Was Ronald Reagan A Neoconservative Rhino?

Did Reagan Drain The Swamp?   Did Reagan expose Bush?   Did Bush go to jail for the Iran-contra Affair?   Reagan largess credit was the demise of communism in Soviet Russia.   But he is also responsible for the inadvertent transfer of that communist ideology into Washington via George Bush.  An ideology that united The Bush’s with the Clintons and Obamas in the Fall of America.  

The Heritage Foundation was founded in 1973 to advance anti-communism doctrine.   The Foundation dictated Reagan policy during his presidency including neoconservative hawkish advances.  Having decried Trump ‘a clown’ before his election victory in 2016, the moment he became president The Heritage Foundation shifted gears into  control mode and was responsible for selecting the majority of Trump’s cabinet, including 66 Heritage employees.  All of whom proved to be neoconservative traitors.

Koch Brothers were also instrumental in the founding of the CATO Institute in 1977.  Labeled a libertarian organization, the CATO Institute self describes as supporting a Liberal Democracy or classical liberalism.  Cato’s vice president for research Brink Lindsey agreed that libertarians and liberals should view each other as natural ideological allies.     While supporting a smaller government, CATO advocates for privatization of government agencies – as opposed to elimination.   They support ‘open borders’ and are funded by Google, Facebook, Walton Foundation, and the Gilder Foundation which also supports Human Rights Watch, aka Soros.

The Koch Brothers claim to be conservative Libertarians yet they supported Obama and founded Americans For Prosperity – which funds anyone who is opposed to Trump.

In other words, The CATO Institute and the Heritage Foundation align with the World Economic Forum Agenda 2030 calling for a global corporate government.   Stakeholders.   And in today’s world, Reagan would be labeled a neoconservative/Rhino.

Every neoconservative group today self proclaims the Reagan identity;   National Endowment for Democracy – a global coup organization.  Council for National Policy.   Fox News.  Department of Defense.  The American Enterprise Institute.  The Hoover Institute.  World Bank… etc.   EVEN WORSE:  The Reagan Foundation Trustee Chair was co-founder of the far left Politico and former CEO at WAPO.   Paul Ryan serves on the Board of Trustees as does Lachlan Murdoch a devout liberal supporter of Hillary Clinton.  The Reagan Foundation is NOT Republican, it is a Uniparty of Liberal Progressives who align with Agenda 2030.

To support Reaganomics today, one would be supporting the Rhino Party.  Whether Reagan’s name was hijacked, or he truly was a rhino/Hawk can not be told without a conversation with the man.   But it can be determined without a doubt, that any organization claiming Reagan policies is in fact a part of the neoconservative movement that ultimately upended the GOP Republicans and aligned them with the Rothschild/Rockefeller Agendas.

Those Agendas focused heavily on Big Pharma and Oil.  MONEY.  POWER.  CONTROL.

When a democrat claims to be crossing the party boundary as a republican, or a republican claims to be crossing the boundary as a democrat – it isn’t about ideology, it is about risk.   If a state is moving blue – change affiliation so as to promote a ‘more balanced and level political frame’.  That’s politics.

The ONLY Party NOT affiliated with the Uniparty is MAGA.   However, Trump was also led down the Rhino path, like Reagan, and filled the White House with neoconservative traitors per recommendations from the CATO Institute and The Heritage Foundation.   Pundits of the Uniparty praise Reagan while decrying Trump as evil personified.

Typically, what defines a neoconservative is their hawkish response to international relations.   Prominent today, this would include;  Steve Bannon, Bill Krystal, Cheney, Graham, Nikki Haley, Bill Barr, Pence, Christie, Romney, DeVos, Pompeo, Mueller, Wray, etc…   Their current stance is to fund Israel & Ukraine while starting a World War with Iran and China.   The same can be said for Social Media – fake Maga’s want WAR.

Reagan sought to rehabilitate the US Military defeat in Vietnam by creating a win/win war in Nicaragua.   Operating on CIA intelligence, aka William Casey, a New Deal supporter, and The Heritage Foundation, the US invaded Nicaragua under the guise of combating global communism.  The Nicaragua Revolution had toppled the US backed government in 1979.  Therefore, the neoconservatives sought to regain control via the Contras –  A military faction created by the US government and Israel – much like ISIS or Ukraine.

The main belligerent according to the CIA was not Nicaragua – but Soviet Russia.   In fact the same government that was toppled by Sandinista’s was installed by the US in 1912 and run by US based multinational corporations.  The purpose of the Reagan’s War was to reinstall the ‘US Corporation status’.

The US Corporations which had the largess presence in Nicaragua included:  American Standard Inc. (Rockefeller), Chevron Corp., H.B. Fuller Co., Bank of America, Citi Bank, Xerox, General Mills Inc., Hercules Inc., Intercontinental Hotels Corp., Kem Manufacturing Co. Inc., Nabisco Brands Inc., Texaco Inc. and United Brands Co.   These Corporate entities had been raping the country of its resources for decades.   The Sandinista’s revolted.   They won The Revolution only to then fight the US apparatus.

Nicaragua’s natural resources were/are vast and include;  agriculture, gold, silver & Copper as well as oil.   All of which were confiscated by these US Corporations within a program of blackmail paid back to the government.

Both Reagan and Trump trusted the apparatus and allowed them to be an integral part of the White House system.   The Neoconservative Movement only came to the forefront of understanding during Trump’s tenure.   While Nancy Reagan’s animosity toward Bush was well known, Ronald Reagan still believed in the American Government and the Institutions that controlled the helm.  He allowed the Corporate Stakeholders to direct every move he made as President.

In the event Trump had lost to Hillary in 2016, the neoconservative Uniparty apparatus would still be in Power and would likely continue to operate as the shadow government within what is known to be – the ideological coup of the United States of America.  Reagan was not a Hero.   He was ruled by Bush and his neoconservative hawks within The CATO Institute, NED, and The Heritage Foundation.

As I have stated before – putting the diseases back into Pandora’s Box is not possible.   Not only has America’s diseases been revealed, but Netanyahu has now divulged the Zionist Movement for what it represents as well.  

We Know.   We have a choice.     

The Mossad, The CIA, And The Trafficking Industry Blackmail Book

Germany’s Deutsche Welle:  The Eu has a lot on its plate for 2024 including Russia and Trump.   Interesting given last I checked, the US President is not a bobblehead of the EU.   And Ukraine is not a member of the EU so Russia’s actions have net zero effect on the EU – unless they decide to announce footsies on the ground… Except they can’t because they have no arsenol, no viable troops, and Germany’s tanks have hit the wall in Ukraine, as in – they are no longer operational because Ukrainian’s don’t know how to maintain them.

Once again, the parlay comes from the EU Leaders, leaders who do NOT represent The People.   Leaders who have botched their economies.   Leaders who lead into an abyss of toxic jabs, death, and failure.   Accordingly, Ukraine fatigue is to blame.

WORLD BANK:   “Ukraine’s economy is likely to grow by 3.5% in 2023 after contracting by almost 30% in 2022, thanks to ongoing donor support, more stable electricity supply, increased government spending, a better harvest, and the rerouting of some exports through the country’s western borders.”

Ukraine’s budget for 2023 was $42 billion in hopeful revenues – on spending of $82 billion…  with the expectation that nice people would pick up the deficit.  Americans giving $122 billion.  90% of Ukrainians are on social payments.  So what is the ‘revenue source’?  Debt.   Ukraine is sitting on over $148 billion in government debt.   The debt structure began in 2008 during the global recession and intensified after the 2014 coup that set Ukraine down the Wonderland spiral.

The cost to rebuild Ukraine now stands at a precipice of $500 billion to $1 trillion.   And the Zelenskyy entertainers are not too keen to ante up.   Seems they decided Argentina was a better risk for takeover.   Given it is still viable – as opposed to rubble.  Soros is peeved and on his deathbed – he alone kept Ukraine alive via American wallets.

The notion that the EU will vote into membership a piece of rubble run by a porn actor is laughable – even for them.   Still, the bent toward placating the Soros Ukraine remains and will likely remain until Soros’ untimeliness… At which point, Ukraine has nothing to offer – it0s trafficking Empire a shadow of its former self.   Its grain decimated and harvesting toxic waste.   Its oil and gas lines – airports – transport and infrastructure – rubble.

4.5 million people throughout the world are victims of forced sexual exploitation. $51 billion per year is accumulated through forced labor.  Ukraine has been a source, destination, and transit for human trafficking since Reagan gave the country to Soros in 1990.   According to USAID, this has been exacerbated by the Russia conflict… Why?   Because transit lines were decimated.  Meaning Ukraine’s primary source of revenue – trafficking – was hit hard by Russia.

While the EU is mulling using income from frozen Russian assets to fund Ukraine going forward, the move is strategically illegal according to International Law and would simply backfire as a precedent is established.  The total amount frozen is $300 billion.   Russia has already stated that retaliation would be severe and quick.   Given the fact that the 92 sanctions affecting 10,600 individuals in Russia by western countries have already backfired, the incompetency of the West could only be extended.  Already facing failure after failure, another blow could spiral confidence in western rule and trust into a bottomless pit of hellfire.

The result would simply be more expansion of BRICS and more contraction of western colonies.

The pundits are quick to use Argentina’s latest bomb wherein Milei pulled out of the BRICS – as a success for the US.   But the reality is Argentina has years of work ahead as it emboldens itself as the Model for the WEF Stakeholder 2030 Agenda.   A poverty rate standing at 40% and total debt over $400 billion (government portion = $200 billion), the only thing Argentina has over Ukraine is a standing infrastructure.

Israel is a destination country for women trafficked from Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, Uzbekistan, Belarus, China and South Korea.  The purpose is sexual exploitation.   In addition, internal trafficking of Israeli women sent abroad to Canada, Ireland and England was noted by USAID as well as forced labor and prostitution of a large number of Indian and African migrant workers.

The Epstein scandal seems to have taken another hit as the due north arrow has slipped from the CIA to the Mossad.  Ghislaine Maxwell is considered to be an agent cultivated by her Zionist father, Robert born a Jew in Ukraine.  Epstein too was recruited by Robert Maxwell in the 1980’s for the purpose of laundering money.   Maxwell’s communist connections enabled Israel/Mossad the necessary weapons to destroy the Palestinians in 1948.  ZION doing what it does best.

Maxwell went overboard on his yacht on the morning of November 5th  1991, doctors speculated he had a heart attack and drowned.  His body was ‘found’ floating that afternoon.  But under normal circumstances, a dead body sinks and rises to the surface after 3-4 days…  He was given a full military Mossad funeral.  Questions remain with conspiracies claiming he didn’t die but was rebirthed in Argentina where all good men disappear like Hitler, Osama bin Laden and Jeffrey Epstein.

Epstein’s child trafficking exploitation began early 1990.   The same time frame that Soros took over Ukraine.   The same time frame wherein Ukraine came to the forefront of Amnesty International as a global hub for child and sex trafficking.

Did the Mossad already have their blackmail book?   Did Maxwell or the Mossad then recruit Ghislaine to carry the baton with her lover Epstein?

Epstein Island was bought in 1998 – 7 years after the death of Robert Maxwell, for roughly $8 million.   The island has since been sold to hedge fund investor, Stephen Deckoff.     Did he buy the baton?

With Epstein in “Argentina” and Ghislaine in prison, who gained control of the Black Book of names and blackmail?   Did it revert back to the Mossad?   Or was it sold to the highest bidder?   While the focus of recruits for Epstein is parlayed by the Media to be the US – reality is quite different.  The vast majority came from eastern Europe, Brazil, Ecuador and – Ukraine.

The Mossad is quite dirty.   Robert Maxwell was in allegiance with communists to support the Rothschild fidelity of a secular communist Israel.   Ghislaine was her father’s daughter and parlayed those commandments throughout the British Royal Family, ALL western politicians, entertainers, musicians, and Hollywood Zions to assure compliance.    The CIA was a conduit – the FBI was an insurance – and the deeds were the rape of children.

There is no clean slate.   There is ONLY God.   The one entity they fear above everything else –

2024: Navigating The Storm

2024 is shaping up to be about Iran and China.   Ukraine is dead.   Israel has extended its bombing campaign to include Syria, Lebanon, and Yemen.   All while claiming Iran is the instigator of everything – sort of like a Trump did it mantra.   Israel has been bombing Palestine for 70 years.   Each time, the motive is the same – to displace as many as possible so as to reduce the population – a Bill Gates agenda.  There are now 7 million Palestinian refugees across the globe out of a population of just 14.3 million.  Lebanon alone houses 5 million.

Still, good ole hawk Lindsey Graham, is calling for the US to bomb Iran.   Surely that will solve the problem…   Of course he wanted us to bomb Russia and will probably call for us to bomb China should Taiwan come to the forefront before the US is ready to relinquish control.   Putting all our ducks in a row, the only thing keeping us tied to Taiwan is ‘chips’.    In addition to the Ohio Intel plant that will be the largest chip manufacturer in the world when it comes onboard in 2025, Intel has announced a new plant to be built in – Israel at a cost of $25 billion.   The advent of AI is the main driver.  And obviously, Israel is ready onboard for Intel in the midst of a “WAR”?

Nvidia (Pelosi owned stock) hit a valuation of $1 trillion this week as the chip revolution in AI will drive and reshape silicon valley.  One product of Nvidia dubbed H100 GPU packs 80 billion transistors and sells for $30,000.   Chips are used for storage, cloud computing, games, graphics, crypto mining, computers, electric grids, cars, etc…  Every piece of technology is now completely reliant on ‘chips’.

Taiwan filled the void and will continue to do so until we create our alternative, at which point the US won’t give a fark if China reabsorbs the tiny country off its own shore.   It’s all money.

What would we gain in reigniting a Middle East War with Iran central?   Nothing of value – just more military spending to boost weapon supplies and sales back to the Middle East.   While our dear traitor, Slava Ukraine Kinzinger, justifies the billions of funding for Ukraine by relaying the obvious – the money is actually spent to revitalize US weapons stockpiles while we send Ukraine our broken and obsolete – US Taxpayers actually give money to the government to give to the Military Industrial Complex – so they can build weapons to sell to other countries for a profit.

Taxpayers are thus subsidizing profits for private companies – without gaining from the sales…  A Ponzi scam at its height.   Not much different than the fact that US Taxpayer funds are allocated to Soros NGO’s which pay NO Taxes – so that Soros can bring in illegal immigrants and pay for riots.   Lovely.

When Rand Paul suggests that America needs a flat tax, I have to interject – would I want my accountant to surgically remove my tonsils?   I think NOT!

So, here is my 10 point RESET:    1.   A 40% pay reduction for every member in Congress.   2.   Each Congressional member is allocated 1 aid with a salary pegged to GDP PP.   3.   ALL NGO’s are taxable at a flat rate of 25%.   4.  Reduce number of Federal government agencies to ten.   Establish a fixed budget per agency that can only increase by 3% per year maximum.   5.   Eliminate all national security subset organizations including CSIS, NED, CIA, NSA, etc…   6.   Use the National Guard on a rotation basis to cover our borders and natural disasters.   7.   Return the Military to its core – no bases outside of the US.   Rehab every usable base in the US to meet 3rd level criteria.   8.   Each state shall have one governor and zero senators.   9.   Before troops can be sent to instigate a war anywhere – a vote by The People must be made.   10.   Eliminate all subsidies, all sanctions, and all pensions – everyone is on the same playing field.

When Soros declared that the last two countries that would fall by his hand would be America and Russia.   When the globalization agenda picked up steam and suddenly we lost track of everything.   Soros set about to achieve his Agenda.   He tried.  Diligently so.   But he lost Russia and he is precipitously close to losing the US.  Only due to one miscalculation. Social Media.   His brain didn’t wrap around that particular phenomena and it will cost him the entire Gamut.   And he hasn’t the Power to undo what is known.    His solution?  Pretend it never happened….   Pathetic.

So, that means he is going to double down on America 2024 as a last hurrah to prove he isn’t a complete failure and save his ego before he dies.   The Big Money is looking to the other side already.  Hedging their bets as to who will come out alive.   They could care less about Soros’ ego.

What are the odds?  Who is in favor?   Because, in the end, nothing will change unless everything changes.   It IS A RESET – just not the one envisioned by the Bolsheviks.   A RESET where we keep our money.   And Laissez Faire in ALL regulations – buyer beware – no law suits.  Just figure it out.   It could work.   Just a bit of mental realigning.

It may be that 2024 is a deciding factor in the game after the election for decades to come.   When the Bolsheviks came to the Soviet Union to initiate assassinations and coups, the Russian realm numbered 150 million people in 1917.   At the time of the Revolution there were only 200,000 members of the Bolsheviks who ultimately took control over 150 million.  For 70 years.

There are many positives that could prevail in 2024 if we stay united.   Recognize the ultimate goal and let go of this media enquirer mentality.  

Bottom line:  Trump is the Candidate.  They have yet to reveal their ace card – next Spring they will announce a Biden replacement.   The media will be consumed with the audacity!    And something else will happen behind the scenes – like an errant bomb on Iran.   Blame it on Russia.   Realize the gaff.   Backtrack the gaff.  And soon the bomb is forgotten.

IF Iran reacts, then the spin will put them as the initiator.    Russia will warn them to remain -placid.  They will comply.   US will become infuriated and attempt a False Flag.

Bottom Line – Trump is not on the same plane with every thought process of the MAGAts, we are a society that expects only perfection.   Not even Jesus would pass the perfection test demanded today.   A lion pushed into his Den is a lion ready for battle.   We must be Lions.   A Lions Pride.   Trump is the ONLY leader that can endure the onslaught and still win.   Loyalty is an honor, it is a gift, it should be the solidarity that unites.

Let’s Be That.

US Congress’ Disfunctional Agendas Driving A Trump Victory

The Main Congressional issues that are being focused on before Christmas include;  abortion, money for Ukraine, money for Israel, money for climate change, sanctioning everybody, and Trump is a dictator…   The Main issues that are being focused on across the globe include:  expanded trade, growth, and peace.   Putin met with Saudi Arabia’s Bin Salman and the outcome included, “Bin Salman was willing to work with Russia to achieve stability and prosperity for the entire world, noting that the two nations had already achieved a lot in the spheres of energy, investment, and agriculture in the past seven years.”

This is what Leadership is supposed to look like – how to better benefit and grow partnerships.  Unfortunately, our esteemed bogeymen mentality is personified in Lloyd Austin claiming that the purpose of the US Military is to WIN Wars.   Not to deter War, or resolve Peace, or commit to détente – but to fight until the last man, woman and child – are dead.

According to Austin, if Congress doesn’t ante up more money to fight Russia in Ukraine, he is threatening to send our troops to Ukraine – thereby solidifying a World War scenario wherein the US is now a viable target for retaliation.   ALL for the Nazi’s and Zions in Ukraine. Biden bemuddles that unless $110 billion is brought to the table for Ukraine and Israel, Russia will attack and destroy NATO…   But NATO doesn’t have an army – NATO’s army is the US!

What has Lloyd Austin in a panty-wad is the fact that he already secured orders for military weapons to restock the US inventory – and doesn’t have any money left from last year’s budget which he overspent by $227 billion. Pentagon Black Book accounting.  China’s entire Military Budget is $230 Billion – yet somehow they pose a threat?

Trump’s humor was on full display as he announced to Hannity that he would Rule as a Dictator for One Day if elected in 2024.   Every incoming President spends days, weeks or even months issuing Executive Orders – which in fact do enforce a dictatorship.  But the MSM and Liberals don’t understand the humor or irony and instead whimper and wet and whine because Trump likely will;  Pull out of NATO.  Pull out of the UN.   Pull out of all Climate Change related funding.   Open up all drilling.   Withdraw from WHO.   And secure The Border!   Our border – not Ukraine’s or Israel’s.

But of course, we still must face that nasty-pants revelation – Voter Fraud and Corruption perpetrated by the Liberals and Rhino’s.  

The Ukraine War will not go down favorably in the history books.   Russia has essentially beaten Ukraine, US, UK, Germany, France, Canada, and Japan.   The humility is a direct result of fools and idiots running our Militaries and Intelligensia!   Every General should be stripped of his rank and medals.  Israel’s Mossad and IDF are humiliated as well – resorting to killing women and children because they can’t make inroads on HAMAS.  While it is unknown how many actual HAMAS members have been killed, the last estimate was roughly 100 – 5,000 compared to 20,000 civilian casualties and tens of thousands severely injured.   Of course, Israel is using Common Core Math.

In a world of nonrelevance, the UN undersecretary, Jean Pierre Lacroix stated,  “The world still needs UN peacekeepers”.   WHY?   Because, they want to keep their jobs – not peace.  UN peacekeepers cost roughly $1.5 billion per year on a total budget of $6.45 Billion.  In 2023, the US gave the UN $1.5 Billion – more than all EU states combined.  IF there was peace, there would be no need for a UN.   There are over 35 armed conflicts across Africa displacing more than 40 million – and the UN stokes every one of them.   The need for war is twofold;   chaos and money.  Chaos is the definition of satan.

Over 40 Congressional members will be retiring or won’t seek re-election this next term.   The vast majority are Democrats and Rhino’s.   Their reasoning is consistent – dysfunction and lies.

The question is – their lies that could get them a criminal conviction… or their peers – because lying seems to be a pre-requisite for being in Congress.   Opening the field is more likely a direct result of the grumbling regarding a Trump victory wherein he pledges to once again – call the CLEANER.   Only this time, he is armed with a full glass of reality.

The clansmen decry the fact that Trump didn’t fire more people!  How dare he not fire everyone!   How dare he NOT invoke the Insurrection Act when states allowed their cities to be burned and destroyed…  Except, the President may only intervene with federal troops in State’s business when the governor requests he do so…   DANG – Law.

Of course these same minion clansmen had no idea who the rhinos were much less the notion there were rhinos.   They tend to parlay from the forked tongue gamut employed by the bookseller, Ann Coulter.   A neoconservative rhino who has lost her mojo, Coulter sits back and details how awful everyone is – but herself – having done nothing to assist or deter – anything!

The lounge chair shrews.

The far-left Atlantic has already declared that should Trump win the 2024 election, Congress will pull impeachment charges, criminal charges, and use a whipping post at every intersection.   They assert that Trump will attempt to use the Supreme Court to allow himself to be pardoned in defiance of the Law.

ARTICLE 2:   “The Supreme Court referred to the President’s authority to pardon as unlimited except in cases of impeachment, extending to every offence known to the law and able to be exercised either before legal proceedings are taken, or during their pendency, or after conviction and judgment.    Clemency may only be granted for Offenses against the United States, meaning that state criminal offenses and federal or state civil claims are not covered.”

Trump’s lawyers know this.  Trump knows this.   So the Atlantic may find itself legally adrift in their thinking.   But then their Editor in Chief is a former Israeli IDF prison guard who relished every Palestinian prisoner he interred while celebrating his own Zionism… 

The Nation of Israel is a Zionist Corporate Operation of Mossad



Despite the Israeli War, the Ukraine War, and failing economies, CSIS (Center For Strategic and International Studies) is still triggered by – China.   “Tracking China’s Navy Modernization…”, “Rethinking Technology Transfer Policy for China”, “What The Sunnylands Statement Means for US/China Climate Relations”.

The Sunnylands Statement was first negotiated in 2021, and never implemented.  After 2 years of further nonnegotiating, CSIS has determined progress is being made.   Apparently, the US disinformation campaign has determined that China agreed to parallel the US strategy in reducing methane and fossil fuels.   The Reality?   China went home from the San Francisco Summit and began construction on 300 new coal plants.

Why is it that 2021 targets became 2025, became 2030, became 2045, and are now 2070?   Because everyone delineating the ‘targets’ will be long dead and their fruition isn’t about fruition, it is about money.   The money laundering pool in Ukraine is dried up.   The Israel pool is redirected to Israel’s Slush Fund, and the Green Fund is redirected to the Banking Cartel’s usury microloans.

2024.   Chaos is being planned in wake of the 2024 election and Americans are being warned it will upend America in nearly every corner from the reoccurrence of BLM and Antifa Riots, to mass layoffs, to bankruptcies, to unprecedented fear mongering – ALL of which will be amped via AI across social media and our decrepit news entertainers.

And according to the esteemed Economist rag, it will be China’s fault.   The Goal Is To Place China in a Firm Second Place.

“…as China’s rulers prepare for an age of division and great-power competition, they will present their country as a defender of global unity.  To advance their first goal, Chinese leaders will accuse America and its allies of stoking a new cold war. They sense an opportunity to dislodge the West from the centre of world affairs. Their criticisms will have an economic component, too. With global growth slowing.”

Setting the stage for the next reel of media entertainment, the dialogue has been established – attack CHINA.   The reason?   BRICS.  The US is petrified that the BRICS power movement will intensify in 2024 leaving the war mongers destitute, depleted, and sitting atop a $40 Trillion Bonfire of the Vanities.

Russia is offering Americans a chance to save ourselves by moving to their country.   China is temporarily opening their free VISA program to encourage European travel.   Klaus Schwab is hiding while the WEF wants to cover our waterways with – solar panels.   Yes – really.  What could go wrong?   Here fishie fishie…

While the WEF attempts to create the illusion that everybody is happy happy, The Economist has declared that 2024 will see a global recession.   Somehow, these two tied at the hip organizations are not gob speaking and haven’t got their stories straight.

The illusion that the US and UK are global peacekeepers working toward democracy has been shattered.   The Hologram has revealed an incomprehensible evil bent on disorder thru starvation, death, and constant wars led by governments engaging in pedophilia, satanic rituals, and trafficking of money, children, and slaves.  There is no way to say this other than at face-value.   Only when we recognize what these people have done, can we dissolve and eradicate the tyranny.

PRESIDENT TRUMP:  We have only one candidate willing to go thru the desert – Trump.  Robert Kennedy, Jr., is NOT the target.   He has pronounced his awe and pledge to Hillary Clinton.   A perfect VP choice for Trump would be Sarah Huckabee Sanders; level, balanced, female, insightful, highly intelligent, and above reproach.   Her loyalty and her word are solid 99.9% gold.

The CIA has a venture capital fund called, In-Q-Tel.  The Mossad has a venture capital fund as well – Libertard Ventures – founded in 2017 to invest in high-tech start-ups.  Both agencies are funded by their respective governments via taxpayers.   But Taxpayers do not share in the profits from these Funds.   Nor do they pay taxes because they are, well –  secret.

MOSSAD/Israel –

According to the Mossad’s Libtard (yes, I know) Fund, they invest in entrepreneurs and startups.   In return, “they do not require shareholding in the company but are granted a non-commercial, non-exclusive license for the use of the company’s IP, developed at the time of engagement with the fund.”   This is basically the road map for how the CIA ran Twitter.

The Mossad has now been linked to 9-11, ISIS, Al Qaeda, Jeffrey Epstein and The New World Order.  The collaboration between the US CIA and Mossad would seem well trenched in every nefarious event in the world to catalyze a constant realm of chaos from which to paralyze countries.  Epstein and Maxwell were their pimps tasked with creating blackmail via acts of filmed pedophilia to OWN Western governments.

The entire 9-11 task was to create a common enemy – Islam.   ISIS was formed to eliminate the Shia’s.   And Al Qaeda was formed to enhance a terrorist mentality so as to establish a sharp division in the Middle East with Zions maintaining a victimhood propaganda position justifying War.

Mossad is NOT our friend.  They and the CIA are The Cabal.  The media and political fray of Rhinos and Liberals are erupting because they fear the truth will be realized.   Their blackmail will be made public.   And their treason will fill Guantanamo. 

The Zionists and The False Prophet Pope have worked in conjunction with each other to destroy the common denominator that has the Power to upend their entire Agenda – God, religion, belief.  Francis was tasked with destroying The Catholic religion.   The Zionists were tasked with destroying the Muslim religion.   Because faith in God is Satan’s Last Hurrah wherein he will be cast to the sea of fire.

Verse 8 &9, Psalm 72:

He shall have dominion also from sea to sea, and from the river unto the ends of the earth. 9 They that dwell in the wilderness shall bow before him; and his enemies shall lick the dust.

The verse used by Palestinians to designate God’s Israel is literally a fragmented version from The Bible.  It cannot and does not apply to secular Zions because they don’t believe in religion or THE BIBLE.

IF Zionist Israel is not a valid land, then what is it?  

In 1968, Israel Corporation was founded with Shaul Eisenberg and the Israeli Government whose PM at the time was Levi Eshkoll a Zionist who established some of the first ‘settlements’, succeeded PM Ben Gurion, and with the extol of President Johnson, precipitated the Israel 6 Day War against Palestinians.

Israel Corporation, Ltd, is the holding company of Israel Corporation which spun off multiple subsidiary ventures in 1999 and 2007 including:

Kenon, based in Singapore, Tower Jazz based in Israel in partnership with China, Zim, the largest Jewish NGO in the world – founded in 1945 by the Jewish Agency For Palestine, Israel Chemicals, Oil Refineries, LTD, Tower Semiconductor, which owns 51% of Taiwan’s Nuvoton, Qoros, founded in China, and IC Power, operating in Latin America and The Caribbean.

Idan Ofer, an Israeli billionaire, took control of the Israel Corporation from his father.   He sits on the advisory boards of Harvard and Council of Foreign Relations, co-founded The Carbon War Room for climate change which became The Rocky Mountain Institute with offices in China.  RMI’s CEO is Jon Creyts who came from McKinsey & Co.   The Israel Corporation works in conjunction with Lockheed Martin, which was a powerhouse for Nazi scientists post WWII via the CIA.   Ofer is a member of the liberal labor party.

THUS, Israel and China are intertwined in the Israel Corporation that defines Israel as not a nation – but as a Corporate Entity.  Which is why the China Bad syndrome is a deflection from China/Israel partnerships.   The deflection is victimhood – The Power Grab behind The Red Curtain is the Zionist Cabal – and the ‘rethinking’ of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion…..

Israel’s Slave Trade & The Pentagon’s Failed Audit

The Construction industry in Israel is short 100,000+ workers because they fired all the Palestinians in the labor market.   Now they are looking to replace the Palestinians with Indian laborers as in Israel’s slave trade, an ongoing trafficking business that has existed for over 30 years.   Common in the Middle East, Israel sought the same leverage of underpaid, undocumented, trafficked labor from eastern Asia, in particular India.   Now that Gaza has been razed to rubble, the need for bulldozing in preparation for the Ben Gurion Canal is amplified.

“In early November, thousands of Palestinian workers were forced to return to Gaza on foot after being dropped off several miles from the Israeli-Gaza border wearing numbered tags on their ankles.”

Human Rights abuses have been documented for decades and yet nothing is done.   Agriculture settlement farms use Palestinian children as young as 11 to pick and clean vegetables for Israeli’s.  Many children don’t go to school.   They get paid $19 a day, 6-7 days a week, 8—12 hours per day, in violation of every international labor law.   For Palestinians, education is superfluous because there are no jobs.   They are the peasant workers and the Israeli government condones this.

Foreign workers, including Palestinians, must pay a monthly work permit fee of $780.  In addition, labourers from India typically are charged $25,000 payable to an employment agency which provides loans at 8%-10% interest for repayment.   If the slave reports the blackmail, they are deported.  Forced prostitution is rife in Israel with the vast majority of women trafficked coming from Ukraine, Russia, and Palestine.

The Police are ordered to ‘stand down’ and do nothing.

In the words of Ben Shapiro, these people are simple minded barbarians who deserve nothing better.   Dehumanization.

Palestinian men working in Israel are paid roughly $77 per day before deductions for fees and taxes.  They represent roughly 70% of Israel’s Construction labor given the vast majority of Israeli’s work in professional occupations.

The War by Israel has opened a Pandora’s Box that can never be resealed.   Netanyahu has managed to reveal a system of criminality, persecution, and genocide amidst a regime based on rules of supremacy.   The Ashkenazi’s unveiled is a far more totalitarian engagement than the mass hypnosis presentation filtered through rose colored glasses.   It has been known by the US government, the UN, Amnesty International and many other human rights organizations for decades, and yet – Israel specifically chose to ignore reality and continued its pretense.   Subjugating any foreign worker to slavery, the pariah is exposed.

Today, South Africa called for criminal investigations into Israel’s proxy genocide by the ICC, backed a motion to close the Israeli Embassy, and called for the complete suspension of Israel ties.   Of course, anyone who makes such a motion is immediately labeled a terrorist backer or a Marxist to discredit, demonize and dehumanize.   A liberal tactic employed on Russia, Syria, Iraq, Iran, and any country that so agrees.

Despite claims of a massive tunnel system under hospitals, the IDF has failed to show such a network.   By deflection, the patients in such hospitals, mostly children and women are bombed relentlessly as cornered casualties of war – unable to flee.

Taking its toll on media positions, another story is buried:  The Pentagon FAILED its sixth audit.  Inventories are fudged.   Money is unaccounted.   “With $3.8 trillion in assets, $4 trillion in liabilities, and little meaningful oversight, the potential for waste and fraud is immense, according to the Government Accountability Office, which has included the department’s business systems modernization and financial management initiatives on its “High Risk List” – a list of federal programs most susceptible to fraud, abuse, mismanagement, and waste – for nearly 30 years.”

Accounting for funds sent to any country, including Ukraine, Afghanistan, Syria, and Israel will never occur.  Despite consuming over 50% of the discretionary budget, they are in the hole.   The $3.8 trillion in assets – cannot be accounted for.   Yet Congress wants to send more funds to ‘everywhere’.   A Deep, dark HOLE.

The US and Israel have destroyed their respect as more media journalists open the glass doors and the parasites are unleashed.   Our Intel agencies are staged.   Our justice systems are purposefully stained with the foibles of Ashkenazi disciples.   And still – The Rothschild Economist Screams from rooftop to rooftop, “Trump Poses The Biggest Threat To The Globe in 2024”.  WHY?   Because Trump will upend America’s World Order.

The fact is, The World Order as perceived by the Cabalists is already dead.   It was not brought down by President Trump, it was brought down by corruption at an unprecedented level among governments and NGO’s.  Trump will take the reins of an America that is significantly poorer than revealed with debt that can never be repaid and a monetary system that has bankrupted the American Citizens.   Not one US Agency is a legitimate procurer of fiscal responsibility.   The Books are COOKED and CROOKED –  The GOLD is gone.

The Economist believes this can be blamed on Trump.   But their short-sighted death march has spiraled the global economies devouring the West.   And The People across the globe know it.   We see it.  We report it.   And We hate it.  What Donald Trump provides is an old school Military Soldier mentality.   He is fighting this destruction with every fiber of his existence and winning.   No one is afraid to call out the Ashkenazi’s any longer.   Their victimhood has been played out.  And The Protests Reveal PEACE is the overriding Agenda – Labeled Marxist.

General Milley’s Last Words Confirm His Sedition and Likely Treason

General Milley formally exited ‘stage left’ by evoking Hate Speech’:   “We don’t take an oath to a country, we don’t take an oath to a tribe, we don’t take an oath to a religion. We don’t take an oath to a king, or a queen, or a tyrant or a dictator.   And we don’t take an oath to a wannabe dictator,”   he spat.   “We take an oath to the Constitution and we take an oath to the idea that is America – and we’re willing to die to protect it.”   

Not only does this crude statement reveal a man enshrined in hate, it reveals a General who has no idea what the oath of office is for officers!   A) he takes an oath to the Constitution of the United States our COUNTRY – not to China – not to Ukraine – not to Taiwan!   B) he takes an oath to ‘obey the President of the United States’.  

He did neither of these things and has now gone on record digging his grave for the world to hear and absorb.   His last words are words of sedition.   Sedition:   Speech or organization that includes subversion of The US Constitution.

The Oath states:

I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed …

The media has an interesting take on defining ‘hate speech’ – and instead references this ‘Generals’ choice of outgoing statements as a simple Trump ‘jab’.   Of course the media has zero understanding of the Military, its vows of discretion and honor and respect!   They only know Hollywood Che Guevara Sean Penn deviance of how military officials are supposed to be conduct themselves, and the hierarchy that entails.   The President is Milley’s Commander in Chief.   Not the other way around.  And if he cannot abide that Commander – he has the option to RESIGN.   Effective immediately.

Worse yet, Private First Class Milley, made his statements in front of cadets, other servicemen, and media, thereby enhancing his choice of words within the colossal potential for Treason by admitting he failed to uphold his Oath of Office under Trump, did not uphold The Constitution, and instead colluded with China – and made secret phone calls with CCP officials while still under Oath to President Trump.   An allegiance deviance.

In addition to Hate Speech, sedition, and treason – Milley revealed rampant ‘stupidity’ in his public display which he can not now deny happened.

In a similar vein of idiocy, Twitter influencer, Mehdi Hasan, made the unproven declaration that Hate Speech on Twitter has increased 1000x since Musk bought the company.   Without anyone asking, he decided to take upon himself to hold his own Challenge and thus prove he is right.   But in classic liberal scream fashion, he failed to edit his own tweets, which are rife with “Hate Speech”!   Stupidity has taken the reins of the liberals.   They cannot undo.

Now that we are globally witness to Gen. Milley’s seditious outgoing ‘hate speech’ he should be stripped of his rank and pension.    Milley’s illustrious career ended with Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Afghanistan Freedom.   Which liberated Iraq and Afghanistan of roughly 350,000 lives and Taxpayers of $4-$6 TRILLION.   Afghanistan is now controlled by the Taliban and Iraq is an ally of Russia.  WELL DONE!

Who did win these wars?   The Military Industrial Complex whose 2000 budget was $320 billion compared to today – $1 trillion annually – $1,000,000,000,000.   Not including the Ponzi Funds given to USAID, US State Department and NGO’s. By comparison, the next highest amount spent on Military is the UK at $68 billion.   A differential of nearly 1500%.

In my esteemed opinion, Milley should be more concerned with his deviance from supporting the American Citizens to inserting endless coups, wars, and depopulation.   He should be apologizing to The American People for losing every war since Vietnam.   For raping every one of us of our slave labor to this end.   And for NOT utilizing BASIC strategic and détente means to assure America is a nation of literal democracy instead of playing a Tactics II game board of destruction!

In my esteemed opinion, Milley and many other Generals should be relinquished of their pensions and their stripes. They have NOT protected Americans – and as such have degraded their entire OATH of office. They have lost the wars they initiated – including Ukraine, and have no honor to Honor. They operate on a spear of MONEY.  

As the Real General‘s Daughter – this military of today truly disgusts me.  

WESTERN Governments and Their Intel Agencies Are Completely ROGUE

Rereading the supposedly damning letter signed by 51 intelligence officials regarding the Hunter Biden laptop being a Russian propaganda ploy, I notice some interesting points:   1.   The vast majority of those signing are former CIA agents.   2.   According to ‘their assertion’ they got their damaging information from ‘the media in general, and The Washington Post’ specifically.   What makes this nearly comical is the fact that The Washington Post is the CIA’s go to for planting stories.   This dates to their inception in 1947.

The Letter States:

“Our view that the Russians are involved in the Hunter Biden email issue is consistent with two other significant data points as well. According to the Washington Post, citing four sources, “US intelligence agencies warned the White House last year that Guiliani was the target of an influence operation by the Russian government.

In addition, media reports now say that the FBI has opened investigation into Russian involvement in this case. According to USA Today, “…federal authorities are investigating as to whether the material supplied to the New York Post by Rudy Guiliani…is part of a smoke bomb of disinformation pushed by Russia.” ~ singed 51 intelligensia agents – the vast majority of which are post CIA.    

The same CIA that claims to be the intelligence apparatus of our nation is relying on evidence as stipulated by the Mainstream Media – including their own!   And that is how they formed their opinion to sign this letter of disinformation. Amazing!

Would it not also call into question the expert value of the CIA as an agency?   And would it not also call into question the value of every other Russia Did It determination/allegation?   Including those being asserted ‘again’ by Hillary Clinton as she campaigns for Ukraine via her Foundation’s relaunch?

Timing is everything.   Today Hillary posed for pictures as her portrait as the best Secretary of State was unveiled – 8 years after the fact!   It is like watching The Academy Awards present best picture of the year to a film made in 1950.   In reality, Hillary’s legacy is – Benghazi.   Their retribution for the brutal torture and sodomizing of Gaddafi,   wherein four Americans were brutalized and assassinated via similar means and Hillary did nothing.

While we can know Hillary’s Russia election interference assertions are a comedy – this letter actually provides the evidence or proof that every contrary campaign to demonize Russia is frontloaded by the fake CIA.

It takes the conspiracy out of the conspiracy. It reveals gross incompetence. And outlines implications of outright lying, fraud, and sedition

The letter was released October 19th 2020, just weeks before the Presidential Election. Could it be construed as Election Interference now that we know it was contrived and politically motivated?   Heavy weight names on the list include: Brennan, Clapper and Heyden.

The government that is, that was, that isn’t.  

Our FBI colluded with Pelosi to foment the Capitol ‘incursion’.   Seymour Hersh has just revealed the Biden government blew up Nord Stream II.   60 Minutes unveils that US Taxpayers are footing the bill for shopkeepers and bistro’s in Kyiv.   A government shutdown will still release funds to Ukraine – but not our military service members.   The Secret Service finds a hefty bag of Cocaine in the White House and refuses to investigate.

And still the democrat propaganda that Biden and Zelenskyy are world war heroes continues unabated.   When the Shiitake hits the fan just lie like crazy would be their mantra.

But it isn’t just the US in shambles under the guise of treasonous intelligence agencies, Canada too is falling apart at the seams.   Trudeau’s handling of the Parliament ‘gaffe’ in which a Nazi veteran was given a standing ovation is being rewritten by Trudeau as – Russian Disinformation.   Where is Netanyahu?

Of course the liberal propaganda machinations would not be complete without Hillary chiming in TODAY about Putin interfering in the 2016 election – Putin will intervene again in 2024 in favor of Trump.   Russia Disinformation.  Russia did it!   And she lost because of electoral votes…

Kennedy Jr has been given the non-welcome mat – a wake up call.   Of course, claiming he ‘knows’ the CIA was complicit in the assassination of his uncle and father might be key, but I don’t know – maybe its just a conspiracy that Google, Facebook, YouTube etc… have all conspired to ghost him.

Kari Lakes latest interpretation of Zelenskyy remarks should not be viewed lightly.   She is of the opinion that Zelenskyy has inferred that there are Ukrainian terror cells planted across the west which he alone can activate.   The button for activation is tied directly to monetary and weapon support.   Which may explain Kevin McCarthy’s flip-flop on Ukraine aid amidst a government shutdown.

In a world not dominated by Alice in Wonderland, this admission would be met with a demonstrative McCarthy and Congress calling on the CIA, FBI, NSA, etc… to find the terrorist cells and extinguish their Agenda. Instead, McCarthy looks afraid.   Cowers in fear and complies.   Because these intelligentsia agencies do NOT work for America. Whether they ever did is questionable.  And thus – there is no one to save us!

I’ve said it before:   If you are CIA and you know the agency is rogue and do nothing, you are complicit.   If you are CIA and you don’t know the agency is rogue – you don’t deserve to be an agent because you haven’t the intelligence to do so.  

We KNOW that desk jockey, Lloyd Austin, has no intelligence value.   We know the military is being run like a frat party for trans and CRT while docking physical requirements, mental requirements, intelligence requirements – and now dumbing down tests.   The purpose of which is to be – unable to defend America against ANY threat.

SO.  Where do we go from this horrific mess we label government and intelligence agencies?   It takes a tribe.  It takes not being a coward.   Not being afraid.   It takes holding to The Law lest we become another soul of the enemy.   President Trump is NOT God.   But neither was King David.

Everything Is Trump’s Fault: Declares the Anarchist Casey

The Conservatives of America will never unite.   The only viable candidate must possess a degree in law, political science, medicine, biology, religion, chemistry, economics, public heath, engineering, history, philosophy, mathematics, and mechanics in order to be considered.   But if he’s wearing anything but red socks – he’s OUT!   The ideology of perfection is nothing less than God.   God must be the US President.   Yet even then, they would find fault –

This is the reality of our culture.

I was reading an interview with Doug Casey and left with an incomprehensible awe of bridled disbelief.   The argument was regarding Trump and the fact that he made mistakes – he surrounded himself with bad people. Unintentionally.   But there is still no excuse.   Twitter is fraught with allegations that Trump botched the CoVid lockdown, meltdown atrocities and should have known better.

Why?   Because, 3 years after the fact everyone is an expert medical biologist with a degree in basketweaving.   Hindsight.   Yet the very same recommendations made by Trump, ie Vitamin D3 and C, were met with jeers and death threats!   Those same recommendations are now considered the cure. Treat it like a bad flu.

In 2016, theologian John Piper told his entire congregation that Trump wasn’t good enough and to vote for Pence –  Why   Because, he professed Christian doctrine. Hindsight.  Pence revealed himself to be the traitor, the turncoat, the fake Christian.   He is a rhino wearing a mask of the wolf.

Only God is eligible to be President.   Because perfection, a completely unattainable human condition, is required.

Trump should have known who all the wolves were. He should be able to surveil each and every house, bedroom, office and court room of every individual to know their secret inclinations.   Trump should have fired everybody – even those he  legally couldn’t.

Ann is shredding Trump for not completing the border wall.   “He deserves what he got”!   “He Failed”!   Melania’s close advisor wrote a tell-all book after spying on the First Lady.   Melania Failed!   Or my favorite, “Melania was never on the cover of Vogue, therefore she is ugly”!   These commentaries are not just from liberals – they are from wolf-conservatives.   They are vile – and they are devoid of humanity.

Ironically, Doug Casey’s fame came on the coattails of his multi-millionaire father’s real estate tycoon developments.   An atheist, Casey lives in Argentina. He states that Trump is unfit because he is a Jacobin.   What he doesn’t say is – who would be a viable and willing President that would meet his expectations.   It appears – no one.

Everybody is a self-proclaimed ‘expert’ – in hindsight.  

JFK’s VP was Lyndon Johnson, his CIA Director was Allen Dulles – thick as thieves they would have been hung in an America built on justice and truth.   Reagan had Bush – a devout Clintonite in disguise.   Obama was handed a corrupt Biden.   And Biden has the desert camel.

Trump a Jacobin?   Jacobin’s align with far left ideologies of socialism, authoritarianism, big government, and a peasant class state.   Doug Casey’s claim that this is representative of Trump is clearly false – yet it reflects a rhino sentimentality.   Not in Trump – but in Casey.

It is worthy to note that Casey’s preferred country, Argentina, where he has a  residential sporting estate project, Estancia de Cafayate”, is a country ruled under the Frente de Todos Party.   Their ideology includes: left wing populism, social democracy, progressivism, and communism.   The front runner for the coming Presidential election is anarcho-capitalist, Javier Milei.   And thus it becomes more clear why Casey would deride President Trump and falsely label him a Jacobin when in fact Jacobian ideology is anarchism and Casey self identifies as an anarcho-capitalist.

Hate to break the news but neither God nor Jesus will ever be elected US President.   Anarchy breeds chaos.   The wall was not built because of rhinos.   The Pandemic was supported by – rhinos.   The economy is being driven into a full-blown Great Depression II by rhino’s aligned with Democrats.   And Bolshevik communism is the end result if The People adhere to – it’s all Trump’s fault – while sitting on their arses, drinking Jacobian kool-aide.

Trump’s Destiny Is To Conduct The Orchestra

DESTINY.   Trump’s destiny is designed.   When I was a dancer, we were always told ‘we are an instrument’.  We were there to convey – to emote – and to interpret the music.   Because the music came first.   Trump is an instrument.   His music is the United States.   He is building an orchestra.   That orchestra embodies the United States.   As Bannon declared, we are not a cult following we are the violins, the flutes, the saxophones – coming together in a united Rachmaninoff Concerto!

In God’s world, each of us has a destiny.   None is less important than the other because the Concerto is the goal or end-product.   If one instrument becomes lost, the other musicians quickly and quietly surround this violin and mediate the loss until he recovers, and the music is once again whole.   A constant flow.

Uniqueness was the creation, not perfection.   We can testify that we are each unique – we can also testify that none of us are perfect.   I sometimes liken our individual destiny to ‘gifts’.   Bestowed on us by God.   Trump’s gift is not being swayed by Power.   The Power that corrupts.   Instead, his love for this country and what it represents drives his gift.  The gift of freeing us from tyranny.

Sometimes each of us need to be reminded that we are united.   An ensemble.   It is the Power vacuum that needs us to believe we are divided.   Because their Power under unity quickly dissolves – like the wicked witch of the west – OZ.

When Trump becomes President, he takes the role of Conductor.   And the sheet music for us, the instruments, is Debussy’s Clair de Lune.  Journey to understand the soul.  The My mother spent most of her life attempting to perfect that Sonata.   And alas, so will we now.   Because we failed to tune our instruments properly.   A string broke.  The lights went out and we couldn’t see.   The music was not in our heart, it was on a piece of paper.

In all my years, I have never witnessed an orchestral performance wherein the entire ensemble just QUIT.

Sometimes improvisation can awaken the soul.   Sometimes the violin just needs a little polish.   And sometimes it needs a new set of strings.   If we don’t take care of the instrument, soon it can no longer play.   It is a constant dedication.   But the Power Cabal have no instrument at all.   They are banging tin cups and telling us they make music.   We are told this grating sound is music, to make us believe.  And some do.

But a tin cup is not Debussy.   It is not Rachmaninoff.   It is easily dented.

There is no other candidate whose destiny is to make music.   They play tin cups.

They want to play with the tyrannical Power, not as Conductors, but as Masters.  They fear Trump because he is unifying the ensemble and growing the cast.   Our music will be brilliant!   And theirs will be revealed for what it is when the illusion is broken.   Noise.

When I was a dancer on stage in DC, mid performance I drew a blank and forgot my next move.  I didn’t stop, I improvised while maintaining a report with the music and my fellow dancers.   We finished as an ensemble.   My dad was in the audience.  After our production ended and we went backstage my dad came to congratulate me.   The first thing he said was, “You got lost”.   I was stricken, surely no one had noticed.   But he had.   Then he smiled,  “Good improv.”.

Never stop mid-performance and just stand there.   Never give up.  Never let the music end.   And most of all – NEVER allow tyranny to WIN.  We are an ensemble.   

We Each Have Each Other’s Back Because The Music Never Dies.