The Taking of America 1-2-3: 1960 – The Cabal, The Control Power Group COUP

I was researching how John Kerry rose to such material prominence and came upon a couple reports about John Heinz death in 1991.   The most compelling was an article written by Admiral Cloudberg December 2020 wherein the circumstances appear rather bizarre to say the least.

As such I came upon another article posted in EducationForum which summarizes the three editions written by Richard Sprague, The Taking of America’ 1 2 3, published in 1976-1977.

Sprague spent 17 years researching the Kennedy assassination. He died in 1991 from unknown causes.

The Warren Commission chaired by Warren, also has experienced suicides: Hale Boggs disappeared in an airplane in 1972. Richard Russell died in 1971 from complications. CIA Director Dulles who founded the MKUltra Mind Control tactic, died in 1969 of flu.

You get the picture – the Cabal is investigating the Cabal.   It is why the Cabal never dies.   Every president and vice president have complied… including Reagan.   Some just comply with a little more fervor; Carter, Clinton, Bush, Obama… But cleaners are needed to vacuum up the mess of complicit politicians.

John Kerry is a true enigma, a lackluster student barely scraping by he has managed to create an illuminating career and vast marital wealth beyond imagination!   He married the widow, just 4 years after John Heinz rather odd death. Not only did he get the widow, he got Heinz’ wealth and he got politics.   With her money, Kerry was now in-charge.

In his book, Sprague goes back to The Bay of Pigs as the beginning of the end. The CIA, FBI, and Department of Defense had clandestinely decided to create an assassination ‘subsidiary’ that would take out whomever they regarded as infringing on the New World Order plan. At the top of the US list was JFK, RFK, MLK and MJK, all assassinated utilizing common tactics that these agencies had secured.

But assassinations were hardly limited to US individuals. This was a Global Affair from the beginning. And always has been about Total Power.

Sprague’s book mentions the term The Cabal, as having been created by some obscure author in 1968. Instead Sprague chose to identify them as the Power Control Group, PCG.   Sprague claims the PCG is a continuum of operations that involves assassination, mind control, media, and taking over the Presidency.

Defacto in this is President Trump put a YUGE poison dart in their schematic.   Putin has been a thorn as well.   And taking out Russia with Navalny has proven to be futile.  

What we are witnessing with the Biden Rule of massive numbers of EO’s is catchup, or ketchup, or catsup.

While assassinations are typically more often performed to eliminate anyone whose power enables them to reveal identities, witnesses sometimes emerge from the crosshairs and are eliminated as well – as in Hillary’s catchall phrase, “He’s dead what difference does it make?”.

The assassinations typically are designed to look like a bizarre suicide (Kate Spade, Epstein) or accident (Heinz, Tower), or they utilize a patsy to take the fall, some having operated under mind control.   The book goes on to detail the extent to which weaponry and mind-control have been perfected beyond anything citizens would likely comprehend or accept.   This is 1970, 50 years ago.

What they had then vs now would be the equivalent of using a fountain pen to write a 500 page book.   Fifty years to improve on tactics, techniques, and the ability to remotely self-combust an individual, remotely control their car, their plane, their children…. wields quite a heavy hand.

While John Heinz peculiar accident was probably an assassination, the following day John Tower died – both by airplanes.   Heinz pilot apparently had only 72 hours of training and had been cited previously for recklessness.   He claimed the landing gear was not locked.   Tower’s plane was switched at the very last minute and crashed at landing.

Tower, Republican, led the Tower Commission investigating the Iran/Contra affair. Heinz, a Republican, chaired a review board regarding the Iran/Contra affair.   According to researcher Rodney Stich in Defrauding America, “when George Bush Sr. and CIA Director William Casey engineered the October Surprise to bribe Iranian officials into retaining U.S. hostages until after the 1980 elections, two of the passengers on Bush’s BAC 111 flight to Paris were Senator John Heinz, along with Senator John Tower from Texas”.

There are no coincidences.

Kerry was likely already chosen to take over John Heinz power, wealth and wife.

Many of the initial Power Control Group have died, and others are aging significantly.   John Kerry is 77, Kissinger is 97, Soros is 90, Volcker, Clinton, etc…, the changing of the guards is a necessary continuum.  

Unlike their predecessors, the new generation is rife with incompetence and a pointed lack of intellect or critical thinking capabilities; Harris, AOC, Omar, Trudeau, Buttigeig, Beto, etc… Even Soros 4 sons are not nearly as capable as their father.   Finding appropriate satanics in the hemisphere who have the capacity to handle the batons proficiently is a dwindling supply.   Obsessions with pedophilia and money seem more prevalent for these addicts, albeit ultimately useless except for continued blackmail. As such, their ability to rule, their brilliance, their tactical acuity are void components of their brains.

The Group doesn’t want idiots.   They simply use idiots as a distraction, nothing more.   So who are the real Avatars behind the marionettes in DC chosen by Biden’s handler?

I would guess Michael Chertoff, Steve Hasker, Bloomberg, Jerome Powell, Jens Weidmann of BIS, Alastair MacWillson, etc…  They don’t make the news – because that would be counter-productive to the entire rule. 

While people like Zuckerberg, Bezos, Gates, and Larry Page wield weight and money, they aren’t actually terribly bright, they simply were inserted to fulfill a necessary anonymity for the Powers that be. While giving them vast access to wealth meant nothing to The Powers, controlling that wealth was a necessary contract.

The final Chapter of Sprague’s book, The Taking of America, begins with George Orwell. By 1979, congress, the courts, the media, had all conspired to usher in the Great Orwellian World.    And Sprague was fearful given that would be in a mere six years.

We are now beyond.   Which means they failed. Which means they are NOT as intellectually adept as they use the media to portray.   The players now prefer the illusion. Which means – they CAN be defeated.   Which means – We Have Power.

4 thoughts on “The Taking of America 1-2-3: 1960 – The Cabal, The Control Power Group COUP

    • I think they keep revealing their weaknesses. If we look at decades – they have yet to accomplish their goal! If we look at centuries – they have continuously failed. THIS reveals their lack, their achillise heal to fail and why!

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