IRAN: The Cabal’s New World Order Regime

Pick a lane – any lane.   In our current world of shifting alliances, this idiom is quite relevant.   Balancing our power, we have historically played both sides good and bad, and we now face a choice – Iraq is majority Shi’te and that government has declared it will henceforth align with Iran and by default Hezbollah and Hamas.   Hezbollah is a militant jihadist group factioned by Iran and based in Lebanon.   They are considered terrorist by the Arab League, US, Canada, EU and Israel and have been involved in massive terrorist activities since the 1980’s.  Hamas is also a terrorist organization with ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. With the latest elimination of Iran’s Qud General Suleimani, Iraq’s hand was forced and they have aligned themselves with Iran.  

After gaining independence from British rule, Iraq became a ‘nationalist-socialist’ regime.   They have a relatively low literacy rate, their education system is crumbling, their ‘free nationalized’ healthcare is abysmal and their life expectancy is roughly 68 years.   Internal conflicts for control of oil have been the norm since the rise of oil’s dominance.  Welcome to Iraq.

Suleimani was targeted with sanctions by the UN in 2007 under Bush. He was listed as an international terrorist by Obama in 2011. American intervention began in Iraq in 2014 under orders from Obama.   While the reason cited was to have a strategic presence in order to fight ISIS, it was also a tactical gridlock against Iran.   As of 2014, the liberal media was calling for a pull back of troops in Iraq and as of today it is estimated we have roughly 5200 remaining.

As of 2016, the US aid to Iraq was $5.3 billion.    Obviously, Iraq is stating they are willing to relinquish this aid in the future.  There loss, not ours.

Three months ago President Trump began to increase military presence in Saudi Arabia citing defensive posturing.   To think he decided to eliminate a ruthless terrorist, Suleimani, on a whim, is wholly ignorant.   The entire shift that has been taking place across the Middle East has been happening since the Saudi administration was completely overhauled by Crown Prince Salman in 2017. Since that time, the friendship with the US under President Trump has become greater, and likely more sincere.  It also bears witness that the Saudi’s and Israeli’s were likely working in conjunction with President Trump.

With the advent of Trump as US president, alliances across the globe have become much more transparent, and thus have shifted.   Many countries throughout Europe have been revealed to be part and parcel of the globalization New World Order effort to destabilize and usher in a Socialist/Marxist global government in the form of the United Nations.   Hence the idiom, ‘our enemies enemies are our friends’.   Within that revelation is the fact that the EU is a colony of the Cabal, the US had become a puppet under a liberal regime, South America was being ‘couped’, Africa was bribed, Eurasia was relegated to chaos and squalor, and China was emboldened as Soros told Jinping China would be the leader of the NWO.

To think that Suleiman was not a very planned target devolves all true military intelligence into whimsical fantasy.   The fact that no media outlet was ‘leaked’ the plan is an amazing coup in itself!   It means the traitors within are out of the loop. They may not be in jail, yet, but they have been purged of information.

The liberal media are quite short-sided in their portrayal of Suleimani as a poetry reading sweetheart given the depiction undermines the very Cabal that rules them, Obama, the UN. EU and Bush when sanctions were applied to this ‘terrorist’ who was responsible for the deaths of 608 US troops.  History is more and more difficult to ‘rewrite’.

In essence, Suleiman was no different than Osama bin Laden. He was aligned with and dominated two terrorist organizations in the Middle East whose aspirations are jihad against everything ‘western’.

To take down al Qaeda, Osama bin Laden was targeted.   To take down ISIS, al-Baghdadi was targeted.   Of course new leaders will be appointed. But the hardliners, the core, the root will have been severely debilitated.   There are those who believe that these terrorist organizations were actually created by the Cabal to wreak havoc and create a common enemy. During Obama’s reign, ISIS ran wild. Occasionally Obama would drop a few bombs, but let us not forget that under Obama the US was arming and supporting al Nusra and various other factions throughout Syria and the Middle East before it was pointed out – oops – they are the terrorists.

That would reveal that these factions are part of the agenda, created for a purpose, with a protocol in place.

The very liberal New Yorker is now trying to shift the entire reflection of the NWO back at President Trump. Why?   Because he has single handedly destroyed huge elements of their carefully crafted agenda and their Plan B, C, D, and E have all failed. Even the last ditch effort at impeachment has blown apart.

Iran was inducted into the Cabal’s NWO, given billions by Obama, while promises of elitism and power were deployed.   It was going to be the new Dubai with billions of investment dollars plowed into their economy, high rises, infrastructure, trains, and weapons… That is – until President Trump closed the dyke. The EU was the first to become frantic because the entire Iran investment was going to come predominantly by them bolstering their economy in the process.   They – panicked, and the EU economy has faltered significantly.

Will Iran retaliate? Of course.   Did ISIS threaten retaliation? Yes. Did Al Qaeda? Yes.   But in order to destroy the Cabal and their Protocol of War, we need to be on high alert, we need to cut the umbilical cords.