Climate Change: A Global Geo-Engineering Experiment

Weather modification used to be considered a ‘conspiracy theory’, but like many other conspiracies, today it is acknowledged as fact.   From the simplistic to the complex, the concept has many useful positives;   increasing water supplies, preventing hail and hurricanes, and dousing wildfires. But there are also useful military objectives which are more cynical and deadly in their agenda.

While climate gurus continue to scream ‘the sky is falling’, Harvard has been busily at work the past two years geo-engineering weather thru solar deflection.

China has been manufacturing cloud rain for over a decade, launching silver iodide with rockets and via planes across swathes of the Tibetan Tableau the size of Alaska, the project is considered the largest in the world.

ScoPex is the Harvard experiment which includes the introduction of particles in the stratosphere in order to deflect solar activity away from earth.   According to NASA, such a scheme could devastate agriculture.   The argument in support of the program is that the positive effects out-weigh the negative impacts.   I disagree.

Harvard contends that rising sea levels as a result of global warming will decimate valuable land and millions of homes. The analogy is to ‘chemotherapy’.   But even the analogy is flawed given that chemo only works on some people some of the time.   By contrast, geo-engineering has been shown to have substantial impacts on weather intensity, weather patterns, and rainfall.

The same issues that the alarmists are now claiming are a result of global warming could in fact be the result of saving the planet from climate change.   Perhaps the very technology utilized across the globe to alter weather is actually responsible for creating intensely destructive weather.  For example our jet streams are linked to solar radiation, change the solar you alter the jet stream.  Air masses push the jet stream around, change the air mass and you have effectively altered the weather pattern.  The jet stream pattern has only been monitored since 2000, so identifying changes is only as good as the record exists.  But obviously if we suddenly begin inserting particle matter to deflect the sun, the jet stream will be affected.

It stands to reason that geo-engineering and cloud seeding may have far more disruptive ramifications than scientists are willing to reveal.  I refer to it as the ‘oops factor’.

While one justification for the manipulation is for the purpose of redirecting or eliminating hurricanes, it is just as likely that the modification could ramp up these storms as well.   While Harvard and China represent just two specific projects that are currently being utilized, there are likely hundreds being employed by various nations – none in collaboration with another.

India uses small planes equipped with twelve cylinders. Flying into the belly of a storm cloud, the cylinders are filled with combustible chloride and released at intervals. With agriculture in India failing from lack of water, the Harvard geo-engineering experiment could cause India’s production to fail completely from lack of sunlight.

It is less like chemotherapy and more like a Molotov cocktail.

While scientists had polar views on the effect of geo-engineering, Harvard ignored the negative reactions and sent up its first flood of particulates in early spring 2019.

And despite all the information available regarding these various geo-engineering actions, the media is still attempting to manipulate our understanding of the true cause and causal actions taking place.

“July was earth’s hottest month on record”! The articles go on to actually explain that the ‘record’ they refer to is for the 20th century.  In the realm of millions of years, a century is relatively meaningless.

Historically, temperatures were taken manually on land and ships at sea. There were no computers, no standardized measurement system, no sophisticated instruments like we use today.   All statistical science has margins of error.   But climate scientists fail to provide that margin – ever. In fact, determining temperatures historically did not even include tenths of percentages.   Thus to calculate that the global temperature rose by .7’ between 1850 and 2003 could not be factual, it would be a theory. An estimate. As of today, that estimate is .8% based on unproven science that has changed dramatically in its ability to create an accurate model.

In theory, the enhancement of global temperature could align with the advancement of weather manipulation and geo-engineering just as easily as claiming the casual factor is carbon emissions.

According to scientists, the last ice age ended between 10,000 and 20,000 years ago. That would indicate a potential deviation of 10,000 years – not terribly accurate.   Scientists claim that the reason the ice age ended was due to a rise in carbon dioxide.   Volcanic eruptions create vast plumes of carbon dioxide.   Volcanoes exist both on land and undersea. There have been 404 volcanic eruptions since 1883.   Since 1980 – there have been 18 volcanic eruptions with a rating of at least VEI of 4.

It is estimated that 200 million tons of carbon are emit into the atmosphere annually by volcanic action.

But even this data is an extrapolation, not a fact.   Still it has widely been the accepted causal factor that pulled earth out of its last ice age. Why? Because science has no other explanation.

In other words: based on massive extrapolations, estimates, best guesses, faulty science, and zero historical technology, science has concluded that our planet needs geo-engineering of our natural climate change in order to ‘save the planet’ and ‘save the children’.

And in so doing – may actually wipe out large swathes of agriculture production in order to save a few estimated millions of houses many of which are built of mud and clay.

The Global World Order: Communism, Polar Vortex, Africa and CERN’s Blackholes

George Soros has warned that unless the left wing EU Liberals wake up quickly, the EU will fall into oblivion just like the Soviet Union…  

Interesting observation. Why?  Because it illuminates the fact that Soros once supported the Soviet Union – when it was ruled by Communism before it fell into oblivion and became Russia.  Thus, in effect he is warning that unless the EU jolts itself back to its communist roots, it will fall into the same evil capitalism that grounds Russia today.  While chastising Germany’s coalition for not being more aggressive in their pro-EU stance, he goes on to blame the EU for unfairly asserting that immigrants must remain in the country where they first enter the EU and putting too much pressure on Italy, all the while praising the Green Party.  This ‘pressure’, he feels is what ultimately created the rise of Italian populism.

Of course, all these policies were initiated by Soros.  Thus he is attempting to redirect blame and justify his failure.

Soros is 88 years old. Dementia is likely a product of his odd attempts at deflection.  But he has 1 daughter and four sons, and two of the sons and the daughter are worth researching;  Jonathon, Alexander and Andrea.

Working somewhat behind the scenes, and rarely discussed, is Soros only daughter, Andrea Soros.  On the Board of Acumen, they invest in enterprises working in Sub-Saharan Africa, Asia and Latin America.  The same ‘hot climates’ that the Paris Accord attempts to redirect climate change funds.   Supported by the Rockerfeller Foundation, Chase Bank, Bill Gates, DOW Chemical and the Clinton Foundation, Acumen is basically a microfinance organization, a credit nightmare for poor people.

Alexander is just 33, on the Board of Open Society Foundation, Jewish Funds For Justice, and Global Witness.

Jewish Funds For Justice merged with Progressive Jewish Alliance whose CEO is Simon Greer.  His father, Colin Greer runs the New World Foundation.  A liberal foundation founded by Anita McCormick.  Hillary Clinton was on the Board from 1982 to 1988 during which time the foundation gave money to “New Left” causes including;    the Christic Institute, Grassroots International, Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador (CISPES), FAIR, and the National Lawyers Guild.   By the early 1990s, the foundation was giving money to Silicon Valley.

Ms. McCormick launched a New York newspaper called the National Guardian, which simply became The Guardian.  The Guardian was pro-Soviet Union Communism and pro-Maoist Communism.   The roots of Communism run deep in the Cabal.

The Christic Institute, founded by Daniel Sheehan, morphed into the Romero Institute after it lost its non-profit status for filing a frivolous lawsuit.    CISPES came under FBI investigation for its alleged ties to rebel factions that supported Marxism-Leninism and the US Communist Party.

Jonathon Soros, the eldest son was responsible for significant losses in the Soros Fund and stepped down as Chief Investment Officer in 2011 to start his own fund which manages a relatively small amount – $500 million. His Soros projects include supporting the elimination of the electoral college, and the creation of a super PAC to end super Pacs.   He is aligned with a number of Daddy’s pets including:  Democracy Alliance, Move On, Media Matters New America Foundation and the Roosevelt Institute, whose Board is comprised of a who’s who of teamsters supporting government expansion and higher taxation.

Google’s Chief Executive Officer serves on the Board of New America.   The Current president of New America, Anne-Marie Slaughter served as Director of Policy Planning in Hillary’s State Department tenure. Slaughter still consults for the State Department and sits on the Board of the US Foreign Policy Advisory, an agency created by Hillary Clinton.  The current Board reads like a who’s who of Germans, Obama, Clinton and Bush caricatures. It also includes the American Security Project, an organization that focuses on climate change and ‘fusion energy’.  In particular, CERN, the Large Haldron Collider which was charged with creating microscopic black holes for the purpose of finding alternate dimensions.    Why? Perhaps to escape the fast decaying dimension we are living in right now.  But there are concerns that the smashing of particles is actually accelerating a global decay causing massive shifts in the earths crust, fissures, tectonic collapses, and altering the weather.   Steven Hawking famously quoted:

The Higgs potential has the worrisome feature that it might become metastable at energies above 100 [billion] gigaelectronvolts (GeV). This could mean that the universe could undergo catastrophic vacuum decay, with a bubble of the true vacuum expanding at the speed of light. This could happen at any time and we wouldn’t see it coming.”

Inline with the Climate Change theory, in 2018 it was announced that Bill Gates was funding an experiment whereby particles would be sprayed in the sky to dim the sun so as to create a cooling effect.  SCoPEx was approved by the UN Intergovernmental Pattern on Climate Change in conjunction with Harvard scientists.  In January 2019, the US experienced a massive Polar Vortex that plunged temperatures into record regions of -60’.   The Media claim the Polar Vortex was caused by ‘Global Warming’.

Obviously Harvard and the UN fast tracked their particle release without government approval.   Obviously, these scientists are operating outside of People Approval.  Obviously, corporate power is controlling our sustainability, our weather, and our future.  And with our planet looking fragile under their tutelage, fast tracking Communism would give them the depopulation necessary for their survival.  And in the end, if they accomplish their directive to plunge the world into a polar freeze, where best to retire – AFRICA.