises became incensed and claimed the other five were a bunch of – Socialists.   It was an era of the rise of fascism in Europe, and some believed that socialism was the only means to quell fascism.   These economists fought each other and their ideals, and today the Mont Pelerin Society embraces the Austrian school of economics within the theory of Mises view of methodological individualism and ‘classical liberalism’. Hayek supported this theory and explained its process within his book;  The Road to Serfdom.  While Karl Popper fought an intellectual battle within himself regarding socialism and its perceived venue of equality.

Classical Liberalism in its original creation is actually much more closely aligned with todays conservative libertarianism of limited government and laissez faire markets.

In 2016, Pope Francis installed as the Vaticans general superior a Venezuelan, Fr. Arturo Sosa Abascal.  Pope Francis biographer, George Neumayr, described Sosa as a “Marxist”, “a Venezuelian communist, and modernist”.   According to Neumayr, the only presidential candidate invited to the Vatican in 2016 was then candidate, Bernie Sanders, a Jew – “We invited the candidate who cites the pope most in the campaign, and that is Senator Bernie Sanders,” explained Sorondo, Francis’ close friend, who added that Sanders’s agenda is “very analogous to that of the pope.”

It is thought that Francis has systematically installed Marxist believers into his cabinet to advance global socialism. The caravans coming through Mexico and invading US borders were financed by these Jesuit churches and – Soros.

Soros studied under Karl Popper while at the London School of Economics post WWII.   That education provided him with the insight to develop an agenda, implement its ideals, and create a serfdom much like what Hitler attempted and failed to sustain.

The schism that came to be between these initial six economics powerhouses of the Mont Pelerin Society blossomed into a revolution of chaos and power struggles across the globe.

The Jesuits had power within educational institutions, and ultimately within the entire global Catholic community under the auspices of the Jesuit Pope Francis.   Soros brought a different skill set:   1.   His knowledge of socialism under Hitler and the Nazi’s – and where it failed, and 2.   A very highbrow education in economics at the London School of Economics whereby he realized how to recreate the National Socialists across the globe utilizing the socialist Economic ideologies of Karl Popper and Friedrich Hayek.

Today, economists still argue which philosophy is best for the people – socialism or classical liberalism.   But they argue from an historical perspective instead of from the present day, and so distort the future. They present blocks of information, but use as their core or base, a version of society and economics defined a hundred years ago.   And thus, like much of science, their very argumentative factual presentation is eternally – theory, systemic failure.

Unfortunately, in all this massive intellectualism fighting to define the globe within their parameters, The People have become serfs and are told to follow like sheepel whoever rules because they know best, they have money and they have education and they have power. Trump doesn’t speak their language.  And suddenly confronted with a truly alien identity, within The Art of War, they underestimated their enemy.

When media became more prolific and internet access opened minds and doors, the Agenda was suddenly facing its most feared opposition – Truth.   Racing to close Pandora’s Box, they have sought to own the media, to censor the media, to provide only what information sheepel can best understand – Eloquentia Perfecta!   The Jesuits taught them how to brainwash the masses.

We can only sustain as long as history records are not destroyed.   As long as media access is not censored. As long as Socialism is rooted for what it truly represents – tyranny and serfdom!